My sons dads girlfriend is overstepping a lot: Advice?

Get a restraining order on the girlfriend ASAP and go back to court this is unacceptable

Tell the dad to have her step off. She’s not a parent and that’s not cool. I’d also inform the school to follow protocol of who’s on the pick up list (you and dad only) if anyone else attempts to get him have the school refuse.


Yes you should cheeky bitch you contact the school and tell them as much shes is nothing to your child and id let her know as much if your ex is bothered hell get off early .She not your childs stepmother their not married put her in her place as well as the school.

We she should of at least ran it by ya.

A girlfriend has no legal rights snd cannot tell the school what to do. You can add her as an emergency contact but she can’t override any paperwork on file. Go into the school, talk to the principal and explain the situation.

If you want her to be a bonus Mama and treat your child like hers you need to let her do that. And if she is with your childs father it’s not rare she would be allowed to do that. Especially if it was during his court ordered time. Don’t make it a power struggle, a child can never have too many people whom care for them.


Yes she is way overstepping boundaries. She is his girlfriend not his wife. You are his mom not her she needs to check herself real fast. Tell her straight up she is not his mom you are and she is not his stepmom either so she has no right to call or be going to your sons school behind your back and making parenting decisions on her own. You also need to call or go to the school yourself and tell them she is not to be picking him up at all nor calling in about him, and if they keep continuing to allow it you will be pressing charges and making a report. She needs to understand she does not have that right to do what she is doing and the school should not be allowing it to happen. I would be furious.


If her name is not on the pick up list or contacts, they have no right discussing anything to do with your child.


Because he was at work he could’ve asked her to take the paperwork in… The second I filled out my daughter’s enrollment form for myself & didn’t mention her father, They were quick to tell me they needed legal paperwork so he couldn’t pick her up instead of me, not just my word that there’s no contact. If that’s prevention, I’m sure the confusing situation would’ve required the paperwork anyway. I think if she is trying hard to be a stable & active part of his life and if she has been in the picture a while (you didn’t say) then be grateful for all the extra love & support your child will receive from having more people that love him… Talk to her about it calmly and try to get somewhere with it, We can’t help you here, Only you can help how you react to a situation dear. If she’s been in the picture more than a year with dad I would say she is his stepmom… I can see why you’re upset, But only because I went through something similar and was very wrong to react the way you are here.

YOU pick up your son this is a control thing she is overstepping she needs to back off she’s not thinking about your son at all​:sob::sob::sob:


I think it depends on how long they have been together. I’ve been a step mom for 9 years and I help with everything. And I love it

The parenting custody time modification agreement is a legal document. Do you know specifically that the father did not talk to her about it. You said girlfriend how long have they been together. Are they planning to be married. It is his time she could possibly be thinking she is helping her man. That way the child can stay on the schedule.

You all need to have a chat (even if you don’t like each other) coparenting well makes all the difference to a child. If new arrangements need to be made, you need to all make them together, communicate with one another. This will aid your son in making him feel secure that the adults in his life care about him the most, and set their differences aside when it comes to him and what is best for him. Come to an agreement amicably and stick to it, be firm, but kind. She has contact with your son, don’t let her have a foul taste in her mouth when she talks about you around him, try to compromise.

No you shouldn’t. It’s his time therefore he has the right to delegate for his child. Him having him a little over 3 days a week isn’t you having full custody. The agreement needs to be changed to 50/50. He obviously has a very involved father and others that love him. Stop being bitter and controlling and do what’s best for the child.


Yes you should. And they shouldn’t be talking to her unless you and your ex tell them it is ok. Did the school call you?

I mean, I feel this leaves a lot of unanswered questions. How long has the lady been in the picture? If it’s been awhile, why wouldn’t she be allowed to pick up the child and care for him while the father is at work? She’s okay to babysit any other time, so why not now? Be thankful she cares. This post sounds like a bit of jealousy to me more then anything. He has visits from Thursday-Sunday so I feel it’s only fair she’s allowed to pick him up and watch him unless there’s been some kind of trust or trauma you’re not letting us in on. I think turning the paperwork in was just her way of proving to the school she should be allowed to pick the child up because it’s their days with the child. The father may have added her to the list of people okay to pick him up. I could see if he’s sick and needs medical attention to call you first as ur the mother but any other reason, if she’s good enough for ur child to be around multiple days a week, I don’t know why she can’t pick him up? :woman_shrugging:t2: I trust my kid’s step mom with everything in me. She was once a “girlfriend” too and I still had no issues with things like this. As long as she’s not overstepping and trying to replace “mom”, I myself think ur being petty a bit. :woman_shrugging:t2:


She needs to be put in her place ASAP!!! Dad needs to tell her to back off

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My sons dad and i have 50 50. I have a first to right refusal. If he works later, or can’t take my son within 4 hours, i keep my son. If he was out of school at 230 and he was off work at 6pm. I picked my son up
.ON HIS days. For me. This cuts out his father always trying to push my son off on someone else. If im off and im home and his father cant have him, i want him with me simple as that… His wife. They just got married, is also a control freak and psycho. Yells im his step mom all the time
Its really sad and unfortunately it doesnt get better. For me at least. You cant change these types of people. They are narcissistic and they BELIEVE they are entitled. its wild. And super draining. Goodluck.

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I agree she has over stepped but what’s done is done. If you notice that picking him up turns into an issue with her then I would notify the school that you dont allow her to get him.

She definitely shoulda talked to you and the dad together before doing that

If his days are Thursday through Sunday then I think your overstepping honestly.

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Forget about custody or any other parental agreement. My bigger concern would be that the school would speak to a non parent and even worse allow anyone other than the parents to pickup a child that is not theirs is very troubling to me!


Tell chick she doesn’t need to interfere in ur child’s stuff if she gives lip then Yell at school cause she isn’t the child’s parent so fuck her. She isn’t in agreement is go back to court. Voice record convo, or if u txt keep messages.

Well, considering the fact that she wouldn’t be able to take him to the doctor if he was sick, it should absolutely be you, Momma. Go to the school and tell them that she isn’t allowed to pick him up unless otherwise stated by you. YOU are his mother and legal guardian, so they have to listen to you.

Giiiiiirl. I’d be fucking livid. Stay calm and speak to him about it. She shouldn’t be involved on that level. That’s crazy.

I’m sorry this is happening to you. You should get your child if he can not. I have a statement in my agreement that states that the parent who has custody has to offer the children to the other parent first, if they can not care for them. If you ever find yourself back in court, or trying to adjust the agreement through mediation, maybe you can look into that? Good luck!

Girlfriend needs to be talked to. She’s making difficulties for everyone. And if you don’t set a tone now, each of Dads future girlfriends will overstep. Stay classy, but yes speak your mind.

How long has this girlfriend been in the picture? I happen to be the girlfriend to a completely different person. This girl is my 5th child she was just born before I met her daddy. With him working I am her primary caregiver when hes at work. I take her to school and pick her up. Take her to every Dr. appt that’s made. Her mom hates me and will not speak to me. I’ve been with her dad for almost 9 years. We have a son together hes 7. Dont hate the person who chooses to love your child and care for them. Be happy that the dad is still involved with their child. My oldest 3 have a deadbeat dad. He has talked to them once since June. This is their regular life with their dad.


I WOULD JUST BEAT THAT BITCH DOWN (sorry for the language) but i went through this and SHE HAS NO RIGHTS!! take him to court. they will STOP it😞

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Yes she over stepped by not talking to either parent and doing this all herself but is it really such a problem that she picks him up?


Yes!"Shouldn’t be Third Parties.


Or be grateful that she actually gives a shit and is trying to help?


Tell her to mind her own business and leave this child’s parenting to you and his father!!


It’s your kid and I would call and ban them from speaking to her again regarding your son or legal actions will be filed and I’d take your ex back to court and have it alllll outlined in writing that the gf will NOT be participating in the raising or your child

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The school should not be aloud to do that as needs to be a parent to give rights to pick there kid up from school or anyone would just be able to go in and grab kids and if the agreament was half 4 then your kid should be picked up at half for from u end off and if things need to be changed then talk to your solicitor beaut but she cant just walk in and pic up your kid if u have not talked to the school about it i would put in a complaint with the school and talk to your ex and his gf coz im sorry but thay is just not right at all xxx

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Hell yeah if that’s what I want and u think it’d best

She is acting on her own, none of her business. Go back to court, before she goes any further. You as sole parent should make all decisions.

I think it’s something that maybe you should have a conversation with them about. If at the end of the day everyone is looking out for the well being of the child then what are you blasting them on Facebook for. All the people that say it should only be the mother or father picking them up have obviously never been in the situation themselves. It takes communication. If you don’t like what the other parent is doing or think someone is being out of line talk to them and stop posting this crap to make them look bad. In families where the mother and father split up they meet other people. Those people become family to the children. It’s how things work.


Well she should definitely be considerate and ask but i don’t think its horrible she is being involved… Woman up and express yourself to her

If it’s the Dad’s day he is the one to handle who picks up the child :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t see anything wrong with it.


The school should have a list of people allowed to pick up your child. And only those people can be in the school. Only the primary parents can add people to that list. I would phone the school and let them know that she is not added, and then phone the father and let him know what happened. Both primary parents need to agree on who can pick up their child

The school can not legally release your son to her!
I’d be flipping shit!
Definitely having a serious conversation with your ex, then the two of them. If she is considerate/respectful of you as the mom,great (sounds like you’re already past that), if not I’d be marching back to court.
If mom is home and dad at work or vice versus then the child should be with the parent off not the significant other!

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Post like this piss me off. Your child now has you, his dad and his step mom willing to step up and try to do her share. Appreciate that! She doesn’t have to do a shit for your kid. But she is at least trying. Maybe she is over stepping. Be an adult and talk to her, but also appreciate the fact she is trying. It ain’t like she is telling your child to call her mom. All she trying to do is pick up the kid on his dad’s days. I am a step mom and have been in her shoes. She ain’t trying to take your place or over step. She is just trying to keep things normal for YOUR child. Dad can’t pick him up, can’t help you as much since the schedule has changed so she is trying. She loves his dad, and in loving his dad she knows she has to love his kids just the same. Appreciate the help, be grateful for it and understand how to do parent.

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I would be grateful if his dad couldn’t and she could that way on his time it was still covered BUT the way she went about it is wrong. Dad shouldn’t be letting her overstep especially going to the school and handing over your custody paperwork

Sounds to me like the mother uses her kid as a tool. If the child is comfortable with the dads significant other what’s the problem? The mom doesn’t like the dad having a girlfriend… That’s the problem! The child’s father should have ran it by her first but it’s his time, and the child is safely escorted from school. :woman_shrugging:t2: Idk maybe I’m just not salty…

She has little to no rights over the chikd until they are leagally married. The school should be put un their place for entertaining her. And she cannot be given access to the child without your permission. Not the dad’s, yours.


Ummmm she’s is completely overstepping her boundaries!!! What did your son’s father say? You need to talk to the schools superintendent because by all means she has NO SAY SO WHATSOEVER as to your son. Now if she wants to help and you can trust her, maybe all three of you can talk and work something out. But her choosing to do things without notifying yall is a big no no.


It depends in all the information and this does not give all of it. First of all, since the dad is at work did he ask the gf to do this stuff since he may not be able to? Also the dad has a right to assign a proxy of his choicing during his parental time to pick up the child, just like him pick babysitting during his time if he has something he needs to do. The school did need the legal documents pertaining to the parental rights of the child even in this situation in case of illness.
Some people think it is law/rule of thumb that if parents are seperated they must be the others seconds, that is not the case. Most cases the parents select their own seconds. I have a friend going through similar situation they put a addendum in the paperwork that they are to be the other seconds with each having a additional person who would be next to pick up. As to if the gf has right to pick up child each parent has the right to designation who can pick up during their parental time no matter who has custody. Sounds like it was a bad break up and all parties needs to grow up…


Why do you not like the stepmum working with her man to look after his son? If she’s playing a part in raising him.?


Unfortunately, if it is dad’s time, dad can choose. Same issues when we were first divorced with the children. Not to that extreme of overstepping. I saw a lawyer about it, extremely reputable lawyer in the area, and he said there wasn’t anything I could do. Long story short after a bunch of craziness, her and I are the best of friends now…why?! Because she is helping to raise my kids, she loves them, she cares for them like her own. I am so thankful for her in my life. My ex husband calls her my wife. I’m like legit! Speak with her and speak with him.


How long have they been together for? How would you feel if your boyfriend picked up your son would you still feel the same or would it be OK then?


Since her name is not on the pick up list, you could get her for kidnapping charges maybe. Talk to ex. Tell him you will get her into serious trouble if she picks him up any more.

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So … idk how long you two have been separated or how long your ex and his partner have been together … BUT

I can see how this would be really hard. However, your ex IS going to move on. Your son WILL have another female role model in his life while in his dad’s care. Perhaps it’s the grown up thing to do to accept this, have a grown up conversation between the 3 of you, and get everyone on the same page?

If she’s picking him up at 230 to take him home and his dad gets there 2 hours later … why is that such a big deal? Maybe stop and think WHY you are upset about the situation.

Is he in danger? Is she really “babysitting” (I’m assuming she lives with your ex) if she’s taking him to his dad’s house where his dad will be shortly? Wouldn’t it be more stress on your son having you pick him up, tak him home, dad get off, pick him up at your house, then go to his house? Seems unnecessary and excessive to me.

I’ve been on both ends of this. And I can promise from ample experience over the course of a multitude of years that a little compromise and thinking about what the kiddo wants are going to save a lot of hassle and heartache.

The only advice i can give is to breathe [inhale … exhale] and think before you RESPOND rather than REACT

Good luck mama


U r a bird… whats the problem so what if she picks him up… sounds like someone is bitter


Communicate with the father for sure. But I would also suggest you check your anger? I’m not saying that I’m a rude way - just like why does this upset you? If his dads time is those specified days, then why is it a problem? He’s in another relationship, she’s also a part of your sons life, why isn’t it okay if she picks him up? On the days that you have your son, and you have somewhere to go or you want to go to dinner with friends, do you find a babysitter or is it your husband responsibility to “babysit” even if it’s your day?
This confuses this situation and your son to be honest - -

Are you upset he’s in another relationship and do not want her around your son? Why does this upset you so bad? Parents need to comprise.

Did she step out of her line a little yes, your ex should have spoke to the the school - but also that’s his time and it would be his responsibility to find arrangements if he is unable to pick up a few hours earlier… :woman_shrugging:t3: Good luck!

It takes a village, if you are lucky enough to have multiple people in your child’s life that love them and are willing to be there and help…LET THEM.


The school cannot release the child to anyone but who is on the approved list.

The school needs a frigging reminder that she is NOT the wife, or step mother. Great that the school has the paperwork (even though you or dad should have brought it in), now they can see that dad doesn’t get son until 4:30, as well as the other party is primary contact for “babysitter”. you pick him up!

They definitely should have talked to you first. However, I’ve been through the same situation and was told that legally as long as he has documentation ( texts) that he told you she will be picking your son up for his visitation time then that was acceptable in the courts eyes.
If your son likes his gf and she seems like she actually cares, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Seems it’s just a communication problem here. Wish you the best

The school legally is only allowed to deal with the enrolling adult (assuming that’s you) when it comes to updating pick up list and can not deny a legal parent (regarding your ex) access to child or records. I went through this myself. My ex was trying to change himself to the enrolling adult, take my contact info off emergency forms etc…I contacted the school and put it in writing that they are not to communicate about my children to anyone but me and my ex, and anytime someone (including my ex) tried to access info that I was to be notified.

This would be under the heading of Don’t Posts Personal Issues seriously you and her don’t get along and dads working so he must be a good man figure it out and stop ruining your sons first year of school


Wow, it’s insane to me all the parts everyone is skipping over. She didn’t say she was mad about him having a “step mom”, it’s the fact that this woman who is not the child’s parent, making decisions and acting on them without the parents knowledge. Communication is key. And I don’t care how long you’ve been in my kids life, if you’re not going to communicate with me about my child, there will always be issues.


Absolutely this chic needs to learn her place.

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“How does that make sense?”

Well I mean he’s going to his house that night anyway. So if you picked him up, that would be the part that didn’t make sense…

You sound to be still in love with him, which is ok and makes you think petty things like this are significant. If you do not feel that she is a danger to your child, this is not your business honestly. It’s his time.


think of what is best for your son, then get new papers drawn up and make sure the school has them.

I think you shouldn’t take it offensively . honestly u don’t meet to many ppl that want to step up and help take care of their significant others child. She’s just wanting to pick him up on his days.If he’s safe in her care I don’t see the problem. Talk with dad and see if he feels comfortable with her doing it and try and remember you need a village to raise a child. The more ppl that want to be there for him the more love he will receive.


I think you should make an attempt for your son to get to know the girlfriend. Take emotions out of the equation. Is it right? Not 100% because the custody agreement was put in place by a judge and I completely understand where you’re coming from BUT as a bonus mom myself I know I’ve never done anything that the bio father has not asked me to do. I understand your point they should have discussed this with you first. Communication and compromise is so important in coparenting and I’d have a conversation with him and say “hey if gf is gonna be involved more I’d like to get to know her and I’d like us all to talk about things before we do them” I never understood why our high conflict bio mom was so against me having a relationship with her kid. As a woman she probably does a lot of the care for your son during their time. And if it’s a serious relationship then you’d want her to embrace your son not reject him and be mean to him. I really think y’all need to communicate. Everyone has to take their emotions and egos out of the equation and just do what they can for your son. Kids notice a lot and if either of you are being petty or cause a lot of drama it will bite you in the but when you’re child gets older!


First off, that is crazy! You need to let the school know that you are primary care giver and you do t allow her on your child’s pick up list.

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She is not in the agreement. This is solely between the birth parents and she needs to step back. And the school must follow the court. Talk to the school principal and lay down the law. If they contact her about anything with your son they are breaching confidential information of a minor. And if they do that press charges against the school. Then inform your ex that her interference is not acceptable or desired. Even if they marry she is not the parent of this child. And that you appreciate her caring and the friendship she has with your son but that’s were it ends.


Unless she starts having him call her mom dont be mad… Step parents can be pretty great

  1. I would communicate with the dad and maybe her. Idk how long they’ve been together or what your relationship is. But she isnt his parent :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:, now if you weren’t in the picture or unrelaible thats different, but that doesn’t seem to be the case .
  2. Maybe she was just trying to help? But she went it about it the wrong way… she shouldnt have overstepped by bringing in paperwork and proof…and i wonder why she did it so sneakily. Like why was she afraid to ask you or your husband? And she should have because you are both hos parents and legal carers. Not her.
  3. I would just talk to them, explain how you felt/feel and find a middle ground. Because i believe the other parent should always be included before decisions about theit child are mine. Even something as simple as pickup and drop off.
    At least thats how i felt when i was with someone who had another child. Good luck momma!

So, you decided that on Dad’s day, you would pick him up. When they decided that they would do something different, you are angry. Sounds like you are trying to control the situation. Legally, if Father has decision making, then he can choose to have anyone pick him up. It doesn’t matter if she is girlfriend, wife or high school buddy from down the street. The school needs the custody paperwork because you are being difficult.


Like to hear the other side of the story.


Is she being abusive to the kid? It sounds like you are the one being unreasonable to me if she takes good care of him while he’s in her care

She’s overstepping. Now if something comes up on your end and you can’t pick your son up I’m sure you’ll call his dad and if he can’t pick him up I’m sure he’ll ask his gf. She

Honestly, I think this is more of a “he is my child” issue. Although, yes they should definitely talk to you and you should have been the one letting the school know. I added my exes girlfriend to our kids pickup list just incase she ever needed to get them, and he doesn’t even get them every weekend :woman_shrugging: I would talk to them after little bit of self talk so that you don’t react negatively and let them know that you would just like to come to an agreement together. Like it or not, she is gonna be around your child, so if she is a safe and responsible adult, do your best to just accept it and make it easier on your child. I deal with two other “mommas” with my kids, one that actually moved into my home before my things were even out of the house, and she is on our childrens pickup list and my kids call her on mothers day, because like it or not, she is in their lives and I refuse to make my kids hate someone or feel conflict because of my feelings. And the other bonus mom, the dad isn’t even in the picture, and we decided together to coparent so that our girls (they are sisters) dont have to suffer and can still have a great relationship. She is welcome to my house ANYTIME and she takes my daughter regularly and is on her pickup list. We also carpool and take turns taking eachothers kids to school and picking them up. The kids are all that matter. Put your feelings aside and talk to your ex and the girlfriend and make an agreement that is best for your CHILD.

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If he’s not being harmed, or mentally abused in any way… let it go. She is over stepping a smidge but you never know, dad may have put her up to doing that. It seems you guys share 50/50 custody but you’re the custodial because 1 of you has to be. That’s equal parenting and his GF is going to be apart of his life half the time whether you like it or not. Until she becomes a true problem for your child, let her love him❤️ Your kid will only reap benefits of more adults loving him.


Oh fuck no!!! Talk to the dad & the school.


I don’t know why school is taking orders from a non parent… I get the point of what she is doing, she wants to be part, after all she is in his life now… but it should have been handled between you 3 not the school.


It’s your child. The school has no business releasing your child to anyone without signed authorization. Talk to your ex and get clarity between you. Remember, you and your child’s father will always have to co-parent. The more you can keep your child out of the middle of disagreements, the better off your child will be.


She is not married to him
She has no right or responsibility to the child. You can tell the school she is not allowed to pick him up. If it is before 6 it is not his time with him anyways. They could break up tomorrow, if she isnt a wife she shouldnt be involved in exchanges


Wait a minute! She can’t just go and pick him up and if the school allowed that I would have a fucking field day with them! They better not allow that without your permission! She isn’t anything but a piece of ass right now who needs to learn her place!


And also, she blatantly went behind your back. Not okay. Ever.


Hopefully they red flagged this incident- this seems unsafe if they allowed anything more than contacting you and his father!

If the agreement says “after school” and not a specific time, it’s dad’s time and he can assign anyone to pick up from school. Atleast that’s how it is in our county. But still irritating that she would turn in your legal paperwork. Sounds like dad needs to sit her down and set boundaries!

I would talk to dad, he may not know she is over stepping. This between you and dad not significant others.

Talk to his dad. He may not know her overstepping her boundaries. How long have they been together? I’d take it back to court and present this to a judge because she’s wrong and she knows it. At this point she’s playing house with your kid

I would go to the school and let them know this woman is not their mother and no to be released to her under any circumstances… unless her name is on the list of people that your son is to be released to… they are not supposed to release him to anyone not on the list

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Yes you should be picking your son up. This is definitely overreach and I’d be livid if someone who wasn’t supposed to pick my kids up did. This isn’t right. I’d also give the school a toungue lashing for even discussing with her!

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If the dad wants her to pick him up she can do that. It’s his time during his visitation period and you can’t control who he has pick up his son… Because it is his son too … Also maybe the dad doesn’t want to call off work and deal with these things so he asks his spouse to drop the stuff off for him since she is clearly available to do so. And you should have dropped off your custody papers when you signed him up for school since the school asks for them… Whether you like it or not the dad dictates what happens during his scheduled visitation and it’s really not your business unless your son is getting abused. Maybe talk with your child’s father instead of freaking out about the girl friend. I’m sure if your boyfriend picked up your son after school for you it wouldn’t even be an issue…


What happens on dads time should be his decision. As annoying as it may be at least she seems to care about your son.

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Unless yall agree on her picking him up then you should pick him up or someone you appoint to do so. Period. :tipping_hand_woman:

Custody agreements are legal documents. So unless there was something in the legal custody agreement saying if dad is unavailable then said person can pickup in place of him. If there is no mention of her in any agreement then no the school can not release child to her. They have to follow court orders just like you guys do. So I would contact the dad tell him what’s going on and tell him if it persists you will have order modified.

:flushed: The gf has a massive set of balls to do that. She’s overstepping hardcore and putting dad in a dangerous spot since mom is the one with all the rights. I wouldn’t be ok with it at all.


Legally it’s the father’s time, and it depends on the specific wording of the agreement. Commonly there’s a “right of first refusal” clause stating that after x amount of hours that one parent is unable, the other parent should be offered that time. Typically either party should be able to designate another person to pick up the child. I personally see no problem with her helping out like that. At that age it’s usually hard for kids to be moving around a lot between houses, so why make a big deal about it and have to be the one picking the child up only to have to drop him off again in 2 hours? In a lot of cases unless the parents get along well, school is a great place to exchange time because it lessens the amount of times you have to see each other incase there’s a lot of tension. There’s also no need to alienate the gf and have your child think she’s not capable of caring for him. Sounds like it’s time to either work on a modification together or go back to court.
Our preschool specifically asked if there was an existing court arrangement so they knew who to contact and who should be the one picking him up and when. There’s nothing wrong with them having that on file.
Just something else to think about, but is this just some random new gf or has she been around a while? Does she regularly care for the child? Does she live with the father and bring the child to his other home? Are there any legitimate concerns or does she endanger the child in any way? Judges don’t really like it when problems are do to jealousy and not legitimate concerns because at the end of the day, it’s always the child’s best interest. Attempting to bar the child from having a connection like that to the father’s gf and potential or possible step mom just doesn’t sound good. As long as she isn’t forcing the child to call her mom and is a responsible adult, it’s not your choice who the child sees and who can take him where during the father’s time.


I have the same problem too my kids dads gf think she has more rights to take our kids to drs appointments and everything else have no idea what to do and their not even married and I’m so sorry your going through this … some gfs just need to back off and let the Biological Parents deal with the Situation and not them

I don’t understand how the girlfriend pulled that off in the first place. For my pre-school kiddo, there’s a specific list of who’s authorized to pick her up. Her father, her brother, and myself. Period. Anyone else would be turned away and we’d BOTH get called


I would tell the school that she’s a crazy person and is not to be trusted lol

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Yes u should b pickin him up n she has no right turnin y’all paperwork in or even calling the school about ur son wit out ur permission

It depends on the custody agreement.paperwork etc. Yiu need to talk to him or go back to court… he may not even be aware of what is going on… there are variables going into it. Going to have to communicate with all parties and or go back to court.