My son has a diaper rash due to his antibiotic: What can I do?

I use bag balm mixed with some Neosporin…work wonders with my babies…cause they also have ecxzema and sensitive skin which makes for awful diaper rashes

Aquaphor helps us. Hope he feels better soon!

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use a wash cloth instead of wipes and use coconut oil. my son was on very heavy antibiotics for 3 months and it cleared him up right away

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I used powder with cornstarch, and warm soaks with it too

Witch Hazel instead of baby wipes, and Cetaphil cream which you can buy at Walmart or any drug store. It’s very rich, but not greasy and extremely mild with no fragrance or alcohol.

Corn starch
Just sprinkle it on his rash. Believe me. It works.

Maybe ask doctor for different antibiotics. My daughter is 7 was in amoxicillin and it gave her diarrhea bad near the end of her taking it . She ended up becoming extremely dehydrated because of it. Just be sure he doesn’t become dehydrated. They ended putting her on iv fluids bc of how dehydrated she was.

Go to pharmacy ask for Resinol-as they don’t have on shelves.

Egg whites slightly whisked don’t ask me how but works really well xx

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Vaseline always worked wonders. Bath, air dry real good then vaseline.
Keep diaper off as much as you can. Let it breathe.

Vaseline - always used this with my daughter and it worked very well.

Mix cornstarch with Vaseline

I use browned flour. Just put some flour in a pan and heat it up until it turns brown. Works amazing! As well as letting him air dry and keep a diaper off as much as possible

Might want to let the doctor know in case there is a alternative antibiotic.

Seriously, you need to get Corona Ointment. Yes, it says its for horses/cows, etc., but this stuff is magic for diaper rashes!

Desitan doesn’t work, use balmex for the rash, it is amazing. I swear by it

May want to report this to the doctor as CDiff is a potential with antibiotic use

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I love the aquaphor ointment and it really did heal my daughters rash in 6 hours like it said. Also my daughter was put on cultrelle probiotics at that age when taking antibiotics and it helped alot for the poopy diapers☺️ good luck!

:boom:Start giving probiotics a few hours after giving the antibiotics. Usually doctors will recommend that to prevent diarrhea in the first place

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Shoot for an alternative antibiotic and use some A&D Ointment for the rash. Happened to my son once also as an infant. Something you’ll never forget :slightly_frowning_face:

Use warm wash cloths instead of wipes. Also, as weird as it sounds there is a paste called Corona that they use for horses. You can find it at a feed mill or co-op store. It works amazing! That’s the only thing that worked on my first 2 kids

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My youngest had the worse diaper rash I had seen (I have 3 ear infection prone) girls…calmoseptine mixed with A&D. Its thick and stays put ambetween changes


Vegetable shortening and corn starch.

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Butt paste! Keep him dry, cornstarch powder and when changing his diapers gently get the poop off and get fragrance free wipes

Antibiotics can cause yeast infection rashes. Sometimes more than normal remedies are needed. If those dont help you may need to antifungal cream from the dr.

scorch some flour in an iron skillet and cool and put it on him also with diaper off and butt up hold a lamp with a while bulb in it not to close to his rash white lite heals

Pour diluted baking soda on it (1 Tbsp Baking Soda per 1 C Water) after each bath. Bathe him after every other poopy diaper until it clears up. Keep up the baking soda at least once or twice a day even after the rash is gone. Keep the Desitin too.

I’m literally going through this right now. My doc said to mix some mylanta with aquaphor into a paste. The mylanta is used for heartburn but will also help neutralize the acid in babies diarrhea. Use it every diaper change! She had a huge relief with it!

Beaudreau’s Butt Paste is a miracle worker when it comes to diaper rash, chafing or anything like that. It’s the only thing I use. I use it on my grands and us adults even use it from time to time especially during summer and fall sports

My son just went through this same scenario a month ago and the only thing that seemed to help was having some “naked time” (no diaper on) and Nystatin

Feed him yogurt everyday for 5 days that helps put bacteria back in his system and should stop some of the diarrhea. I would use destin then Vaseline on top of that then baby powder on top of that every time you change him.

Corn starch and lil water make a paste and apply

They need yogurt when they are taking antibiotics.

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I used a prescription cream from doctor

Warm water and baking soda… let the baby soak for 10 mins few times a day. My daughter cleared up quickly!

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2 or 3 hours after his antibiotics give him a couple drops of probiotics, it will help balance him out. Dont give them at the same time because they kinda cancel eachother out if you do, but if there are hours in between his body will have time to absorb them both safely. I use baby aquaphor for my 7 month olds rashes, let his bottom fully dry before applying it and putting the diaper back on, dont do it while his bottom is still wet from the wipes.
If you breastfeed, pump 4 ish oz and put it in his bath tonight, or drip some drops of breastmilk directly on the rash.

Might be a yeast infection should contact your pediatrician for antifungal steroid cream.

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My one year old was on 6 different antibiotics within 6 months due to reoccurring ear infections it eventually gave her cdiff due to all of the antibiotics but it also gave her very bad diarrhea her pediatrician ordered her something from the pharmacy to put on her and it cleared it up very fast it’s called nystatin

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Lansinol, it comes in a purple tube, it is for dry, cracked nipples for breastfeeding mothers. It is very thick, it is Lanolin. Put a thin layer of this on and then a layer of your usual diaper cream. This should provide a protective layer between his skin and everything else. My son would get horrible diarrhea when he was teething, he would cry when he would go, it was awful. One of my mommy friends shared this with me, his diaper rash was clear within 24 hours. He was pain free with the initial use.

Yogurt and Merle Norman’s Super Lube! It’s the most amazing stuff ever

Cook flour in a cast iron pan until browned. Use like a powder.
It has to be a cast iron pan.

Aquaphor is the best! I used it during radiation for colon cancer & didn’t get radiation burn despite 28 days of treatment. Heals, protects & soothes.

Aquaphor is always my go to

Go and buy mineral oil —/ yes it’s considered a laxative but if you apply some on his bottom you’ll see a difference the next day —— best thing I ever used when my son got bad rashes !

Vaseline is good as it makes a barrier to any wee/poo doesn’t stick to their bum. Also try giving him bath or shower instead of using wipes to prevent rubbing

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When my little guy had diaper rash I would give him a bath, gently clean the area and then put boudreaux’s butt paste maximum strength. Worked great.

Mix 1 part liquid antacid and 2 parts A&D ointment. Trust me this is amazing the rash will be gone in 1 day

Aquarphor for sure (give him a good layer of it to protect his skin), yogurt, and talk to his doctor. If he is having diarrhea that much they may want to take him off the antibiotics or switch to a different one.

Old school put vaseline on his bottom to ease the rash.believe it banana and applesause ease the diarrhea

Lansinol! It works great!

I always had to get a cream from the doctor because it’s not your typical diaper rash. It’s basically a yeast infection on the skin

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Probiotics. And ask your dr for nystatin ointment. More than likely it’s yeast. Do not use anything it can eat (cornstarch, breast milk etc) as this will make it worse. :cry: you could even mix nystatin with desitin to cover all your bases.

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Sprinkle corn starch on rash dries it right up and in my experience worked better than desitin.

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Try a cloth diaper. It helps a ton with letting air get to their booty. I literally would hold the cloth diapers on with toddler underwear.

Aquaphor always works for my little guy

Vaseline it’s the best

It most likely a yeast infection. He will need a prescribed cream.


Call your doctor now! He is allergic!

My daughter had multiple ear infections that came with bad rashes from antibiotics & diarrhea. I used the 7 day Mycelex and Dr Smiths bum cream, per her doctor. She never had another bad rash again…first signs I applied and they were gone overnight.

Calmoseptine works amazing!!

Dr Boudreauxs butt paste is a miracle cure for our little ones rashes


Ask doctor for nystatin ointment.


Sudocrem is the best for rashes

I always used desitin butt cream or anything like white cream/paste seems the best for my babies cool baths and stay dry and non scented wipes…good luck

Dont use wipes they burn. Just use baby wash and a soft clothe. Pat dry. Let it air for as long as you can.


I used baking soda in my babes bath and it really helped with a rash from diarrhea. I agree with no wipes use cloth and water or soap and water. And air dry. Its probably yeast. Not diaper rash.

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My doctor had me use A&D mixed with Maalox. It sounds weird but she said the Maalox will kill the acid from the bm before it gets to the skin. It definitely helped

Put the diaper on as loosely has possible and also let him air dry as much as possible. My infant was very mobile when he had his rash and I had to line my living room floor with towels but the air time really helps!

Baking soda baths and lots of naked time… invest in some puppy pads and let him nap on them naked.

Cornstarch or scorched flour

Mix desitin and Vaseline together or call your pediatrician and get a prescription for silverdene my son had the same problem he scream with diaper change these are the only thing that worked

Clean him after every single diaper changed with luke warm water. Let him dry out without his diaper and put Aquaphor on him with a loose diaper. He will start healing rapidly. It’s ok mama. You got this!:heart:


If possible let him be naked at nap time use puppy pads they are less expensive than the chux they use for adults and it’s the same thing . Or if money is a problem get a rubber sheet and cover with a diaper for naked time ,it’s washable

Make sure he isn’t having reaction to medicine

If he is having diarrhea that bad I would be concerned about dehydration. Fluids alone isn’t enough. He needs electro likes

Corn starch all the way


yogurt will restore the microbes; blow dryer will make sure his bum is good and dry before a light layer of desitin

I stop medication and ask for something else.

I agree, mix corn starch with Vaseline and use with every daiper change.

Maalox and Desitin or A&D ointment mixed together. My youngest son was in the NICU on crazy meds when he was born. That is what they pot on him. It works wonders.

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Our doc recommended hydrocortisone cream mixed with Boudreaux’s butt Paste and it worked great!!

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Bordeaux’s Buttpaste on bottom and offer pedialyte to drink


If his medication is going through him I would be going back to the doctor as it actually won’t be doing. Much U can get ear drops in antibiotic form I wouldn’t use wipes just a warm cloth followed by curash cream and curash powder over the top

My middle had the same thing happen she ended up being allergic to the ear infection meds.

Meds may be strong for him? And I had to start using bag balm instead of desitin or A&D. And lots of time in a bath of warm water. Also I gave ibuprofen during the worst of it.

Triple Paste diaper cream worked miracles on my daughter when she was younger and suffered from lots of diarrhea due to a medical issue. And make sure to change the diapers as soon as they get dirty.

I give my baby a bath with some baking soda in it. After I make sure to apply a generous amount of desitin and usually clears up within a day or two.

Google the hair dryer method for diaper rash. You will thank me later.

My daughter is allergic to amoxicillin (ear infection meds) and this sounds similar. Blistering rash, diarrhea. Take him back to the doctor.


People can say all they want but I used Vaseline on my kids bottoms. I’d call the doctor and let them know what’s going on. I was extra liberal with the Vaseline in the folds of the skin.


Corn starch gator aid Pedialyte

Butt paste is the best

Bag balm…its for cow udders but it works wonders. The main thing is to change him as soon as he poops. If he can sit in the tub 2 or 3 times a day helps too.


feed him yogurt, if its yeast infection put plain yogurt ,oatmeal baths tooon his butt

You coukd put some oatmeal in a cloth or old sock and drop it in the bath, give him a nice oatmeal soak then let him air dry. Triple PASTE also works like magic. Air as much as possible

Use Vagisil…it really helps - effectively this is your worst yeast infection on your baby’s bum. Coat it, then let him be naked.

Bag balm works good and find it at your grocery store

Take your child to the doctor

I used Vaseline after every diaper on my grandson. It really helps

Bag Balm will protect him from the burn when he goes. Put him in the bath to soak rather than wiping him. Bag Balm is like vaseline but has camphor in it to heal.