Why cant u just b supportive?
21 and 18 are adult enough to know they need jobs and condoms. You can support them both by listening to how they express themselves, how they plan on going about it and buying you’re grandchild things it needs if you can.
While I agree with not financially supporting them because as a 21year old he should have job supporting himself. Every family is different so what works for me might not work for you! I think take a step back and breath you seem like you’re experiencing an array of emotions biggest one is disappointment. Understand ! but our kids will be themselves. Offer an ear and ask questions litterally all you can do.
You can help in so many ways. You can help him learn how to full out a resume and apply to jobs. Reach out to local hospitals who can help get him into parenting classes. Help show him balance a budget and be a “thrifty shopper”.
Because you stressed they dont know each other well, I’d be more worried about making sure son is prepared for all situations of being a father. With her, separated, or single. He created a life and has to take responsibility. Hes now going down a path he didnt prepare or plan for. And he has no clue how the other half will cope or handle it all.
So you didn’t teach your son about sex and condoms but want support on how to support him but are unwilling to let them be married and live with you but also don’t want them to get married… You’re unwilling to help support them financially but want to support him? You’re unwilling to do so much yet come here crying asking for help to help your own kid that you don’t want to help? Is that what’s happening? I’m confused
First step would be to wait until you know she actually is pregnant. Stressing about it before you even know for sure, isn’t really helpful. In the meantime, just talk to him about the importance of using protection. Let him know where you stand, in the event there is a pregnancy - regardless if it’s now or down the road. At their age, they know they have options… college or employment, or even both. You can explain the cost of raising a child to him, and that you would expect him to be involved when he does have a child. Then if you should find out she is pregnant, they would need to communicate with each other as to what their plans would be moving forward.
Are you going to make your grandchild feel as though it’s a consequence?
Be supportive, a baby is a blessing. Try helping him build a budget, right resumes, and then once he finds a job help him find a place suitable for him and a baby. Talk to the mom, because although 18 she’s still much younger then your son, and stress from feeling like an inconvenience or a problem won’t help at all with her pregnancy.
I got pregnant at 16 and honestly my parents support (mental not financial) was great. Your his mom and that’s your grand baby, would you rather help them out and let them live with you for a little or let them be on the street or in and out of friends houses with YOUR grandkid? I can honestly say that my mother has admitted to me that when she kicked me out at 18 and me and my daughter had to share a one bed room with my best friend and her son, barley could afford formula on top of everything else, that it was the biggest mistake she made. Be there for your son. Help him, teach him, watch him grow into a great man and father.
First off, she didn’t come here to be bashed so everyone chill the fuck out. She came for help which means she’s open to suggestions. STOP MOM SHAMING.
Second, I think you need to listen to your heart. It’s possible to be stern with your children and still show them love and support. I’d look into counseling!
You do realize that’s your Grandchild you are talking about not supporting right? Sounds like you are pretty much turning your back on him. If I were the girl I would get child support and cut you completely out of the child’s life. I sure wouldn’t want my child to have a Grandma like you.
You can’t change what’s already happened. Are you even planning on giving him emotional support? Your role as a parent doesn’t magically end at 18 years old, your role is to help your child be a successful adult, including giving him guidance on how to be a good parent themselves, regardless of how they got into the situation.
Help him get a new job and a place of his own he needs to learn what it is to take care of himself he has got nine months for a crash course and then he is gonna have to learn to take care of his kid
When I got pregnant at 17/18 I did not expect my single mom of 4 to support me and my boyfriend and our baby. That is too much responsibility she did not account for. I already had a job at 17 and so did my boyfriend so that wasn’t a problem. However we had issues getting out own place at first. We HAD to live at a family member’s house, so we made a deal to pay rent for a room in the home.
We bought our own groceries too. Had a mini fridge in the room. Kept to ourselves.
We moved out when my mom decided to raise our rent because she purposely lost her job and didn’t plan on working for the next few months, I didn’t think it was fair she wasn’t pulling her own weight. So we took a loan out, applied for an apartment and paid the deposit with the loan.
We now live independently and it is the best thing ever.
Another example why 10 command ments need to be observed. Thou shall not commit adultery.
Do NOT let him sign anything till they are both sure it’s his
Just be supportive that doesn’t mean financially, you can emotionally and mentally support him
I think he’s learned the consequences now. I tell him to get a paternity test done when the baby is born and if it is his to step up and be a man and a father.No matter how hard it is you’re going to be a good grandmother and believe me there is no greater joy and worth the effort. The deed is done so make the best of it I’d help them out anyway I could.
It will be your grandchild. Love and support. I agree they dont need to run off and get married just because she is pregnant unless they want to, but I would allow them to stay with me as long as he is actively looking for a job. I wouldn’t throw my kid out because he got someone pregnant. But I would expect him to man up.
Your son needs to find out if the girl is in fact pregnant. If so your son and the girl can decide the outcome of the pregnancy hopefully together. Sounds kinda harsh to say they can’t live in your house unmarried, if that was the only choice. Maybe it’s not even what they would want to do anyways. You can have your own thoughts and morals, but remember a baby may be included in this scenario. Try to keep an open mind. In this day and age, it’s hard for young kids as it is to get started, you don’t need to support them totally but a little help could go a long way. Remember this may be your grandchild.
You want him to understand his actions have consequences? Umm it’s a little late for that my dear. The girl is already pregnant. He’s 21. He gets to figure out how to handle this. She’s 18. She gets to figure out how to handle this. And remember, that’s your grandchild.
You can help them without enabling them…the key is to help not take over… start talking to them about what parenting and financial responsibilities are going to look like as time goes on… they have no idea at that age what they are doing in my opinion… they need guidance but not someone to do everything for them
As much as we hate the choices they make sometimes or who they choose to live with they are adults and there is nothing we can do as parents but give them advice to better situations in their lives when they come to you and support them . Teach him to be a good daddy and be there for his child regardless of rather they stay together or not and support him with help if needed . Encourage them to get married for the sake of the child
Wow its so different from our Homes in Asia. Here, if a boy got an unknown girl pregnant, without a proper job and stability, her parents would take it to courts and might simply not want to even call them children anymore. The boy would be slapped silly by his father and kicked out to do whatever he wanted. I’m amazed that things are so liberal , and taken so lightly in some places of the world . This is a life and a lifelong commitment we are talking about . And before getting someone pregnant, I would say, people need to have financial, emotional, stability and be actually married and know their partner before bringing children into the picture and then causing a mess deciding later on to divorce, causing a Mess up to their child’s life and mental state. If a person barely knows someone, its just a 1 night stand, and just casual sex, a Child shouldn’t have to have pay the price of a night’s pleasure. I don’t think that’s right and it never will be . I think parents need to enforce the fact that, even if going so far as to make love with strangers, to be protected at All times, without falling into Messes and then ruining their whole life as a result. Sad, but that’s the truth.
Why is it a consequence? It’s 2020 get over it, support your son and don’t ever let him feel alone. PERIOD. Don’t allow them to be another statistic. You and your hubby need to put your pride to the side and guide the young soon to be parents on how to handle things the right way. Things don’t always go as planned it doesn’t mean they are bad people or should be shunned, that is your child having a child and he is scared! And all you can do is worry about him being married??? How can you judge your own child so much? Think about this situation and what really would actually help, and it’s not judgement!
Best way you can support him is by helping him make informed decisions and become educated about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting - all of the things that come with having a child (from a woman’s perspective especially!). I feel like most men just don’t get it but if they were educated more from their mothers AND fathers maybe they’d be better prepared. MAYBE. above all else, be there for him and support him unconditionally even if you don’t agree with the situation.
Make him do everything on his own.
Why are people so hung up on age I was a young mom so was my oldest my 2 other children haven’t had kids yet but my dad was over the moon ecstatic to be a grand father did everything in his power to help me I did the same for my daughter I worked 3 jobs but my dad was always there life doesn’t end after having kids grandkids are the best think you’re being to harsh
I wouldn’t call a baby a consequence their a blessing
First your son needs to find out if she is pregnant, then he needs to calculate if he could actually be the father. If he is unsure of dates, after the baby is born you need to do a DNA test(you can buy them at Walmart-I think they are around $40.00, in the pharmacy section).
My daughter was pregnant at 19 and delivered a few months after she turned 20, she knew who the father was, but I purchased the DNA test so she could prove to him that he was the father, he has done nothing for the baby, who is now 3 years old, my daughter has lived with her Dad and I on and off, but she is now married and has a second baby(not to her first child’s father). I can only speak for my daughter, she has grown so much over the last 4 years.
My sisters bf became homeless then they got pregnant then married and now have two kids… never left my.moms house and to this day they leech off of her and her home making it theirs… just something to keep in mind when taking care of adult children…
If they dont feel ready for a child and feel like its a mistake then adoption is a great option. Infertility sucks and being there personally i can tell you adoption is such a marvelous miracle. I wish more people would put the kid first and decide to give them a loving family if they arent 100% committed to their child and raising them. They are adults though and need love and support to make a decision on their own. What ever they decide you can still love them even if you dont agree or see eye to eye with how it happened. 10 years from now when you are babysitting that blessing of a grandchild are you going to tell them they were a consequence of a mistake??? Beware that how you treat them now may come back to bite you in the future.
Need to find out what HE and HER are going to do first.
So shes already pregnant, but them living together with you unmarried is inappropriate? Lol gonna send your growing grandchild off to live who knows where? Talk it over with him, make a plan for his to save and get off on his own to support this woman and his child. Let her stay with you if she needs it.
Have him get a dna test first and foremost. Since he barely knows her, they are not in an exclusive relationship and the baby might not be his. If the baby is his, have him start saving money for the baby now and he needs to be emotionally supportive of the mother. If they are not planning on being in a relationship, have him go for 50/50 custody before the baby is born.
you are intolerable
The are adults. Shes already pregnant. Help them out, be the best grandma you can be, give support. Have him get a job and support his new family and possibly find them a place.
First of all, find out how he’s feeling and talk about it but MOSTLY just listen. Then get everyone together and talk AND listen. Then THEY need to talk and figure out their plans. Both sides of parents need to support these youngins right now. Once they’ve decided, go from there. But as a soon-to-be grammy myself, i was disappointed but got over it real quick cuz babies are awesome blessigs and it’s not their fault. I plan on helping as much as I can without enabling her young parents. You can help and still make them be responible. Find the balance. But anyone who doesn’t want to spoil and provide for their grandbaby, are horrible. I was 18 with my first, n my parents were there for me the whole time with all 3 of my kids. I’m not about to judge my daughter, either. #GrandbabiesRock
Your doing exactly correct. Learn from my mistake. I supported and helped and took the financial burden off of my son and he did not learn. Stand firm that you are a grandma and not the father. That he is. emphasize the paternity DNA test needs to be done. Tell him to get a job he is not a kid anymore
.he is goimg to be a father.
Hard love…stand firm.
So you don’t feel it’s ok for them to get married but you also don’t want them together in your house unmarried? be more supportive. A baby isn’t a consequence.
I personally would make sure he does the right thing. Supporting her during her pregnancy, being there for the birth,etc. I’d have a DNA test done. If the baby is his, great! He didn’t miss a beat. If it’s not his, it’s a great lesson about stepping up to the plate.
A baby is always a blessing not a consequence…you have to support both parents in every aspect!!!
If they decide that they are going to raise this baby, be supportive. You don’t have to pay for everything but letting them stay with you is not a bad thing! Newborns are hard and it’s going to take time for them to adapt, and as a grandma you shouldn’t let them suffer if they can’t find a decent home, especially when there is a baby involved. My husband and I weren’t married until our daughter was 6 months, but we lived with his parents for a year and a half while I was pregnant and after she was born, and I’m incredibly grateful for that.
I got pregnant at a young age, we were both 18. I know everyone has different beliefs but I can honestly say neither of us would be were we are now without the help of both our families… We had known each other for about 5months. I moved out of my parents house when I finally had the courage to tell them when I was around 5 months pregnant we lived at his moms house until baby was 5 months and could afford an apartment. We were not asked to contribute but bought our own groceries and own expenses including baby’s. My mom watched the baby so we could both continue school and have part time jobs at half the price of regular day care (She actually didn’t ask for anything). Now we have been married for almost 9 years, have two children, I was able to obtain my RN almost 5 years ago now, my hubby does real estate and are home owners. It was a tough road but like I said the contributions everyone made to encourage the growth of our little family will always be appreciated. We still joke and say we did everything backwards… baby, live together, marriage.
He may not have any plans of you financially supporting him either … but you could atleast be there for him physically and emotionally, no need to turn your back on him completely because you don’t want to support them with money.
Sorry but it’s not up to you what he does. He’s an adult. You need to support him and what he and the woman he got pregnant decide to do. You don’t have to give them money but if they decide to keep the baby that’s your grandchild and you are still treating it’s father like a child.
When my 19 year old told us she was pregnant, we were supportive but firm also. Told her & her boyfriend that we support them 100%, however, we would not be raising the baby, they would. When my grandson was born my daughter lived here and her boyfriend had his own place (he rented a room from someone in an illegal apartment). They eventually moved into his Uncle’s house, who rented a house big enough for all of them, and they live right around the corner. That little boy is the love of all of our lives.
Plus being a Grandma (or Nonnie in my case) is the best… all the play, and barely any of the work!!!
Your statement is contradictory to your opinion, if they can’t financially support themselves you are the grandparent you need to help, if she ends up homeless whether with your son or not, that’s your grandchild you need to help?? What’s wrong with you
Throw her a baby shower take her to appointments prepare for a grand baby. What more can you do really. You can’t change it just accept it. Just remember this is a little person not a problem so be supportive
Tough to say when you are the only one who knows the circumstances as to why your 21 year old lives at home with you… school? Saving to get a place? Looking for somewhere to go? There is always a fine line that can easily turn into enabling. If she wasn’t living with you before what are her circumstances? If she is living somewhere you do not have to allow anything under your roof that you are not comfortable with, but what do you suspect would get worse by allowing that if need be? If they needed to live with you you could set ground rules and expectations such as saving money and helping around the house. You can help plan a shower for the baby which helps both parents get needed items for the child and you can offer to help them find local resources for their child. I wouldn’t say you are required to do anything but a little understanding and support can be the difference between having happy holidays with everyone involved and missing out on things.
Just fucking help your child.
He’s a grown up at 21 i was on my own living life, paying bills, and doing whatever i wanted. Let him get his own place and move on. Offer to babysit for them when baby is here. No consequences its just a part of adult life, you just happen to be thinking of him as a child…
You don’t have to turn your back on him nor the momma and baby but he is 21 that is considered an adult. It is his responsibility to get a job and care for the mother and child that they created together and once she has the baby she also should help. If they are old enough to be having sex and create a being then they are old enough to take care of it. You can be there for emotional support and if they need something you can help out but it’s their responsibility to take on the responsibility of a child
Don’t let them move in but tell them you love them
I’d tell him to get a job and a dna test.
Encourage adoption. Those two dont even know each other. If she keeps it you can be grandma but do not let them live in your house. They need to figure this out.
I would make sure they got a DNA. He’s not sure hmm . Then I would go from there. I personally wouldn’t want either of my sons supporting a woman through (if she is) a pregnancy if thenbaby wasn’t theirs. I’d definitely make sure she was pregnant first & get a DNA as soon as the baby is born.
Well said Kristia Meeks
Be there for him. He needs u to hold his hand right now because he’s probably afraid.
You don’t need to financially help them. It’s not your issue, they are both adults and need to do it themselves, and they don’t need to get married just because she fell pregnant…
Just be therefor him and answer any questions he may have…
He’s bought ready to have a life time of consequences. You don’t need to pile more on.
Ask him what his plans are. This is your grandchild, and your son needs to at least be financially responsible for the baby. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and your son and this girl can come up with a good plan, whatever is best for the baby.
Oh for goodness sake
Let the boy grow up
One thing you never mentioned is how your son feels. I think a good start would be taking his feelings into consideration. He’s 21, not 12. People do not have to be married to start a family and accidents do happen. He knew how to prevent it and didn’t so I say talk to your son, then him and the female together, then her parents. Remember, their child who is only 18 is the primary one going through it. I’m pregnant currently and though my husband is supportive, I’m the one suffering through it. Not him.
You should support your son in this situation. Be there for him, don’t shut him out, because of your beliefs. We all make mistakes, we are not perfect. Support your son, because he’s gonna need you the most in this situation he’s in now.
You cant help inspire him to be agreat dad by saying it’s a consequence. I mean ya it is but bigger then that it’s a baby a person his own little person so help him understand how important that is and yes they both have to support themselves and this new little person so inspire them ( him) help with the things you can and WANT to . Treat her like you hope to have your son treated by her family and enjoy this blessing.
Paternity test (because you wrote "I think may’ve gotten a girl pregnant ") Cant really do anything until the baby is born. Except get a job or start saving money if he has one. Think about how he’d be involved in this baby’s life.
I got pregnant at 19 with my boyfriend of 2 years. Parents still wanted me to abort but I decided to keep my sweet babygirl. All I can say is, support him. My parents regret telling me to abort my daughter. Their granddaughter is the light of their life.
Wait what???isnt she the one needing support shes pregnant not him and its not uo to you to support her financially its up to him .Big boy had unprotected sex time to man up .
When I got pregnant with my first my parents told me to figure it out. I was homeless at the time due to other poor life choices. Best thing they ever did for me honestly. I struggled with a sense of entitlement and no work ethic. Since then I finished nursing school and I am now working as a RN and attending school to become an NP. Also I just had my third baby
Dna test and get a job. They don’t have to get married but either way this will be a lesson for the rest of his life so support him emotionally no matter what.
My brother had his first child at 14/15. He stopped going to school to work with my dad to provide for his child, 6 kids later and he’s an amazing father. My parents made sure he knew this was his responsibility but never shut him or his child’s mother out they have ALWAYS been there no matter what.
I was a single mother and a senior in H.S. at 17. Parents wouldn’t let me come home with the baby, trying to force me to give baby up.I moved in with with friends of my parents and graduated high school 2 months later.She is 44 now, married mother of 3 with a marketing degree and GM of a fine dining establishment.I had to figure out lufe. The father bailed and left town right after she was born. No child support.I figured it out and hopefully he will stand up and care for the child. Best wishes.
Support him. I was 18 and my husband was 21 when we got pregnant with our first. Our age has nothing to do with the ability to do what needs to be done. I’m 21 now, 22 in October, and expecting #2! I’m a young mom but a great mom!
Your son and his girlfriend may be young, but I’m sure they’ll be great! It’s scary but he’s grown and so is she!
It’s none of your business
I couldn’t imagine not being there for my children thru any and everything. Could you imagine your parents not being there for you? This is a hard and SCARY place for both of them right now, and the world and everything going on in it, for thier own parents not support them yikes. Don’t feel they should get married, but can’t live with you unmarried…geez I PRAY SHE ISN’T PREGNANT
Why is marriage being discussed? That fixes nothing, and would create more problems
I’m sure he understands the consequences of his actions. People usually do. The real question is how will they choose to handle their consequence. My daughter was born from a similar situation to this. Only her dad never told his parents and I didnt know anything about them to tell them so they didnt find out they had a grandchild until she was 5. They were very hurt by him not telling them. My advice would be to encourage your son to request a paternity test if he has any doubt about him being the father and let him make his own decision. Then you decide if you want to be involved if this truly is your grandbaby. I wish you both peace and wisdom.
I think parents are never innocent on their children’s mistakes. I they do something wrong we definitely didn’t teach them wright. Because of that we have to help them.
They are adults living their life so stay out of it and just enjoy being a grandparent. If they dont want to get married thats their business also stay out of peoples relationships,it doesnt matter who it is. As long as he is physically safe and healthy you should be happy.
Listen, everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. Very stupid mistakes sometimes SMH. But this is your son. Although not a great situation, he is your son. You love and accept him unconditionally. You support him. Help him. That child is your grandchildren now whether you like it or not. Buck up mom and dad. Life has changed for all of you. Adapt and move on.
Just be emotionally supportive and if he doesn’t have a job insist on him getting one and be a responsible dad. I agree they shouldn’t get married or live together just because she’s pregnant. There is to high of a chance of that relationship ending badly.
He is 21 and the girl 18…I’d say let them be and have them figure things out. I’m sure they knew very well the consequences of their actions. They are grown adults living in adult situations, I think he is too old for mom to figure this things out for him…support them yes, that is your grandbaby but what ever you guys feel is ok or not is irrelevant.
I haven’t faced this as a parent, but it’s his and her decision whether they get married. I would reach out to her and let her know (let them both know) you are there to help them. They may need a little financial help. I agree with making sure they have opportunity to grow and learn to support themselves financially, but they may need a little help is all I’m saying. I think it’s important that they both know you are in their corner. Call and invite her to lunch with you and let her know.
Leave him alone and let him figure it out on his own. He’s 21 not 12 and don’t need mommy or daddy in his face everytime he does something.
My daughter moved out when she got pregnant at 23 with the baby’s father. It did not work out between them. So when my granddaughter turned two they moved in my home. 7 years later they are just moving out. It was rough but I knew they were well cared for and wouldn’t give up a day spent with my granddaughter. Do what’s best for everyone. Good luck!!
same thing here. we asked them what they wanted to do and of course they said i don’t know. so i said well either abort or pal up and get married and raise that baby. so I’m happy to say i have two beautiful grandchildren and a wonderful daughter in law. they have been married 6 yrs now. don’t get me wrong its not always been easy but they make it work. but as parents i think we should always be there to help guide them as needed. good luck. grandkids are the best we have 21 and 1 great.
If you keep digging him out when he is an adult he will NEVER grow up!!!
He needs to GROW UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY of His Own Actions.
Hard Love is the Only Way He is Gonna Learn.
Well if nothing is wrong with him if he has driver licence he is a man he is 21 most men by that age has a manly Job a hard working job that pays well so that he can live on his own rent a home or buy a house by grocery pay light bill ect… then if he wants the girl can live with him or he could help pay for her a place to live and help her through out the pregancy he needs to step up and be the best dad out there if you play you pay and for you as a grandma im called nanny i love love love all my grandchildren there is nothing in this world like having grandchildren so supportive and help take care of this woman get to know her and when you look into the eyes of that baby and you see your son in him or her you will instantly fall in love it is amazing good luck
Just support him. That’s all you can do. Be there… But not too close. Let them grow.
Time for him to grow up. If the girl is going to keep the baby he needs to make sure he has a job and pays support. They may decide to get married and if they do then they are certainly old enough to make that decision on their own. It’s not the end of the world, it isn’t ideal but just let him know that you still love him, if the baby is part of his life , love the baby and be nice to the girl. I would also caution my son to do better protecting himself from future pregnancies. My 17 year old grandson got his 19 year old girlfriend pregnant and they had broken up before he knew about the baby. She had little to nothing to do with him till the baby was born but once the baby came he went to the hospital and they got back together. She claimed the birth control device in her arm had broken and the doctor took it out and replaced it. I cautioned him to protect himself if they started sleeping together again. He didn’t heed my advice and at 20 years old he became the father of 2. He loves his kids but he struggles to care for them
My stepdaughter got pregnant at 18 had baby months after turning 19 . We talked till we were glue in the face ! Y’all need to get jobs a place to live and etc. Didn’t work ! Now she’s pregnant with baby #2 still no jobs no stable place to live ! Doesn’t even have a vehicle to get from point A to B ! Lives w/ her mom and stepdad they pay for everything ! The kids they sleep all day cause they stay up all night . They don’t and haven’t taken care of the 1st one since he was 6 months old. Everybody is enabling them NOT me and my husband ! There’s a difference between supporting and doing everything for them ! Old enough to lay down old enough to take care of your responsibilities ! More worried bout having a good time ! When you decide to be mom and dad its not about you anymore its about your child(ren)!
Here it is. Its 2020, not 1950. Its up to them how to handle it. If they decide to have it, you need to support them. That is your grandchild. You need to show him he needs to step and be a dad to that child and not be a deadbeat dad. Its not the child’s fault. Do not be so snooty. Love that child, show that child how a family is suppose to be. Don’t teach that child hate before it’s born.
That baby is your grandchild. I adopted my grandson who will be 28 on the 4th and I would do it again because he is part of me also. I love my son very much. They made choices and you do too.
Make sure she works too. So many girls get pregnant and use it as an excuse not to work. Unless there are complications during the pregnancy or delivery she can work up to birth and can go back to work upon leaving hospital. I raised 6 kids and I did work up until birth and went right back to work after.
You should of talked to him before this happened but now,since it has he,should be there for her. It involves both of them
It’s his life now. Hes an adult. Let him deal with it. He made the choice to have sex so he made the choice to deal with the consequences
I would sit them down see how they feel .Let him know you got his back.
dont just turn your back… help him to be on his feet and be a man… dont let him depend on you he needs to step up
When the baby’s born it will catch up with all of you.your grandchild will need you.