Hurry and get a lawyer…It’s a must because if he filed for divorce first you don’t know if he’s asking for primary custody or what…You need to take action quickly. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Be Strong.
This has always been a fear of mine I’m so sorry this happened to you, sounds like he might have been talking to someone else for awhile and they gave him the courage to do this I just get that feeling
Sometimes we don’t get answers, sounds like his mind is made up
Never leave. You are entitled to 50% of the home if it has to be sold. If you leave he can charge or claim you abandoned him. Document everything from here on out. Money he has given you and so on. If you were a stay at home mom he may be required to pay alimony and a provide a place for you to live. DO NOT LEAVE, DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.
You do not go he goes.
He has someone else. At least he’s being honest.
There is definitely someone else he is with and probably has been with for awhile now. Just move on I know thats hard to do. Dont leave the house, get a lawyer and file for custody!
Call an attorney. Do not leave your child’s home.
And let him go. He made up his mind months ago. And has been saving for this divorce hell want full custody. You leaving makes your daughters living unstable.
Go retain a lawyer. Every county, state and country has different laws. Don’t make any brash decisions (like moving out) without consulting a lawyer. Best of luck!
Go asap…be with people who love you. Get an attorney
Um no girl, don’t you leave your house. That’s yours and your child’s home. He needs to leave since he’s the one with the problem. I’d tell him if he wants the house, that can be discussed in court during the divorce- but until then you won’t be uprooting your daughter from her home, all because he wants to be an ass. The audacity to tell you to leave in a month, gtfoh. You did nothing wrong, girl don’t you leave, I swearrrrrr.
He never said his daughter has to leave…why is everyone assuming that he can’t be a single dad?this isn’t 1960. Dad’s have the same parental rights as the mom.
Nah, you change the locks on those doors and he can find somewhere else to stay. He doesn’t get to throw this at you unexpectedly and think you’re going to uproot yourself and your daughter. If he’s choosing divorce then he’s choosing to find himself new housing until a court tells you otherwise. Get yourself a good lawyer and fight for your home and daughter.
You don’t leave. If he left, he’s abandoned the marital home and you have a right to stay there. Check the laws where you live, but you can likely file an eviction on him and start the legal separation on your side. Until there is a custody arrangement with the courts, I wouldn’t let him take the child anywhere, visitation can be at your home.
Sounds like there’s someone else already.
Just go. Be done with him. At least he is honest and not leading you on. Put your emotions to the side and get a good divorce attorney. You can cry later.
Spouse meaning husband,right? If you’re married…don’t move a thing.
Girl, when he tells you to go back to your parents house, you tell to never come back to that house. You will be there until the divorce is over!!!
This lady knows what she’s talking about… Journaling everything is very important and could m be vital in terms of child custody and other dispute as well.
Don’t worry about whether or not your able to meet all the the bills if he threatens you with this.
until the courts figure this all out (even if he leaves he will be on the hook for whatever portion of the bills they deem fit)
Even if he owns this home and your name is not on it you have a child, you are common law (if not married) he legally has no right to make you leave on the day he decides.
This isn’t about being difficult either, this is about your rights and most importantly, your daughters life not being interrupted more than it needs to be due to the separation.
Get a lawyer. DO NOT LEAVE. He needs to leave. Your daughter needs as much normalcy as possible, so keep her there in that home. Allow him to see her regularly. No matter what happened, she’s his daughter too and she shouldn’t end up in the middle of it. But definitely get a lawyer asap
Must be something in the air.
That’s your child’s home! Do not leave and go file for custody, a judge will give you the house for your child! Also, go to the bank if you have a joint account and take half to help support your daughter for now!
You don’t have to leave if it’s your house too. Screw that. Hopefully not but seems like maybe he moved on or has a mistress? Especially to be that cold to you. I wouldn’t leave. He can.
Ya he must of met someone I think that’s very sad
Why would you want to stay with someone who doesn’t want the relationship
If he left you with money can you afford the bills? Maybe that’s why he is telling you to leave?
I would find out your legal rights first, but boy bye🤷♀️
Your married!? Dont leave the house! Go get a lawyer & make sure you get half of everything your entitled to! & dont let your kid go alone with him until custody papers are made cuz he can keep her from you!
You won’t find the closure you need. Take his words as closure, as hard as it it. Leave and start a fresh. Take it from someone who knows staying in that house has to many memories, that was your your family home.
Consult a lawyer, QUICKLY. and do not leave, it’s his problem that he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. Sounds like he may have found himself a side piece
When Your Done Your Done.
You stay in your home… he needs to stay wherever he’s laying his head right now. Hell No DONT try and change his mind or give him the opportunity to change his mind. Pray for Strength and Go See A Lawyer. He abandoned the marriage not you. YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE SIS!
DO NOT leave your house, get an attorney and request that he pays for your attorney fees.
Leave if the house is his!U can’t make him love or want u!
Ummm NOPE, That’s your Family home and His child shouldn’t be uprooted to grandma and grandpa’s house for Any reason. You are 50% OWNER of everything accumulated during the MARRIAGE, If HE is done being MARRIED then HE can go stay with HIS PARENTS, Get an Attorney and petition HE Pay for said Attorney!
Have you talked with an attorney? Get one immediately! Do NOT MOVE OUT OF THE HOUSE!
HE abandonef you, you did not abandon him. You need legal advice.
Then move on.
Don’t move, you guys have a child go fight for custody
Just go. Definitely don’t stay. As bad as it might hurt, hold your head up, seek a divorce lawyer and stay strong for your daughter. And don’t let him see you sweat. It will get better. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day. But you will heal and be ok. Hugs mama.
Firstly go see a lawyer he cannot make you leave with your children,ask him to leave immediately, and I also think he as someone else in his life
Contact a very good lawyer.
My guess is he is with someone else. A man doesn’t just leave for no reason. He was probably cheating, which is horrible…but be glad he filed for divorce and told you he’s leaving instead of betraying you longer and wasting any more of your time.
Take him at his word, get a lawyer, and make a new life for yourself. Who wants a loser like that anyways? Don’t chase this man or try to work it out. He’s not worth it.
Do not leave it’s your home
Why doesn’t he leave instead of telling you to?
Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.
You definitely need to get legal advice. You deserve to know all the facts, and get representation for your side of things. Follow the lawyer’s advice to a T.
Talk to a Attorney Now,do not make a decision until you do. Wake up,Stand up and take control of your life,He has moved on
Don’t leave the home. Get a lawyer. File for divorce. Get child support and custody set. Don’t let him take your child until it’s set. You’re entitled to half of everything. He doesn’t get a say in that.
Unfortunately if you have kids and both your names are on the house he can’t kick you out speak to a lawyer ASAP and tell your husband until you have legal advise you won’t be leaving etc
I think you should read what you wrote out loud…. I hope doing that helps you see that you should not stay with him. You should however, stay in that house and keep raising your daughter… While getting an attorney and getting every last bit that you’re entitled to. It’s hard, it might get ugly and going through the transition with your daughter will seem impossible some days… BUT, once its all said and done, you can breath a little lighter and start a life that’s focused on you and your daughter. Best of luck to you.
Babygirl leave…please don’t hold on and hurt yourself more in the process.
If someone tells you they don’t want you take their word for it and find someone that appreciates you.
Let him go stay with whoever he replaced you with.
He wants out of the marriage let him leave
Why should you be uprooted.
Do not leave. Tell him if he wants out he can leave. Consult a lawyer, but there isn’t much to be done until someone starts the divorce process.
He has already made his mind up. Did he buy the house before y’all were married or dating? If so, then you should find other arrangements for living. It is not right to take a man’s house that you weren’t around when it was acquired by this man. Sorry, but that’s just my belief. But if u were together when it was bought, then I wouldn’t leave. I would ask for the house, one car, and monthly support for a period of time until you can acquire gainful employment and provide for you and your daughter. Of course he should be doing for the child too anyway even if y’all aren’t together. That’s still his child. And you should reach out to see what resources you have access to and maybe some support groups. I know it hurts, but you also have a daughter who is going to be affected by this and you have to be strong for her and try to make this as painless for her as you can. It seems like he maybe at least care about you, doesn’t seem to be being malicious, so maybe you guys can agree on a good plan for all three of you to make this as civil as possible. Also if you guys can get along well enough maybe u can keep the child out of the system and agree on the time she spends with each of you. Sometimes there’s no way around it, but that’s not something you want a court all up in your business on. Good luck to you, but don’t hold on to something that’s already let go of you. If he changes his mind, he will let u know like he did when he made this decision. Also it’s ok to be angry, divorce sucks most of the time. But he did come to you with something that couldn’t have been easy to say and he was honest and up front with you. It would be wrong of him to waste your time and life away not living you the way you deserve to be loved by someone. That’s admirable of him at least on that front. I hope y’all can be civil and make good decisions moving forward that are in the benefit of everyone, especially the child.
Oh dear. Definitely get a good lawyer who specializes in women’s issues. Do NOT leave the house! Half of everything is yours.
M u husband as a man says he can not throw you out. Your the mother he’s the father men are supposed to provide you and your daughter a home. If he wants a divorce he’ll end up paying you alimony and child support
If you are married, consult a lawyer & go about it the legal way
I wouldn’t leave my home, he can leave if he wants the separation inside the home. That’s on him to figure out as he’s obviously figured out he wants the divorce. Consult a divorce lawyer asap and stand your grounds. Where is he staying at the moment? I would try to figure out if he’s found someone else as that will help you during the divorce process. If he’s cheating and leaving, then you should get what you deserve due to him being a scum bag. I hate this for you but don’t hope for change within him, find the positive change for yourself and your daughter because neither of you deserve this.
That is horrible! Get a good lawyer. Don’t leave, make him go.
Look up your state laws I know in some states because he vacated the house the state will look at it as him vacating it and will deem it yours in the divorce as long as you don’t leave. Please do not leave the house and stop allowing him to continue to control this situation. Lawyer up and take this time to get yourself situated so your daughter is still as stable as she can be after all of this is over. Don’t tell him you’ve gotten a lawyer or your not leaving either.
Maaaaannnn I’d be calling an attorney, and getting my girls to track his ass & take pictures of who he’s fucking with…. Bc that’s a move another chick told him to do. Divorce court, child support & alimony here I fkn come….
He can leave. Why move your daughter out of her home?
Dont leave your house. Let everything get hashed out in court. Unfortunately, you may never have closure with this but you still need to protect yourself.
You get a lawyer. Stop talking to him unless it has to do with your kid. Don’t leave the house.
Any layer will tell you don’t leave!
Be aware of your rights and fight for them , house , custody… let go emotionally of him , he moved on, you might as well do the same . Plan your days , surround yourself with people who care , and day after day it becomes more bearable and then acceptable to be on your own with your daughter
Don’t leave the house….even if it was acquired prior to the marriage. Consult an attorney or you could be taken for abandonment if you leave
Definitely don’t stay if he’s essentially no contact other than parenting. Time to focus on you
No he needs to leave
I’m sorry your going through this hard time… I know it’s not easy… do what’s right for you and your daughter… he should leave as it’s not that easy to start fresh with kids.
Emotionally let go, but don’t leave the house there’s no reason to move you and your daughter when he’s the one bailing. Consult a lawyer! So sorry you’re going through that it must be so hard
You dont have to leave if your name is on that house. You should kick him out honestly (unless you can’t afford the home you’re in now) But When someone tells you they don’t want to be with you anymore you listen. In my honest opinion he found someone else probably… chances are as soon as that divorce is final he will have a “new” gf.
Don’t leave your house make him leave
Get a lawyer… file first… don’t move out of the house!!!
Don’t let him take your home away! Your have rights!!!
Get that alimony since he decided to leave. And tell him the day you leave is when he has an eviction notice. Had someone just go thru this. Know your rights!
Do not leave that house!! He can file abandonment
Everyone saying don’t leave is right! Idc whose paying the bills! Change the locks!
He’s not coming back! He is clearly seeing someone else. I know it hurts but you are going to have to dry your tears and think strategically right now…Lawyer up because he can’t make you leave… please, don’t just take his word. You got rights, you guys have to divide assets, set on custody of your child, he will have to give you child support, maybe even spousal support. The thing is you really need to have the upper hand before he gaslights you and just serves you papers. Talk to a lawyer TODAY
Yeah unfortunately that’s not how divorce works…HE can leave the house and go start his own Bachelor lifestyle he desires…You can stay in the house that you BOTH own, AND keep the car, AND get Alimony, AND child-support. Funny how some men think they can get off scott free, lol. He’s going to get a rude awakening once his lawyer explains all of this
Don’t let door him on the backside while going out
Get a lawyer asap, file for abandonment on him. And file for child support and spousal support. Don’t leave the house and don’t say anything to him unless it’s regarding your daughter. Don’t wait for him to take the first move. Act fast.
Do not leave the house.
Do not leave. He left the marriage when he said he is filing for divorce. Get a lawyer and stand your ground. You have a child to think about too.
He is cheating…. Change all the locks to the house so he can’t get access to move her in . Get a lawyer. Don’t leave
Go file abandonment ASAP sooner than asap
No you stay and fight for what you are entitled to. He doesn’t just get to make you move out because he’s decided it’s over. Do not move out. If you leave the house you’re basically giving it to him. Find a lawyer and let them help guide you. I’d also be filing for custody.
Make him leave. You do not have to leave that house and i wouldn’t
I could be wrong but I think she is wondering if she should try and fight for her marriage? The answer would be no, because he has made it clear that he doesn’t want to stay married, you can’t try and keep someone that doesn’t want to stay. As far as the house, if you can afford the bills then I would stay but, if you can’t then you would need to sell it and move where you can afford it. I guess you could look at it as a new chapter in life, and down the line you could fall in love with someone, that would truly love you back.
Like others are saying don’t leave the house. He can’t legally just kick you out and the police will not assist him. He would have to formally evict you which is a process. You have a child so it’s not unreasonable. He can stay somewhere else until the divorce is finalized
He wants out,let him leave the house
This man sounds like he will screw you over if he gets the chance. Do not let him. Do not leave.
- He left. Therefore, you need to see a lawyer & file for the house, if you can afford it. If you can’t, move out. File abandonment & change the locks AFTER you see a LAWYER bc every state is different.
Sadly, you can’t make him change his mind. I know you want to but you can’t. It sounds like he’s been planning this for a while. Grieve the loss. Feel your way out. But right now, you have to accept it’s over. Make a plan for you & your child & focus on healing & raising your child.
Don’t move out, he can’t just kick you out of your home. If he’s filing for divorce then get a lawyer. I wouldn’t fight for the relationship itself because even if he does change his mind, you would constantly be worried about him changing it again. He’s decided to be done and you can’t change how a person feels. But fight for other things like your child and your home and such.
Does the house or lease have your name on it? If so, definitely don’t leave! It’s your house too!
Get a lawyer asap. Only communicate with him through text or email so you have a record.
Don’t leave , he wants to file for divorce let him leave.
There’s definitely someone else. What a fkn chode.
Do not leave the house get a lawyer
Do not pack your things and leave you sit your self right where you are and lawyer up
He left the marriage he can leave the house. You have his daughter, why uplift her life because of his choices. Nope
Never let a man tell you more than once that he doesn’t want you.
You have kids. So hey . Let him move out and you and kids stay.
100% there’s someone else
Do not leave the house. He can move out.