My sons dads girlfriend is overstepping a lot: Advice?

The school did not agree with her picking him up correct? She just made them aware of the situation (which she is not supposed to do, morally) Dad or Mom would have to allow her/another person to pick him up, forms would have to be signed. She would have to show ID upon arrival. I agree with you the gf is overstepping. What you can do? Let the school know you have sole legal custody. Let them know her being the gf does not know all the details, being your documents highlight the areas where it states you have custody and whatever else you want the school to know. You can also say she is not allowed to pick him up because legally she’s not his stepmother. You, your son, and the dad really do not know this woman all that well. We can’t trust that she won’t pick your son up if they were to break up.

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If he has the child from Thursday to Sunday every week, you do not have sole legal custody. That’s joint custody and he’s with his Dad like 40% of the time. When he’s with his dad, dad can send whomever he wants to pick up the child. I’ve been divorced for 16 years and you’ll be much better off if you can work together.


Sounds like dad’s happy with what step mom has done but to save an argument with you he’s let it fall on her like alot of guys :joy::upside_down_face:

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Nah you should be the one picking him up. His girlfriend can come get him from your place if you and his dad agree but she is not a guardian nor is she related she shouldn’t be on the school pickup list


It is completely out of line. I am a step parent and we have full custody of the children and even then dad had to go with me to the schools and flat out tell them they need to think of me as primary parent. We have been together almost 9 years. We took final custody order to school so school knew that the mother or grandmother is not to come to school. Long story short mother is not safe. But for child to be that young I would show out.

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It happens to me… Don’t worry the school won’t let her pick up your son tho.
My husband have 2 girls…4 years ago I’m not allowed to pick them up at school… it’s very hassle cause my husband is working over the road!! But after we get married the school allow me to pickup them. My stepdaughters still wanna stay with me 1 week for me & 1 week for their mom even if their dad is away…

Yeah i wouldn’t be ok with my kid being picked up and with the gf without the dad around. Too many gfs/bfs abuse kids. And she already sounds a little obsessive…I wouldn’t trust it. If dad were with her maybe…but nope. Put ur foot down


I would also take paperwork and sit down with the principal and say exactly what you just said. She’s a GF, and not to pick up the child. It isn’t legal. Period.


I would go down to the school and explain the situation she shouldnt be on any of his paperwork at all even if they get married.
Even if they get married she can’t pick him up legally she isnt the mother or father.
If your child is sick u should be called next after dad if its his time not her.


She shouldn’t be calling the school and telling the school who to call. You or him should be providing the school with the legal docs, not her. And she should of made these arrangements with you.


If he was able to pick your son up on Thursdays would you still be asking? I’m gonna guess no. I see it as Dads time and dads decision on who he wants to pick up your son.

Now as for the girlfriend, she way over stepped. Our school wouldn’t of even discussed any of this with her without contacting me. And they would of called me simply to check that there wasn’t some situation they need to know about.

But if this is a serious girlfriend and your Ex is in agreement with her. I think you guys need to sit down and discuss everything again since things have obviously changed.


He needs to have a talk to her and tell her to step back.
Your custody agreement is not with her, its with him!

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She needs to back up and realize she irrelevant and has no say in what happens with your son thats between you and the dad

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The school should not be allowing her to pick him up without your permission and she has no legal rights


I don’t see what the big deal is but it should have been discussed and if you. Agreed they should have let you notify the school of the change.


I’d be pissed. She definetly needs to step down. Shes not his mother. You are.

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thursday through sunday he is under his fathers care regardless of who the father has your son picked up by, the dad decides that for
those days not you, he should make you aware If it’s a total stranger or something but if it’s his girlfriend you just need to get over it


The school allowed that!? I would raiding hell with the school!! Last I knew schools can’t just allow anyone to pick the child up of it wasn’t already on file. I would bring the custody agreement to the school and tell them no one is allowed to pick child up but you, unless you allow it! She is not step
Mom and shouldn’t volunteer herself without talking to you first!

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How long has dad been with girlfriend? How does the girl friend treat your kid? I mean if this is a serious relationship and she loves your son like you do then I don’t see a problem with it. I would want the girlfriend to treat my child like her own if I was in the situation. Maybe the three of you need to sit down and figure it out. Would your boyfriend be allowed to help you out if you needed? I understand it is hard having another woman in your son’a life and I would have felt the same way but the older I get the more I rather someone love him as much as I do than.

How long have they been together? Has it been years and they just aren’t married? If it’s only been a little while I would have a major problem with them. Ain’t nobody finna tell me what THEY gonna do with my child. You need to have a meeting with him and the school ASAP and let them know you will be picking your child up. Everyday. Period. She done went behind your back. Nah…anyone else in the world, I wouldn’t care But not my child.

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Nope, she’s just the girlfriend and you’re the mom, the school shouldn’t talk to her about your son unless she’s an emergency contact and they can’t reach you or dad. They also shouldn’t release him to anyone but you or dad unless it’s agreed otherwise. You guys need to sit down and decide what’s acceptable and dad needs to address it with her.


Call the school and tell them that you don’t authorize her to pick him up. That’s why schools (at least where I am) make sure they have forms for the parent to fill out on who they authorize to pick up your child. Should’ve been done before school started. And the school is to NOT allow ANYONE to pick him up unless it’s the person(s) you have authorized.


I am the stepmom in this exact situation. Unfortunately you cannot control who he has around your child during his residential time per the court order. Unless she is some lunatic and is specifically restrained from doing so. He’s a grown man and needs to figure his work schedule out and/or arrange transportation/childcare during his time if he is unavailable to. If that means that there is an hour that he is at work and your son would be with her, then that’s how it is. If the court order states “pickup after school” and does not specify an exact time for kindergarten, then that’s what everyone needs to go by.

I’ll also add that I’ve been the mom in this situation, and while it was uncomfortable in the beginning, I learned to appreciate my son’s stepmother ALOT for taking on that responsibility and loving my son as if he were her own.

Unsolicited advice, accept the things you cannot change and do not have control over. Embrace the relationship that your son has with his father’s new significant other and let go of your resentment towards your ex. Doing this will show your son what respect and unconditional love is, even when you can’t see it in the moment and are angry.

Best of luck to you :heart:


Grow up. Learn how to co-parent more cooperatively. This includes additional caregivers in the child’s life. The child is a human being, not a possession to be argued and fought over.


It needs be in courts plan as set as to father was listed as about him to be picking child up. Nothing mentioned on court papers his girlfriend or any 3rd party is to pick child up. With out mouther and father Agreement to this and recorded on court papers! Mouther has no idea as to what this person is like or anything about her to even release child into her care from school. Mouther full custody decision making in this you can put down on school records the only person pick child up father put his name down . any concern from school they are to contact you mouther.the child will not be releases to his girl friend. You can charge them both with violation going against court order.

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The father needs put in file motion to courts about this have it changed but judge can denied it.

Mine let’s the whore he cheated with babysit ny daughter instead of letting me have her. He also had his sister come in from another state to keep my daughter on his days while he took the whore on a cruise. Then the whore cut bangs in my 3 year olds hair. I get it man. I get it.

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Ohhh she is way over the line school shouldnt care what she says and you should make ot clear to rhem and babys dad

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It would be different if they were married but they are not. So no, and the school should not be discussing your child with her period unless she was with the child’s dad at the time.

Let’s say girlfriend not abel pick child up the school would contact you so this not convent to mouther or child go threw this.

I would be calling the school
board or switching schools if the school put her down on anything.
The GF would have to show actual proof that SHE has legal ties. Not a court document about the dad and the mom.
If the dad wanted her added, he could have just called and done it & it would have been 2 seconds.

If they have been together less then 2-3 years then I’d be 100% uncomfortable with just a girlfriend picking up my kid when I am more then willing.

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Is she a good person?
Is she kind to you son.
Does your son enjoy spending time with the both of them?
Does your child feel SAFE with her?
This is DADS time.
Grow up and learn how to Co-parent or go to court and look stupid in front of the judge while she/he says the same thing to you. :woman_shrugging:
If dad didn’t know I would be an adult and talk to both of them about communication and set some ground rules.
Not all step parents are evil. My dads “girl friend” became my step mom and my best friend!!


I’m sorry but id be busting her lip in. She has no right, they are not married and she’s going around his and your back about HIS pickup arrangement and paperwork. Nuh uh sweetie.

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Oh no no no. I’d be telling the school you will fucking Sue if they think they’re just gonna take some random persons word on your sons situation and how shit works. And I’d be telling HER and his dad that there’s gonna be serious fucking problems if she thinks about calling herself a step parent or over stepping over YOUR child again period.

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You can cancel out his visit or use Talking Parent to father that is provided to parents from courts.The judge will read see date time msg sent on lack communication to each person mouther father.

Oh hell no she need’s a reality check! She is NOT involved like she thinks she is and I’d make that known with her and the school! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


A friend of mine had this exact situation and it ended up back in court, the court ruled that if the father couldn’t fulfil his parental duty himself because he was at work then the responsibility was with the mother, it was stated that the father should not defer the child to someone else or deny the child being with the mother to then leave it with ‘the new woman’. That’s the whole point of being parents, it’s shared responsibility. Also the school are in serious breach of care letting ‘effectively’ anyone take the child away


Could the gf actually be trying to help you both out by doing so how is she with the kids I have been with my partner 5yrs we are not married and have lived together but now live apart we also now have a son together but did not at the time I used to have my step daughter so both mum and dad could work if I wasn’t working and I’d help with the school run as and where needed we co parent really well even though we don’t live together or are not married? Although I do find the court papers thing very odd and over stepping the line


It’s normal to feel encroachment feelings towards her have an open discussion between you dad and her and at the very least express your feelings of concern (he’s at work and she will pick him scenario) and see where he and she are coming from it’s ok to be protective of your child and to be annoyed at a change trying to be made without you being included as such. If you filled out paperwork idk how she could get around that in terms of like we always sign who is allowed to pick and receive info for your child and she should not be able to do that unless she’s married to him and the paperwork states so

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Whoa. Okay so wait…yes it can be frustrating to have another woman in your son’s life. BUT if dad and girlfriend are living together and have a long term relationship what is the big deal?

If anything girlfriend can get a POA and then legally YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING MOM! so be nice how you approach it :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok so people are saying she’s not overstepping what the actual.

The woman took legal docs that are not even valid to the childcare to collect the child.

Where was she taking him? What was she doing? Who was he going to be around? Will this happen on other days?

Parents need to protect their kids. Way to many predators in this world. Maybe not the gf but her brother cousin uncle her mums best friend etc could bring harm to the kid with out gf having a clue all because she wants to play happy families and assert some dominance where it’s just not needed.

The father simply should have said to mother of child that his gf would like to collect child early today or when ever to spend some time doing blah. Is that ok, and likely it would have been fine. If it wasn’t then gf should accept it’s not her child. Period.

The interaction of her taking that doc to childcare would have me livid. It’s a breach of trust.

Mother if you are reading request they meet you and discuss how this hurts you, how it makes you scared for your child who is your everything, and how you are there now laying it out on the table now so you can find the best path forward to give your child the best!


Wow that’s going way over the boundaries I’d say, and also she’s just the girlfriend and has no business with your son at all.


Oh hell nah, I’d raise a huge fit. Get that girl out. You could legally call the cops on her and say shes trying to kidnap from what it sounds like. That’s not okay. Shes just the gf, not his wife or step mom. Shes trying to be something she is not without even talking to you first. Shut that down.


Yes you should be oh I’d be pissed. Bitch would be getting an ear full. Id go back to the school and have it stated on your sons paperwork she is under no circumstances allowed to pick him up.


I would have been pissed too
I’d talk to the principal and explain your custody order,
I had a friend that the ex husband moved to a different city and she didn’t have any info about where the kids were lucky she found out it was in my city and she had to go to the school and show the custody order to the school.
Now she has a voice about her kids before they wouldn’t even give her a Chance.

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Well she is in his life now you two are not together he gets him Thursday to Sunday he probably gave permission to the school for pick up arrangement. It is two days a week sounds like a jealousy issue to me. Talk to the father about it and see what he says he gets the kiddo on those days and has to have a ride for his son. Be a unit for your child and get to know the chick you have a this issue with her just get to know her a bit maybe they discussed things and he told her to do that?


She just the gf not the mommy. Its definitely not her place at all to be picking him up, i would be going up to that school and have a good talk to them FACE to FACE. Bitches come and go, mommas are forever. If issues continues get a lawyer draw up agreement and take him to to court.


From personal experience, have a conversation with her about what you feel. Be honest and talk it out like adults. Makes it better for everyone involved including the child. So that the child is never put in a position to decide.

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You can get the school in trouble. She has no legal standing whatsoever


I, m a girlfriend I have nothing to do with my stepsons it’s between them I pick up and bring home that’s it not my child not my place


Overstepping? Girl that bitch is KID NAPPING. She’s out of her dang mind​:eyes::eyes: id be on his dads ass like white on rice flipping shit. That’s not ok. They aren’t even married. She’s just the crazy hoe trying to play house​:flushed:


I know mom’s who say she is just a girlfriend after 8 years and a shared baby. Grow up and for the child’s best interest let the child experience an abundance of love and don’t interfere.


Is she a nice person? If so? Then ir really does take a village to raise a child


If dad doesn’t know then yes it’s over stepping but if he is fully aware and on the same page then no it’s not.


Does your agreement say that his wife or significant other is or isn’t allowed to fill the role on his designated days? Its his written day… and he’s designated his “informal” spouse/ common law spouse and you don’t have that clarified as non permissible in writing so I see no problem whatsoever.
You’d need it to also say that the spouse/partner can not intervene, if I had to guess. Babysitter vs Spouse are two different things. In my opinion, she’s helping you both out and obviously she cares about your child. Most people don’t realize the strength it takes to raise someone else’s child and also deal with the drama that comes with it.

I am a step mom. My husband has custody, I’ve always been the one to take and pick up the kids, and I even attended all of the parent meetings, alone if my husband was traveling for business because since before our marriage the school was always informed by him that he travels and would defer emergencies or meetings to me. He called his attorney and asked about stipulations in the custody agreement before we moved in together to make sure there wasn’t something to make the ex jump. When my step kids needed me (sick or emergency) I’ve always stopped what I’m doing and gone to them.

It is definitely an uncomfortable topic. But I would say from my side of the table, first communicate with them if you haven’t because perhaps they may be thinking marriage or common law etc. Second, it’s actually a great thing to have a person care for the well being of a child that isn’t theirs. She’s stopped what she’s doing for your baby. I’m pretty sure that taking that custody paper was at his request. I wish you the best.


Wow I have a step son and not once would that happen! We are now married and changed the order but when I was just the girlfriend I didn’t do a darn thing unless was with my husband

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School can only speak to the parent/guardian and only them can say who’s doing what you need a chat with your ex


Thursday after school means Thursday after school…she is his back up when he is at work. So it makes sense for her to pick him up…if you don’t let go of some of your anger and jealousy it will make his dad’s home an uncomfortable place for him to be…for your son’s sake let it go and talk to him AND his girlfriend about your concerns.


Yes u should. She has no place

What she did was illegal. You should turn her and the school in, they should have contacted you when she did that. I’d definitely be pissed. As the custodial parent, you are the one that is to be picking your son up. The girlfriend could possibly get into huge trouble for taking that paperwork and your son without your permission.

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I was the girlfriend before I was the fiancée then wife. I picked up and dropped my step daughter off at school when she started kindergarten because her dad couldn’t because of work. I was on the list. Granted it was made known to all parties involved this is what was going to happen because those were his days to have her and it was easier for me to pick her up that Thursday and Friday she had school wether it was normal pick up/ drop off or she was sick. I also went to PTA meetings and parent teacher conferences. Because both of the birth parents couldn’t be there due to work. Not all girlfriends are evil and out to steal a child or become the “mother”. Have a talk with them and see what the intentions were it’s possible they were innocent and were seen as being more convenient for all parties, they should have discussed it with you first, yes, but remain calm, keep a cool head and just have a conversation and see how that goes. If it goes bad then move on from there wether to bring legal action into it or bring the school into it.


If it’s dad’s day, he is allowed to determine who picks the child up. Dad should have been the one to call the school, but it would be no different than him putting the child in an after school program until he could pick up. Unless your agreement states otherwise, Dad is able to designate who picks up on his days. What if you can’t pick up on yours? Would you get a parent or friend or maybe new partner to do it? Of course you would because as a parent you make arrangements for your children and that’s exactly what dad has done.


The school legally can’t let your son leave with her without your permission. For all they know, she could be stealing the child. Her being shady and not coming to your or your son’s dad is what is inappropriate


No legal rights, gf has no say, she is completely wrong to go to the school and bring documents that do not pertaining her, it is solely between the parents to figure out things for their children, without interference from their partners.


Wouldn’t you be more upset if she didn’t treat him as her own and care for him well? This sounds like jealousy to me, be grateful, there’s some awful ‘step-mums’ out there :woman_shrugging:t2:


Looks clear cut to me. Step in. Tell his dad how it is. Remind him of who has what custody rights and what the agreement clearly states. She doesn’t even have the stepmom card because they aren’t married. She’s stepping in too fast and too far.

Also, point out to the school that they can be sued for accepting anything from her without your knowledge and permission. They can also get in trouble for allowing her to pick up your son without the legal guardians permission and knowledge. My kid’s school is SUPER careful about that. No one can say or do anything regarding my child with mine and her dad’s permission and knowledge (we have split custody); my husband had to be added to a list of people that can pick her up without me present and he’s married to me.

We also have the agreement in a court order that we are only to deal with each other, no sending family or spouses on our behalf. It’s a good agreement to have and it’s very clear!

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Take the help and be gracious but keep an eye on her.


Id b livid! Put ur foot down now or she will keep trying u. She had no right to involve herself at all! She is not his wife so i would put her in her place. Thats your child not hers. Dont be rude just let her& him know that’s not ok what she did& any choices regarding ur child is between u& him. If yall agree to let her b a backup then thats 1thing but again she trying to play wifey! I went thru a similar issue with my ex…i let it go too long & she started inserting herself in everything & it caused alot of issues. The school finally banned her from their property cuz she would show up& get him early without permission. If u& him decide shes the backup then thats another story… But dont let her overstepping go unnoticed cuz it will get worse!

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She’s a psycho! Who does that. You should be picking him up and dad getting him at yours after his works finished.


Dad’s time dad can have whoever he wants pick him up! Your BOTH the parent and if your sons sick on his days he needs to get off work or organise cover to tend to his son just like you would. Be happy someone else loves your child and wants to be around them as much as you do and thank her for stepping up! However yes she shouldn’t have taken paper work to the school but I see if as a positive thing she just wants to spend time with him :heart::blush:


Oh hell no!!! I’d be livid! If she wanted to be able to pick up your son on Dad’s days then that’s something you ALL should have discussed and agreed on. She should not have been anywhere near your son’s school without you knowing let alone doing any of that shit!!! I’d be right up to the school making sure she is not picking up your son! She’s definitely overstepped the mark!


Regardless of him having a girlfriend to assist him in his fatherly duties, he’s still to be that child’s care giver. Not a person he’s dating. That person isn’t a guaranteed a consistent figure in that child’s life nor would you know for sure a safe one. Better safe than sorry for every situation for my child. Idc if it’s a girlfriend or his mother. If someone is grabbing my child from school other than their father, I sure as hell better know who and why. And if I’m available to grab them? I will be grabbing my child instead if he can’t. If he can’t pay for an after school daycare to help until he’s off work, then he or the mother should be getting their child.

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Go to the school tell them only you or dad can be contacted the girl friend isn’t in the custody agreement and they have to go by that. Make sure she’s not in the child’s pick up list and if she continues causing trouble take him back to court. Its one thing if you agree to her doing these things but if you don’t she has no rights to your son just because she’s dating his dad. Put your foot down don’t let her push you around.


Maybe th girlfriend was just doing what the daddy asked her to do. As he couldn’t get to the school Why blame her .its daddy and the schools fault as I believe maybe the school should of consulted the mum. U can’t blame the girlfriend .

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Gf or wife doesn’t matter there should had been a conversation about it all before she picked up the phone and called the school. Even if the father had her do it. There should have been talk. I am a step parents and I would never do anything like that without talking to both parents and making sure they talked. If the parents don’t get along they need to get over that for the kids.

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First off the school and I would have a discussion. Under no circumstance should they be talking to the girlfriend without written authorization from the parents. You and your ex need to have a discusdion as well, he needs to know that you and him make the agreements and arrangements regarding your son.


She sounds psycho taking legal paperwork up to school as a way to try and convince them to let her having your kid like what👀


Tell this cunt. To back off or you’re going to beat her f****** ass


She has ZERO rights since she isn’t married to your ex.


I don’t know where these girlfriends come off they can they’re f****** parent they in our bucket got a ring on it so they better back the hell off


There is usually a clause in the divorce about “right of first refusal” which means if a parent is unavailable during their parenting time the other parent has first dibs on that time. Even if it’s just “2 hours on a Thursday”. The girlfriend has overstepped in more ways than one with identifying herself as a stepmother and going to the school. I would schedule a meeting with the principal explaining right of first refusal and needing to be contacted first. I would also make it clear she is a girlfriend and not a legal stepmother. If the girlfriend wants more consideration she needs to ask you first about setting a situation like that up first, not just bypass you and go to the school to do what is your ex husbands responsibility to do.


All communications re the child should be between you and the father , not with dads gf . She has no rights and is most likely just trying to hurt you and push her weight around, how would your ex feel if your bf did this


This mom wananabe is freakin me out. Seriously.


Sounds like your divorce lawyer is about to make more money at his and her expense.

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Stop being petty. If it’s his time he should be able to appoint her to pick up his son if he sees fit.


Until she’s a MRS. she has NO legal right to the child in question. The agreement is between the mother & father. The school shouldn’t even talk to her or give her any information if the parents haven’t given them permission to do so.


You should probably count your blessings that your ex is with a woman who cares enough about your son to anything for him at all.


She is definitely over stepping since she should have talked this over with you and the father first but I’m glad to see she is actually trying to be there for your child like her own.

Gf shouldn’t even be involved in this. She definitely crossed the line! Only mother or father should pick up the son.


First of all; this matter should have been discussed prior to the pick up.
It is not childish. It’s called safety and being responsible for the child’s wellbeing. Also; how well do you know this girlfriend.
How long have they been a couple. There are very many factors to consider. Also; if this person can take legal papers to the school that has nothing of her in the custody set by the judge; than just about anyone could do this. It would be in the schools best interest to have written and verbal meeting with birth parents.
My opinion and I’ve been in this situation.
God Bless you all and Peace.


Depends. How long has this gf been in the dads and sons life? A lot of parents get salty when the other parent has a partner and tries to parent your child but honest it could be worse. My dads old gf would get jealous of us kids when we went to visit and would pout and stay in the room until we left and than she tried to make my dad choose between her or us kids and my dad just straight up left her. I don’t see a problem with this except bringing your guys business to the school and showing the paperwork. And if she wants to pick him up for a few hours until the dad gets home, I see nothing wrong with that except she could’ve told you guys about it.


Well if she left with the child then that is kidnapping and you will have grounds for legal action against both parties.


Not sure if this comment has been made yet…
The schools have a lot of kids from separated homes; even if they don’t usually get a copy of the custody agreement…they should be able to see that her name is not listed on it anywhere. She has no standing. Once you point this out to them they should abide by the parenting agreement (this child has only 2 parents). Depending on your relationship with the dad, you should be able to explain that SHE is overstepping, and that HE needs to discuss and negotiate changes with you first.
If necessary, take the steps to specify the language in the agreement

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Wait! Did the school let him go with her?! If so, that’s the schools failure and you should let them know. In fact they could get in a shitload of trouble if they did and she’s not on paper work anywhere to be a designated person to take him! How’s your relationship with dad? Could you talk to him about your concerns and the complete lack of disrespect she has and how unsafe her choice to go to the school was? If not, your lawyer needs to get a phone call like now.


Yes, when a parent is unable to care for or spend time with their child during their parenting time, they are to 1st notify/allow the other parent the option to care for the child prior to anyone else. Definately overstepping!

I only showed up with my stepdaughter to her school to withdraw her to enroll at our school closer to us, after her mom dropped her off at our house, on my due date with my 1st child. (I think she was trying to sabotage my pregnancy since she gloated that my 1st pregnancy ended in a miscarriage :frowning: ) She dropped her daughter off and said she was tired of her and her attitude. So she lived with us part of a semester until her mom made her feel guilty that she was enjoying living with us and spending time with her baby sister. Seriously, my stepdaughter couldn’t even do her homework, was failing majority of classes since she talked every night on phone with her mom that usually ended in tears & guilt. Her mom wouldnt allow her to have her own belongings(though my husband paid child support for years and even during the time she lived with us). I wanted to turn phone off, at night, that we bought for her, so she could concentrate on her studies. My husband said I couldnt do that since that’s her mom and she has every right to talk to her whenever. Well, she didnt talk to her the 1st few weeks til we got her a phone. She could have spoke with her prior on our lines but never tried.

I even took her to sports physicals, Dr appts, School shopping and to her cardiologist to get cleared for sports for heart murmur that her mom had not taken to for 4 years! Her mom was so angry that I made the appointment since she knew she was at fault. Used mine & husbands insurance. I told my husband if her mom showed up to cardiologist appointment, I would step out since would be crowded. She never showed up though she threw a fit nd said she woyld be there. I provided her the details.

We also took her dog in, otherwise her mom threatened to drop him off on reservation. These are just a few examples.

My bad days of parenting are better than her good days of parenting…


Go to the school with all of your paperwork. She is not involved in any way with your son. I was and am a stepmother to one of our 5 kids, now adults. My husband and his ex worked it out very well. You ex needs to tell his girlfriend to back off. If need be contact your attorney to write a letter to the girlfriend making it very clear to her as to what could happen if she continues her behavior. Send it certified with a return receipt with a signature required on the card that will prove the letter was received. This woman has no rights in this matter


I’m gunna keep my mouth shut on this one you kinda sound ungrateful! If dad is gunna be with this chick and marry her or if she’s been around long enough prepare for your child to have a step parent 🤷🏽 my daughter lives with her dad and she has a bonus mom that will do anything and everything for my daughter! And I couldn’t be more greatful for that woman!


Stop being controlling. What his dad does in his custody times is up to him. Not you!


Just be happy that your ex has chosen someone who is willing to help and care for your son. Step back and let him have his time with his dad, stop trying to interfere.


There are a Lot of things wrong with this situation. There is also a lot of missing info. I’m a mom and a step mom so I know Both sides. How long have they been together? If they’ve been together just a short time, and the kids don’t really know Her or aren’t comfortable with her then yes, maybe there might be a issue. If the kids like her, And she treats them well, why isn’t it ok for her to pick the kids up? The two things I see that are issues are 1. You can’t have sole custody if the dad has visitation. Either you are making that up or they got the wording wrong in the papers. Sole custody means one parents has all visitation and complete control of all decisions. 2. Their is a lack of communication. They should communicate with you what their plan is. And If you have a problem then maybe together y’all can find some Middle ground. All involved need to take
Emotion out of it and do what’s truly best for the kids I wish y’all the best. Goodluck.

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