Step mom needs to stay in her lane. Tell her it’s a gift to my son. Check her and tell the dad to let her know to stay in her place cuz that’s your son. U cant coparent with someone of that nature. Ugh. U do for your child the way u choose point blank.
Just look at her and say Bless your heart!
Step mom sounds unhappy and is using you and your son as her pin cushions. Don’t give her an inch. Let it go and keep being the cool mom.
I wouldn’t even text her back. It’s not her decision. It doesn’t affect her. Besides not texting her back will probably drive her nuts.
Wow! I would be putting stepmom in her place. Your son, your choice.
Wow…this lady has no business. I’m sorry but I would be livid. You’re the mom buy him whatever you want.
None of her business!!
Chile u gat time to entertain stupidity
In one ear out the next. Sounds like u should have bought her one too
Your kid, your watch to do with as you please and STEPMOM’S approval nor permission is needed!!!
Sounds like she can’t afford a few apple watches to hand out since they’re teaching thier kids, in life you get what everyone gets. Nope! Split family of 10
I wouldn’t have even entertained that conversation, “This is not a topic I will discuss with you. Good bye.”
Girl… screw that lady , that’s your child. You don’t owe anybody an explanation about nothing.
As his step mother, she should have ZERO say in the matter.
She has no right to tell you what to get your son at all. As long as it’s not dangerous and hurting anyone why would she care
YOUR child’s step"mom" needs to stay in her lane! . She can worry about what gifts her own children get.
Say what now cause I wish a b would tell me I should’ve notified her for something I gave MY child. I understand trying to keep the peace and co-parent but she’s playing a power trip about something that HE should be discussing with you if he has a problem with it smh
Who tF does she think she is??? Wow!
OK I won’t say he’s not her kid cause in a way he is and I would just kindly say that your other kids are to young for phone and that when you guys give our kids something I don’t question you about
Ummm just smile, ignore and hope for them to be blessed. Ain’t nobody telling me what can I buy or not buy my child. Nor I would consider opinions on that
Nope. She’s a bitch.
It’s none of her business what u give YOUR kids period
Girl, that could not be me. I would have put her in her place. That is your son, and you do what you want for your son. She has nothing to do with what you do for your son. If I were you I would definitely put her in her place and block her. And I would definitely have a nice little chat with your sons father, and let him know to get his woman under control.
Your his mom so you should do what you think is right l don’t think you need her permission? Right l truly don’t see a problem
Sounds like a controlling b**** to me. Ignore her!
I wouldn’t of even had that conversation with her.
Ummmm unless she has children around the same age that you guys have agreed to co-parent together and raise equally, she needs to mind her damn business.
Prolly mad/embarrassed she didn’t get him a gift that expensive and nice… that’s YOUR kid, u should also get him a pair of air pods that would really set her off
Uhhh she can mind her own damn business lol wth
I would’ve said bitch get off my phone
And hung up
That is your son you do what you want and you don’t have to explain it to his “stepmother”
Step mum needs to learn her place tbh
Have I read this correct….He’s Your son and she’s the STEP MOTHER???
Step mummy needs to reverse back into her Step mother lane! That’s damn well out of place. I’m truthfully shocked about you must ask her permission first.
He’s your child, you can give or spoil him as much as you want to. Flaming cheek!!!…
Seems that she’s jealous, but he is your kid so no explanation needed f*** her. If it was me I’d be beating her butt.
As a stepmom myself, I would have no problem with this at all. He is your son. Both you and your ex are entitled to care for your son as you wish. I think it’s lovely a child is lucky enough to be able to receive something from a parent. As for the watch, kids these days barely wear watches and need to in my opinion to help them with time management and length of time. Personally, I think she’s worried that he’ll actually be receiving messages from mom and able to reply a-lot quicker. Sounds like Stepmom wants to keep ‘her’ life very secretive from mom. Stepmum could also be speaking on behalf of the child’s dad, with or without his permission. I think a child is very lucky to be able to have more than one parent if put in that situation which is not the child’s fault if the parents separate. As long as the child is safe, happy and healthy. Good on your mum, you’re doing a great job and don’t ever let anyone make you feel any different
Don’t mind her anger. She’s a bitch!
I would fuk the bitch up!
You are better than me because she would’ve had my foot down her throat for trying to tell my shit about my own child. The nerve!
Tell her you will buy your child whatever the hell you want and she needs to keep her feelings in check.
She’s making a big deal over nothing. You had an extra Apple Watch, it’s no different than giving your kid your old cellphone.
This is why stepfathers who deal with fathers are better. They don’t complain over crazy stuff like this.
That is YOUR child and you owe NO EXPLANATION to anyone outside of his other parent!!! I’m the stepmom of 2 boys (thank God their mom is amazing) but I can’t even IMAGINE telling her what she can or can’t do for her OWN children and I cross my heart and hope to die NO ONE will tell me what I can or can’t do for my own girls!!! Honey, WHAT!!!
I’m a mother and also a stepmom. If the dad and stepmom have physical custody of your son then I can kind of see why she might be upset but otherwise I don’t get it. I never cared what my step kids mom got them. They are her kids
Um she can just stay out of it. She made herself look and sound dumb for even complaining about it for one and for 2 what happens with YOUR kids should be between you and the father if there is a problem he should have the balls to address the issue at hand. Not send wifezilla to do his job
What a joke… it’s your son, she has not a damn say.
Do not even give her an inch ,because she will do it again . It’s your son .You can give him a house if you want .
Non of her business it’s your child… stay out of it stepmom is just that !!! Your the MOM !!
Step mom is mad because you took away her power of buying one for him in an attempt to make you look bad… Mom-1… SM-0!!!
I’d tell her that you will buy them one when they are the same age and to mind her business
That’s ludicrous. You certainly may gift you child any appropriate gift. She has no business questioning it. Poor kids
That is your child correct ??? She really needs to learn her place now if she and bd has custody of the child then I understand but even if that was the case dad should of just said something to you
Tell tht bitch nothing. Ur son buy or give him what u like when u like.? I think she has forgotten who the step mum is? Ur best to nip tht in the bud quick or birthday and Xmas u be explaining why and what your buying your own son.
No thank slap her. Good luck with that step mum, that’s what she is.
Sounds like the green eyed monster to me
“This is between my son and me. That’s it.” That’s all you need to say.
You tell her to mind her own business.That’s your son and you can give him whatever you want smh.
You need advice for your OWN child against the stepmother? Seriously!?!?
She is crazzzzy! You are the mother! She is the steeppp mother! She should learn her place!
being on both sides of the road I wouldn’t give it a second thought. sounds like she’s just being petty
I would say I didn’t realize it needed to be addressed as I saw no issue. Please have “insert father’s name” call me and we will have the discussion.
It is better to coparent to then To battle… and yes she may be a step parent but she is till in the authority role in their home. Perhaps it would be a great idea for Bio parents to meet and set boundaries together regarding interaction regarding parenting concerns. Sometimes it works better when step parent does communication and sometimes it works better for bio parents. It truly depends on the adults. Remember you all are vested in raising children together and the main focus should be what is best for the children. Best of luck!
Lmao stepmother has no say in this lady’s child
Pettiness. U are missing her daily pettiness. Count yourself blessed
Bitc* I’ll get my child whatever the hell I damn please. I don’t need permission! Why are you explaining yourself? You carried him for nine months. Tell her to pound sand. This clown is around your child ?
It’s not even her business since she’s not the biological parent. If his father didn’t say anything I wouldn’t worry about it!!
Someone needs to know a role and shut a hole
Choose wisely people. This is the f*ckery you will have to deal with . She sounds like a real winner.
Your not missing anything, what you do for your child is not her business. She is missing a lot of screws in her head,she better go sit down somewhere before she’s missing a few teeth,eye.
I would explain to step mom that you gave birth to the children not her and you don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation. That is ridiculous! Stepmom believes she has more control of your life and children for some reason and you need to bring back down to earth. I wouldn’t have this! I wouldn’t even be asking for advise really. She doesn’t have any rights except the fact she is married to the children’s father. She shouldn’t even be taking them to get hair cuts with out consulting you first not the other way around.
I agree step mom is being a b***h.
This is a slagging off session disguised as a request for advice.
You know you dont need to consult the step mum for ANYTHING, but you wanted to vent about her unacceptable reaction to the watch.
Let me tell you, its not about the watch.
Oh wow I can see now no one on these comments has ever had to be a step parent maybe possibly the step parent was just trying to help by teaching that over spoiling can really mess a kid up or was just trying to gain some respect 9 times out of 10 being as she said she gave her son a gift means that the father has custody and if the father is married to the step parent and the step parent is around more than the mother then yeah she would definitely and should have some kind of say so do you people even realize how hard it is for a person to be a step parent? Must not. I bet if the mother was in the other persons shoes and had to be a step parent maybe then she would understand
Is she off her medication?
I believe I’d tell step mom to stay in her lane.
If dad and stepmom have custody then I could see them preferring a heads up…but still…. That’s a conversation for you and dad.
First of all bih… THIS MY SON! Your position may hold weight to my ex, but it don’t hold SH*T when it comes to what I squeezed from out between MY legs!!
If it bothers them or goes against some rule at their house then they can restrict or not allow the use of the watch while he is at their house.
As someone who was the child in a similar situation. F her, and you don’t owe that woman any sort of explanation. You tolerate her so your kids can have a relationship w their dad. The end.
The father may have put her in some sort of athoratatve role in your children’s lives but that does not mean that you have to report to her. It’s YOUR child. You need to have a talk with the father. He should be the one handling her not you. Ignore her. The fact that she even thinks she has a say is laughable. The job of a step parent is love and support and whatever BOTH biological parents agree on. Nothing more. Period.
Remember the person many of you are bashing is helping to raise this child.
Its a big deal bc hes 13 and why does he get such expensive things? No 13 yr old needs a phone and an apple watch. Its not her business but really its ridiculous excess
She is way out of line and needs to learn her place oh, and that’s on the sidelines oh, you are the mother.
I will buy MY kids whatever I want to buy them. I don’t care if “stepmom” is helping to raise my kid. “Stepmom” can be the ex wife tomorrow.
It’s a control issue. U did nothing wrong. She probably jealous your kid has nicer stuff then her!
I wish a mother fucker would tell me something like that
She’s being a control freak,it’s time to sit down with dad and put her in her place. The Children are yours and his not hers,she has no right to demand anything from you at all,ever. Dad needs to tell her to pull her head in. She only gets so much say as “step mum” and this is not within the boundaries of what she can ask for or even comment on
Brah this the kind of shit that would make me go off that your child…chuppzzz wth wrong with her?
Why are you stressing? Tell her you didn’t inform her because it’s none of her business. Period.
She is out of line. It’s a watch for heaven’s sake and it’s your son
Agree with you. You could have told them, but you don’t need their permission!
I’m a step mum and that’s not cool. Yes I do disapprove of some things but what happens at mums stays at mum, my step kids dad and I are on the same page at our house with all the kids and work as a partnership and in turn try work with mum and step dad.
I wouldn’t even explain myself its your child not hers you’re way nicer then me I hate controlling ass women
A simple text back telling her to mind her own damn business when it comes to what you decide to do with “YOUR” kids sounds way over due! Because I’d have told her way worse.
You’re the mother and unless she adopted your children then she’s just a step mom
And has NO say Tell her to shove it
Well your their legal guardian not her so she can show it and to be fair how does she know you havent saved the same money for them or bought them exactly the same amount as the watch dont worry about her your kids your choice
I think the step mom has no life and has nothing better to do, it’s not her kid tell her to stfu and stop causing trouble and move along…seriously…it’s your kid you give him what you want…like for real…smh
Its your child you can give whatever you want without her permission
Screw her. It’s your child, as long as dad is ok with it that’s all that matters
It’s none of her business they are your children …
I would tell her to mind her own damn business .
Forward her message to the dad. Let him handle it.
Your sons Stepmom needs to stay in her lane. You need to put her in her place ASAP
None of her business
Sounds like the step mom wants an apple watch…
Who does he live with ? Because if dad has custody , it probably should have been mentioned to dad .