She’s crazy how dare she say anything to you in regards to gifting your own kids things i would’ve told her to stay in her lane
As an ex step mom. It’s really not her business what gifts you give to the child. Shes probably feeling insecure and “shown up” but she needs to get over it. And she doesnt need to be coming at you sideways regardless. If there is an issue, dad needs to bring it up to you directly.
She really needs to mind her business. The person who should be having that discussion with you is him. That’s only if he truly thought it was a problem. Shes trying for some reason to cause a problem where there isn’t one .
Wouldn’t care what she said
She has no right to try and dictate what and when you give anything to any of your kids. She really needs to learn her place. You did nothing wrong
Maybe she was going to get one for him and you beat her to it?
She just want to make confusion as all step mothers do.
I would talk to the father this is way disrespectful!
Tell her to mind her own business. Whatever you give your son is up to you not her and you don’t need to let her know.
It will be a good Idea to mention it just in case they they think the worse case scenario
She’s overstepping. I would respectfully but firmly set a CLEAR boundary line. It’s none of her business what you purchase for your son. If they don’t want it in their house then it stays with you and they can explain to your son why they don’t want him to have nice things. Ridiculous
Some people are so anal. What’s the problem? I would have told her butt to tell the dad to call me, I wasn’t discussing nothing with her from this point forward. She has some resentment built up somewhere.
She’s tripping that is YOUR SON and if you wanna give that to him then that shouldn’t be any of her business it’s not hurting anybody you don’t need to tell her anything about YOUR SON
Tell her to mind her own business. It doesn’t concern her.
In my opinion, you have absolutely nothing to run by her. That is your son and if anything she, as the step parent, should consult with about things like these.
Tell your sons father to check his girl because she is tripping she has no right to be pissed about what you give YOUR son
sounds to me like she’s jealous that he has the watch and she don’t have one. completely childish on the moms part! in my opinion. I can’t stand people like that
Tell her to go f… fall off the earth
Is be telling her to take a step back irlts your son and if you want to buy him a fricken car at 13 you can do so with out her permission
Uh, that is “YOUR” child and she needs to “Back down, bitch” and “Daddy” might wanna step in and say the same. This is none of her concern, really.
Yeah, so I have 2 future stepsons and I wouldn’t even think twice about EVER getting upset over something their mom gives them!!
Is she always this petty? This is crazy for you even to feel some kind of way over giving your child a gift! She needs to grow up, honestly.
I’d be talking to the father for sure. And they’d both be knowing to stay the hell out of my business when it comes to gifting MY children with what I like. She needs to be put back in her place. And really I’d probably let her know all future communication pertaining to my children will be through their father.
Girlllllll, that’s to funny the fact that she thought it was okay to tell you what you can and can’t give YOUR child.
Ain’t none of her damn business
It’s not her decision. It’s between you and your son’s father. As long as it isn’t something that will upset the cart for everyone. I’m assuming you are the custodial parent and he spends as much time as he can with his dad.
She’s insecure and paranoid. hahahaha
Unless she birthed him then she can stay in her lane!! If they don’t care about him having a phone then a watch is no different and she doesn’t need to message you telling u otherwise. That would be a discussion between u and the father not her!
I’m not saying what she says shouldn’t be heard but that’s really it. Listen and then do as you want. It’s not favoritism
YOUR son, YOUR gift, YOUR business not her, tell her to keep her nose out of where its not wanted
It is YOUR son, you can buy him anything you damn well please!!
Wow she has no business to get mad it’s your kid not hers,stepmons can get replaced not the real mom!
Mom gave the gift it was the step got mad
The last time I knew if your his mom you don’t have to ask her or anyone’s permission to give your own child a gift.
Tell her to p…off none of her business wow how very rude of her to say anyway, what makes her think she got any say she hasn’t
I personally think the stepmom is way out of line unless she had to pay for it. I never told my x’s anything. It was none of their business unless it affected them.
I would eat a bowl of water with a fork before I let some b**ch to tell me what I can give to MY child. She must be out her damn mind and you must be too nice to let her come at you like that.
Woman needs to stay in her lane
Tell her to zip it. He’s your son not hers.
She’s probably jealous cause she don’t have one lol
Tell your baby daddy to get his girlfriend some mental help. There’s special places for weird ppl like that.
Damn I’d tell her to kiss my ass and that I wish I would come to her before I did anything for my own child. She needs to mind her business
Your his mum, you gave him a gift, sorry not step mum’s business.
Tell your sons dad to tell her to back the F off, and mind her business. She is not his parent. Got no say what do ever. Unbelievable
What buisiness is it of hers its not her son
The dad probably put her up to it…
Why does this remind me of Cinderella? She sounds like the wicked stepmother.
Your ex is the one to tell her to know her role!!! Unless he’s too pu- - whipped.
She need to stay in her lane. As a stepmother my self, I would NEVER question a gift my daughters mother gives her. That is first and foremost her child, if she wants to buy her a fuckining mansion, she can buy her a mansion. Not my place to say anything about it. Nor is it her place to have any concern about the things you buy/give your children. It’s not anything that hurts him, or puts him in any kind of danger, so why she trippin. She that mad your other kids (who you mentioned were too young) don’t have one, tell her to go buy them one.
She’s a stepmom?? How does she get a say in what you buy your son.?
Beat the entitlement out of her cause what If I read correctly its OPs son & the STEPmom got mad ? MANNNNN SHOW ER WHO BOSS
She has no say honestly it’s between you and dad.
Tell her to fuck off🖕🏿
Tell her to maintain her lane and the one you are in is not it!
She needs to mind the business that pays her. The only thing that came out of your punani that she has any say so over is your ex. Kids are off limits
Wow, what the hell does it have to do with her. I cant imagine my sons stepmum ever going on like that. Who the hell does she think she is to even contact u about a gift u gave to YOUR son. Omg, I would be telling her where to go. He’s 13, not a bloody baby. Some people need to know where to keep their mouths shut and opinions to themselves. What did his dad say about her messaging you?
I would tell her to fuck off lol
It’s your boy you did good momma👏! She has no place to decide anything you give YOUR son. She has a personal issue it seems… he keeps his watch and that’s that.
First off why does the step mom think or feel that she should or have a right to say anything to you about what you give or do for your child? Ppl need to know their lane and stay in it. If the dad has full custody and she is a part of the full time part and it was a problem then it’s a better way to go about things. But when it’s all said and done she signed of for it and communication is key so that everyone will and can be on the same page. She needs to mind the business that pays her for real
What?!???!?! . The absolute nerve of her to question anything you give to your child. You don’t owe her anything…PERIOD!!!
You owe her no explanations. It’s none of her business in what you gift your own child
She seems concerned she might be caught about something🤷🏻♀️
Put her in her place and tell her it’s none of her business what you gift your son. The fucking nerve!!
As a mother please let my kids stepmother say something to be about something like this.
She’s jealous he has one and she don’t… lol jk idk her
She clearly has insecurities, but is deeply mistaken and shows that she really doesn’t know much if she thinks gifts can affect the relationship your son has with her and this dad… Does she want to buy his affection? This is not a competition of who can buy the best gift… This is real life and a stepmom should know her place
That stepMom is wrong wrong wrong!
Does the kid live FT with dad and step mom and you get some visit time? This makes a difference in how she could approach the situation. As a FT step mom doing the rasing of the kids I keep things going best I can. But, communicating is key for success for all.
I would have told her I don’t have to report or ask you anything when it comes to My child. She is out line. Tell dad get his woman in check. You only need to tell dad to make sure it doesn’t become a issue of coming up missing or he don’t get accused of taking anything. Period.
Tell her to go to hell. It’s ur son not her
lol I would tell her to shut her cocksucker and mind her business.
A mother does not need a stepmother’s approval to give her son a gift. Step mom should butt out
Ummm who is she to question what you give your child??? And you should not even have to think this is a problem !!! It has nothing to do with her at all and I wouldn’t even allow her to think she has a place to send this text to you!
Um key word “your son” lol she can go straight to Hell with her concerns
Girl remind yourself. YOUR KID. STEPMOM. No say at all. YOUR KID. Dad has a right to tell you something. But stepmom, nah she has no say so. You don’t have to ask her about anything. She didn’t lay down and make that child. You did. Do not let her try to control you with your own kid. If you feel the others are to young then they are to young. They don’t need it. My 12 year only has an iPad and PlayStation. My 6 year old has an iPad. Nothing more. Won’t even get a phone, either of them, till they are able to drive by themselves. Only so I can keep track of where they are.
Fuck her sorry but who the hell is she to tell u what u can and cant give ur own son
Stepmother ned to mind her own business.
That’s your child. Not hers. Buy him whatever u want!!!
She’s the stepmom it’s your son do as you want with your son! If the dad doesn’t want him to have it just don’t let him wear over there let it be kept at your house only
Not her business, it’s your child, period.
Sounds like someone jeeeeealous lmao and immature!
Communication and co parenting are key to a healthy relationship yeah?? Yes. But… This… It’s a gift from you to your son and you shouldn’t have to okay gifts if you want to give your child something. I dont see the issue with that or why you need to ask her permission. The dad maybe if this has to do with how much he uses the phone or whatever and if yall are close and coparent together then yeah thats great. But why would it be a big deal if you buy him a gift sounds like maybe she is mad that her kids may not have one if she has kids of her own. Or just has something personal going on and is just being dramatic. She shouldnt step in on something like this… Your child your choice. And just because you gave him something nice doesnt mean you cant do something nice for your other children.
I’d buy him another one if it was my son lol if your or his dad aren’t concerned then she shouldn’t be either.sounds odd to me
Ik think the stepmum is missing a braincell
Let her have a tantrum. It’s YOUR child. My bonus mom wouldn’t interfere with what my mom gives me, vice versa.
Yeah, I am not sure I would handle that well, lol . Stepmom needs to stay in HER lane.
Um, she has no say, period. If dad has a problem he can take it up with you. Until then, she needs to learn to stay in her own lane!
He is still ur son first and not any of her business what u buy him . Good luck.
Elaine Jeffries where we come from the stepmom would be getting a Glasgow kiss true isn’t it she would
Is it something I’m missing, I can’t make this make sense
She is the step mum! She needs to respect her place and whatever hang ups she has about it she should deal with it herself, not message you and start problems I’m a mother and a step mum and there is a real difference between the 2, and that’s not a bad thing either. I know that having the step parent role takes time to identify and understand your place but geez Louise it’s a no brainer to know that you shouldn’t message the mum and have a go about shit
Your child NOT hers, she has zero right to tell you what you can and cannot give YOUR child! Twat!
She’s Jealous… You did good, you are the parent (Mum) so it’s up to you what you do and what you give to your child!!
I would tell her in this situation that if you can’t know about their gifts from them then why should it matter when she gets him stuff
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?
You’re allowed to get your son whatever you want. Personally I wouldn’t have responded to the text and just deleted it.
Please know that she is not the boss of you, and I think the watch was a terrific gift…
I don’t think you have to answer anything regarding your “ son” to his step mom… if his DAD has an issue he should call you…
No…just be Mom .your only job…
Stepmom needs a book about how to be a good stepmom
Honestly it’s not between her and you. It’s between your ex-husband and you. And you need to clarify that with her and let your ex-husband know. She’s overstepping her bounds with you