That’s ridiculous on their part. A gift is a token of affection and if you at different times gift to each of them, there’s nothing wrong with that. Should be glad you gift at all.
Your kid do what you want. Her as just a step mom is iver stepping her boundaries and has no say whatsoever when it comes to things you give him. Its not dangerous and no one is getting hurt so really she can kiss your butt. Just remind her of her place and as you being the mom you have a right to gift it to him.
shes just mad that as a mom you can do that for your kids and she cant. insecurities. i doubt its even about the watch. thats YOUR son why should you have to giver her any explanations?? lol
I have 2 grandsons , 3 myles, Noah going to be 7 next month. Well he want a “real” tablet, not a kids one (android). Well his mom said you still have to share with myles. Noah’s like Grammy bought it for me for my birthday
A conversation needs to take place. Permission to give gifts May not need to be sought
However the parents including the step parent that the child lives with should be informed
Failing to create that kind of relationship is creating a toxic situation for the child that can be scarred for life
Also it’s every parent right to know what is in their home
Growing with understanding of respect for boundaries and care givers should be taught to our children
Tell her shove a sock in it hahah jk but for real I don’t understand why she said something and not the dad did she say something to your son too? I have a step mom and it will only want him to push away if she’s like that. It’s not like it was anything bad
No she sou ds a bit controling. I doubt the father really cares but put him in front of her and he will agree. Men are shollow thinking of themselves and the girlfriend whatever needs to realize mon is still around and can do mostly what she wants woth no permission from her. I’ve been all over the step thing. Been the kids been the stepmom. Never talked bad about her because she will always be their mom. Encouraged them to call her more. She could be causing herself a lot of problems down the road. Stay true to yourself and treat your children the way ypu would regardless of her attitude. As they get older you might talk to them a bit about how they feel. Don’t push just listen.
I honestly wouldn’t even respond. Some people don’t deserve a response. Like how dare her. You can gift your child anything you want and gift all your children “different” things because they all have different personalities, likes and dislikes. The nerve.
No it is them that is missing something beautifull, a gift from someone that loves ,and not to only one but to every one,how could someone be so spiteful.thats what’s wrong with our world today some people JUST DON,T GET IT AND THATS SO SAD.
None of her buisness your son if u want to gift him some thing that’s up to you tell her to back off
I would tell her it’s not up to her what u give UR child n I’d be mad about it! I’d tell her if she has a problem with something she can talk to their father her husband n then if he has a problem then only the father should say something not her! After that’s said I would never listen to another thing she said. I’d hang up on her each time she started that crap again.
Stepmom needs to back up and zip it up. Unless you’re sending your kid to her house with something dangerous she needs to mind her business about what a mother gives to her son as a gift.
I really don’t think you owe her an explanation but do the cute live with you or them
I’d have a talk with the ex and tell him he better make her understand to stay out of my business. What you give your child is between you and your child. And if he didn’t put her in her place next time she opened her mouth I’d insert my fist
Maybe she is jealous because she hasn’t got one Tell her to jog on nothing to do with her!
You are his mother! Sorry but unless your husband says something, it’s really none of her business. She needs to learn boundaries and unfortunately looks like YOU are stuck teaching her.
I am a step mom and I would never do that. The kids actually live with me and their dad full time and the only time I EVER said no to her about a gift was when she tried to buy them animals, which would have had to come home to our home and I asked her to please not because we have enough pets. She complied, thankfully. Other than that, I have never said a word about any gifts she has given them, even tablets because they only get so much screen time during the week during school time, so they never caused an issue. Not sure what the step moms problem is, unless we dont hve the whole story?
Only talk to your husband politely- show him the text & make sure you have discussed with him! He may have said something to her!
Sounds like she wants to be in control. An Apple watch, really.
If dad has a problem, that is one thing, but step mom needs to mind her business
Yes and no.
Yes if it was age appropriate then yes give it to the son. But you should have mentioned it to your wife. It’s only fair. Please replace the watch band. The ones that come with are no good. People keep loosing them. Would she give a 9 year old peals to wear every day for school. No it’s not age appropriate.
Play her at her game text her bk ask her ta met up for coffee and ye can speak about it leave her talk away about her corcerns don’t speak just listen ta her concerns first then u no were u stand then cause if u don’t stop her now she’s going keep dragging u down pretend ta b her best friend for the yourself and your kids you don’t need the drama girl she’s nothing but a bully
Am from a divorced household. Had a step parent. Oldest kid. Stepmom was mad because my dad paid attention to me for 30 mins. Oh big damn deal. 30mins in 13 years.
If step is caring for just one child that’s ok, I gather no other children there, then if child is old enough should be ok. Sad reaction by some remember everyone can have a step relative.
I believe your response should have been “bite me”!
I rarely have any contact with my son’s step mom anything in involves my son is between his dad and me. And she knows her place. Sounds like you need to have a talk with the dad. I don’t know what her problem is but what you give to your son as a gift is really no business of hers.
None of her business,he is YOUR son all she should have had DAD do is say we don’t want him to bring it when he comes
No you’re not missing anything you have every right to give your son a gift it is of NO business of the stepmom. She’s trying to pick a fight please don’t feed into it
She is just trying to “stir the pot”! There comes a time in a step parent’s life that they just need to shut their mouth.
“ thanks for your input. I’ll give it some thought,” said as politely as possible without sounding phony. Not snarky, not confrontational. I had a boss who occasionally said this to me. I wanted to wring his neck but could not accuse him of any wrongdoing.
Who has primary custody and what are the arrangements. If dad and stepmom are the primary caregivers and mom is intermittent then they do have a right to say let us know.
First of all he is her son.Second it is a old watch that she had and didn’t need it anymore.She didn’t buy it for him she gave it to him.JS
Sounds like the step mom is starting trouble between the kids and is using you as the pawn. It’s so sad how some step parents keep more trouble brewing than should ever have been started. I would talk to the kids mother and see what she thinks because then she can go to the dad and straighten this out before the step mom cause so problems with the kids
Stepmom has overstepped her bounds. Of course you know you are entitled to give your children whatever you want. She is jealous of you and her beef should be directed to the father instead of you.
What you’re missing is a woman who wants control over you and your house. Entitlement.
Step parent or not no one is ever going to tell me what I can give my child
Give him anything you want I am a stepmom been one for26 years and have never said a thing about my husband giving HIS son anything I hate noses people they just want to stir up trouble I got the same things to put up with hate it.
Even a judge would tell her to but out, her opinions dont matter.
My stepson came to live with me and dad in the second grade. I had a older son from previous relationship and me and dad had a daughter together. When it came to stepson I kept to my roll. He had a mother and a father that were co parenting. So I kept out! This step mom needs to keep to her lane.
You are his mother it’s up to you what you give him, what is wrong with people,
Just ignore her. You are his mom! She has no place or right to say a thing.
For the reason, or any other for that matter, the stepmom gave, it’s none of her business.
NOT HER CHILD! NOT HER DECISION! NOW does dad have a say in this? ABSOLUTELY! And that’s who should be handling this situation.
No you are MOM and if dad has a problem dealing with this issue he needs to discuss it with you.
For starters it’s your child not hers so really and truly it’s none of her business
No you should not
What you get for your children is based off age
I say sit down with both your ex husband and her and talk. More likely it’s only her with the problem. Always be the calm one, always. Bc they always end up looking crazy and her getting upset about a gift to your own child is crazy. It’s your child not hers.
I would have a private talk with your ex to see how he feel but my advice would do as you please my daughter married a guy and his kid played both parent against each other to get what he wanted and that maded my daughter the bad person in the second marriage so good luck me I would do as I want
Your is Mam not her it up to you what you went give he is your son at end of day what with some people out
Red flag. Control freak. None of her business. Besides which it is very inappropriate, of her to bring this up to you, the child’s mother, as to what you can buy for for YOUR SON. If anything, she could have talked to your son’s father, then you & he could have dealt with the “issue”, if in fact it was an issue, FOR HIM. He should have to deal with his wife, not you. The stepmother probably already brought it up to him & he didn’t see a problem with it! Don’t get dragged into HER drama. Stay cool. I would simply say, very nicely, ( lol) “It’s none of your business what I give my son.” Period. No more conversation. Set your boundaries with people and stand by them. It’s NOT about what SHE thinks, it’s about what YOU think. Don’t let TOXIC people sidetrack you and drag you into their drama. Trust me, less is more…you give them NOTHING to fuel and further this drama with. And no matter what else she texts, just repeat; It’s my son and it’s none of your business. If she presents, keep repeating just THAT & Then add; Please stop harassing me. That’s it. Simple. No more words. Good luck!
Seems the step mom does not like your kid. She is more concerned about her own. Time to say shut up and buzz off
It’s your child. Gift him as you see fit
Stepmom has a lot of nerve, telling you how to handle your own kids!
I’m a stepmom- TOUGH for stepmom & that’s not something to say not to bring to their house. That’s something they have to swallow.
There are some people that have to pick everything apart
Ridiculous behaviour id give my son watever he likes I dont need to be questioned by some random regardless if it’s his step mum she didn’t pay for it nor did any cost come out her pocket so mind ya own business and id be telling my ex grow some balls and tell her my child not hers some people
Whose child again?!! Ok that’s all I will ask. This is an easy one!
Ugh my kids step mum is like tbis too… they take items off my kids for the time they are there. Once took a watch and reckons he had lost it… looks like we are dealing with the same kinda woman here…
Tell this girl butt out I’m a step mom and this is inappropriate conversation. Opinions such as these are meant to stay to yourself.
Two things come to mind. (1) stepmom had to deal with tantrums from the two younger kids on top of an already bad day and felt like if she had a heads up she could’ve prepared the kids maybe gotten them an age appropriate gift. You never know what the kids could be saying to her over the watch. Trust me. My step daughter tried so much bs on me when she was like 3-4 yrs old especially. that took alot of talking to her birth mom to sort out together. She may not be trying to come off disrespectful just might be protective of the young ones bc like I said you don’t know what they’re saying, my step kid has tried the “my mom doesn’t love me” crap w the tears bc she didn’t get what she wanted and initially I fell for it until I realized the little girl was playing us both. Or (2) she just is a disrespectful woman and controlling. If you can typically get along good with her talk to her and say you didn’t mean to cause any issues in the home and that you didn’t mean to hurt the younger kids and y’all can figure out a way to please the younger kids bc like you said they’re too young for the watch but they can maybe get a little kids watch or a different toy. Shit I wouldn’t mind going out that same day and getting the kids a toy or something and saying oh silly mommy forgot to give your gifts to you (and I would make sure mom was ok w it first which if she cared about the emotions of the little ones she would be. I have gone as far as to tell my ex (daughter’s father) that next time he brings our daughter a kinder egg or a small l.o.l. toy he better bring her step sister one too if she’s here bc she is really bothered by it. Or lmk if you’re getting something so I can get one for the other kid too, even if it’s just some candy. Kids don’t see it as oh that’s my step sisters dad he doesn’t need to bring me anything or that kid is older that’s why they got that. No. At an early age what most kids see is ‘she got something and I got nothing. Nobody cares about me’ and often times that comes with acting out, lying, manipulating, hitting, spitting you name it. Even though I am not the one who buys the gift, I am the one who she takes it out on. So yes, as a step mom who has 100% responsibility to ensure a child is safe and healthy and gets 100% upset with me over shit other people do, I think asking for a heads up isn’t too much to ask for as we should all be working to ensure the child is happy. We’ve had our differences but now birth mom and I are on the same page and communicate daily. We keep each other updated on the good the bad the ugly. We take each other’s advice and agree on new methods to try together and see what works and what doesn’t. And before I send our girl over to mom’s with any type of gift or extra clothes or snacks I always ask her mom if it’s ok first. Same concept here now. I’ve asked her to be mindful that we have a baby in the home and no longer allow choking hazard toys in the home. Can we please communicate with each other? You’d be shocked to find out step mom isn’t out to get you and vice versa. The more love these kids get the better who gives a f if it’s coming from a step parent or birth parent or anyone else? Nobody is keeping tabs and it certainly isn’t a competition bc mom will always be mom and the step mom is just an added bonus, an extra set of hands to help out and shit free childcare too for the stay at home step moms!
Just keep in mind that the children are the most important people here. I suggest all 3 adults get together and be reminded of this.
This shouldn’t even be a question. Tell her to pound sand.
Who has physical custody and is raising the child everyday? If it’s you, you dont owe her an explanation for anything you put in place for your kids. On the other hand if they have the responsibility of raising the child on a daily basis, maybe it goes against household rules in their house. If it’s bad guy vs good guy, somebody needs to grow up.
You never have to answer to anybody about something you give your child,period!
It seems very simple to me - he’s you son and you have him a present. End of story.
You should be able to give your son anything you want to give him. She should mind her own business and let the mother and father hash out any problems. That would make me furious!!!
Tell her YOU are his mother and do not need to tell her anything. Would ya tell her if you bought him a pair of underwear? Good lord. That lady needs to chill…
It is non of her business! I am sorry. It is not her place to say anything to you
Now his father can. But dad didn’t seem to mind. I would not let your child take the watch over there.
I would talk to your ex and tell him what you just said. Its none of her buisness.
Could be making a reason to get her kids something and not have to buy yours anything?
First I want to say that I agree it’s not the stepmoms call on this mom can buy what she wants. But I do have a question? Ok so here and any other group it’s said that a gf of the father has no place in the business beachside it’s not his wife, so when it’s the wife how does she still not able to speak on something. I’m totally in agreement with what the mother buys isn’t the wife’s business . But when is something concerning her stepchildren her business.
I have been step mama for 13yrs. And when I say my sons (stepsons) have spent more time with me than anybody they have. And it’s always been a problem when I seen a issue with them and I speak on it. Like fr I left me falling back away and spending less time and spending my money on them when what I had issues with didn’t seem to be my place. For instance, them being straight up disrespectful or or putting the adults against each other to get their ways. I mean if I can keep them feed them spend on them live them but I can’t say nothing about their actions that’s out of control. Sorry I guess this just made me think about somethings.
Too bad ,tell her to stuff it where the sun don’t shine! You want to give your son your old watch ? SO WHAT!
I’d try to understand stepmom better first. Initiate a friendly conversation.
Could be anything: she’s jealous, she’s a control freak, etc., etc.
OR, it’s a sign of deeper issues.
She need to be reminded that you are the mother not her.
Your son you can give him whatever you want. Unless of course you have not got custody of him
She needs to take a step back and go sit down somewhere! Who is she to tell you what you can and can’t give your own son PLEASE!
Your child period! Not hers.
And I come from divorced parents and had a Stepmom.
Always remember that you are the mom she has no say l am so sorry that I said it again you are the mom she is the step mom you can give your son anything you want
Hes YOUR child , not hers… you gave birth to him , buy him whatever you want. Who is she to question you???
She is way out of line. I would have a conversation with your ex about appropriate boundaries.
First off she doesn’t have a say in what you give YOUR child. Second off you need to address this with your ex husband and tell him to tell her to back off. You may be coparenting but that child is still yours. You are the one that carried him for 9 months and the one that has been raising him all his life.
If she isn’t paying the bill then she shouldn’t care what you give your child. After all it’s not like the other children are old enough for such a gift. Talk with the ex about this and ask him to speak with her. This is something you had and gifted to your son, don’t understand why this should upset her.
Sounds bitchy to me. Your son should stick up for you. Good luck on that!
Kmt she is his stepmom she shouldn’t be concerned about gift you give your child
Nope I think it’s your right. I give stuff to my grandson all the time and I don’t really care what anyone thinks.
I wouldn’t even respond to the stepmom. Not her child.
Ok I m gonna say this,stepmother or step dad the natural parent should first talk to to the step parent all parents should respect each other’s wish,s as to show the kids that all the parents are gonna have a say and agree to work it out between them show the kids that all parents will agree its hard to b a step parent don’t go against each other just to cause trouble
Being he’s your son she doesn’t get an opinion
The only person you are obligated to share with is his father. Then it’s HIS obligation to share with his wife at his chosen time.
Don’t feed into it you did what was right mom you don’t answer to her she should answer to you.
First off how old is he. Second off if the rest of them r to young for phones I c no problem.
I think Stepmom is just jealous don’t mention it to her:call_me_hand:
I know I have to pay for service on my Apple Watch, maybe that is the reason for the complaint? Mine is $10 per month to be active… still not a reason to complain.
Step mom needs to back off. This should be a parent issue, she’s not required to be included. Is she a jealous person??
It’s none of her business what the stepchildren get from their parents
Tell her to take a flying leap, you don’t have to explain what you gift your child.
First of all it’s none of her business what you give YOUR SON. She is not his mother. It’s up to his dad to say something if there is a problem not her!!!
don’t understand this situation…does the son live with you? if so, then its nobody’s business what you give him
Sounds like she’s mad because she wanted an Apple Watch. Booboo
She is on a power play !!! If it was me I would have told her to go take a flying f… and mind her own business. How dare she?
Just my opinion but you are not missing anything. A gift between you and your son is NOT the stepmom’s business. There may have been room for discussion between you and your ex, but the step mom negated that by butting in. She didnt take it way from him, did she? If so, i would have a come to Jesus meeting with her because she in over stepping her bounds
Lady I don’t mean to sound ugly but you need to grow a pair and tell her to step off parenting your child. Tell the ex to rein in his new model.