My spouse doesn't want to be seen with me: Advice?

I dont understand…
If yall arent together why does he have to be seen in public with you? I dont think Im following

Married ? But he’s planned with a GF? My guess is he has already told everyone you are no longer in the picture. Your daughter should not be punished because you allowed him to treat you dirty. Time to kick him out and find your worth. Be a strong woman for your kids and show them you deserve better so they know in relationship they do too!

This woman needs some serious counseling. Sleeping with her ex (who is dating someone else) & doesn’t understand why he’s “hiding” her? How tf do you not understand? MOVE ON.

So if your not together have separate parties. Then you need to stop worrying about what he thinks about you. You just remain civil when having to co-parent. That includes not using your child as leverage. Unless the child’s life is in danger or have proof of any type of abuse, you don’t withhold the child from their father. It doesn’t matter who is seeing now, unless you have proof that the person they are choosing to be with is hurting or putting the child’s safety at risk. What you need to do is worry about yourself and your child and you need to move forward. Find a guy that actually will appreciate you and who wants to be seen with you. You give your child’s father too much power over your life. Be civil when co-parenting, but let him go and stop worrying about him and what he thinks. Start focusing on you and finding someone who will love you and your child unconditionally.

Lol do you really have to come to a post like this? If he don’t want to be seen with you leave him. You shouldn’t be treated like that. But don’t let your feelings get in the way of letting him be a father unless he’s a terrible father.

You can’t figure out why he’s not showing you off when he’s with someone else, and y’all are sleeping together? You’re the side chick honey, he’s planning his daughters birthday celebration with his girlfriend, why is that a shock

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I’m not sure it’s ashamed as much as he doesn’t want this woman to find out he’s still sleeping with you. The more he falls for this woman, the more you remind him of his infidelity to her. It’s all him.

Let him have his party with her and you have your own party with her. Even if it’s just the 2 of you it will be special. As for him, let it go! I mean really let it go! Stop sleeping with the douchebag and get/keep your self respect! You can definitely do better.

Are you married to this man? And is he seeing another woman? The post isn’t clear.


Leave that toxic relationship “yesterday”! You can make it in your own. Be strong.

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Youre just playing games. Maybe draw some boundaries, stop getting your feelings hurt, and let your daughter go.

I’m confused, is he your spouse or isn’t he? The both of you need to stop this petty bull crap and game playing and think of your daughter. She is the one who will end up most affected by this.

Definitely let the daughter go it was not her choice to be brought into this world… People will see what an ass he is . But please tell me you are not considering staying with this less than human Being

Dump the bum he isn’t worth your time. Put your effort into raising your child.

Or you could be Petty and let this girl know that you guys are sleeping together and then find some way to show up at the party LOL that will make it so awkward for him

Oh wait a minute. What’s wrong with him celebrating with his girlfriend and other people. And u do the same on your side. WE USUALLY GET EX AND SPOUSES DADS AND MOMS TO CELEBRATE. ITS THE CHILDS BDAY. SUCK IT UP. YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS OVER. MOVE FOR YOUR ON SANITY AND SELF ESTEEM. GOOD LUCK

What a mess. He has you AND another girl. Why for hells sake are you putting up with that? Get him paying child support and get on with your life. This is a mess, with a predictable unhappy ending.

If you need to ask what to do? I really wouldn’t even know where to start with you!

no respect means no love…huge red flag…say goodbye now…rip off the bandaid…

Keeping your child from the father just because you’re sad is fucked up. Get over it. Yall aren’t together.

I’m amazed at the comments. She said they were married but seeing someone on the side. The child is one years old what does she know about parties. zilch! She does not need to grow up in that kind of life. It’s clear that he is not embarrassed of her he is trying to make her get a divorce not him which makes him look bad. So he gives the kid a big birthday party with said girlfriend and their friends to bolster his image. Just divorce him go get full custody of your child. There is nothing wrong with you lady he just knows how to hurt you. Let him go keep your child close don’t expose her to this stuff don’t fight in front of her. Always be very nice in front of her let him be the villain not you.

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One year old I would be going to and everyone can just be civil…

Your spouse??? Was he like this while you were married? Certainly his family must know you…? Maybe he’s trying to move on. He doesn’t have to party and hang with you to co-parent. Attending sporting events, graduations and things that you may have to both attend, yes, but if he’s throwing his own party, he doesn’t have to include you. He’s allowed a life with his child that doesn’t always include you. :woman_shrugging:

First it’s not you . It’s he wants to play the field and doesn’t want to have to explain who you are or he has unprotected sex with so many women. DOES HE COME AROUND TO GET SEX FROM YOU ON THE PRETEND HE WANTS TO SEE YOUR CHILD? You need to move on he is using you and worse yet your child.


If you guys are married, he’s wrong. If you guys are just co parenting, he don’t have to include you.

I would have a party ready for him when he got home from work with everyone he and I knew cause I wouldn’t put up with that shit

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Do what I did tell him to hit the road see if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence most times it’s o

He’s seeing another woman but you’re still sleeping with him? That’s messed up. He doesn’t want to be seen with you, and he’s having your child’s birthday party with another woman? Girl, it’s past time to kick him ti the curb. There are so many red flags here.

I can’t believe some of the nasty comments on here from women. If the story isn’t what you like then don’t comment. Give advice but don’t be insulting. :rage:

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He using you for sex…I had the EXACT same thing with my husband …without going into the details…we moved out of my in laws house ( drama living there) he went to a job about an hour away and moved in with a roomate . Didn’t tell me it was another girl…I found out on my own through some investigating with social media, picture of him holding the girl and he wouldn’t even touch me…the only two times he wanted to see or be around me was income taxes and sex…uhhh hell no !! we aren’t together anymore.

You picked a bum and expect him to act like a decent man. You are your own worst enemy.
You are responsible for your own happiness and for raising your daughter not to be a doormat.
Decent men don’t cat around. Decent men are honest.
Decent men are Decent fathers. Get a lawyer and get your head on straight. Quit boo-hooing over a situation you created.

Wow. That sucks. But i totally get it. I had a similar marriage. My husband went to marine school and met the owners daughter. None of them even knew he was married. On Christmas he left me home alone and celebrated with her and her family. I locked myself alone in the bathroom and turned on the gas heater with no flame. I was in there forever but didn’t die. I had a two year old, but i was so depressed i convinced myself she was better off without me. That marriage was ten years of hell. Before that i had seven even worse years with someone else who never valued me. Today, i am loved and appreciated. I am in a relationship where we are equals. I am happy. I still fight depression, i guess i always will. But i have love and everything i could ever want. Hang in there. But don’t expect him to change. It is you who must change and grow and move out of the darkness and into the light to find your happiness. Both of the men who treated me so badly in the past are now miserable and alone.

Don’t put your feelings ahead of your child’s


You don’t use your child as a weapon.

Why are you sleeping with him? He’s with someone else, you guys aren’t good.

Stop sleeping together, go to family court or at least relationships Australia to have something in agreement of days and times you will each have her and how you will split special days.

Split her birthday and allow her to still see her dad even if he’s a pig.
Only message each other about her, don’t talk about your feelings to him nothing. It will be hard but you can’t be going through this again

You are hurting your daughter with your pettiness. Number 1… don’t do that.

If he’s in a new relationship, if you know he’s “ashamed” of you, why are you still sleeping with him? Please get into counseling if possible and allow that to help you find your self worth. It’ll make a world of difference for you AND your daughter. :purple_heart:

These are made up situations by the people posting this " nameless network "

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First stop trying to make it about yourself.

I would let him have the party show up and tell everyone who you are and he’s still sleeping with you.

Make your plans if you decide to leave now. Don’t be like me. I waited because that’s what a good wife is supposed to do although he doesn’t or didn’t love you. Behaviors and actions say a lot to how he respects you because these create too much hurt and pain. Time flies and you realized you are not young anymore. Your self-esteem, security are slowly waning and you’ll start getting scared. Our hair, skin, sexual organs starts drying out, our eyesight and hearing failing,etc. as we reached menopause or become post-menopausal. If you trying to find another man, you will be afraid to meet them. Plan now!

Are you still married or separated or divorced? I’m confused?


Stop sleeping with him and move on with your life. Keep the child away from the drama and focus on co parenting.
Nothing more nothing less.

Let the kid have her party…its not about you.

I think you know what you have to do. You just have to find the courage to do it.Value yourself first.


Are you dating or not dating sorry? You say spouse but then say he is seeing someone else so I’m a little confused…

He is yr spouse? Seeing another woman? Are u together, are u a bootie call? Leave him in the dust…

If your daughter were older and aware I would say let her go for HER sake. Age 1? Irrelevant.

If you all aren’t together… I don’t see the big deal? Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I just don’t get it?

I would pack up and leave, without a single trace, go live in a distant city and pretend he is dead.
At least, it’s what his behavior deserves.


I mean seriously? Why is there any debate. Leave

So much to unpack here…therapy sounds like a good idea.


Why shouldnt you be apart of your child birthday? Naw

You are married to him and allowing him to have a girlfriend?

Take your daughter out for her birthday yourself… and kick that two timing jerk to the curb.

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and you out up with this why?

You played stupid games and got stupid prizes. Let the kid go to her party and you can set and cry at home and have her party separately. Why don’t you have friends?

1 get help to work on your self esteem 2 stop sleeping with him. 3 start going to church

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Stop sleeping with him. Treat yourself better, you deserve it. Have a mommy/daughter day for her birthday.

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Cant tell you what to do. You follow you’re heart and whats best for your child. I would divorce him . Like now! Good luck my sister’s of this world!

you aren’t being petty. not really. she’s your kid and he’s seeing someone else? why are you still with someone who treats you like that? you deserve better. and so does your daughter. dump the loser. you’ll both be better off without him in the long run.

You and your daughter deserve better. Stay strong mamma and move on to a happier life with out him.

Poor thing for U!! U deserve better and so is ur daughter…
Now since this birthday party is for ur daughter…don’t be selfish and not let her go to her own party…let her be!!
It’s not about U!!! Its about ur daughters birthday…
U don’t have to be there…jus drop her off…and let her have a good time!!! As for U???
Go on with ur life and love urself and love ur life…Ur a good person…don’t worry Karma will
come back to those who hurt U!!
Stay healthy and safe!!

You are not being petty. She’s your daughter, you’ve got to teach her to expect respect.

Well for one stop sleeping with him. Get you to know yourself, and work on your self esteem. Then get you a good man

Dry your tears and get yourself together put your makeup on that beautiful face of yours and take your baby girl out for her birthday if you need someone to go with you let me know I would love :heart: to celebrate you and your daughters first birthday with you and no you aren’t being petty that is your baby not his girlfriends baby stand your ground my heart goes out to you because I have walked in your shoes I remember the pain I went through because of the things he put me through or what I allowed him to put me through if I can help you please let me know my heart breaks for you because I know that pain

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Wait he’s seeing someone else and you are still sleeping with him? Wtf?

If I was feeling petty, I would celebrate on my own with my daughter. Better still , I’d leave him.

Wake up. He does not love you. You need to move on.

Jettison this person from your life!

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Stop sleeping with him for a start. Also let the kid have her party

Create your own happiness.

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Dump him, get a spine! Alimony and child support.

Obliged your husband and divorce him. Then that way he won’t ever have to be seen with you again

Let him go and find someone who values you! Do it now!

I wouldn’t say ashamed of you it’s just he’s with someone else

Ain’t no kinda real man does that shit :disappointed: the universe just doing u a solid, let that “man” go

Petty? Seriously? Know your worth and accept nothing but honor and respect

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Stop sleeping with him. When your gut says no, say it.

Get rid of him and find a man who actually cares about you and your child!

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Get a divorce but first get your things and your baby to a safe house

You do not have a spouse. You have a baby daddy.

Leave with your daughter!!! Or kick him out !!!

That will only hurt your daughter in the longrun

I wouldn’t let him have her at his party. She is too young to know and it sounds like he is trying to pretend his new girlfriend is the momma. And what the hell got you into a relationship with a sleaze like this?


Find someone who will do these things he won’t. Because someone will.
But also let your child vo

Dump his sorry ass. You dont deserve that. Be with someone who in joys and appreciates you.

You definitely deserve better and he will regret one day so that’s on him don’t make it on you

Do you still want a pig when you need only a sausage?

No don’t let her go you know nothing about her.

I am getting the feeling you are unaware of your worth. Look deep within your morals and ask yourself is this healthy, is this what I want? Stand up 4 yourself and look forward for the next person to love you right and treat you with dignity. Love yourself enough to let go and make room for amazing future possibilities.

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Just my 2 cents but u don’t need someone that’s ashamed to be with you. I know it hurts but you were built tough. Let him be a dad and that’s it. U don’t need him for you.

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Don’t be seen with him be shameful of him have your own party. Get it together

This is EXACTLY WHY HE DOESNT WANT TO BE AROUND YOU. Even you called it petty… too many moms saying “baby daddy ain’t shit” and then refuse to let him be a part of their lives. All while gladly cashing them child support checks… Too many PETTY ass baby mamas around trying to control what they can still. GET OVER HIM and LET HIM HAVE HIS DAUGHTER.

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Probably the same but better then that I think I would make a surprise visit to them

Please contact a lawyer and go no contact with him. He is using you and you deserve better

The day’s going by fairly quickly. Any news😞

Stop giving him a booty call and just co parent. You need to put your child first, not him

What more of a slap in the face does she need… hes seeing someone and it’s not u.
I’ve been the dirty little secret b4, and I know it doesn’t feel good…cut ur losses and ditch the POS. Get good with u… and love u…u will find someone who’s proud of u and ur daughter…
I’ve been single 7 years and have learnt to love me all of me. No one will ever have the satisfaction of treating me poorly… im worth so much more… AND SO ARE U!!! :purple_heart: