What’s it to her she’s the stepmom nothing more
You’re not missing anything. It’s your child. You aren’t answerable to your ex husband’s wife regarding anything having to do with your own child. If the child’s father didn’t think the gift was appropriate, that would be between him and you. She has nothing to say about it.
An important factor not mentioned in this thread, that I’ve yet to see… this conflict needs to be handled respectfully and with diplomacy. If this step-mother does have security/ control issues, she could very well take her negative response out on the child. All adults responsible for the care and responsibility should remove their feelings and focus on the child. It is he, after all, that will ultimately be adversely affected by any adult conflict. “ But do everything in love”
Huh? Nobody tells me how to parent my child. Nope. Not happening. You can f right off.
Step mom has issues. She is playing with your head.
First she is the step monster your the mom you don’t have to tell her anything if the dad has a problem he should come to you not her
It maybe jealousy, or the need to just complain. She should not be mad at the fact that you cared enough not to throw it in a drawer but shared it with your stepson ! She should be happy that you think of him and care for him as part of your family and gave him the watch ! Kudo’s my mom Well done
There’s no need to speculate abouts her motives because that’s all it would be is speculation. However, as a child who went back and forth between parents and a person who has been a step parent twice, she needs to butt out!! I actually hate the name “step parent”. I understand that there are degrees, levels and differentiating circumstances. However, when the children have 2 healthy, involved PARENTS, new spouces need to stay in their lane and let the PARENTS, parent. This kind of behavior causes nothing buy drama, ill will and ultimately hardship for the children. I stay as far out of parenting my bonus son as possible because I was him and my only goal was to make things as easy on him as possible. And you know what?! He likes me, a lot!! And I like him, a lot! He’s 19 now and is a wonderful young man who I’m honored to have been allowed to share his life. You can show the step person this if you want but she needs to get waaaaaaay less involved. (Unless there’s an actual reason for her to be parenting?)
Either way it’s not your kid its is hers and your husbands… it a blended family you have to mention it… i.e. some families dont give cool tech just because… i.e. its earned… good grades not getting trouble doing chores etc. Hence why you have to say something… also the kid well use that against the mom when they get into arguements… i.e. well stop mom loves me more cause she got me this or that. Its sucks but you really have to understand it from her point of view not your own.
It’s not YOUR sons stepmoms decision what you do! Therefore she has no right to be mad. Stand your ground with YOUR son.
It should have been between you and your ex
He’s your child not hers. Discuss with his father not her.
Sounds like an issue for the adults to figure out. And the issue is not the watch.
I absolutely agree that the stepmom shouldn’t be discussing anything with the mom about what she should and shouldn’t give. However, I want to offer a different perspective. My daughter has two sons. The older son’s father and his family isn’t involved with him at all; the younger son’s father and family is involved and has a shared parenting arrangement. They are very generous in gift giving especially both sets of grandparents on that side (the father has remarried and has another child with the step). This child (No. 2) gets triple the amount of gifts that No 1 gets. However, all the gifts stay at the father’s house. The two kids compare notes on what they each got, and although No 1 understands, it really shows the disparity between the two. It also makes it sad for him to realize that he has no involvement with his father. I might add that No. 2’s grandparents on his father’s side has 2 grandchildren; I have 16 grandchildren and am spread really thinly financially as I give to all the grandkids so that even makes it worse. I am ABSOLUTELY not saying that anything different should be done in the gift giving with my grandchildren and the stepmom has no standing to say anything about what the mom gives her son. It’s just simply a hard situation.
He’s your son, you gave birth to him…not her. She has no say so in what you give him. She needs to step back and shut up.
I raised kids in a divorce. I can’t see ANY sound reason for her to question your gift to your child. Without knowing more of what is behind her ‘reasoning’, I would guess life must be a tightrope for those who live under her roof.
But you demand to know what gifts they are buying your kid ?
You’re not missing a thing. She’s lashing out. This is about more than a watch. But it doesn’t matter. Just smile and walk away.
Don’t feed into that, she will be alright, if your husband didn’t say sh*t, don’t worry about it, f!@# her, sleep well, and do you mom, my ex husband’s woman always knew better to come to me with some bs, keep your head up mom
So, I’m on the fence with this one. My ex-husband and I are co-parenting. I was annoyed once when he bought one of our children a gift that wasn’t timed properly. Our child had engaged in negative behavior that my ex was aware of. The timing of the gift distracted from the time I was asking our child to think about the behavior, why it was wrong, and what could be done to make amends. I was restricting privileges…the gift unintentionally created a Dad vs. Mom situation. But, at the same time, I agree with her if it’s not customary that they ask permission to give gifts to the kids. But, a conversation with her to see if you can uncover her true concerns.
Other thing to consider…
If the watch is one that is equipped to monitor physical activity, sleep habits, calorie expenditure, etc, and your child starts paying closer attention to the amount of physical activity he gets, this is a major win that could set him
up for life. Even if he doesn’t have a weight problem now, creating healthy habits to last a lifetime are a major win. Anything that gives kids the opportunity to be in control of making healthy decisions is a gain. Just my opinion.
We live in a time where obesity is at epidemic levels affecting health… even amongst our young people who tend to get far less exercise than older generations did when they were young. This is setting them up for a lifetime of unhealthy behaviors.
I set my kids up with kiddie food apps when they were younger. It put them in the driver seat to remember to eat their vegetables. They were excited to click off the fruits and veggies they ate. Groaned occasionally when the app reminded them to drink more water, but, they complied.
That stepmom can shove it you’re the mother period that’s just BS
does she have kids…if so…possible makes her look bad she cant do it for the others…or she wishes you take tour ex back…
It’s because you can contact him whenever you want. It’s control on their part.
No you are not missing anything! And stepmom is not his mother, so she needs to learn her place!
Would of told her I didn’t know I needed permission to give anything to my son. None of her damn business.
Its not step moms business and she is way overstepping her bounds. She needs to get in her own lane.
First of all it’s not step moms business what you give your child
This is your child. Why should she be so opinionated by a gift for him. Frankly it is none of her business. This is between your ex and you and your child.
She’s causing needless drama. Stop talking to her and have a sit down with your ex. It’s about your kids not her. She’s out of line.
Tell her to pull her head in. He’s your son NOT hers
Umm first of all this is YOUR son. Second of all, actually no, that’s all. Lol! I recon the grown up thing to do is talk it out. But honestly there should be nothing to talk about. You are his mother. End of story.
Your the mom do what you want you don’t have to explain nothing your kid your rules
You’re the mama …you do what you want for your son…the only one who may comment may be the dad…no one else.
She sounds like a control freak. He is your son first and foremost.
What on earth has it got to do with her it was a gift to your son who died and made her head of Your Family tell her to but out
Maybe it’s not a gift, maybe it’s “Reused, Recycled or Repurposed”?
It’s none of her business it’s your child not hers
I am the other mother… My husband was never so plugged in as I was what was better for his child… And all intents and purpose I was the responsible party for what I felt was safe in our home, for my step-son, for a greater morality for greater unplugged, unwired… For me it was like an open door to trouble. It was very hard maintaining a Godly house with the influence of his real mother sending things that we did not approve of… Things that I had the monitor because for some reason the mother is the heart of the home the one who keeps the Seas calm and all of the dark doors closed… We eventually got custody of my stepson… Now at 17 years old oh, and I have devoted my entire life heart mind body and soul give the world a greater person since he was a little guy… I was up against mountains and the smallest thing was quite a huge infection into his little life… at 17 years old he is responsible he never gamed or had access to Internet and he just for the first time he purchased himself a cell phone… It does not control him and or owned him. He is a wonderful human being who lives a great reality of life… I praise the Lord that he has the wonderful young man that he is… a miracle it has been a battle and truly something I have given up my entire life to bring success to… My last child is 10 years older than our little guy… It was my time to live and I gave it up so that I gifted one more success story to the world… It is a very hard roll being the stepmother… giving up so much for a child I did not give birth to but a project that God gave to me… I love him like he is my own we are very very close he has a wonderful father but he needed a mother to monitor what would harm him and cause the family more pain and problems… That’s just my take. I lived it and because I loved him and wanted the best for him…
You don’t ask permission from a step mom
Why do you care what a step mom says, you are the parent. Just ignore her, that’s stupid
He’s your son. Why do you have to ask permission
I’d tell her to go to h***
Remember why you got divorced?
She felt disrespected like something was done behind her back it has to do with her ego and self image
She is out of line your child you give him whatever you want so long as it is not illegal.
they need to love the child more than they hate ex…
Nope mind her own business
The stepmother has no reason to be mad
gosh i feel for you women. it must be hard to be divorced and have children. i only have one of my kids who divorced several times. his exes couldnt handle his job. the wife he has now can. he was in the military at first airforce military police and first wife he was young and she just couldnt handle it and they werent even married a year and no kids. second wife she didnt want any kids. in between first and second wife he met up with someone he might have married but they didnt get along but they had a child together and when they split up as they never married…they got along really great. now his son has graduated and will be going to college. he flew that son to wherever he was except for over seas…the second wife couldnt handle the job as well. he had gotten out of the service by stayed in the guard and worked for the DOJ and then is secret service now …they divorced no kids. now he is married to a woman who had 4 cute little kids and they had one child. then they had another so there are 6 kids alltogether…amazing…so…they each respect what the other wants. my son has to respect the wishes of the children he had with my sons wife. my sons first son will be on his own soon or at least in college…so no problem there …what a mess it all is…its painful…i will be married 52yrs this year and yes its not easy. its very hard and there were many times i could have left and felt like leaving…but i stayed…through it all…i love my husband more now than i did midway through…i guess staying is hard but the later years are better as men begin to mellow out…esp when they retire…people are so different…expect it…only way i wouldnt stay is if husband was a murderer…i would turn him in myself…my children also…
Shes a step mom and that’s not her place. Those are YOUR kids, they came out of you, not her. She needs to take a seat
It’s not the stepmom’s place to dictate what you can or can’t give your son. Not her business.
Stepmom has a problem. Give what u want and can.
If it effects her maybe say something …like a basketball hoop or a dog
Tell her when u want her opinion you will give it to her:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Is there a pre-existing argument about the cell phone already?
Maybe there’s more to this than we know
She sounds so pathetic and jealous. Your his mom first of all, no competition or favoritism no matter how much she tries
The word “step” makes it NONE OF HER BUSINESS!!! Unbelievable!!! But out women!!!
He is your son. she is not in position to tell you what you will give to your son…tell her to stay in her lane .
No…you don’t need permission to give your child a gift…end of story…
Sounds like she’s jealous you had her husband FIRST, before she did.
She’s probably pissed that you’re alive & breathing, too🤢
None of her business. It’s between you, him and his father
Why is he living with them?
None of her beeswax
Just ignore her. She is batting you for a fight.
people have to learn to mind their own business! jeeeeez
Speak to his father regarding her inappropriate remarks
None of her damn business…period
Not her kid, not her business.
No she needs to mind her business
Sounds like she’s insecure. He’s your son, you can give him anything you want.
Buy your child whatever you want!!
She is showing her insecurity. Sad that she takes it out on others.
I dislike people that want to tell you how to spend YOUR money, ITS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS !!!
If anyone should have anything to say, it should be the father. 🤷🏼♀ I’d tell her to stay on her lane, this is your son.
Tell her to fluck off. And next time don’t tell her AGAIN
No I’d tell her to mind her own business. The Nerve.
She can piss off. He is yours not hers
What got me was…favorite…over a watch😳
This lady obviously has problems if she’s that butt hurt over this situation. Your ex needs to make that call…if he actually has a problem with it…I’m guessing she’s just a
Your the mom you can do for your child if you want to
It’s your child , you do not need step mom permission!
Ummmmm hell NO!!! That is YOUR son and not hers!!!
You are allowed to give your kids whatever you want. Stepmom needs to mind her business.
You are the mom. You have your son a gift. End of story.
I’d tell her to mind her own business. He’s your son, not hers
Situation doesn’t concern her. Dont respond. She’ll get the hint.
The woman has insecurities. What you give your kids is your business.
Lol um what?! Sound to me like step mom needs to mind her own business.
I’d tell her it’s none of her business. It’s your child.
Sounds like a really good person to deal with, good luck. Sorry for your situation.
She sounds like a control freak.
Sounds like the step mom needs to be throat checked
None of her business. That’s your child not hers!!!
Sorry but you are the mother .She has no say so. Just my opinion .
None of her business
Tell her to back the F off. She has no right to dictate gifts to your son.
Tell her to mind her own business you are his mum she is only the step mum
Sounds like jealous envy
Nope you should be able to gift whatever you want to your son
She needs to take a long walk off a short pier!