Tell her to sit and spin!
I wish another woman tells me what I can or can’t give to my kids…
No. You aren’t missing anything. She (stepmother) is being petty. The other kids are too young to have an Apple watch or even a computer so no harm done there re jealousy between the kids. I think she just has a general problem with you. You had no business bring in HER husband’s life at all, even though it was before she came along. Petty woman.
Its your kid.
You buy your kids What ever you want!
Since When do you need anyone’s Approval??
She need to mind her buisness at the end of the day that’s your child …wth
No it sounds like jealousy to me
She has no business telling you who to give a gift to tell her to take a flying leap
It’s a control thing. I wouldn’t worry about it.
It’s your business what you give to your son.
None of her business…
She needs to mind her own business geez.
That is your son not hers!!! You give him what you want!!!
Not her child tell her my child not yours
Someone worldly and wise once told me that you have to choose your battles wisely. This seems pretty trivial in the broad scheme of things. Step mom needs to save her energy and efforts for (heaven forbid) bigger battles that children and families face these days ie. poverty, pregnancy and pills just to name a few. Where does dad stand on the issue? Sounds like she is just trying to push her weight around a bit. Furthermore, your child Is lucky to have a parent (mother) involved in his life and a gift giver at that… many are not so fortunate. At any rate, if this is an issue, it should be between mom, dad and child. Period. Don’t piss the child off over something as small as a watch because I promise you, it could force them to rebel with bigger and worse things next. Whatever the outcome, just love him to pieces… her? Not so much
It’s your child do as you please. DON’T let no one tell you what too do with your children
Tell her to stay in her place…
She has no say .Ur ex needs to get some B…
Umm I would say step mom is out of line
None of her business
Tell her not your kid, my kid and I will give him what I want to.
don’t stress over this it is just insecurity of the step mother.
I would tell her to stay in her own lane.
It’s none of her business
She’s jealous tell her to stuff it
I would Tell her to mind her own business
Talk to dad an say whats her deal, i can give my kids any gift I want !!!
He’s your kid. You give him what you want. Tell her to buy one for her kid.
Fuck ha…she has No say so of wat u give ur kid/kids…she there make sure their happy & safe in her their care…Thats It!!!..she wit the shits…#jealous
Your child your choice.
She just but hurt don’t let it bother you, it’s her problem not yours
Do not acknowledge her comments with another comment. Believe me she’ll get the message.
She’s a control freak and jealous.
First words of this question……. “My son”……
That’s it, he’s YOUR son! Who gives a rats ass what ANYONE else thinks, let alone a step parent!
Not her decision, it’s yours.
nope… none of her business
Nope… not any of her business.
No shes crazy. That’s YOUR SON…
Your kids, not her business.
It’s none of her business. That’s your son not hers!!!
Just say sure ok and do what you been doing
You had every right to give it to him
Tell her to kiss you behind and that you give YOUR CHILD whatever you wanted to
Stepmom is feeling insecure.
The problem is with her
Oh hell no. He’s your child. She has no business saying anything about it.
Her get over it taking care of you then be quite
None of her business.
You are the parent not her
I wouldn’t even respond to her lol
No, she’s just jealous I
No. She is totally out of touch , your son , you rule
He’s your kid! Give him what you think he deserves or what you want to!
It’s her monkey. Let her keep it and care for it.
Ummm its YOUR son. If they dnt pay for it shouldnt matter.
She’s his stepmom…you’re his mother…tell her it’s none of her business!
You’re the Mom-period, not the Step-mom. Your gift to him, she should stay out of it.
She needs to mind her own business. It’s YOUR son.
No that’s your right has his mother
Ur the mom! Do what u think is right 4 ur son
Tell her to mind her own business. That’s YOUR Son.
Their your kids, you can give them anything you want
Ummm, it’s your child, right? Enough said.
She’s just jealous and thinks you are trying to out due them by giving him something she thinks probably cost a lot of money. She needs to take a chill pill. There is no reason for her to get bent out of shape.
Why would the stepmother even be a part of this conversation, is what I am wondering.
Yes she’s the step mom
Not the mom
Your child - your gift
None of her business. You’re his Mother, not her.
No you aren’t missing a thing But clearly she is
Gee I would tell her to butt out, FAST!
Not her kid not her prob
You are his mother, she is not. She is over stepping in my book
Bust her in mouth and tell her to shut the heck up.
Honestly, it sounds mostly like jealousy and nothing else. Sounds like bringing your other kids into it was only to get you emotional.
Yes, responsible step parent does have a say and what’s going on. Should be considered and listen to. But also, you are allowed to give your kids things that you think will benefit them. Or that you think they have earned. If she wanted to have a productive conversation, she would have brought it up more calmly. Would not have given accusations. And would have said this is how I would prefer it to go in the future so I could be prepared, for any other number of things that would actually open up a conversation and not just be accusations
He is your son not hers she is only the step mom.
Step mommy needs to stay in step mommy position. Because she’s your ex’s broad. She is not the mother of your children. So she needs to stay in her lane. I don’t have the patience for females like that you got one time to address about something that I conceived and gave birth to and I promise she will not like me afterwards. Just a piece of advice you need to watch her closely around your children because if she’s being petty about this, then she’s petty about a lot of things that occur with your child, or children. They might be living with The Flowers of the Attic type of Stepmom.
Wait! What??? Why are you even questioning this?? She wants drama. ignore her.
So you’re the mom ya?
She can be as angry as she wants lmfao you’re not hurting the kid. She needs to mind her own
Tell her your the mother you give your kids what you want.
Nope control thing I went through it too
I think you three need to be on the same page, or this will never end. Co-parenting is hard, I can only imagine, sit down with them, don’t be defensive about it, because you haven’t done anything wrong, but communicate. There may be an underlinning reason or just a miscommunication and once resolved, everyone can move on.
Step mom? It’s none of her business.
Bet she hoping with all the fuss she gets the watch… Lmao . Your kid …your old watch…your problem … Ask your ex what the issue is
You are fine! Ignore the insecure Nut!
He’s your child and you should give him what you want to give
Its really none of her buisness as it’s YOUR son. Tell her to kindly mind her own damn business. What goes on in your household is none of her concern.
She is a step mom it’s non of her business what u give YOUR child…
Tell the witch to go to hell
Yes you are missing something you are missing telling her to kiss your ass ! It is your son and you will give him whatever you want !
Reply: “I’m sorry you feel that way~” buh bye
Tell her to go F herself and mind her own damn business.
None of stepmother business.
Hey kids, follow that link and copy your posts. This only has two responses right now.
He’s your child you can give him whatever you wanna give him just tell her to go and on something
Sounds like she just wants to start a fight🙄
If he is your child… tell the step mo
To fuck off. You can give your own son whatever you want
Sounds like she’s nit picking to be a douche
Tell her she’s not in a position to question how you choose to be a mom, and that goes for all your kids. None of her business.
She’s jealous. Wants to be mom not stepmom
She should have no concerns about what YOU want YOUR children to have. So now you have to clear things through her? F that shit!
Been there lived it 3 times.
The woman had no right to what your son has from you as long as it wasn’t a gift their kids can’t get from them. Has nothing to do with them but it’s NOT COOL if his step siblings can never get one. Kids take it to heart. It’s all about the kids PERIOD. They didn’t ask for the situations the parents put them in.
Yes, I’m a father that raised my 3 and 1 stepson.
Tell her to mind the business that pays her, that’s your son and you can buy him whatever you want with no concern of hers