Can’t stand when a man or so called man plays video games! I’d call that a kid! And taking care of your child is a 24/7 job. I’d take my things and leave if he was belittling me like that. So what if he works, that game time should be family time.
change the WiFi code and treat him like u would a child… if thats the way he insists on behaving… Once he does his chores he is allowed an hour on the game
Sounds like a jerk with his priorities all messed up. Speak up and put your foot down. Being a full time mommy is hard work. And asking for a little time to spend with your significant other should not be a big deal. If he still doesn’t, its time to start thinking about you and your child.
So… I play video games with him. And we’ll spend time with the kids together on the weekend. You have to find a balance that works for both.
I feel like we need the other side of the story. If your partner is really this negligent, you should have one foot out the door. Having a kid complicates things, and warrants, perhaps, suggesting counseling, but this does not sound like a healthy relationship.
My boyfriend plays video games alot it used to annoy me ALOT but I started playing with him and it’s how we spend time together now.
Maybe try playing games with him. Some can be really fun and you learn alot about each other by being a team.
Since he is home all the time he is off work, Take some time for yourself and leave for a bit here and there. Reconnect with old friends or family. He can watch your daughter and feed them for the day just fine. You can’t ever change someone, all you can do is change your reaction
I’m in the same boat but when my husband plays he still talks and interacts with me and out kids.
I second that person that said change wifi password… hell take the controller and tell him if he wanna be a child you will treat him like one and when his chores are done and daughter is in bed he can have his game time. But honestly if you’re not happy you should just move on bc coming from personally experience it doesn’t get better only worse
My husband calls and texts me all day hes a full time farmer … that’s no excuse that hes at work and no time to talk or send a text…
There is definitely something wrong with this situation. Maybe he is becoming detached to you. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to talk and spend time with him. You should have a serious talk with him about your feelings and ask him how he feels about you. It will probably be hard but I think it’s necessary. If he won’t talk to you ask yourself if it’s really worth it to you. Just remember your feelings matter.
Oh throw that whole dude away !
We don’t allow video games. Ok I don’t allow them lol soon as we moved in together 8 years ago he had to sell his. I have a vintage super Nintendo under our bed
Tell him he needs to cook…
Leave. You can do better.
Oh man! Time for the game machine to take a bath! Must have flooded it
But for real, you need to have a schedule. These nights he plays his game, the other nights he helps around the house with whatever needs to be done. But before he plays any games he needs to check in and help with the kids, they are his responsibility too and you aren’t his mother.
We’ll try to meet him on his level, like play video games together. Maybe ask him. To cook with you. Plans family outing. This is a disaster waiting to happen. You’ll get tired of his shit and leave eventually. You raising kids is a full time job. Me like that make me wanna punch them in the face.
Either he’s an ass…or you are for tolerating it…
You already know the answer
Sounds like a selfish dick. You Should be spending time together. He Should be helping. You’re not wrong. Prepare yourself for the inevitable meltdown that he’s gonna have - sell the game console, buy yourself a Pandora bracelet.
I would sit down with him and tel him how u feel and if things don’t change than u can’t be with him u deserve to be happy my man leaves the house 4 am n gets home 6 pm but the min he leaves work he calls me and we will be on the phone until he gets home and when he gets home he makes sure we spend time together
Look all I’m going to say is reverse the roles and imagine what you’d be called if it was you playing video games straight after work if hes been looking after the daughter and cooking and cleaning all day?? Hmmm
Be happy he comes home to play those games, he could always go elsewhere to play them🤷♀️
Mine plays games every Tuesday on his day off with his friends near and far, he needs time to do the things he wants to do, it’s also my day off and I do other things I need to do. It’s a win win for us.
I wouldn’t put up with that. I’d throw the games in the bin
My first husband did this, missed his sons birth bc he was so addicted. One night I unplugged it and whipped the thing at the wall. He was suppose to be watching the baby so I could shower/ cook and the baby was on the floor screaming the whole time, I was done. Packed my stuff and left. Eleven years later he never calls, never comes and see his kid nothing. Best decision I ever made was to walk away. I now have a husband who is present and always thinking of us constantly takes time for my son the works
He’s probably a narcissist and doesn’t care about your feelings or needs
What was he like before you got married?
I’d rather have him home doing that then at a bar
Maybe learn to play the same games and bond over that?? I can’t imagine not talking to my husband all day lol we text all day and sometimes meet up on lunch break just for a quick kiss. You need a man that will cook, clean and help in any way he can.
Also, a therapist once told me “If he did that before you were married, he is going to do it while you’re married”. She was also referring to my ex husband
Doesn’t sound like a partnership. Been there, done that, no more for me.
You both work and since he works more, let the man game! Let him enjoy himself. -a gamer/sahm
You shouldn’t have to ask for his attention.
Nobody is that busy. Hes full of shit. He just doesn’t want to & that’s when you need to step up & say either you make time or make yourself more available by walking out the door & go to whomever you’re screwing bc that’s exactly what he sounds like. Why do some men act like 12 yr old with these stupid video games. I wouldn’t put up with it.
Sounds like my soon to be ex husband! Run!
Tell him an hr a day is enough. That u want time to him. Tell him u think ur marriage is on a down fall, that u have feelings too. Just wait, when u finish school, u will be awesome, finding a good job and then u can pay someone to babysit so u can do a full time job too. Just because u dont work one now, doesnt mean that working and going to school isn’t full time. Its enough time to be tired and frusterated. U both should be equals and do the chores equally. U both have that house. Also start teaching ur child 4 yr old to clean up a bit. If ur husband cant understand or care how u feel, then u are on the brinks and its time to go to therapy.
Maybe try playing with him…
He will never ever change. So either you accept that or move on. Simple as that.
Wait… the kid is his? You’re putting all this time and effort into his child and this is your thanks?! Yes, you have a right to be heard and you have a right to draw a line, which I recommend you do immediately. Daycare isn’t cheap. Your contributions, cooking, cleaning Mayne not have a dollar sign attached but they have value. And if can’t or won’t see that, then he has shown his hand. You know what he thinks of your contributions. I was in that role once too. You don’t appreciate me? Or what I do. I can stop. And I did. Let’s just say his attitude completely changed once he saw the cost of daycare. (Sadly, that’s when my value was given a dollar sign.)
Smash up his console lol joking that would infuriate me too. Have you sat down and told him how you feel about it?
Relationships are difficult and it takes a lot of work from both people to make it work. Most importantly it is a good idea to sit down and talk about it uninterrupted and try to find a reason he doesn’t see things the way you do.
My husband calls me every day on his way home from work. He doesn’t have to but he does just because he wants to. I don’t need him to amd so.etimes it is at a really bad time but I take it in and remind myself that he just loves me and wants to hear my voice.
He sits at his computer after work a lot and we have talked about these things. We are total opposite of eachother like extreme but I started to play video games with him to spend time with him, we play board games and he takes hikes with me on occasion. He REALLY hates nature so it’s nice he tries.
My point is it takes compromise, communication and sometimes dates to remind each other why you fell in love. To remind yourselves that your relationship matters just as much as the other stuff.
Men are sensitive and he may be feeling left behind or ignored and rather than talking about it he just shuts down and plays his games.
- he’s a grown ass man and without you he would have to do it himself.
- without the kiddos he would still be having to do it himself.
3)ALL adults still gotta put effort in. - he can make time for you. Either before or after the games he can make time for you. My dude gives me hugs and kisses when he gets home and then I let him relax on the games a couple hours then it’s US time or he takes over the kids for some ME time.
Stop doing everything for him. Don’t do his laundry. Don’t pick up after him. Only make enough food for you and the kids.
You should have friends or at least someone to be able to talk to, is this bc you feel like you can’t get out of the house bc of kiddos? or bc he’s hostile or discouraging to you being close w other people?
There’s some huge red flags in your post that you are being manipulated/gas lit and totally taken advantage of.
Finish school and leave. What a loser!! You shouldn’t have to keep reminding him that you want his time.
If you packed up and left with your daughter he still wouldn’t notice. Get rid of the flatmate
Sounds more like a room mate than a partner
I guess I don’t have that problem, bc me and my hunny are both gamers therefore we either play together, or we just play different games at the same time. It works for us. That’s how we get our time in. Team up on a game or something
Support Group For those With Partners Addicted To Gaming.
Throw the whole man out
Real men dont behave this way. My husband works full time and plays video games alot! He also streams alot! But he alwaysssss makes time for me. And if i ask him in the middle of the day if we can hangout that night he will drop everything to make that happen. We are best friends and a team. If one person in that team is unhappy then both people need to work together to fix the issue. You deserve better hun dont waste your time waiting on someone else to choose you. Choose yourself and find someone better!
I want to thank ojukudele for bringing back my ex boyfriend, we broke up for more than six month and he told me that he will never want to see me in his life again. i love him so much to the extend that i could not think of dating any man again, i was confused and depress due to the love i had for him.i did everything i could do to have him come back to me but all went in vain. so i decided to contact a spell caster, i did not believe in spell casting i just want to try it may be it would work out for me. i contacted ojukudele for help,and he told me that he have to cast a love spell on him, i told him to do it. after 5 days my boyfriend called me and started to apologize for leaving me and also he told me that he still love me. i was very happy and i thank ojukudele for helping get back my ex back to my hands. his spell is the greatest of all over the world, it was the love spell he cast on my ex that make him come back to me. all you ladies who want back their ex back i want you to contact ojukudele for the return of your ex boyfriend and also your ex girlfriend he can also cast any kind of spell you want him to cast for you. his contact email is or Whatsapp number +234 8037946490 , just try him and their will be a solution to your problems.
My husband works full time, games a lot, and still makes time to cook, clean, and play with my kids. Don’t settle for anything else, you deserve your partner to be your best friend and spend with you and your kids.
Wow sounds like your his housekeeper/mother not partner!
Everyone saying “pLaY wItH hIm” No. she shouldn’t have to play a video game to get an ounce of her husbands attention. He basically told her that she needs to clean, raise the kid, and not speak to him unless absolutely necessary because he “does” more than her. Fuck that. Finish school and divorce that corn chip.
He’s a boy who needs a help. Get rid of him.
My ex was addicted to gaming. It was awful but I am with a really great guy now. I promise you there is better out there for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
This is why I wont be with a gamer. They’re hardcore into their shit and i don’t have time for that. Thats his lifestyle though, we can all say he needs to grow up and get on his shit, but he wont… So u either need to accept that’s his life or leave cause he probably wont change
Ew… I don’t want anyone that plays video games like that anymore…
This sounds like emotional abuse to me. His needs are being met while yours are not even being taken seriously. I’m a gamer myself. But it shouldn’t take priority over your partner. Nothing should. And if you want to text him, you should be able to text him. I’m betting that if he texts you, he expects an answer. And not to be bothered about it. I’d pack up my child and leave. Selfishness doesn’t generally get better on its own.
Personally it sound like he checked out and expects you to do everything. Personally I would go stay with my parents and see if he notices. I would not contact him until he contacted me. When he contacted me if he did I would give him a choice me and your child or your video games. You either choose to do life together or I choose to do it on my own. I would tell him I married you to be my husband not another child. We are either partners or we’re nothing and we separate and divorce. If he has to think about it I would legally separated until he decides so he can not run up bills and for e you to have to pay them off. If it takes longer than a week file for child support too.
Maybe you should read about codependency. Make sure you’re not codependent, then talk to him about finding a middle ground, where he feels like he gets his space (I also need space and time for myself) and you get quality time, validation, and feeling appreciated.
Learn to play the games with him …when will women learn men are not going to change …if you want to spend more time get interested in what he likes
Maybe try and backing off him a bit. Sounds like he just needs some downtime after work. I understand it’s frustrating but pushing the subject too much will only push him away more. Maybe he’s stressed/ overwhelmed etc. It’s hard for men to verbalize how they’re feeling. I would just lay low for a few weeks and see how things go. Also maybe only text him when you need to. Send to me that he feels like he his getting smothered even though he’s not. Guy’s just operate differently. Good luck, hang in there and try talking to him when he is relaxed and not right when he gets home.
Ok, my boyfriend plays video games and will have a drink and play after work sometimes but the times i want spouse time it is given, its a compromise we came up with. Mutual respect for one another in a relationship is a huge deal and it sounds like yours doesnt have any respect for you, id try to sit down talk to him and tell him how all of this makes you feel, what you need, but also id get some of your own hobbies, even as a mother you are allowed to have those. But if talking doesnt help and you are not getting the emotional support and validation you need it may be time to leave because by that point its not going to get better
At least he is coming home and you know what and where he is doing it. Be thankful for what you do have. Find an outlet for you to do at home or spend more time with your
Ask him to set a schedule for gaming or cut down to maybe only an hour after he gets off and then weekends when you’re working. If he loves you, he’ll compromise.
Marriage counciling and is he depressed, not happy? He needs to be honest with himself and you
Girl u need attention and to have fun too. And ur spouse should never make u feel like ur being belittled…ur just going to have a coversation w him, to express ur feelings. Give him a chance to change. Gd lucky!
Get some friends. Make plans with your daughter that u will enjoy too. Biking or something…
My husband plays but me and the kids come first and I am a stay at home mom he plays after we’re in bed or at least the kids in bed family first he also works full time but helps with house work and cooking and laundry on weekends he knows being a mother is a full time job and I deserve days off. And if your going to school also props to you. I think your hunny needs a lesson in life of being a stay at home parent he would learn it’s not that easy
This post has people from all over the world responding. I’m in Australia, where are you. Maybe someone close to where you live can meet with you and your little one for a play date in the park. Do you have a local mother’s club you could join?
I say set ur boundaries. He doesn’t want to txt but u do where is the balance? U want time he wants video games where is the balance? U both have to compromise it can’t just be one of u. U guys have to talk this out set ur expectations, compromise, pick and choose ur battles, and decide what r ur deal breakers. It will probably get worse before it gets better but has to happen. Good luck !!
Stop cooking and cleaning see what happens.
At least he comes home!
No grown adult needs to play fukin video games ,
Be responsible and take care of home and family ,