Fact your son you can do what you choose.
Your kid, your choice!
I would simply say
Karen, I do not have to tell you about any gift I choose to give to my son. Thanks for your concern though it is noted.
I don’t think a mother has to ask the ex‘s wife/step mom of her kid permission to gift her children whatever the hell she wants.
Does it affect their bill? If not it is not an issue. I would communicate with her on this since she is making it an issue. I would ask to meet with her and your ex. She is being overbearing but you AND YOUR CHILDREN DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH HER at least for awhile.
She really doesn’t have a say. She is mad about something, and it’s not the watch.
Tell her wind ur neck
Best way to stop her in her tracks is to tell the dad right away what you bought for the son.
You want harmony in both homes for the children’s sake.
Tell her to sit down an know her place , unless she’d like to pay for the bill. It’s none of her business what you give your children.
If anything needed to be said, it should come from the father ----- you know, the PARENT. Stepmama is out of line!
Wow she should not even have an opinion he is yr son. Screw her
Your ex husband needs to get control of his scene. It’s none of her business. As for you, take the high road & ignore her. If she brings it up to you, thank her for her opinion & say nothing more.
He is your son…… not hers
There is so many other things to worry about in life , a watch shouldn’t be one of them. She needs to know her place & stay there . What you do with your son is your business unless it’s harming him. Even then that’s between you & his father not her . Tell Karen to butt tf out . Is she mad you didn’t give it to her ?
She needs to stay in her lane and respect some major boundaries!
I’d tell her to step back.
She’s overstepping, talk to your ex and he can have her back off, you shouldn’t have to deal with her that way.
He’s your son! Nothing wrong with gifting him something!
Not step mom’s business
She is obviously a control freek. Thats your son, it’s ok to give him your used watch.
Co parenting is hard. I would have run it by her first.
You dont need to have any contact with your ex’s wife. She needs to mind her own business. This is YOUR kid, correct? I’d tell her where to stick it.
She is jealous and wants it for herself
You’re putting this on FB -why?
Yes you are missing the fact that his step mom is a witch
She’s jealous that she can’t afford to buy her kid one.
Don’t argue w her. Let your husband handle her.
She seems like a peach.
She’s the real mom. She should be able to give her son whatever she wants without having to justify it
She’s being petty about something that’s none of her business!
Step mom need to mind her bees wax
No response is best. I never see a need to respond or acknowledge stupid.
Spare mom needs to myob!!!
It wouldnt take much for me to tell her a thing or two !
He’s your child , they need to get over it!
It wasn’t new. She can get over it.
It’s not her business he’s your son
None of her business!
Nope! Ignore…move on!
Your kid, your choices
Ignore her. She has no say in what you give your kids.
Tell her to kick rocks and stfu. How ridiculous
Tell her it’s none of her business
I would tell her “In no way, shape or form is this any of your business. Anything that needs to be discussed and decisions that need to be made will be between dad and myself. Do not contact me again unless it’s an urgent or emergent situation involving my children.”
I’m blessed, no divorce so at a loss with this question. I have been educated reading your anwsers. I confess my thoughts are still, I wouldn’t care and she would be told to stay in her own lane after I had a long conversation with the father.
Ummmm excuse me…. Who gave her such authority and the balls to contact the mother… you don’t have to notify her when it comes to your son. If that was me I would’ve knocked her out😡
Petty… she’s obviously a petty insecure woman. What you give any of your children is really none of her business. She’s just calling you out to stir the pot. For some reason she wants to make you look bad. You are the mother & you make the decisions regarding what your children get or don’t get. Don’t let her make you question your decisions. And I’d tell her just that. Beware… if you try to be nice, brush it off, make explanations it’s just encouraging her to stir the pot over & over. Nip it now. Good luck
Tell her to stay in her lane that is your child and you will give them whatever you please.
You can give your kid whatever you want. You don’t need anyone’s permission.
She is “the step mom” period. You do what you feel is best for your child.
Stepparents need to learn their place. They can literally be the worst. Part of the reason I developed Comolex PTSD. That’s none of her damn business and is way out of line. Stepparents are NOT the parents. In cases where they actually know how to stay in their lane and treat the kids well, then maybe there’s grounds to have that discussion but outside of that, not a chance.
Dont be bullied of course you did the right thing same as any other mother. She should mind her own business after
all he’s your child not hers.
She is the stepmom not the dad, tell her to mind her business and move on with her day. Its not her child to be dictating things too.
She is nitpicking due to probably not liking you. Has nothing to do with the children. Ignore her and do as you please.
Screw her. It’s your child!
Evil stepmom, your son you can give him whatever you like, nothing to do with her, tell her to pull her head in, hes not her son and doesnt get a say
Tell that step heffa to stay in her lane. This is none of her concern. WTH makes wicked step mom think she gets a say in anything that involves YOUR children. Smdh.
Step Parents are usually A-*****. They treat kids poorly, and forget they CAME AFTER THE CHILDREN WERE HERE. That’s why they are referred to as Step-Monsters. And people wonder what’s wrong, with kids today? Gee, I guess dividing Parenting and spending time, on Stupid Crap adds up. Like a Watch.
She’s not his mother, you are. She really has no say. I’d be really pissed. Does your ex have a pair? Where is he in all this?
Your kids your decision and your rules agreed upon with their DAD only. I’m a mom and step mom. I stay in my lane but love my stepson as if he was mine but would never question a gift from his mom
Seems like for some reason she thinks she has some control over you and your child. You are way nicer than me. I would have nipped that in the bud a long time ago by telling that b$!#h to go f#&k herself!
Never should a STEP mom question actions of a blood mom unless it was endangering the kid
Shame on her🙄
That’s always going to be a problem. She should just stay gracefully out of it.
She needs to mind her own business
That’s your kid and she is way out of line
I’d tell her to go fuck herself in all honestly as it’s fuck all to do with her what MUM gives her own child…
Hahaha she’s pathetic know your roll. Your a step mom not the real mom. You don’t need to explain anything to her whatsoever. Give your child whatever you want to give your child. You have every right too!
Lol try and tell me what gift to give my son. Oh hell no.
The stepmom is jealous
Not his mother not up to her
The step mom needs to stay in her lane.
She’s outta pocket. That’s your child, look I’m logging off because I’m not about to go to Facebook jail for a
Your his mother tell that bitch to back off
I’m confused here did the bio mom give the watch?? If so it’s really none of the step moms biz that how I see it
No. Enough with that bs. She is just digging at you
None of her business period!
She is way out of line. Unbelievable
She just wantin to see where she stands I’d say
Put her back in her place, that’s UR SON
Tell her that’s your son and to go kick bricks!!
Tell stepmom to stay in her lane
No way will I even make this nonsense a topic…lady ignore the stupid step ass…
Tell her when she’s actually his mama she can bitch.
Tell her to mind her own business
Put her in her place!
Ignore them and give your son what you please.
the step mom had no business to say anything but ty
tell that witch you are that childs mother and she is not and to keep her big fat nose out your business
Jealousy sticks out her ugly head.
Do not believe you need her ok
NO you’re not missing A DAM THING!
I’ve been through this garbage… and YOU NEED TO SHUT HER DOWN… NOW!!!
He is YOUR son, NOT hers!!!
clearly she needs to get over herself …
I agree with you, the mom
The only thing you are missing is telling that psycho Bi**h to stay in her lane! How Dare She!!
This is the part where you politely say “Thanks for your opinion. Lets just agree to disagree” then speak of it no more.
Tell her mind her business. You are the morher
Oh lord! Tell her to take a hike🚒. Petty shit to argue about!
Bitch should step back
You aren’t missing anything but a biotch that thinks she can tell you what to do….tell her to kiss your ass!!
Tell her to F*** off.
She is overstepping her bounds.
She’s a controlling bitch who is trying to engage in parental alienation.
Tell her to mind her business