You are missing nothing. Your ex-husbands wife is an idiot. Your son, your decisions. She has NO say to that. Don’t let her bully you. She sounds like a narcissist
She sounds like a petty woman who needs to mind her own business.
I would text the kids father and ask if they had planned on getting him one being she’s upset with you and can’t give you a real reason as to why, I also would tell them that if they planned on doing that to say something next time so you don’t take away from them doing so
I would have done the same thing lol… it’s your watch your choice what you want to do with it… you want to gift it to your child then that’s your choice… I wouldn’t want to stick it in a drawer to collect dust either I would rather it be used… your child your watch your choice… if Dad didn’t say anything then I’m guessing it didn’t bother him
That’s YOUR son you don’t have to get permission to get him anything tell her to stay out of your business only opinions that should matter is the ones on the birth certificate!!!
Tell her to pound sand!!!
Sounds like she’s mad you didn’t give it to hrr
I’ll be dammed if someone step mom or not told me to do with MY child. She definitely needs to mind her business. Id tell her he is the child that I birthed therefore make decisions for, and if there is an issue the person who helped bring this child into the world (his father) can approach me about the situation. She needs to learn her role, and stay in her lane.
I had to read this multiple times to wrap my head around this nonsense. THAT. IS. YOUR. SON. She is overstepping and I’d SHOVE her back into her place. You don’t owe her an explanation PERIOD, I would have left her on read lmao. I wish my ex husbands girlfriend or new wife would pull some shit like this, she’d get a reality check so quick.
What advice do you need exactly ? Did you give birth to your son or did she ?!
If some stepmom had the audacity to message me and tell me what I can and can’t give my child… Good lord.
Stay. In. Your. Fucking. Lane.
She is over stepping and over reacting
What you give your child is none of her business.
It’s none of her business. Tell your ex to tell his gf to stay in her lane.
She’s trying to be in control and it is not her place to dictate what you give one of your children.
I really hope you just sent back the laugh emoji because she is a joke
She needs to learn her place you’re his mother you gave birth to him
I threatened to toss my sons step mom out a 3rd story window when she tried to pass herself off as me. She actually said I was being selfish to her kids because he called her by name not mom. We were in a recovery room at the time after he had his tonsils out which she failed to call me that he was even going into surgery n then tried to pass herself off as me. It’s your kid. If you want to get him a watch or phone or anything else it’s none of her business
Tell her to fn kiss ur ass n to not worry about it. Not her place
Cheeky bitch! First off your kid not hers secondly speak to dad about this not her! Tell her to mind her own business what you give your own child! The woman is ovs jealous and trying to make the situation into a big deal when it’s not! Time to stand up to this woman once and for all! And just for now on go through dad about the kids not her!
As a mother and step mother, who also deals with a step mother - she waaaaayyyy overstepped. IF there was an issue, it should’ve been addressed by dad.
It was an age appropriate gift & is honestly none of their business otherwise what you bought him.
I’d personally tell her to kick rocks.
Jelly… she jelly as heck maybe you can get him an ipad next
screw her.
Its ur kid…its non of her damn business what u give him…tell her to f off
Remind her that once child support ends her husband can buy one for her.
That will surely soothe things over
No she just thinks she should control everything u do with your own children, do not let her wonderful this one dear.
She shouldnt have sd boo to you about it. The father should if theres a problem with it. Its also a age appropriate gift its not like its something that he can hurt himself or others with. Shes just jealous n wants to pretend hes her kid but news flash step mama (which is exactly alls you will ever be)he has a mama so stop trying to step on her toes cuz you will lose
She needs to stay in her lane, I’d be in jail cuz I’d bust her and man in the jaw!!
She needs to not .
She needs to remind herself that she is the stepmom not the mom. You don’t have to ask her to give gifts to your kids.
You should text back “beep beep bitch, stay in your lane”
If I want to give my kids a present I will lol I’m not asking anyone including my husband and vice versa (unless it’s like a quad or something and then obviously we discuss that because it’s 1000’s) I’d have told her to eat shit and hung up then carried onn with my day like she didn’t even call me lol
I wouldn’t even respond to her. It’s none of her business what gifts you give your son.
Hahah does she have one? Maybe she’s jealous…
Call the dad ask him wtf the problem is.
Step moms are there to step up when a mother cannot. That being said this step mother needs to take a step back and remember her place. I could understand if you gave him something bad or inappropriate and she said something but you didn’t and at the beginning middle and end of the day that is YOUR child and you can give him anything you want. I would talk to his father as well as his stepmother and remind them of this. You all are supposed to be a team but ultimately the decisions come down to you and his father NOT his stepmother. Good luck♥️
She sounds fairly controlling
It’s none of her damn business!!
Honestly I would have read that message and never replied cause I would of said some fucked up shit too her so ill calm down n then tell her too shut the fuck up stay in her own lane or you’ll be getting rid of her next
He is your child. Does tge father have custody. Even so she doesn’t have custody. You left out important information but nonetheless he is your child nit hers. Stay in her place.
Why are you listening to the step mom?
Do they have custody over the children? That makes a big difference
Tell a bitch to MIND HER DAMN BUSINESS and that DADDY can call you if HE is mad
I woulda told her where to fucking stickkkkk it
Umm…you are his mom, you can gift what you please
Tell her to shut the f up. Plain & simple. That is your son, not hers.
what the hell has it got to do with her >?
Its youre F kids do what ever you want…you DO NOT have to tell her anything
Tell her to f.o
Lmfao Na jk
Na but for reals she should tho.
You decided what YOUR SON Gets from YOU!
She has NO say in it .
Oh hell no. You’re the mother! You are. It’s a flipping watch that will work with his phone… not something extremely extravagant
Tell her to mind her own he is your son yes she might be stepmum but you are mum you don’t have to consult her xx
That is YOUR CHILD. What in the hell are you asking us for? You know what the right thing is. Pray that she gets that one hair that tickles her nose and she can’t find it.
Shes trying to be controlling, you are the mother it’s not any of her business what you give your kid
Tell the crank you can gift your child what they like if you think it’s age appropriate and if she’s that concerned go buy the little ones it then. What a cock.
Tell her to buzz off.
Ok… She’s step mom, YOU’RE mom! Tell her she can kick rocks
I’d call up the dad and tell him about it
That’s nun of her dang businessssss. Tell her that its your kid.
You have nothing to explain on why u do something with ur kid unless its concerning in a bad way. PERIOD POINT BLANK.
And at the end of the day shes just a step mom who needs to play her part.
She doesnt need to be in yalls business or to demand you.
Step up for your son he is your kid not hers
You are mom. THE END
Im a step mom and wow thats just wow. No words
She sound jelouse and bitter just ignore her
I’d be telling her to piss right off
I’m shocked as they your children yoh don’t need to answer to anyone about what you give your kids and when you give your kids things
Excuse me?
Get your own kid to controle, honey!
Lol it’s your kid! Tell her to stay in her damn lane!
That is your child tell her to keep her big mouth shut that she has no part in the say of it give your kids what you want and don’t have to explain nothing to her
Stepmom is way out of line and needs to take several seats. If dad has an issue HE can tell you. Not have stepmom go after you. You are that child’s mother, not her. She needs to get back to reality. I would go straight to your ex and explain the situation and ask him to keep her in check.
Who the hell the step mom think she is !!
Do not explain yourself too her
Stepmom is always an issue.
Maybe she wanted the watch…lol
Tell her to step off. She’s the STEP MOM, not their mother. Sounds like she doesn’t understand her boundaries very well not her child, not her choice. Period
Shes the step mom I wouldn’t even reply or bother she has no say what you do with your kids
Tell her to shove a carrot up her ass
She’s just being a dick, ignore her!
Um wow. She’s got all that audacity my advice is to ignore her. You’re his mum tf
MOMMA, you are so calm. Bless you. But you are Mom, point blank period. That is YOUR son and you can gift him an Apple Watch. You know your intentions. They do not have to be explained to anyone, especially a step-mom. So no, you’re not missing a thing. Don’t let step-mom, make you feel like you’re crazy.
You don’t have to mention anything to her wow how cheeky
he’s your son your rules , she’s a step mom not biological mother. Tell her to mind her own business
Tell her to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine … that’s your son.
Tell her to F off… they are ur kids.
Pls let me slap some sense into her! She needs to know who’s the MOTHER here…well it’s definitely not her
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?
I’m assuming she has kids so he went to dads house and her kids or their kids are mad about it!? Oh well… he’s your child you shouldn’t have to worry about that if it offends her tell her to buy her kid an apple watch
I’m sorry, I’m a stepmom and never questioned gifts given to my stepson by his mother. If I didn’t agree with something I simply asked that it not be brought to my home…personally I wouldn’t think it necessary for me to check with my daughter’s step mother on what I gift my child. I think the stepmothers approach is a bit out of line
Unless it’s giving him internet access to inappropriate things, I think she needs to not worry about it
She’s jealous or just trying to throw some power around that she doesn’t have . I get an apple watch is a big deal for a 13 year old, but I dont think thats the issue for her.
She sounds like she’s jealous. Also you don’t owe her any explanation for anything you give your child.
I think this is a great opportunity to have a conversation with her- you are co-parenting after all and want to have a healthy relationship so your children can see what a strong healthy one looks like- enter the chat with curiosity and honesty…ask questions, explore the feelings on both sides- you will both be better for it, and your kids will reap all the benefits of your hard work.
With love,
A stepmom
The only thing your missing is that the step mom needs to keep her opinion to herself. She sounds like she wants to stir the “favorites” pot as well as take control of your actions.
She needs to pull her panties out of her ass. You ARE the mother. You can give your child a hand me down. I could see maybe the dad saying something but the step-mom is over stepping.
Oh so many years ago, when out with my son and future stepson. Stepsons mom told him not to accept anything from me, as I was trying to buy him. She was so wrong, I didnt have to buy him, he and I were friends. What was I supposed to do, buy my son something and not the stepson? That would have been so wrong. 23 years later, that stepson is truly my son also. Yours is a reverse situation and the stepmom may wish she could afford that type of gift. He’s your son and you dont have to ask permission.
Keyword Stepmom… She has no business is business knowing or discussing what your child should be given unless it’s a gun or something that they can hurt themselves with… And if your ex has a problem with it he can approach you and talk to you about it. But she needs to stay out of it.
I’m sorry, I don’t think that she has any right to do that at all to you, she just has no right it’s your son… I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong
No I’ve been there done this, you’ve done nothing wrong. It should be no big deal. Sounds like someone is insecure when it comes to you and your kids relationship.
Tell her ever so politely …
To pound sand , you do not have to “ ask “ any ones permission when it comes to your own child , and … to mind her own business.
Until your ex and the stepmother ask your opinion/permission for every gift they give your children, you don’t need their permission/opinion. She doesn’t have a say in your gifts. That is between you send your ex.
Wow she needs to back off, your child, you can give them anything you want…she sounds jealous that she doesn’t have one.
As his mother you have every right to give him any gift! She would’ve had hurt feelings if it were my child. She over stepped her boundaries and is trying to make something out of nothing
If it’s your kid, you don’t owe them an explanation on what gifts you give your kids. She’s ridiculous.
No wonder moms are miserable! Being a step mom is ALMOST as important as being a mom. I will never understand this “thats none of her business shit” it is her business because she IS INVOLVED.
The stepmother is out of line. You are the “mother” you give your children what ever you wish to give them. My only suggestion is conversation at birthdays & holidays so you don’t duplicate gifts. I’m a stepmom & it is was never my place to tell the “mother” what she could or couldn’t give the children. Stepmom’s back off. You are an added member to the family. You are not replacing anyone!
You need to have a conversation with your ex. Why does she feel that it’s her place? He needs to get his wife in check. I hate to be that way.
THE stepmom needs to mind her own business what you buy for your child is none of her business tell her to but the fuck out of your business please dont take any shit from her they are your children
TBH I don’t think it’s any of her business