My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

You are right. None of her business


Tell that bitch to mind her business and call it a day


Yeah that’s ridiculous. I don’t see why she has to say anything about it.

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He’s your son not hers. Period.

I’m missing something :thinking:… What buisness is it of HERS what you give YOUR child?.. Do you not have custody of your child? Is she his primary caretaker? I need answers!




Text her back and say “You have a blessed day” (that’s f u in southern) bahahaha


I see no harm.i have one and as a stepmom I say she’s deff overreacting

Key word stepmom… she doesn’t have much of a say when it comes to YOUR kid…


None of her business

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He’s ur son giv him wot u want no y would I take that shit from anyone


Ummmm he your son you don’t have to tell her what you do…now you can if you want but what you do at your house is your business not hers

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Seems she’s more concerned that you’re showing her up ? Doing a simple gift used as is just great shape but she’s jealous over your kindness of gift giving!!!


She’s definitely over stepping.


None of her business. She had no right texting you and telling you what she thinks. If you feel the need to respond just tell her thank you for your opinion. Have a good day


Step mom needs to stay in her lane! What you do for your kids isn’t her business


You did nothing wrong, ignore her

Sounds like a bit of jealous behaviour from “stepmom”, i personally don’t understand what rights she has to question something you did for your child :thinking:

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Go to her house and Place her Back in Her Lane!


The fact that this is even a question on your part is bananas to me… Your son. Bottom line… U can do what the F u like. :person_shrugging:t5:


Your mom who is she too say

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Yea… none of her business and you don’t answer to either of them in regards to what you give your kids. It’s your house, you’re the mom and she needs to back off. I personally don’t think it is even the dad’s business.


Tell her it’s none of her business and if HIS FATHER has an issue with it he can speak up. She is a step mother not his mother!


Tell her to kick rocks


It’s non of her business to begin with. She needs to stay in her lane and worry abt herself and not how to raise your child

Tell her she needs to stay in her lane, that is your child, you don’t owe “step” anything any sort of explanation. Period.


Stepmom needs to take a step back. It’s your child.

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Does the child lives in the stepmom home,???

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Your son your choice !!! Tell her to back the fuck off it’s none of her business.

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My petty ass would be buying him all kinds of new gadgets :woman_shrugging: I’m the mama. Take several seats.

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Did u say stepmom? As in ur his biological mother? Tell her to kiss ur entire ass and she can do what she wants with her own child!!


She sounds insecure about your relationship with YOUR child. Tell her to get bent!


I think you can get YOUR son whatever you want and def don’t need it to be ok’d with a step mom. She needs to get over herself and know her role🙄


ITS YOUR SON. give him whatever you want.

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Stuff like this is why I never would have been good at co parenting. My kid my rules. I’m the momma. Don’t get it twisted.

Tell you ex to have his chick stay in her lane. It’s none of her business.

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She is jealous just ignore her. They are your kids and you can gift them whatever and whenever. And any situation is for you to discuss it with their dad not with her.


Step Mom shouldn’t have a say in your gift. It works the same as phone. Limits!:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Lol tell her mind her business. She can’t afford it so what!? You can big deal . Move along

Wait what? Haha I had to re read this I first thought step mom gave gift and the mom was upset. This doesn’t even make sense

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You give your son whatever gifts you want to. Noone has the right to tell you any different. Some dads are not around at all…tell that woman to mind her own business

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stepmon= trippin… good grief lol

Tell the stepmom she can complain when it concerns HER kid NOT yours.


Tell her he’s your son. Piss off.


I’d put her in her place!!!


She is absolutely over stepping her place. She needs to put red lipstick on and kiss your ass. She is the "step mother " this is your son and if you want to buy Your child something you have the right and if his siblings are yours biological child and they are younger. In reality she should fucking mind her business !


Even though I agree with these comments I was just wondering who do the kids live with?


It’s not a big deal. She’s playing the control in “her house” card. Remind her again you are his ACTUAL MOTHER and what you give him has nothing to do with her and tell her to back off. She needs to show respect to get it.


I am a step mom, and I would think that this is petty… and I think the kids must live with her and dad she is wanting control over dad and therefore using you and kids to get it.


Stepmom needs to stay in her hula hoop and butt out


Sounds like step mom is jealous. She has no business being involved with what your child gets from you.


I would simply tell her it’s your son and to know her place


You shouldn’t say anything, speak to his father. Something doesn’t sound right about the situation.


no she is full of shit.

She is the stepmother and has no say in whatever you choose to give to your son. If I were you I would tell her to stay in her lane and overstepping the boundaries.


she literally has no say over your gifts to your child


I would have laughed at her :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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I would have reminded her who the mother is, seems as if she has gotten a little too comfortable


She’s over stepping for sure! It’s not her decision and in my opinion I’m not sure why she’s so comfortable addressing the situation with you herself… she’s just trying to control her house and you made there be something that she couldn’t. Which is to me a toxic trait

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Sounds like the wicked old step mom!

I had to reread a few times to understand that a “step mom” is mad over what his REAL MOTHER bought him. Tell that b**** that until she has proof that she birthed that child, she has no absolute say on what you buy your child.


That’s none of her damn business what you gift your child. As for the “playing favorites “ she just using a lame ass excuse to villanize you. Young kids don’t need apple watches.

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Sound like someone I know… :roll_eyes:

:thinking: sooooo she didn’t get anywhere talking to her husband and now she’s coming to you? lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: honey, send her back- she’s HIS problem! Enjoy the unintended show :woman_shrugging:

Girl FUCK HER!!! That’s your child


You don’t have to tell her anything!!! He is YOUR son not her’s… you can give your child anything you want it is not her business! She can go pound sand if she doesn’t like it. She needs to mind her own business and stay out of yours!


Tell the step mom to dropp dead this is your son you can buy him what ever you want. I would go any further than that. Keep going like you have. This step moms a moron

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Nope. you are not missing a thing. You are mom. Continue to do so.

None of her business, doesn’t affect her in a negative, unless she chooses for it to affect her. Stepmoms/dads is a privilege, not a right. Just becuz you are with someone who has kids from previous relationship, doesn’t automatically give you “rights”, its earned respect that one should seek.


This really shouldn’t even be a question cause who tf she think she is. She would have gotta lit up saying some stupid mess like that me. Tf. She better take her weird ass on


Mannnnnn listen I would’ve had to drive up on her gyfoh tell me what I can or can’t give MY child. I wish a heffer would🧹

Ummm, does he live there or something and even if he does…… I don’t see why a Apple Watch would be a big deal?? I mean I’d discuss stuff like getting a phone, License, car, changes in appearance and important stuff like that between parents but gifts that link to things they already have :woman_shrugging: I dont see the problem with it. I buy cameras and smart watches and tablets for my kids and step daughter and never have asked bc it’s never been a issue ….
Also unless she is his main care taker, like he lives there most of the time and shes raising him … it’s really not her place to even make those calls, she could have voiced her opinion to dad and see if dad felt the same way and he can contact mom but I’d never just call my step daughters mom out bc I don’t agree with something she does :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: we all parent a bit different and if it’s not hurting the child or causing any kind of harm … it’s really not important… and children will never have equal things when they are different ages….

Umm for 1 and the only thing you have to say is it’s YOUR kid not hers, if you want to give YOUR son a watch then do it, tell her to kiss your ass


Sounds like jealousy :thinking:

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Not her business ignore her

Chile all you need to respond is have my child’s father contact me regarding any issues with my kids. Have a good day maam

If you are, as a parenting team, setting limits on screen time, then this is a gift you mention.

Sounds like step mommy wanted it for herself :smirk:

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Sounds like she don’t have an Apple Watch :woman_shrugging::joy:


So when are you gonna put her in her place?


If there was another child of a similar age involved (like she had a kid), then I could see an issue with imbalance I guess, but otherwise… nope. Don’t engage in that type of discussion.

Tell her to fuck off!


She’s jelouse he has one and not her , bet the out come would have been very different if you would have given it to her. She can’t control any gift you give your child. She seriously needs to grow up , I wouldn’t even want someone like that around my kids. Kindah scary to what else gets made a bick deal behind your back. Guarantee this was not the first time won’t be last , ex husband needs to get rid of her. Shes not healthy for no kid.

She should stay in her lane


In this case, unless ur leaving pertinent info out, I don’t see any reason why it’s any of her business. And the reasons that u listed as to why u gave ur oldest a watch, make perfectly good sense. She seems to have a grudge on her shoulder, or some sort of issues. I wish u luck.

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I had to re-read that because I thought it was the mom upset that the step-mom gave him an I watch but it was his mom … a gift from a mom to a son is a right and does not have to be justified to anyone, hope you put her in her place….


Well, just reading through I think everybody feels the same… Facts are You, as a mother, don’t have to explain anything to anyone! You do not have to answer to her. Tell your ex to put the leash back on her!


I’d be telling that bitch to mind her own business and get back in her stepmom lane. Not her child, not her business


You are the parent. She is your ex’s partner. She needs to stay in her lane


She can get fucked your his mum and you can give what ever you want to your children.
She is trying to be in control. Ignore her and it will bother her more. The kids are your babies not hers thank God.

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You don’t really have to say anything since he’s your child, but you all could always tell her to mind her damn business!


That step mom need’s to stay in her damn lane​:no_good_woman:t2::no_entry::wastebasket: Tell her to mind her business​:ok_hand:


Stepmom needs to back off and learn her roll. You gave your child a apple watch nun of her damb business


Wait what. I had to read this like 3 times to fully understand that you are the mom and this lady is the stepmom. I would tell her i don’t have to consult her for absolutely anything regarding MY child. And moving forward she need not text or call me. Period.
Now usually I’m all for step parents but she is overstepping and I would block her number and all social media and refuse to communicate with her at all. Idk who she thinks she is but you would be a damn fool to not put her in her place immediately. Tell her she may run her house but she don’t run shit at yours.

Not her child
It’s between the father and you at most


Tell her he’s your child and NOT hers and you have the right to buy him anything you want, tell her to stay in her lane and tell your ex-husband that he needs to tell her quit being childish and leave well enough alone!


Tell her to mind her own business. What right does she have to tell you what you can give to your kids. Maybe she’s jealous as you gave him the watch and not her. If she’s that concerned of what you gave him is there any issues with hers & your son’s relationship.

Ignore her…obviously the ugly step mother with control issues. She cannot tell you what you can give to your son.

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I wldnt explain a damn thing, they r MY kids. Id buy him airpods next and pray she wld say smthing

Tell her nothing. Do as you desire. Your son.