My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

He’s YOUR son. She needs to stay in her lane if your children are with you.


I’m sorry, but stepmom is overstepping.


Stepmom needs to stay in her lane!
How ridiculous!
She gets no say in things you give to YOUR son!


Your the mom. Give your children (son) anything you want. They are your kids. She is their step mom and you do not need her approval or permission to give your kids gifts.


Sounds like a control freak


If his daddy didn’t bring it up then don’t worry about it. He is your son. Your allowed to give him whatever you want. I get keep things fair and I could see if the other kids had phones. But they don’t. She needs to keep it rolling

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Um. Tell stepmother to zip it.

It’s NONE OF HER BUSINESS!She’s pushing you around cuz your letting her.

You’re his mother. You can give your child any fucking gift you want. If his dad had a problem with it, he should’ve said something. The stepmother can shut her fucking mouth.

No one will dictate what I give my children bet I gave them babies life shes the stepmom she needs to get back into the backseat where she belongs…if there is an issue dad can address it


ignore her, she’s clearly just looking for a reason to fight.
That’s your son, and your money you earned to buy him a gift.
You are no way in the wrong in this situation.

Tell the step mom to shut her cake hole. It’s your child. Of course you’re going to give your old watch to your 13 year old who has a phone vs your younger children who don’t even have phones :roll_eyes::unamused: if dad has an issue with it he can discuss it with you, step mom has zero place to say shit though.

Lmao. The stepmom would be left on read. Next.

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None of step mom’s business what gifts you give YOUR Children. Period.

Shes petty cause aint nobody that aint my babies parents gone tell me how to raise my kids at all

You gave birth to your children and no one should get involved in the relationship you have with them or what you give them, you have to have character to put people in their place.

For one- it’s none of her business what you buy for (your son.) Probably just jealous your ex hasn’t bought one for her. :woman_shrugging:

Stepmom needs to simmer down and realize she is overstepping her role.


She doesnt have a say in anything…

Um did those babies come from her uterus?? I don’t think so, she needs to worry about her own children . She’s STEP mom not the biological mom.

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I had to read 2x. The stepmom is the one having issues🙄 Not her problem this is a gift from mom. What’s her deal😂

:clown_face: she’s a step mom. Plz. YOUR KID.


Is she just mad he’s the only child who received a gift? That’s what I took from that.

That’s YOUR kid, not hers.


I dare a step mommy to try to complain about any gift, that i give to any of my children!! I had full custody of MY kids with Daddies coming at their convenience. No One, ever had any rights to complain!! Ignore this woman!! Definitely, do not allow her to control you, when it comes to things like this!! Sounds like she just wants to have something to complain about.


Tell her to mind HER OWN BUSSINESS. It’s YOUR SON and it was YOUR gift. So tell her thank you for the concern but everything is fine!


Terrible step mom you are…imagine lol u keep on keeping on

None of her business

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Hello it’s your son right? You can give him any gift that you want.

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Not her place AT ALL!!! If there is concern about the watch it should have been brought up by your sons dad not the stepmother. And it shouldn’t be an issue at all if you want to get your kid an apple watch!


Tell the stepmother to get over herself… its YOUR child… you dont need permission from anyone!!


Years ago my husband and I bought my step-son his first iPhone. The mother threw a fit and we thought it was because we did not buy one for his older brother. (That’s a long story) In the end it was more about jealous over her son having a better phone than her and two weekends later she and her husband had them. Maybe she is jealous over the watch? As a stepmom myself that seems very silly to be upset over.

It’s your child period no reason she should be questioning you about it…


She needs to step back and realize shes a STEP mom and you are the MOTHER. If she doesnt like something she needs to make sure the husband is on the same page and discuss it with you in a calmer manner. That’s uncalled for. Thats your child that you gave birth to. Her opinions on gifts that YOU give YOUR child are irrelevant.


The step mom needs to remember she’s the wife to your ex husband only and not the mom!


Just let it blow by and don’t respond other than with "that’s my child and I’ll do as I please ". Childish on her behalf

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Simple answer to that… Tell her to fk off :blush:


She needs to mind her business!!! PERIOD


I think she’s missing the part that you’re their mother? And she’s step mom? :thinking::thinking:


Ignore her. Sounds like she’s jealous. :woman_shrugging:


Tell her to build a bridge and get the hell over it. It’s literally NONE of her business and you don’t need her ok to do anything for your child.


Yeah, she can go get bent. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Lord fix it. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: why people think they have the audacity.

Your son. End of discussion.


Your kid. Your rules.


That is YOUR kid, you do what you want with your children. That is not her place to tell you anything about your kids what you should give and shouldn’t give, she needs to mind her own and shouldn’t be petty like that.


YOU’RE the mom! Sounds like she’s trying to cause trouble. Keep calm and remind her who’s who.


Talk to your ex. If he doesn’t have a problem with it then it doesn’t matter what she thinks. Not her child.

I would tell her in the nicest way possible that although you appreciate her role she plays in your sons life that that is your child & unless it effects their household in someway it’s none of her business what you decide to give or do for your child.


Your son…your business!


Was he in trouble? Grounded? Bad grades? Behavior problems? Does he live with them?
You dont need permission to give your child any thing. Sounds like she is controlling. Maybe insecure and /or egotistical.

Tell her to mind her own business

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I would politely say although I thank you for your concern I have a set of rules and my other younger kids are too small for these types of gadgets. There are no preferences and you gift according to age. I do believe she is overstepping her boundaries. How rude.

Talk about over stepping boundaries… UR THE MAMA HES UR BABY!

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Not her place to say what you can and cannot buy YOUR child.


Msg you ex and tell him to tell her to shut the f up its your child you can buy whatever the f you want shes jealous cause she can’t buy something like that. Period


She needs to get a reality check. Its YOUR son, you can do whatever you want.


No you are not missing anything! What is it to her what kind of gift you give your child?


Has me questioning what she’s doing or saying around your son while he’s around them… she seems awful irritated about something that has 0 to do with her…

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She needs to mind her own business. She’s jelouse he got an apple watch bottom line.


20 bucks her name is Karen


She’s overreacting and overstepping. Thank her for her concern and assure her that you’re handling things in a manner you feel comfortable with. And if she’s still stewing about it after that, it’s her problem. You don’t owe her an explanation.


Stepmother overstepping…!! & he’s no better to let her… talk to him about it… not her… she’s flexing too hard & a boundary has to be established… his job… not her child…


Your kid. Your gift. Your decision. Has nothing to do with her. I wouldn’t even worry a single second more about it.


Does he live with them? Is he grounded? Did he have bad grades? Does his dad have an issue with it? Sometimes exes have trouble talking to their exes many times they have their gf or wife be a middle person which isnt right. Co parenting is hard if all involved arent on the same page. I think its time to sit down with him and her and discuss some things

It sounds like she’s coming from a good place. She cares about how your other children may feel. That’s a blessing. I didn’t have that growing up. She could work on her communication better but it seems like a good place.


Uhm not her son, doesn’t matter. If it is an issue, dad should of talked to you about it.


Fight her prove dominance


Tell her to grow up and mind her own business :woman_shrugging:t3: you brought the boy into this world and you can give him whatever you want


I’d be reminding her that she’s not the one that gave birth to him and that since he’s your child you’ll gift him whatever you feel like and that in future to remember her place


Fuck that bitch. Tell her go kick rocks

Tell her to bad. Your son, your watch. You don’t need her permission at all or his dads for that matter cause it is not costing them anything. I always gave my son what o wanted and took him to places I wanted to for day trips or vacations I didn’t ask his dad first or his gf ever.

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They’re YOUR kids :roll_eyes: I, as a step mom would NEVER say shit to my step daughters mom PERIOD what goes on in my house ain’t none of her business and what goes on in hers is none of ours. What she provides is what she provides and vice versa.

Parallel parenting. Keeping the watch at your house will shut her up, but it will also show your son how petty they are being. It sucks, but you don’t want them to take it away “never to see daylight again.” It’s not playing favorites. My kids have gotten things based on their ages. At this point they all have the same things except my 7yo doesn’t have a PS4. Do what you want though for real.


She needs to stay in her lane


Ignore her. Not her place to tell you what you can and cannot give YOUR child.

None of her business what you give YOUR kids

Why are there males in this group anyways… thought this was a mommaz group, or …?

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I think you and your sons father need to set some serious boundaries with stepmom.


I wouldn’t worry about it, let her huff and puff. she’ll pout for a while and then eventually get over it. Hopefully she doesn’t try to take it away from him when he’s there.


Makes no sense for her to be saying a word. She needs to step back.


I would honestly tell her to go suck a *#$%!!! That’s YOUR son and you should NEVER feel like you have to ask the STEPMOM for permission before giving anything to YOUR child!!!
Then i would let your children’s father know that his wife needs to stay in her lane before she gets run over…

Too bad for her. Give whatever you want

She needs to mind her own business


Pretty sure she was planning on getting him a watch and you beat her to the punch. Either way, she’s toxic!


Tell her to keep her nose out of you and your son’s business!!!

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Imagine someone telling me what gift I shouldn’t give to my child, heeee that will be the day!


Its ur son do what you want!!


I think this would be a present that should at least be discussed. It’s your right to give it but make sure everyone is on the same page w it. Also that everyone understands the technology. I personally think the rules for one house should stand at the other house. Having him only have it your house is in a way teaching him to undermine his father and disobey him. In a perfect world y’all could all come to a universal agreement. But clearly y’all are not together for a reason. I’d just try. Yes I disagree w step mom contacting you you vs dad or a mutual meet up/Convo but sometimes things catch you so off guard you act before you think.


She needs to mind her own business, that’s your son


Umm I’d tell her to F off and worry about herself and not YOUR kids. Great, she’s involved, but sure as hell doesn’t give her any say on what you give your child.


Lmao give whatever you want to your son wow !! :woman_facepalming:

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You. Are. His. Mother. - period. End of discussion. Sounds like she’s jealous he got one and not her :joy:


This isn’t her place. She needs to stay in her lane and learn a step parent role.


Um it’s none of her business what you give your son. I’m a step mom and I don’t step on the moms toes like that. She is acting like she is trying to run the show and that’s bs.


Maybe u allow step mom to have too much to say in the past so she doh know her place. Best time to introduce her would be now… we allow ppl behavior towards us and dats that…

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Tell Karen to sit down. Jealous she don’t got a watch. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Everyone saying how its not her business or not her place but as a stepmother he IS HER BUSINESS. When she married the father she took the role of second mom. So yes if he brings this item into HER house your damn right she should have a say. Grow the hell up and co parent with each other and stop making it about your own egos. All the people “MY KID” no you are immature. It should be “OUR KID”. Watches affect screen time, okay, who s paying his phone bill? And do you realize he s texting way more because its on his phone? All the parents mad their kid s are ignoring them during dinner and you give a teenager another way to text even if you tell him to put his phone away. Different houses should still have the same rules.

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Girl that is your son! She has no right to say what you can or can’t do for your own son! She needs to know her place!

Not her place she needs to slow her roll if there was a real issue dad should have contacted… And i see no issue of you choosing one of your children over another and showing favoritism if the others are too young. Maybe talk to your other kids if they feel some type of way maybe get them something cool thats within their age range… Unless this was something special like for bday or earned then they just need to understand. This was a special present for this or that reason…

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