It’s between you and your ex…not the stepmom. You and your ex are raising your kids.
That’s YOUR kid NOT hers. Don’t even stress it. Don’t even feed into her.
She’s WAYYYYY overstepping her boundaries. You need a BIG conversation with the Father so he could chat with her about what is and isn’t her place. Wow!
It’s because it monitors sleep times and has a gps location.
This means that you will know exactly where they are and exactly what times they put him to bed.
My ex would take the watch off my daughter and refuse to let her wear it because he lets her stay up late and doesn’t want me to ever know where they are.
It’s ridiculous, but that’s his reasons.
She wears it at my house.
Uhh its YOUR own child! Buy whatever you want with your children! She sounds like try compete with you. I buy for ex stepson before cuz I wanted him felt home but never appreciated me. His mother was totally jealous and bitter that she thinks she’s better than me. I refused competition with her. Sadly I had to leave abusive marriage and put him out of my life cuz all he is do spy on me with each of my movement or my own sons. Yes it hurt that i treated him as my own. Thankfully, I got along with man’s ex that mother of his 3 children that she was appreciate that I treat everybody as family and not try cause problem to rip him and her apart being parents and grandparents to children and 1 grandchild. My fiance treating my sons as his own that they look him up cuz he always be there for them. But this stepmom have no right talk to you like that. I wondering if she is try make your son feel home. My ex stepson once said this “oh. My mom got me this and blew me off” I thought to myself that what about at my house that he can have something to enjoy and feel home. So think about it.
Wait??!!! What??? Is this a serious question or did this page run out of problems to post? Cause there is no way a step mom is going to tell a mom how to raise her kids. It’s not even April’s fools this a serious question???
YOUR son. YOUR right to give him whatever you like.
Tell her to get back in her box.
At first, I had similar thoughts as most females on this thread. However after really thinking about it, this is what I think. Step mom is still a bonus mom to ur kids. Her opinion matters because at the end of the day she also takes care of ur children. Now, maybe her train of thought on how young a kid should be allowed electronics such as an apple watch sound to be different from urs. Still doesnt invalidate her opinion. Now, we are only getting one piece of the puzzle in ur question. We dont know any background or history between yall. Just by what I read, seems like maybe u could have a grown up discussion about ur decision to give yalls kid a watch. I personally would agree with u in that watch will otherwise go to waste if u upgraded but the other parents still deserve a heads up on such gifts.
I would tell her to shut the fuck up, you can give what ever you want to your kids…
She is only a stepmom ,
I am a stepmother of 3 girls, that we have full custody of. I would never expect mom to tell any such thing! That is crazy she feels that entitled. I’m sorry for all step parents out there who actually care about the children!
Consider the source n move on.
She’s a bitter bitch, you gave the watch to YOUR child… she’s obviously very insecure, you did the right thing, no point in the watch rotting away in the drawer. Is she a young one?? that isn’t mature enough to accept it with good grace
Cut her off tell it’s not her business nor the father’s business and you don’t care to discuss it with them.
its a control thing with her. Its your business what you buy your son not hers. He can stay in touch with you with his watch. Why can tpeople just be nice for heaven sakes. Hard enough for kids having more than one set of parents and rules
Girl she just wants her own apple watch lol
Also there have been a lot of instances where bio mom gives something super cool to one kid and not the rest, and they don’t cry about it until they’re on the couch, hugging me. I’m glad they feel safe to vocalize hurt to me, but I can’t lie and say I don’t hurt with/for them. Just a momma bear instinct that makes no logical sense. I would NEVER bring it up to her though, I wouldn’t violate their safe space or their relationship with her that way. I do encourage them to be open with her but at the end of the day it’s just a watch
It’s a gift from mom to son and not even new she has no part of this.
I have a 13yd step daughter and the things her gma gives her are inappropriate. I do not tell the gma but I take those things away from my daughter an tell her why it’s inappropriate and more than not she knows it is but tries to get away with it if I or my husband don’t notice. We have a different standard of living an I want my daughter to understand that. If she was given a watch I’d leave it alone and say thank you as that is an appropriate gift.
She is crossing boundaries and seems to be controlling. Tell her that she must know her place and speak to the father about this. It is your son. She must be glad she did not cross paths with me because she would come off second best after I am done with her if I was the bio mom.
Nope. She needs to stay in her own lane
She needs to be put in her place real quick! Forget “telling” her about it. Bitch, why tf are you calling me questioning what I give my kids??!!
It’s a her issue not a you issue. Don’t sweat it. You did nothing wrong.
She better recognize her place…
sounds like she is jealous because You are the mom and not her and you gave him an exspensive used gift and she probably already sees it as competition and she probably right now thinking how she can out do you… No worries you are mom and always will be…
Blended families are hard. Just remember everyone is trying to navigate their way through it.
I feel big purchases for a child that is in a blended family should at least be discussed. My daughter is 10 & I got her a phone for a bit of security(between the 2 households) & knowing she can contact family if she needed to talk to anyone; as I do feel for children in blended families, especially at the pre-teen or teenage years. Anyway I didn’t ask her dad for permission but I discussed it with him. She’s had it just over a month & of course there were “teething” problems at the beginning.
I completely understand it’s hard as my ex has a new partner who, I feel, oversteps quite often & then I myself am a step mum to 2 beautiful boys. I let my partner do most of the parenting with his boys as they aren’t with us much but I don’t want to overstep myself because I don’t like it being done to me.
Good luck. Just be kind to one another; as everyone has no idea how to be in this situation.
She’s a step mom, she has no say whatsoever in your parenting. You don’t even need to talk to her. I wouldn’t even respond to her… your silence is all the response she deserves.
YNTA…the step Mom ITA.
It’s your son not hers so she needs to mind her own business. I have kids and let me tell you no stepmom is gonna tell me what and what I can’t get my kids without me making their lives hell
Idiot, it’s none of her business. It’s your son.
The Lord knew I couldn’t deal with step moms
Are the other kids old enough to be aware their older brother got a cool new watch while they didn’t get anything new? Maybe they were whining to her about how you gave him this watch & didn’t give them anything
Who cares what she thinks. Tell her to mind her iwn business. Uou talk yo dad sbout it not her. Shes a jackass
Tell step mom to sit it down and hush
Maybe someone will buy her one. It is nobody business what you do for yours
She needs to butt out
She has no say. You should maybe only talk to your ex about matters related to him but sometimes not even your ex. Dont let her interfere this way
Ok so as a former stepmom that is still part of my bonus kids lives, and a mom to my own, little miss control freak needs to sit down and stfu. She’s giving all step parents a bad name.
Honestly it is no one’s business what you give any of your kids, that includes dad. Maybe he earned it, maybe he’s deserving of a little something special because he’s the big brother and puts up with the little kids, maybe it’s just because, regardless, it’s your decision and yours alone! The only time we discussed gifts was to make sure we aren’t buying the same gift on a holiday or birthday, outside of that, what is done in your home is your business.
Keep doing you mom! I would mention it to dad too and say hey she doesn’t need to be involved in my gift decisions for our son. And let him know you aren’t trying to fight, but you just want respect of your decisions of things at your home.
I think she lost the plot and both of you are don’t communicate very well with each other. She’s not wrong to say you should have told her about the watch cos children can be tricky and bring home stuff that doesn’t belong to them so updating her about it would have saved this drama. She’s your children’s step mum so please give her that respect and acknowledge her existence and role. Obviously she feels threatened by you and its upon you to develop a healthy relationship with her for the sake of good co parenting and watch your kids glow with happiness. Maybe they had a no expensive gift for kids rule in their household and now it has been broken and she probably feels defeated in raising the kids cos all the parents can’t compromise. You both did nothing wrong but one parent feels like you are not acknowledging the fact that she too is a part of your children’s lives and she should be respected and you feel like those a your kids and you will gift them however and whenever you see fit and you don’t need anyones permission to do so however it doesn’t work that way. Co parenting is about sharing everything even the smallest things so both parties can be involved. It also helps the children grow well and be unable to take advantage of a situation were parents have poor communication. They learn to love respect share and communicate better. What you view as nothing in the eyes of someone else can be a whole train wreck. Swallow your pride and listen to her without judgement for the sake of the kids. You can also get them gifts at your house for when they come to visit you. Lol
Who does she think she is lol no you should even have had to tell his dad. X
Jealous she is , he is your son not her son.
You are not missing a beat. You do you with your son. None of the stepmoms business what a mother chooses to give or buy her son!
I’m a step mum what’s it gotta do with her that you’ve gave YOUR son a watch?? As you’ve said your younger kids haven’t got use for it, tell her to get back in her kennel and pipe down.
Dont mind them. Keep doing your best
Why is she so Bothered , something else is up.
I wouldn’t have even got that text, lol. If you get what I’m saying. You don’t have to entertain her whatsoever.
It’s not her business, she already said the other kids are to young for a watch or cell phone. She’s just being a bitch, why? Because she thinks she can because she’s with your ex. Tell that bitch to sit down. Lol
She has no say ,you are the mom that’s it ,dont let interfere this way
Tell step mam to butt out and mind her own god damn business , your his parent
Tell her to mind her own business and to butt out cause it has nothing to do with her. Ur the mum not her
She is a “stepmother” you are the bio mother. You do not have to ask her permission to give “your” son anything.
What you are missing is that you shouldn’t give a damn what she says. That is your son and you can give him whatever the hell you want. She has ZERO say and her opinion is irrelevant!
Advice… you better back her the f! Up! Remind her who you are and whose son he is and where she falls in the pecking order !!
It’s not her business or his, it’s between you and your teenager
She has no right to tell you wat u can and carnt give YOUR CHILD may i add not hers tell her to mind her own bisness
Yes you are! YOU are the bigger person. She obviously has issues. Sounds to me like she is a insecure person.
Its disrespect. My nephews step mum does this to. Its undermining you in front of your children, the step mum should respect ur differences.
That’s really not her concern or business.
I see all these negative comments too stepmom… However, none of us know the circumstances. I know that my 13 year old step son is very…very limited on his phone usage and his father and I would be upset if his mother got him a smart watch for added access too it. Again… No one knows the full details so before just attacking step mom…at least ask a few questions! My step kids (12 & 13) haven t seen their “mother” in 3 years. She buys them stupid crap that they want and pretends shes mom of the year BC she bought a cast net and paint equipment. She does not support them in any way at all and the list goes on.
Funny BC if this was our situation…she would be on here chomping at the bit in the same manner BC ppl dont know the whole story.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?
She sounds jealous. Maybe she just couldn’t afford one so she’s taking it out on you
Well it’s not her child so she shouldn’t worry about it.
He is your son. Get him what you want. None of her business period.
Um… fuck her feelings. You are mom.
You’re right. The gifts you give your kids are none of her business. Maybe have him leave it at your house, though, when he goes over to his dad’s?
Ummmmm you don’t have to mention it to her. He’s your child
It’s none of her ducking business!
Tell her to stay in her lane, you are the mother.
This is a case of she should mind her business. This isn’t some crazy gift that’s causing trouble. Its a freaking watch. That you gifted your son. She’ll gtf over it.
Not her son. Not her business. If he goes to his dad’s house let him leave it your house.
You need to put her in her place and let her know to NOT question you!! You’re HIS MOTHER if there is an issue the dad should have brought it up
Not her child so it’s none of her business
Is their a custody arrangements where she feels the need to put her two cents into how you parent your baby. Yes I say baby freely no matter how old your children are their you baby. I would possibly speak to your children father and ask that what ever that needs to be discussed to be mentioned between you and him not her.
He’s your son, PERIOD! She’s being inconsiderate!
It’s none of her business, doesn’t effect her at all, it’s the same thing as having a phone which it seems like your son already had. I would just ignore her and let it pass, if dad isn’t concerned then she shouldn’t be either.
Tell her to keep her nose out you can give you’re child whatever you want to
Tbh she doesn’t have a say so in what you buy YOUR son. If I was you I’d just keep what you buy your kids at your house because she could get jealous/mad and do something to what you buy them.
Well do you have custody of your son? Did you give your son that watch and is he irresponsible? My husband has custody of his son and I am raising him and his mother always gives him expensive things that he cannot take care of.
It sounds like u may not have custody so if she’s the one caring for the kids day in and day out, she definitely has a say.
Yeah that their opinion of you as a mother is not something you should worry about in life that’s all your missing
Just say, “thank you for the feedback” and leave it at that. It’ll drive her crazy
Lol your kids, your rules. She needs to know her place.
Wait. He’s your son? I understand if she, stepmom, got it for him and you got upset but who is she to get upset that you bought your own child one? That makes no sense unless he lives with her and his dad.
Tell her to mind her business and definitely stay in her lane because it is not her job to tell u how to raise your children
He is your and dad’s kid she can’t and shouldn’t have anything to say about what you and his dad do or buy for your children
You shouldn’t have to explain yourself. It’s your kids so it’s none of her business
You shouldn’t be expected to!
I’d pop off at her. She’s not his biological mom, you’re allowed to give the son you popped out your vagina whatever you want. Tell her to stay in her lane. She’s obviously bitter.
Playing devils advocate, does the son stay with her and dad majority of the time? If so I can see where she may be coming from. Not saying it’s not your right to give your son gifts but the nature/ price tag of the gift and that it’s another electronic to monitor given his age, it should have been mentioned before giving it to him. If that’s the case that is. Otherwise she’s way overstepping her boundaries.
The step mom needs to know her place. She is only stepmom not birth mom so she can basically go screw herself. Sorry to be blunt but ita true. She defiantly needs to learn her place as step mom
Sounds like her kids are jealous and she needs to get over it
It’s none of her business what YOU give YOUR child. I’d be speaking to ur child’s father and letting him know that his wife needs to stay out of what is between you and him when it comes to ur child
This may be a silly question, but does he live with you or them? If them, then they have a right to know if such an expensive gift was given by you, so they know where it came from. Also, to help ensure he takes care of it. You child, your right to give what you want. But advising might not be a bad idea. And…communication by all is best. Hope it all calms down for HIS sake.
Tell her she is the step, not the mom. So, she can step back! Don’t let her get to ur mind
Um how about it’s none of her business what you give your own child
It’s not her concern.
Sounds like her kids are jealous and you just upped the parenting game!!
Sounds like she needs to mind her own business.
Ummm! She needs to stay in a stepmom’s place ! How tf does that affect her ?
If he’s like my son it will only be an issue for a few weeks until he loses or breaks it
She’s the STEP mum, tell her to stay in her lane
Yeah a jealous stepmother you can gift your son what you feel he needs