My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

She has no say in any of your kids lives

She has issues…he’s your son. Screw her. People have to be so damn complicated over their own hurt feelings.

I’d tell her to get back I’m her damn lane. He’s old enough for one and has a use for it. And he’s YOUR son. You can give him whatever you want to give him and if HIS FATHER has an issue then he can talk to you about it, not her.

SMH at so many of these comments.

  1. Stepmom sounds upset about who knows what. If she’s being high conflict, keep any contact with her regarding this subject in a group text/email with your ex. Remind them BOTH that it does not matter if they are not in agreement over the gift, because it was YOURS to give. She might honestly be talking for your ex. Either way, whether it’s really her or your ex, or both, it sounds absurd to be so upset over this gift.

  2. For everyone saying stepmom needs to stay in her lane, that’s not her kid, she didn’t carry him for 9 months: You WANT a stepmom to care. You WANT a stepmom to love their stepchildren as their own. You WANT her to cook good meals for them, make sure they’re clothed and clean, and happy when they’re with dad, right? I agree she seems upset over nothing, but so many of you are making her out to be a nobody in this child’s life. You all can’t expect a stepmom to do everything a mom does while the children are with their dad (because let’s face it, good stepmoms do it all), but then deny them a seat at the table. That’s not how that works. :woman_shrugging: Important conversations, such as this disagreement (over something so small :woman_facepalming:), should be handled by all three parties: the mom, the dad, and the stepmom.


Bitter woman. The end :woman_shrugging:


She has no right to get mad :woman_shrugging:t3:

Ummm…hes your son? I got mad when my kids dad bought them a ps4 cause I thought they were too young for it, but here it is. Being used…DAILY🙄 but they’re his kids too so…


Probably heard the little ones get jealous about it or the BD said something about it to her so she chose this hill to die on. Tell their dad that you won’t be addressing anyone regarding the gifts you give you own children just as you don’t ask about what he give them. End of story.

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She wanna get slapped huh? :sweat_smile::joy:


You pushed them out you parent them YOUR way


who cares what a stepmom thinks? you gave your son a watch, his mother who birthed him. your opinion and choice come first!!


As a stepmom, I would have never ever made that call ur mom and that is that


For one YOU are his mom. If you wanted to give him anything you have every damn right to! He is YOUR son.

Its none of her bees wax. Tell her to jump in a river

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Tell her that when she can produce photographic evidence of her when she was pregnant with him then you will consult her about what gifts to get, until then she needs to sit down.


You’re the mom sm can screw off

I always like to know what is given to my children so I know another child didn’t give it without their parents permission and to make sure they didn’t take it. Did you ask her why she felt you needed to tell her? If it was me then that would be my reason for saying you should have let me know.

You’re the mom. She’s not. Explanations not needed


I am a stepmom and this lady is so far out of line. You are the mother. Blended families can be complicated but also amazing if there is respect for one another and good communication


Your the mom and he’s your son tell her to take a step back and mind her own buisness

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*She is OUTSTEPPING , her boundary’s . !!! Let her know that , you will make that decision . :smiley:


She wanted i!!’ Lol jkjk

She needs to stay in her lane.


I’m a step mom and I dont get mad anything the kiddos get. You dont have to tell her anything about anything you get your kids


Tell her to simply stay in her own lane! There needs to be no drama what so ever… It’s your child and this situation has nothing to do with their health, schooling or generally anything that you even legally have to share with another parent… So like I said simply tell her to mind her own and stay in the lane she belongs in!! No need to give her the satisfaction of some blown out fight! You know you did nothing wrong so don’t act like you did! PERIOD :heart: Best of luck :crossed_fingers:t3:

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I would never question what my stepsons mum gives him, if anything I would embrace it and feel proud he showed me

Yo she is NOT IN HER LANE. She needs to get back in hers ASAP! I deal with the same bullshit and it’s caused her to get her ass whooped twice now. Do not let another woman talk to you like that about your children. They are your children. She should be honored to even be apart of their lives.

She needs to stay in her lane


Not any of her Business at all . They r ur kids not hers . Sounds like she needs to be let know who she is to the kids .


If they don’t like it at their home then he gets it only at yours. Pick the battles even if they are stupid as shit.

She is nosy. She is doubting you as a good mother. She needs to but out !!!

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She sounds like a tid bit of an ass. She needs to stay in her lane!

as a step mom that step mom can shove it


Sorry to say but the stepmom is out of line it’s not her business

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Tell the step mom to stay in her lane she isnt the bio parent


This simply sounds like step mom wanted the watch. She’s brought it up to hubby. He has said rack off to her and now she feels she has to attack you about it instead.
Because there should be no other reason this is brought up to you, your his mom and its a watch🤦‍♀️ shes strange for even believing she has warrant to go you about this and is a trouble maker in general. Take it as a sign. Don’t interact with her when you dont have to.

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Excuse me, but it is none of her business! I respect step parents because my oldest was raised by my husband since he was 2. I would suggest meeting her for coffee or lunch to discuss boundaries and form a relationship that is beneficial to your child. If she refuses f$ck her! Good luck doll🥰

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Sounds like she’s mad she didn’t get a watch :joy: wtf.

You don’t owe an explanation to anyone ESPECIALLY a step parent for anything you give or buy for your child. Step mamma needs to stay in her lane :ballot_box_with_check:

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Shes mad you can afford something like that and she can’t.

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Wow, this sounds crazy :joy::joy::joy: If you read it back to yourself and it sounds crazy, it probably IS crazy :sweat_smile: I think she’s feeling pressured to provide similar “gifts” to the rest of the kids ~ kids might have seen the Apple Watch & gone, “Awww, I want one too!” :woman_shrugging:t4:

I had the reverse happen to me. Step-kids went to their bio-mom & she complained that I didn’t buy them new clothes. I told her that I’ve got 5 kids in total to think about, including hers, so when we go clothes shopping it will be for ALL of them & not just her 2 :grin:


She is just jealous u did something she didnt/couldn’t.


I’m confused as to why you’re even thinking about this at all, it’s not her business and has nothing to do with her…or with dad if we’re being honest. She completely overstepping her boundaries and I would ignore her. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Wtf she has no say for anything that you buy i would tell her too go fuck herself

I wouldn’t take things off of my step daughter, but she’s definitely been sent with things that we aren’t okay with- so it just stays in her bag until she goes home. For example, squeezey toys with tiny balls in them (choking hazard to our youngest) and food with loads of sodium to share (our youngest has kidney disease and can’t eat it)

If she was to come over with a phone or Apple Watch we would confiscate it and give it to the mother, as that’s not something we are okay with at such a young age for any of our kids. If she needs to contact her mother she can do it the way we have always done it.

In saying that, my kids aren’t teenagers.

She sounds jelly of your son. I totally agree with age appropriate gifts, as in why the little ones don’t have high tech watches. I don’t agree with her questioning the fact you got your child something.


I had read it over and over! if he’s Your son, why should you need her approval?


Ohhh the step mom over stepping


She is definitely out of line.

Tell her to stfu, that’s your child & you’ll do as you please. She needs to stay in her lane.

Yeah, it’s definitely not her place to be angry upset about any gift you give your own kid.

You are his MOM,
STEP MOM should keep quiet. It’s not her kid

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She’s just a step mom lol

She’s a bitter step mom. I can’t STAND that type of ignorance and ridiculous strife. So sorry you’re going through that. I’d honestly tell her to mind her business and not to contact me AT ALL unless specifically involving the children while in her care. Your parenting, your child, your business!

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Does she have kids? If she does it sounds like her kids might be a little jealous of his gift. Or she’s making gift giving a competition between your house and hers. Don’t feed into it.

Step parents are great when they treat your kids like bonus kids…… if they treat them horribly or refuse to get along with their new spouse’s ex or react jealously to them… then it can be a nightmare


Ur kid ur say that’s it

Sounds like your son also needs a few different bands to change it out to match his outfits!!

Step mom needs to step down and stay in her lane.


Id tell her to shut the fuck up :face_with_hand_over_mouth: imagine a step parent talking like that. Telling you what to do with your child.

You owe her no explanation!


I’m assuming she has kids and they are getting bratty about wanting a watch? Because it’s not her place at all and even if you played favourites it’s up to you what happens to your possessions :man_shrugging:t2:


As a stepmom myself, she is out of line!


Don’t even give it another thought. Hes your son and you can give him any present you want. If his dad has a problem with it he can let you know


Your his mum not her


She needs to stay in her own lane


Repeat after me “Bite Me”


She is out of line. Tell her to stay in her own lane.


Level of petty 194958582891 & quite frankly not her call! I’d laugh at her


First of all, YOU don’t answer to HER.He is your son & you can give him whatever the hell you want. She needs to stay in her place :woozy_face:


Wow. She is upset over a watch that you gave to your own son? If that’s the case, it’s none of her business. You can give your son anything you want (within reason). I mean I wouldn’t give him a gun or a knife, but, he is your son not hers.


No tell her to go on somewhere in mind her own business


Your child your choice. You owe her no explanation or heads up. Tell her to stay in her lane :wink:


It’s your son. Not hers!!


It’s non of her concern that is your child you have all rights to give him a gift if you want she can’t tell you what you can and can’t do with YOUR CHILD


Nope nope NOPE! She’s way out of line and sounds like she’s trying to start a problem where there shouldn’t be one.


Wait so wen do you need her permission to buy your son a gift. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: weather kids live with father or not that is for him to talk not her. Sounds like she is jelly! Dose she have lids of her Owen in the same house if so that is your answer they are mad. Your mom she is step even though I hate that word we are blended and never say that she is out of line so keep steeping

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I’m thinking she is mad her step son got an Apple Watch before her :joy::joy: tell her to mind her own


Tell her to kick rocks barefoot


She needs to find her lane, and stay in it


I don’t get why a watch is a issue either lol. But if my kids step mom messaged me about a gift I give my kids I’d tell her she needs to take a step back bc she’s overstepping big time. Me, my wife, my kids dad and his wife get along great. We attend bdays together and everything but when it comes to our kids and decisions for them that’s between him and I. We may ask my wife and his wife’s opinion but ultimately it’s between us. And thankfully they both respect the boundaries


I think she’s my sons stepmom too! Don’t even respond to her! You do NOT have to answer to her! And for her to even approach you in that manner makes her think she is the one who runs both households! If he already has a phone then wtf does it matter if he has a watch?


Tell her to stay in her lane!!! She doesn’t get to decide what you do with your kids. That’s not petty just common sense.

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It’s your son right?

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Sounds like the Dad has an issue and the stepmother is the mouthpiece; imo🤷‍♀️ people like to usually make others do their dirty work.

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I would tell her what part of my rear end she could kiss an remind her who had him


You’re the Mom and she is the stepmom right? Tell her to mind her own business it’s YOUR kid. Overstepping!


Girl needs to stay in her own lane…

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Good thing HE is YOUR son!

None of her business

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I could see if you went and bought him a brand new one- but it was your old one. I know we try to keep things fair with our kids (blended family also).

I’m sorry wtf you’re the MOM. Tell that women to shut her a&$ up and move along. That’s your child you gave birth to him.

I wish my kids step-mom would come at me like that :joy::joy:


It’s not her business

Tell her to get back in her lane. You’ll give your son whatever your heart desires and do not need to go through her. She sounds like she has control issues and is bitter.

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Who has custody? Does the dad & step mom have custody? There’s a lot of unknown factors that prevent me from answering this correctly.

It sounds like they have full custody, in which case, you definitely need to consult with them before purchasing any type of electronics. They may not be a fan of a child having access to internet/ texts/ etc on a watch. Especially when at school

I am a stepmom and I would NEVER contact my stepkids mom to question her or accuse of anything. Even when I don’t agree with tons of things and funny enough she does play favorites with her youngest, I would never question her. Tell her to stay in her lane.

Sophia Poulos aint nobody gonna ever tell me what i do with my kids

Get counseling now for you and your kids.
How be it this woman could conceive thought to intrude into your relationship with your son?
Don’t be afraid. Just beware of sheep in wolves clothing.

Tell her to mind her freaking business. That’s your child and you give/do whatever you want for/to your child.


I see all of these people saying step mom needs to stay in her lane, but if dad has full/ main custody, step moms opinion very much matters as she is responsible for the child in HER home full time and you aren’t.

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Umm unless your children live with her and she’s raising them she has ZERO rights to question you!!!

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