My sons dads girlfriend is overstepping a lot: Advice?

No, you sound bitter. It’s his time, let go of the control. Been there done that. Be happy your kid has a step mom that cares.


If the order is still standing then you are the babysitter not his girlfriend not his mother, not his father not his brother, you are. Now why haven’t you talked to your ex and inform him you are willing to pick him up from school and deliver him each day to him after his work. Seems like a lot of running around but you are his babysitter and I would imagine they were thinking of you and you can thank them but no thanks. Otherwise you both need to be a part of adding custodial pick ups, grandparents, babysitters, boyfriends or girlfriends. School would be in the wrong if they allowed such a pickup without added custodial pick up arrangements.

You could just be looking at it negatively, does she have a relationship with your son? Do they get along ? What if he told her to do it ? There is a lot of factors you did leave out . So there is no way to know wether your over reacting or she is going over the line


I would let the school know she is not listed on the custody agreement nor have you given the okay for her to be picking the child up and want him released ONLY to mother or father unless you advise otherwise, she does not have that right.


He should’ve talked to you about her picking up after school. She has no business going up to the school. Set her straight before she continues to step on your feet. Call the school as well, that’s not ok.


Does she have PR ? How long have they been together? If its not long she needs give her head a,wobble and butt out its between you and dad to sort out not her , if a arrangement has been made and is working for all party’s then why is she getting involved , the school shouldn’t be releasing your son to anyone especially if you have sole custody , some say she’s trying to help I don’t think she is in my opinion she’s trying to gain some control and calling herself step mum when they ain’t married errr no love jog on and keep your nose out until your invited in by both mum and dad !


She doesn’t have a Leg :leg: to Stand on :shushing_face::woozy_face:


Um… she isn’t the parent and needs to step back. Her name isn’t on the custody and visitation court paperwork, she has zero rights to be having anything to do with his school let alone tell them they can’t call you. Your ex needs to step the up and take back control, because his girlfriend seems like a control freak. He needs to communicate with you, not let her try to get involved and take control of you two’s parenting. I would confront him, don’t even speak to her. Ideally, you all would have a good relationship, but that doesn’t seem like that will happen. I would go up and speak to the principle asap. Go ahead and refer to that court order she brought thinking it would help her gain control. Explain that you and his father are only allowed to pick her up and be called and end it at that.

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Overreacting! Would you rather she didn’t want your son around? If mine was sick, her dad wouldn’t have her because he ‘couldn’t afford to get sick’ but here you have a dad and his gf making an effort and you still complain. If it’s his time why should the school call you? Be grateful this woman wants to help.


Knock her out after many warnings i did…afterall no 1 messes with a mamas babies

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At least she did say stepmom my kids step monster played mom and even took my adhd child to an autistic specalist without me knowing anything and i raised hell because my son is no where near autistic.

It depends. While I get where you’re coming from, if the parenting time is on a day that he has visitation and designates his gf or whoever else to pick up your son during HOS time, then you’re the one overstepping the parenting agreement.


Im all for co parenting but she had no right to call the school on the behalf of the parents and shame on the school for entertaining it.


I would be careful. If your going to play the is not fair game you might end up with less time if they decide your to difficult to work with and take you to court…


As a mom who’s been on both sides of this. Do everyone a favor and have a civil conversation. Work it out. Sounds like she’s willing to be an active participant in your child’s life! Hell ya! Did she over step, perhaps. If you feel that way then TALK IT OUT.


Where I from we drag those type of women in the front yard and remind them who the mother is


Mommy instincts are usually right. Unless they are married she has no business picking him up or making any serious decisions without first talking 2 u about it. Coparenting is messy but u both have 2 be in agreement when it comes 2 the safety of the child. If ur not comfortable with it u need 2 have a discussion with the father. U have sole custody and the agreement doesnt state he can choose who he sees fit 2 pick up his kid in his absence. It is also both of ur responsibility 2 make necessary arrangements 2 make sure hes safe when coming 2 and from pick up drop offs anywhere


Well I would be losing my shit in this women who is play “house” with my child. Correct her in person with witnesses and make sure the school knows the legality of your situation and make sure she is on the list for NOT allowed to pick up!!!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Some of you women commenting on this post should be ASHAMED of yourselves!


Umm, that would make me feel really uncomfortable. Why does she want to have your child that bad? I wouldn’t trust her. I would also make sure the schools knows that I am picking up my child. They have to listen to you. You are his parent, she is not.

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I feel sorry for the kid I’m sure he hates watching the adults at each other’s neck.


My goodness. Yes yes you should. I’d tell her it’s time for a conversation. Tell her you appreciate her love and help, but that at this time you will be handling pick ups and share a copy of your sole custody agreement.

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Cut them off completely until you can get another custody hearing. No visitation nothing. She isn’t any part of your agreement.Judges do not recognize step parents at all. Only biological. Not saying step parents aren’t important. .my kids have one. But they have NO SAY in your agreement whatsoever. Good luck. Stay strong✌

So what happens when you get a new partner?


The problem I see is her reaching out to the school, turning in paperwork without speaking with you about it. I do think that if it’s Thursday it shouldn’t be a problem.l if she picks him up for him but only if you’re comfortable with him in only her care with the dad not around…I would be livid if someone took paperwork/spoke like they had authority of my children and they didn’t though


So the school allowed her to change all that by just CLAIMING to be the girlfriend? Fuck buddy? Etc…that’s fucking crazy! This is how kids get kidnapped from schools!!! What if they had broken up Nd she someone got her hands on this agreement. What if the chick is fkn crazy and decides shes on the child’s records at school and wants to take him out on thursday. This is NOT OK.


Boy !! Girlfriend over stepping the line She needs to put in her place. Only is a girlfriend Keep her nose clean She knows how to make the whole situation toxic :rage:

Tell the school to not listen to her as she has no legal rights to your child and they will abide by that. Take your custody agreement that is valid now in and gove it
To them and tell them she is just trying to start trouble and to contact yourself if any issues arise and tell them she is never allowed to pick child up if she isnt on the pick up list she cant pick him up.


I would talk to the dad.


Do you not like her? Have a grudge on her? Is your son safe around her ?


Oh hell no! You need to have a conversation with your sons dad and decide on some ground rules.


Definitely talk to your child’s father


What kinda school allows some outsider to make arrangements for a child?!


Talk to the child’s dad. Then on Monday, call the school and make arrangements for only you or his dad to pick him up. The school should not allow just any adult to pick up children, especially that young.


Go back to court for specific instructions


Slap her about n let her know whos mum😂


Oh hell nawh she need to stay in her lane .get her in line quick.


First if you are the sole legal custodial parent what you say goes. Primary custody would be that as well. Put your foot down. Talk to his dad and tell him you’re not cool with it.


If they are not married, she has no legal rights and needs to sit down and shut the hell up! YES! She’s overstepping by a long shot!


Yes… Girlfriend is overstepping herself into a momma bear butt whooping…


If your son is sick they should absolutely call you! I’d be devastated if they called my sons dads girlfriend but she is not an emergency contact, our mums are. It should be you and his dad who work out what’s happening, it does seem like she’s taking over when it’s not her place at all.

My ex can’t pick our son up from school and I’m happy he gets his girlfriend to otherwise I have my son for 3 hours and then his dad picks him up and I feel it’s not fair on my son.

You and his dad need to sit down to work out what’s going to happen, did he know she’d do this? It’s very odd to me.


Hell no!!! You need to have a talk with both of them and I’d talk to.tje school about how she is not a step mom and just a gf and has no business at the school!!!


Nope. It’s dads time he can do wtf he wants in his time!


Tell her to fuck off! Honestly! :roll_eyes: (sorry im a irritated today)


Oh hell no she is way overstepping.


So your mad that his girlfriend is taking a parenting role with your child?

She is picking up her boyfriend’s son on his days. That is pretty standard practice. It isn’t your time. It’s his

You are mad that she provided the school with necessary paperwork? They likely asked for it since she will be picking him up. Again standard practice

Stop. Just stop. Sounds like she’s going to be a long term partner to your ex. As such you need to be ok with her being involved in your son’s life in a more significant way


Sorry but Punch her in her mouth. Seriously. Way over stepping.


She has no place to make any statement to anyone about custody. You need to set them straight ASAP!!!


Well on Thursday she probably wants to pick him up for her husband so he can still see him that day. But all that other stuff is weird. Definitely should all get together and figure out his new schedule. It’s on all of y’all not just her fault. Y’all should’ve had this figured out on day 1.


Is your child safe with her, enjoy being around her? I mean. I don’t love my daughter’s fathers gf, but she’s going to eventually be her step mom, so i respect her picking her up and their relationship… if your kiddo is sick i get the whole issue there with them calling her and not you… but itd honestly be best, if she isn’t a horrible person, to work with her rather than against…


If he is suppose to pick him up Thursday and Friday I don’t see what the problem is if she picks him up. Seems you may be a little jealous


Only issue I have with this whole thing is the school allowing her to change things in his file without you or father’s permission, why even let her discuss anything having to do with said child? I’d be more upset at the school than anyone else, at my kids school to change anything in their file about pickups, calls, anything you have to be in the file as a contact and have an ID with you before you can make changes.


Yes if he’s working and the order lists you must use each other as babysitter first then you should be with the child before anyone else


She legally can’t do that, she has no legal rights to your son, even if they get married she has no legal rights. So is just his built in babysitter.


My first step would be informing the school she is not allowed to pick him up and she is not to receive any information about your son because she is not the step mom or mom. My next call would be to sit down with you sons father to discuss it all, then I would sit down with the girlfriend and the dad and make sure everyone was on the same page. If it continues I would make a call to my attorney and put a stop to it real quick. The school can get into a lot of trouble for what they did.


My ex’s girlfriend tried the same crap! Our school put her in her place and called me. Rather she marries him or not custody is custody if you do not want her picking up your child she can’t. Don’t matter what dad says if you have primary custody.


What does the father have to say about her childish behaviour


WOW. She needs an immediate restraining order placed against her! And, ban her from the school! Inform your local police of a possible abduction. These nasty cunts want to be relevant so badly that they endanger young children! There are rules for a reason! Protect that baby!


I would inform the school that she is not a legal guardian she is not wed to ur son’s dad and she is practically a stranger and inform them she is not to pick ur son up then inform them that if she does they will b complicit in helping her kidnap ur child and then I would tell ur ex that if she pulls this shit again u will take him back to court and also call the police to report she kidnapped ur son


How do you even know what’s shes done?? Why is it such a big deal? Im sure she didnt do anything dad didnt want her to do i am a step mom too and have done all that and then some dads gotta work trying tell me that you gonna be able to do everything all by yourself every time and that your boyfriend or future husband shouldn’t be apart of your childs life and help you like a spouse is supposed to do??


Sounds like you have help. How about gratitude. If she treats your child with love and kindness and as if he is her own wouldn’t you want that instead of a woman who pretends the child does not exist


Tell the school she isn’t allowed to pick him up and point out that you each are the baby sitters not her. She’s going to far.

she has NO right to do what she did. Especially with out even talking to the child’s ACTUAL MOTHER! I wouldn’t care at all if she wanted to be a step mother! Go for it honey! As long as you respect me and do what I ask since it’s MY child I wouldn’t have a problem at all. BUT going behind my back and doing all that is crazy af.


I am on my boyfriend’s sons paperwork as stepmom at school, doctors, all that. But his biological mom isn’t involved much. I would talk to your ex about it . I am thankful my biological son has a stepmom at his dad’s just because I know she will do the “mom” things while he is there :woman_shrugging: but that’s just me.


How is she jealous? If the dad put the girlfriend down on paperwork, then it’s different…but if she took it upon herself to do this…it’s not right!! And if that’s the case, any girlfriend can do that.


If she is just the girlfriend…then no she needs to back off. Speak to your son’s father and if that doesnt work…time to go back to court.


Sherri Lynn if Mom is sole custodial parent, she calls the shots. Period. That’s how it works. Has the “girlfriend” who misrepresented herself to the school been vetted, background check etc? Probably not…if it were my children, no the girlfriend would NOT be permitted to pick up or take to the doctor whatever…if she wants to play Mommy, then she needs to have her own kid. Period


I can’t stand when someone NOT THE PARENT and wants to try and be in CONTROL…NOT GONNA HAPPEN


I feel like my only issue is they didnt tell you they had made arrangements for him. Thats his time and he is entitled to it


Have u met the girlfriend…u dont like girlfriend…does ur kid have a problem with her or are they ok with each other…the only problem I would have is if I never met her or discussed it with them 1st…some women just be doing to much sometimes…I hope it’s not because he left u for her

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Are u freaking serious? How about coparenting and sit back and appreciate that she is willing to help out. And did anyone even think that maybe the father spoke to the school and told them that she would bring in the custody agreement? Cause yes schools do ask for custody agreements so they cam see who has custody etc. When I enrolled my stepson, I had to turn in my husbands and wife divorce decree and he had to write a letter that I would be primary contact. Her offering to pick up the boy on his dads time is helping the dad out. What he does on his time is his business as long as it’s not life threatening then let it be and coparent🤷‍♀️


Sounds like you already know the answer. She’s trying to get all in there, fck that bitch


Make it clear to he school she is NOT allowed to pick Him up . And the father and you are the only ones. The school should make sure

We would be fighting. And the bitch would be going to the dentist for a new set of teeth.

I have no problem with step parents taking an active role in a child’s life buttttt this little gf CANNOT CHANGE PAPERWORK LIKE THAT. it’s illegal and just not okay.

I got first right of refusal on my divorce papers that way I have to be contacted before he leaves my kids with anyone else besides himself


Honestly I would call the school and get very chummy with all the front desk people. A gift basket never hurt anyone. Ask them to have it written no matter who picks him up to have them call you. Let them know it’s a safety issue. I would call your ex and let him know she’s over stepping. I would also call the girl friend directly and let her know she’s over stepping. IN A CALM MANOR! I can not stress this enough. Give yourself 5 minutes to explain yourself. Set a timer. Breath a lot. And pause a lot. You do not want to come across crazy just firm. it most likely will cause tension but this is a boundry that needs to be established.

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Ok I think some people are missing an obvious point here, 1 why does she have the legal paperwork and is lying to the school? 2 how long has she & the dad been together as well? If its a few years ok but a couple of month hell no. Legally unless she can provide paperwork showing she has approval from either of you to get him with you or him calling first she cant do that, you need to tell the school that only you and his dad will contact them or give them paperwork since you dont know if she added anything in. My kids birthfather tried this before but he wasnt on anything of theres and it got him in handcuffs bc he was trying to leave with them. If you dont know her or theyve only been together for a few months do not allow this to happen


If shes with him and free on Thursdays, than whats the problem. If your kid is going over there anyway why not let her pick him up? Seems unnecessary to fight for days that he’s with his father.


The fact she cares about your son to pick him up from school so you can focus on work on providing for your son. She seems to have yours son’s best interest in mind I would try to get over the jealousy and work together with your partner and his gf on caring for the kid your kid z your life could be much easier and less stressful if you took away some pettiness if you just sit down and talk like adults.


My ex’s freshly ex gf at the time wanted to take my son who was in 3rd grade to something at 2pm and my ex agreed but said I had to give permission first- that girl called the school gave her own name said she was his MOTHER and said she’s picking him up early. They knew that wasn’t my name so they called me to verify and I said nope, that’s his dads ex girlfriend ans she’s not allowed to pick him up. They put the school on lockdown for 45 mins.

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I think the 3 of you could have worked this out before hand. Has he been with her for a long time? How is she with your kid? She can’t replace you mama but let her love the little feller too.


Speaking from experience here, I was once in this situation being the gf now the wife. So first of all if it states in the custody agreement that one of the other parents should pick up if the parent who has that day can’t then it’s absolutely the other parent unless something is is worked out between them prior. A girlfriend should not do this unless both mom and dad have said that’s okay also she shouldn’t be calling his school and lying to them saying she’s his step mom and will be doing this and that she is not and cannot just do as she wants. I know the schools here make you fill out a whole list for people who can pick them up and if there is such a situation with custody they follow what the papers say unless it’s been outline otherwise. I think mom and dad need to sit down and have a talk about this and make the decision that would be best for everyone and then they both make that decision clear to anyone else involved. That’s their child their rules and if they can’t come to an agreement then they should take it back to the court or a mediator to make it work.

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I’d inform the school, that she has no say in anything with my child and then I’d tell her. Try to pick my kid up or mother him again then your ass will be sitting in the backseat of a cop car as well as myself.

The moment she called ,the school had no matter giving her information! You shoul make at complaint at school, and follow the rules, is either him or you that’s it!!!


She is not allowed to refer to herself as a stepmom at the school. My ex husbands gf did this in an IEP meeting and the principal cut her off and told her she is not married to his dad and can’t do that. If this bs continues, I’d go back to court.

This makes sense what the Dad and GF are doing to me :woman_shrugging:t4: His days, he needs to make choices on taking care of his child. You shouldn’t be having any issues with this.
I think it is a nice break


Ok. First is girlfriend just girlfriend or is she MORE?? If there is a modification regarding visitation school should be notified. I was that GF with a disgruntle ex wife. She played hell with me. We had his don 5 days a week yet she was supposedly primary residence BuT joint custody. She tried her damnedest to turn down against me. Rather then allow him to love more then just one parent. She attempted to oust us from school programs, pictures, parent teacher conferences and ALL she did in the long run was hurt her son. Now he is 24 and has no contact with her because if the bad feelings he has against her using him as a pawn to get even with me


I think it’s weird that she did all this without you, but maybe dad knew. First step is to talk to dad and try to work it out between the two of you. After school Thursday is his day according to what you said. Maybe he asked her to pick him up so he wouldn’t miss out on time with his son. My bigger issue would be if the school actually allowed this since the parents are the only ones who should legally be allowed to pick up the kid unless otherwise stated by the parents. But again, I would refer to dad first.


Talk to the dad. Make complaint to the school for even speaking to her about your son.


Nah y’all saying she needs to be thankful she has help. That is her son. They need to come to her before talking to the school. Y’all would def be angry if someone that wasn’t your kids parent went to his school and changed shit. It’s her son so she has a right to be angry that some woman thinks she can just go and do that.


In the state I live in, as the mother you can tell the school she is not allowed to pick the child up. In my state she would have to be married to the child’s father or you would have to give permission to the school for her to pick the child up from school.


What a bitch! If she doesn’t understand simple logic as she is not the parent and she has no right please don’t let your son be near her. Talk to the father of your son and make it clear to him. Or better yet call police and put restraining order against that bitch!
Gosh! This made me mad

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I definitely think it’s something that should be discussed between the parents first, and even if the gf has been in the picture for a long period of time, it’s not her place to take it upon herself and her bf to make decisions like that without even talking to the mother. I’d be pissed too!

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Unless her name is on file, legally the school can’t let your son leave with her. Also, you can have your custody agreement on file at school


Oh hellllllllll nooooo

If you have legal custody 100% …which btw is rare to have in any state in usa…then you are solely one to be called. Usually. All schools for kids in custody battles get the court orders, thats standard. If you want to pick him up thats fine if you have full legal custody. However, if you dont, you need to add the right of first refusal to your court order. That way when dad isn’t able to pick up your son you get called.

Overstepping for her to call the school? Definitely. But it’s not a bad thing for children to have caring adults in their lives. If she’s safe to be around and not an otherwise bad influence, why do you care so much? Truth is, he’s going to have a new partner some of the time, and that person will be involved in your kid’s life. Maybe shoot a text asking that you be consulted before anyone new is allowed to pick up your child. But you’re being dramatic about it.


Pick him.up early.on those days?

I’d be telling the school she has no business picking up my kid not to allow her to leave with my kid unless both parents agree and I’d sit down with your ex first then both of them. Id explain your feelings and ask her to back down until you’re more comfortable


Time to go back to mediation.