My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

Next time don’t come back

Or wait till all bills are either late or due, pack your stuff and bounce.

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No ma’am you pay all the bills he can get out

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If you pay the bills, tell him he can leave or build a bridge and get over it.

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Get out now while the getting is good. Somebody needs to leave the house … it doesn’t matter who … but you need to move on with your life without him.

You pay everything he can leave.


Forget that dude get a new one

Change the locks, doll.

Get yourself an apartment and go. See who pays his bills. Why are you putting up with his crap?


Kick him out or you leave and cut off all bills.


Leave!!! Or have him removed if the place is in your name and you pay everything. That’s abuse


Girl, let me tell you something. Make plans to leave. Don’t ever let a man tell you to get out of the house. If he does, you don’t belong with that BOY and he ain’t the one. Find a real man who isnt a coward.


6 years I did this leave no contact let him figure it out alone don’t ever talk to him again

You need to ask? My gosh leave

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Make a choice to leave or stay.

Tell him he can only do that so many times before there will be no going back.

You can kick him out also. Stand your ground. And don’t coward down. You’re stronger inside than you think. Take control of this situation. Or leave and don’t return.

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Why are you leaving let him leave.

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You are a better person than he is treating him. You don’t need him and you should just pack up and move. I went 15 years with my ex and him telling me how bad I was, etc. etc. I finally realized that I was better than that, got out and was so much better. No stress.

The next time it happens dont go back

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Depending on whose name the mortgage or lease is in, either leave or kick him out.

Why are you allowing yourself to be a doormat for him?? Girl I would’ve kicked his butt to the curb the FIRST time he tried to kick me out of a home I PAY FOR!!! Get rid of him, he sounds like a leach and a narcissist!

Sick your mom on him! Boot :hiking_boot: his ass out! :dancer:t2:

Get rid of him. Evidently you can take care of yourself. What do you need him for. Plenty of fish in the sea when your ready… you need to spend time by yourself to find yourself in order to move on to another relationship. This way you realize your worth and you don’t follow a pattern. Good luck… :four_leaf_clover:
If apt and bills are in your name kick him out and change locks. Don’t forget the restraining order also. If everything is in his name, leave and leave the bills and rent to him. If you don’t leave you will just continue living like this. Take it from someone who has been there, done that. Go before it gets ugly…

Leave and forget the dude

What? If YOU pay the bills, put that bum out.

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Who owns the house?
If he does leave… if you do, kick him out. Either way LEAVE HIM! U make the money u can survive on ur own. Let him live on his “side job”

Giiiiiiirl if you don’t pack your sh*t for good and leave that no good “man”!!! It’ll hurt at first and they’ll be lonely moments but you’ll have peace, regain self love and self confidence!!! YOU DESERVE BETTER!!!

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You pay the bills and he’s telling you to leave??

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Don’t wait for the next time. Tell him to pack his stuff and get out. The only way you should leave is if this is his home. If it’s his home, you need to go. He isn’t contributing financially and is an emotional drain. Too much time has already been dedicated to a relationship that is going nowhere.

12 years of abuse! You pay the bills and he tells you to leave. Wellllll girlfriend.
Give him what he wants. Pack up and leave permanently.

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Learn your rights. If that is your place of residence he can’t just kick you out without going through an eviction process, and there has to be good reason. If your name is on the lease or mortgage then the process is a lot more difficult.

However, I would say maybe it’s time rethink this relationship.

Take your bill money and get your own place, be done with that toxic person.


If it’s y’all home change the door locks and put his things next to the end of the drive way

If you make all the money,I would leave. He is using you

Just leave and let him pay the bills

Is your name on the lease deed mortgage et cetera?

Quit paying his bills. Find your own place and leave

Kick him out permanently
He will not.stop ever as he has learned you will tolerate the abuse
Find better

I would just go every hour you stay is one more hour you lose in your life just being in turmoil it’s obvious it’s not going to work out

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Pack up and go. Stop paying those bills. Don’t come back.


Um leave and don’t go back

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If your name is on the lease/mortgage, he can’t put you out. Even if it wasn’t, you live there and he STILL can’t put you out. How EXACTLY does he put you out? IF he physically puts his hands on you, you need to have his a** arrested and get a restraining order and HE will have to leave the home. If not, how the hell are you letting him put you out if YOU pay the bills?:thinking: He would’ve had ONE time to tell me to leave, his a** would end up homeless because when I left, my money would’ve left with me.


You’re already doing it alone…it won’t be any different aside from moving on. Love yourself enough to say enough is enough. Just as easily as you pay the bills where you’re at, you could do it in your own space without a leach. I guarantee you’ll be much happier and have a respect for yourself like never before.


What??? Why would you allow him to treat you that way? He needs a good a** whipping and you need to move on… It will never change…

Who’s name is the house under? If it’s his get your own place. If it’s under your name don’t leave, and kick his butt out permanently

Shit I’d be like :v:. Girl ain’t nobody got time for that toxic BS. Go live a fine life

It’s called abuse … it’s a form of manipulation that he’s using and you shouldn’t put up with it … you say you pay all the bills … then leave him high & dry and be on your way. You deserve better


Leave. Make your plans and walk away before he kicks you out again. You’d be much happier without him

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If you two truly love each other, therapy… people act strange when they’re mad, especially if they don’t have a way to properly/healthily express it.

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Your name? Your home.

beat him to it, u kick him out.

You should have been gone. What you need him for. Love dont feed you. Is a roll in the hay really that needed. Just think. Do what’s right for you. If you want to play yoyo go ahead.

Depending on your expenses. If you’re renting I’d look into getting your name taken off and work on doing what he said and change the name on the bills to only his and it’s all his responsibility then and actually get out and get a place of your own. If you own this will be much more difficult. Legally he can’t kick you out, but seriously that is very toxic and it sounds like you both argue enough that it’s just not healthy. It’s his problem if he can’t afford the bills.

Wow that would be the day!!

RUN…don’t walk or wait!


You’re kidding right? Get out.


Side jobs? Get a man that pays some bills


Sounds like you’re already done. If the house is in your name, don’t leave


The only advice you need is you already know what to do


Just do what you said. Next time he tells you to leave… leave and don’t go back. It would shock him


You teach people how to treat you.


If you pay the bills why doesn’t he leave??


Separate your finances, get off your lease if you rent and start saving. Then leave his sorry excuse for a behind.


Do as he says and get out for good


And don’t pay a dollar anymore


Almost done? Honey you should of been done after the first time he kicked you out. You’re with a control freak, get out now :disappointed:

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If you pay all the bills then just leave. You don’t need him or his BS.

Abuse is abuse. Physical, verbal, or psychological. It scars. Physical scars heal quicker than the other, I know.
Get away. Doesn’t matter if you love him. If he really love you, he wouldn’t be pulling this. It’s gaslighting, a form of control. Run


If you pay the bills and your name is on the lease/mortgage kick his ass out. If it isn’t, just leave.

Go. You deserve better than this.

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Don’t you think that, that’s telling you something in itself?

Girl!! Get out leave find your peace!

Turn it around on him and tell him to leave. You pay the bills and can afford to live there.


My a-hole ex did the same thing…then, I actually did leave after nearly 10 years. He cried and begged me to come back for almost 2 years. That was the best decision I ever made. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t left. Took me getting away to see how toxic it actually was and how he was never husband material to begin with.

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How many times has this happened…
Get out now!!

Life is too short for that…MOVE OUT

So leave and let him pay his own bills. Simple


Why are you still there?

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Leave don’t look back

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Almost done??? I’m sorry let me hush :thinking::joy:

If you pay everything than there’s no need for him.


You already know what to do. You make the bread money. Leave. It’s pretty clear.


Oh! You need to get tf out

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If everything is in your name then kick him out. If everything is in his name don’t pay any of the bills and put the money towards another place.


Oh heck no, you pay the bills, he would be the one leaving not me


So. This is not a comment I wanted to make because it’s embarrassing, BUT. When my husband and i fight (been together 11 years), i kick him out. Doesnt matter the weather or anything, i see red. Thats it. Nothinf else matters. I know what im doing is wrong in that moment but i cant stop it. I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Diagnosed. OCD, anxiety as well.

From all if the therapy I’ve done thus far I’ve realized that me constantly kicking my husband out after every argument or disagreement is my way of seeing how far I can push him and have him fight for me because when he invalidates my feelings i feel like he doesnt care about me so I click and it just starts an argument to see if he cares enough to fight. It stems from my childhood of abandonment and my ex always kicking ME out in our relationship making me fight for him. We push the limits to see how much our partner will fight for us. It’s so stupid but he may have BPD or a deep rooted abandonement issue.


Who’s name is on the lease? If it’s yours because you pay all the bills kick him out or stop paying all the bills save the money to get your own place with only your name on the lease and leave


Next time your argument starts put your phone on record …when you both hear how you react with one another you both might be surprised and grow …or it will give you the wake up call you need to call the authorities and show them the true bread winner and have him evicted at least for the night if you tell them you are in fear for your safety

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You pay the bills? Change the locks


Find your own place. Cut off the utilities and leave him to fend for his dam self!!! Unless the place is in your name in which give proper notice to vacate the premises and move without him trailing behind.


Umm you pay the bills kick his ass out and change the locks

I would not put up with him for a second. Love yourself.


Don’t pay the bills when he throws you out Don’t come back


Kick him to the curb!!! Or leave!! Your paying the bills. Have some respect for yourself, you deserve so much better!!!


It’s his turn to leave !

Why do you go back ? He LETS YOU COME BACK because the bills need to be paid.


You already know what you need to do…Leave and donot go back

I’m confused …you pay the bills and he kicks you out! Hmmmm why is he left in the apartment then


You pay the bills? Fuck that shit. Get up and leave. You are allowing him to treat you like that.