My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

Tell her to mind her own business.

Sounds like the Step mother needs to learn her place. That’s YOUR child, you don’t need her permission. I’d ignore her.


Tell her to make sure to use her turn signal when she moves the fu#k into her own lane :unamused:

It is simply none of the step moms business WHAT you give your son as a gift for whatever reason. Tell her to mind her own business and butt out of yours.

Does “she” have kids that have phones? If so and they don’t have one maybe that’s why…honestly though it’s really not her business. But being a step parent I try and make things equal between all the children so they don’t think anyone is playing favorites. But also my bonus childs mother isn’t in the picture so I really don’t have to worry about that.

Sounds like she’s had the vaccine because them side effects really be messing with her brain :joy:


Your child she’s just a step mum she has no say about what you give your own child


It’s none of her concern. She needs to stay in her lane.


Ok. I’m a mother and a step mom… So here goes my opinion…
I think as co parents it’s a must to be open about gifts especially when it’s something as costly and needs to be monitored due to age.
However it should have been discussed before being gifted with dad and step mom.


How about get fucked, none of your business.

Key words step mom


Tell her mind her business especially if she didn’t pay for it !

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Tell her sorry I was giving a gift to MY son and for her to go back to her role as step mom and mind her business

You gave a watch to YOUR son, not hers. She needs to mind her business about what you give & dnt give your children.
I am a mom & step mom as well. What she gives to my step child would be her business as long as its not harmful.
A watch? Have at it mama.


You shouldn’t have to

Yes, she is LOONY!!! He is YOUR son!!! Not her business!!!


Tell her to mind her business cause that’s YOUR son and YOU can give him whatever you please and DO NOT need to ask permission since YOU gave birth to him NOT her.


She’s giving us good stepmoms a bad rep… I wouldn’t care if my stepsons brought any kind of electronic over. I just don’t want them sitting in the house on nice days.


Um, that’s YOUR SON. Your crotch fruit, not hers. She is bitter and petty. It’s a watch, one of my pet peeves is people that think. If you buy one kid something, you HAVE to get the same thing for all 10. :roll_eyes: Children, need to learn that they will each get special gifts at different times. It’s so important to make them feel special. Not to raise them with a competition mentality. “If you have this, I need it too”. I can’t stand it!


Even if dad has custody he is still your son. My husband’s children live with us. It is not my business what THEIR mom does or buys for them! You don’t need her permission to buy anything!


I have a stepson and whatever his mother does with him is none of my business. Trust me I have my opinions, but at the same time I don’t get involved unless it directly involves our family, mainly our son who watches every move his older brother makes.


Step mum… Use that Step to take a step back!


See I’m also a stepmom and a bio mom and I’d ask why she felt that way and see if maybe there’s an underlying cause because that reaction seems a little extreme for a watch

And it also sounds like she’s jealous because maybe her kids don’t have a watch? Either way it’s NONE OF HER DAMN BUSINESS what u give your son who you birthed

Just ignore her, she probably jealous because she doesn’t have one

Sorry, I’m the type of mom that would go out and buy a brand new phone and watch for him before he went back :woman_shrugging: don’t tell me what I can and cant give MY son.

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Sounds like she either has her own kids she’s thinking of and how it made them feel or she’s jealous she doesn’t have one herself


Sounds like you should have offered it to her. Definitely not her place. I’m a mom, stepmom and my children have step parents and im so lucky we can all gotten along. I don’t see why this is such an issue with her but I would definitely make sure she does not take her frustrations out on your children.

Who do the kids live with…

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Also maybe keep the watch at your place cause I could see her telling your son to take it off at their place and it magically disappearing or getting destroyed somehow since she’s making it a huge deal


tell her to kick rocks :rofl: you don’t need her permission nor approval about YOUR kid.


No. It’s her problem, not yours. You don’t need her permission to give your son a gift. It could be worse, you could have given him a puppy for their house lol. She keeps it up, get him Mastiff for Christmas. :woman_shrugging:t2::joy::joy::joy:


You gave YOUR son a watch and she has a problem? Wtf. I’d be pissed too. I’ll give MY child whatever tf I want!
Ugh this got me mad :angry:

She needs to learn where her place is. It’s not to tell you what you can do with your son or what you give your son


Sounds like she’s way out of her lane…


She should stay in her lane. That’s your child. You can give him whatever you want

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You dont have to tell her what you’re giving your child. I dont go running to my ex to tell him what iv bought our kids and he doesn’t come running to us to tell us. The kids choose to tell us what they get but i never ask. I would just tell him not to wear it to his dads anymore. She’ll get over it. I cant see what the issue is at all.

Ignore her. She’s just trying to get a rise out of you. But bring it up to your ex that she’s overstepping her bounds.

So by her theory- I got my older child a switch for his birthday. Should I have gotten my 6m (now 9m) old one too?:thinking:
Or should I have gotten the ones with controllers so she could play …:rofl::joy:

It does NOT matter what that woman says or thinks!!! That is YOUR child and she has absolutely no say so :woman_shrugging:

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Tell her stay in her damn lane! I got angry just reading this… I would have went the hell off! Who does she think she is.

Who cares what she thinks.

You owe her no explanation at all. That’s it!

You’re mom… you can get YOUR kids whatever you want. And I’d tell her that

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Any complaints about pretty much anything should go between the parents unless you are all on really good terms. If what she said bothered you, I would just mention it to dad and let him know the watch can stay at your house?

You’re not missing anything. She’s just trying to start sh*t. This a good example of a step parent over stepping boundaries. She isn’t their mother, she isn’t even their actual parent so she needs to take several seats. I’ve noticed (even with my ex’s girlfriend) that a lot of step parents think that just because they married someone with kids it made the kids theirs too. You giving your son a watch of any kind is not ANY of her business at all.


Honestly she sounds jealous either she doesn’t have one or that she can’t give the same to her kids. Either way not your fault. You can give your son whatever you want.

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Seems to me like shes just looking for a reason to fight.


Lol… she will get over it. It’s your child you know what’s best for him. Tell her she can buy the younger children one when the times right. You’re the mom… no worries


Woah hold the phone, STEP mom come at you sideways talking crazy about what you give to YOUR son say what?!?! Oh hell nah. I would call their FATHER and let him know to get his wife into her lane and out of mine, because I would being have NONE of that foolishness. You owe her NO explanation or conversation.


I would be having a conversation with dad to get his lady in check. I answer to no one when its my kids.


Um it’s your kid if the father and you are good with it then she needs to but out

You’re the mother. You owe her no explanation, especially if this is the only older kid. As long as when the other kiddos hit that age they get the same, I see no issue at all, SEEING YOURE THE MOTHER NOT HER!

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If she has a problem with it then when the kids go to dad for the week/weekend/night/month then any toys/watches stay at home with you until they come back.


tell her to stay in her lane :roll_eyes:


The only thing I can think of is just telling them so they are aware he has it. Incase it gets lost or misplaced so they know it works with the phone he has. Beyond that it’s not there business what gifts you give your son and they shouldn’t have an opinion either which way about it.

Honestly sounds like a jealousy issue!! He is old enough!! Plus your son so why? Must she be bothered by it!! You parent your child how you like, why must you go by what she says…not your fault her children doesn’t have one or to young for one!!!


I’m a step mom…and yes. That’s weird…how dare her even think she can come at u like that…yikes and my step kids mom thinks I’m bad


Tell her to take several seats and stay in her lane. You are MOM. You don’t have to tell the STEPmom a darn thing.


I think parents should talk about devices before a purchase. That being said, you should have ran it by his father to make sure you both were ok with it. Step mom… not so much.


That is absolutely none of her business. She is the step mom. She needs to back off


Your kid, not hers, none of her business…between you and the dad…


You’re not obliged to explain one thing to her regarding your child. Tell your ex to have her mind her own business


Sometimes you need to remind people to stay in their lane :woman_shrugging:


Who has primary custody, dad? Need more of the story.


You are their MOTHER!


It isn’t her child and it’s none of her business. Tell her to know her place or teach her her place.


Tell her none of her business


Key words, YOUR son, and STEP mom. It would possibly be different if everyone agreed about talking about gifts, which they clearly don’t, so why should you. It’s not like you bought the kids a car! If he already has a phone, what’s the problem with an apple watch? As far as favorites, even I would get my older child a “fancier” gift than my younger child.


Tell her to mind her own business its nothing to do with her


Stepmom needs to get a grip. Sounds like she has some control issues. Remind her who the biological mother is and who the step is.


Your children not hers, at the end of the day she really doesn’t have a say in how you and your ex raise your children. Sounds like that she is trying to start trouble.

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I am a step mom, and whatever comes from their mom, can certainly be used in both houses. I have 4 kids in my house and each handle down device goes from oldest to youngest. Oldest can choose to keep it or se d it on. If they keep it, then the next device goes to the next kid. That’s bio and step kids. If I am handing down a cell phone to one of her kids, I ask permission from both parents as I’m not the bio mom. Co parenting is hard enough there shouldn’t be not picking, however in this case I side with mom. Just let Dad know that he has it in the event it does get misplaced.


She’s not the parent. If Dad has an issue with it, he needs to bring it up to you.

I would have told her to get fucked

Step mom is over stepping her bounds


You are the mom it’s not up to her!

So which one of the younger ones is her favorite? Because that sounds like she’s upset that her favorite didn’t get one. But I agree, none of her business. I also don’t think that every time you give one something, you have to give something to all. Each child is individual. If that was the way things worked, my mama owes me a bunch of things my brothers got that I didn’t get and she owes my brothers a lot of things. And the fact that it wasn’t something you went out and special bought for him means you should dig through your drawers for more things for your other children? You’re right, she’s wrong.

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Toxic she sounds toxic

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There is something missing from this story. There is a reason that this “stepmother” has so much say and why the OP feels that she needs validation that she did not do anything wrong. If there wasn’t other circumstances she would simply have to the stepmom to mind her own business.


Tell her to F off! That’s your child!

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Wait did I read this right? YOUR SONS … Stepmom? YOUR SON? not hers?

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Its none of her business.

Honestly, I’m a step mom and never, I mean NEVER have I put myself in the mother’s position to make calls like this. There’s a lot of women who can’t handle the “step mom” roll and just respect the fact that decisions aren’t made over the mom. I could care less who has custody or not, don’t dare try to over power the mother of that child. Period…


I think the phrase stay in your lane applies here

No you’re not missing anything, you just have a jealous **** b**** on your hands. Explain to her that your other kids aren’t even old enough for a watch. I would go OFFFF.


Checking with her…gives her respect. If she can’t afford to match your gifts financially, it puts her in an awkward position. It isn’t about the watch…

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She needs to mind her business :woman_shrugging:

You are his MOM ! I don’t think the step mom has the authority over you !!!


STEPmom has no business saying any of this!That is YOUR money and YOUR CHILD. That is out of line and she seems like she may need a reminder of her role as STEP parent!


Wow she’s definitely overreacting!! Probably jealous she didn’t get it lol


I’d just laugh very loud and hang up on her! Message dad and ask what’s the deal. And just say if this is going to be a thing then maybe we should start informing each other what you and I get our kids. :woman_shrugging:t2: Litterally sounds asinine and waste of time. Making mountains out of potholes :roll_eyes:.

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Tell her she’s the step mom so step out of your business if she’s gonna be like that

You don’t have to ask permission to buy YOUR son anything


Does the father (and step mom) have primary custody? Some part of the story is missing. If not, then she is just crazy.


She sounds like a real Dick

Who has custody, you or their dad?

that step mom needs to step outta the way just because she married the seedler don’t mean anything. she should mind her business because when it comes down to it you mind your own regarding gifts. the fact that it’s been used by you and came from the heart makes it even better for your son.

Does dad and stepmom have custody? What am I missing here? I’m confused as to why this so upsetting to stepmom. You’re mom, you shouldn’t haven’t to ask her if it’s okay. Something isn’t right here. :thinking:

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Omg she needs to stay out of it , ur son u do what is best for him and make sure she doesn’t take it


None of her business

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