I’d go get him another one just bc I’m the MOM
I am sorry but this step mom is dead wrong I would call your ex husband and let him know
You’re not missing anything. Screenshot this entire thread and show her. It’s YOUR son. As you mentioned, it doesn’t affect screentime or anything in any way. It isn’t any of her business to begin with one way or another, and she needs to be told as such.
It’s none of anyone’s business what you give YOUR child. Stepmom overstepped on this.
I would tell her to stay out of it talk to ex tell him to set her straight who is mom and dad and if this continues you will become a nasty butch becouse you did not want her putting crap in their head stop trying to be a karen tell her
She prolly just jelly cause she doesn’t have one. lol
Who has primary custody? Is she getting mad because they have primary custody and it’s something they disapprove of?
She is jealous! Ignore her.
There seems to be some missing information here. It sounds like she is mad because you are buying expensive gifts for 1 child and bot the other 2 or something. There has to be more to the story.
Stepmom needs to learn her boundaries that’s your son and none of her business
I’m a stepmom and a mom. I would never tell my bonus boy’s mama what she can and cannot do with her own kid. That’s ridiculous
Tell her she’s not his or her mom or dad. She’s a step parent. She she does what you and the father say. If she wants a say she should pop a kid out.
Tell her to suck a Peter and hush
None of her business.
She’s a control freak
Stepmom doesn’t get a vote! She needs to shut up and butt out
Step mom overstepping for sure
That’s YOUR kid. Tell her to mind her business unless she’s paying the phone bill or for the watch
You are mom. Tell her to get over it
Absolutely none of her business. She has no say so in what you give your child. I use to be a bonus mom and I never ever got in the way of his mom!!
You owe the step mom no explanation. Unless it costs the dad money , you owe him no explanation. Your kid, your gift to your son !
No way would the step mom be telling me about myself. Who does she even think she actually is? She needs put the heck in her place like yesterday.
I’m a mom and a step mom. In my personal opinion it’s none of the step Moms business what the bio mom decides to gift their child.
Seems like odd behaviour to get so bent out of shape over a watch?!
She’s definitely overstepping her boundaries and creating drama over nothing.
And this is why I’m sooo glad my kids didn’t have 2 deal with a step mom…cause I couldn’t even deal with stuff like this
umm… he’s your kid. she’s stepping control boundries.
Yeah she hating cause she probably doesn’t have one!!! I see nothing wrong with you gifting YOUR son something
What she needs to understand is she is the STEP PARENT and you are his MOTHER. Anything you say or do trumps her in every single way.
It shouldn’t matter who has custody! The stepmom is out of line! A couple of my grand children had a stepmom like this one and she didn’t want my sons kids to have anything while hers had the best of everything! I say she is mad because she wants the dang watch! I feel sorry for the step kids and dear old dad needs to put his foot down.
I am a step mom and I would never. That’s crazy.
He’s your Son?? Tell her to step back, none of her business what you do wih your kids! Unbelievable!
His STEPMOM got mad… no mam!
I’m a mum and a step mum but my first thought was that’s a stupidly expensive present to give a child when it’s not a birthday or Christmas… I do feel like there is a lot missing in this story all the people attacking step mum just think she might be the primary caregiver with dad… she is still caring and loving a child that isn’t her biological child… me personally I wouldn’t be pissed off but I would be confused as to why? It should be dad raising the issue but then again we don’t know the full story…
I’d straight up ask her who pooped that kid out then tell her mind her damn business
My advice is to set your boundaries and quit letting her (or his father) cross them. I’d tell her to STFU that it’s none of their business what you buy your kids and if she would like it to be discussed to tell her husband to talk to you. In my opinion, step parents stick their nose in something that’s none of their business. I had 5 step children when my husband was living and I never once got into their business when it came to the kids. I wasn’t there when they were conceived I wasn’t there when they were born. It was none of m business. We had 2 children together and they were no ones business but ours.
Good luck!
The key is your the mom shes the step mom doesnt matter what she thinks
I would be addressing your kids father. At this point either she’s simply over stepping ( regardless she absolutely is ) or she felt obligated to say something because he may have said something. But either way it sounds like a you and him conversation and once it’s sorted out she needs to be asked to stay in her lane.
Tell that B to stay in her lane
Being a good step parent is a skill most never learn!
Tell her to fuck off its your son
The father needs to put her in her place
She needs to butt out and mind her business!
Not all mothers have rights over step family and guardians.
But I’d tell the other kids they will get one when they are old enough to.
I’m a mom and a step mom. She is overstepping her boundaries MAJORLY. If dad had a problem with it, he needs to speak up… not her. You are his mother and if you wanted to get him a watch, so be it. If they want to get him gifts, so be it. It’s not a competition at all with raising kids. I love my stepdaughter as if she is my own. But she has a mother and I respect her 100%.
I wouldn’t care what she says
Buy the other kids spy watch toys and call it a day lol
She crossed the line.
LMAO if my kids had a stepmum and believe me when I say this, if she ever and I mean ever questioned me about what i do or buy for MY kids I’d knock her fckn block off
tell her to know her place, and mind her own damn business!
She’s way out of her lane
As a stepmom myself… that sounds so idiotic.
This is what gives us a bad name.
As a “step”mom myself, she’s out of line. She needs to relax & if I were you I’d ignore her but if it gets too ridiculous take it to his father.
I can’t wait to get my bonus daughter her Apple Watch and I WISH someone would throw a fit about it.
Girl she’s a stepmom and has no say, ignore her. This is YOUR child and you can give him what he wants. I’m sure when your kids get phones, you will do the same for them, but since they don’t have them they have no use for the Apple Watch. You don’t have to tell them everything you’re planning to get your kids. She needs to stfu, sit down, and mind her own business.
She isn’t even his parent it’s none of her business. Tell her to mind her business that you are the pRent!
Ok so just my opinion here, no you are not necessarily in the wrong and you may technically speaking, be “right” but maybe your gift made her feel inferior or less than because he loved it so much and it didn’t come from her. No, that’s not your problem. But in such a crazy world, I always look for ways to consider others, find peace and stay in the solution. Just food for thought.
The day my daughters step mom tells me what I can and can’t do with MY child is the day I square dance naked on the White House lawn. Not gonna happen sis.
I’m a step mom and have raised my stepsons along side and just like my own. Just because they didn’t come out of us doesn’t make them none of our business. it’s common courtesy to let either side know about big gifts. We’re not talking a hot wheels and sidewalk chalk here. if they’re living there full time it’s important for them to know. Making a big deal about it is ridiculous but if they’re the ones making sure they don’t lose it and take care of it on a daily basis it’s nice to know they have it. Is there a classroom rule against them or a school advisory? There’s too much info you didn’t include. You could be making their lives more difficult without realizing it.
You’re not missing anything at all. You owe NO explanation to the step mom. Your communication lies with your child’s father. Nip it in the bud so she NEVER has the audacity to approach you like that again.
Haha tell her get a grip and keep crying a river cause theres more where that came from. She’s going on like she pushed your son out She’s insane!
LOL you’re his mother not her. Tell her to get over it. It’s your kid, not hers. I’d go off on someone trying to tell me what to do with my kid tell her she’s lucky she’s just a bonus mom that can be replaced at any time
Oh my. I would love for the day a step parent stepped over and question me about what I do with my kids. She needs to step back a bit!!!
Yeah she is over stepping big time.
Let her know you carried this child for 9 months. Not her.
Does he live with you or them? Parenting time schedule? There’s 2 sides, which is why I ask. (Regardless YOU are mom. Not her).
You are not obligated to ask their permission to give your child a gift. Plain and simple.
A STEP PARENT should never complain or try to ADDRESS something to anyone without actually speaking to the biological parent about it first
Blended families are tricky. good luck
Lmao tell her to stay in her lane or get off the road. None of her business.
Love u stop posting and delete
She needs to stay in her own lane
Wow she’s way too involved.
She needs to take a step back .
You shouldn’t she sounds ridiculous. She needs to chill tf out and mind her business you unless he’s using that watch to hurt her or something it’s really none of her business.
He’s your son. She needs to learn her place.
I’d be telling her exactly what you’ve just written and then telling her that she doesn’t get to tell you what you can and can’t give your child
Not her business. She has no place in the equation. It’s your son. Period.
wtf !!! sry but how the hell she’s getting between mother and son
She’s jealous. Tell her wait til she sees his Christmas! Lol
YOU are his mother. So if YOU are okay with it then it’s fine. Shes the STEP parent. You don’t need to answer to her. I’m not saying she doesn’t play a roll in parenting, because I’m also a step parent. But she needs to figure out exactly what you said it’s a watch! She shouldn’t have an issue with it and keep her face hole shut (: if the father has no issues neither should she. She is not the mom, you are.
Whoa . You have no reason to answer to her that’s your child . Id prob also say some choice words lol
Communication. It is a big deal to her ask why and discuss it. It doesn’t matter that you don’t feel like it’s a big deal she does so just talk to her about like civilized adults are fully capable of doing.
You’re not missing anything…she is😆.
Seems like she’s desperately finding any reason to come at you “sideways.” She’s not making any sense…she must be jealous/envious of you.
As a step mom - she’s being a petty idiot
It sounds more like the stepmother is jealous because the kid has an apple watch & she don’t. It’s your kid, who cares what she says.
She is jealous because she wanted it for herself😂 DONT stress on it, you did nothing wrong!
Yep her over & over when lever she messages- NOT YOUR CHILD! Everytime she says anything just respond with that.
Don’t even a give that the time of day with her. As a stepmom I’m telling you that this is absolutely out of line for her. There is no need to even have a conversation about this with her except to say “thank you for your opinion, I’ll consider how you perceive the issue.” and move on to the next topic
Her entitlement to your son is something else… last I checked his parents make the decisions and you’re his mother so you are number one
Tell her to fook of that hes ur son not hers
No, it shouldn’t be a deal with her on gifts you give your own kid, lady needs to give her head a shake and smarten up.
I’m a step Mommy, and honestly I’d be over the moon if my stepson’s mother wanted to even speak to me regarding him. She won’t even respond to my hellos after 4 years. Point being, she’s WAY WAY WAY overstepping. Tell her to stay in her lane.
Uhmmmm you’re the mom lmao.
I wouldn’t even acknowledge her at this point. This is irrelevant to your relationship with your kids and your kids’ father so it doesn’t matter.
She needs to grow up
Yes the point your missing is, putting her into her place! YOU are MUM! You shouldn’t have to justify anything to her, only the dad who you had the kids with!! SMH!
I would be more concerned about her thinking that you as the mom need to get her permission or acknowledgment to buy your child a gift. She is over stepping her place.
She’s jealous the kids has an apple watch. Period point blank. With the other kids not being old enough to even have phone there is no favoritism crap there. You need to nip that immediately. Take it to the dad and if he don’t fix it then you do. What you give your child makes no difference to her
First find out why she acted that way. Maybe she was saving to buy him one. For the sake of coparenting, send emails to both of them around birthdays and holidays and let them know what you are doing. You don’t need to ask permission but it’s always good to let them know so they don’t get the same thing. Take the high road and be nice, grin and bear it for the sake of your child.
You’re their mother! You can give the child YOU pushed outta YOUR body whatever the hell you wanna give them. She is overstepping her boundaries.
I’m gonna play devil’s advocate for just a second.
Even if your other children are too young for phones and watches…they can still get jealous and feel left out.
And it’s likely they vent those feelings to thier dad/step mom.
Navigating children’s feelings while maintaining a respectful attitude towards the other adult can be tricky. Having a heads up allows for her to come up with a game plan on how to handle it.
Not to mention any potential fighting/bickering between siblings.
But also…apple watches aren’t cheap so knowing the thing exists helps her help him keep it from getting lost or broken
Not every comment made from someone is meant to be combative or disrespectful.
Not every comment like this is meant to say (for example) you need her permission to do xyz for your children.
I would personally take a step back and see if she could have meant it in this type of way for any of these reasons before approaching her.
She has no right to say anything as the STEP mom!