Some Answers are best not knowing… at least he isn’t selfish like some other men who know in their heart they doh want u but still hv u hanging on false hope…
Pop the Champagne n say Good Riddance!!
I think this is one of those situations where there may have been many things leading up to this and a lot of those things were stacked up small things over time so much that it was barley noticeable to you. If he isn’t willing to talk then just let him go. I know that this hurts right now, but he is sparing you a potential fight. He does not want to reconcile it seems. So I wouldn’t fight for someone who does not want to be there. He is trying to be cordial and focus on the child you guys have together. I don’t think this is your fault. At least not all of it. But get yourself some therapy and start making plans to improve your life with out him
If he’s leaving, the least he can do is give you the house. Contact a lawyer asap.
Tell him that if he would like to not be with you anymore that he can find a new place to live
With the house thing. Is it both in your names or just his?
I’m sorry to tell you that He’s got someone else. No man does this with nothing else on the back burner. The way he did it proves this, he had it planned and a timeframe. I would not just leave because that’s your home too and you are entitled to it just as much as he is. I would call an attorney for legal advice before you move further. I wouldn’t count on him changing his mind, it seems he’s thought this up and usually they change their mind when it’s too late. If he was willing to give up are you really wanting him to change his mind?
Get a lawyer now. Don’t wait. Sounds like hubby has it all figured out. I’m guessing he has a girlfriend. But stand up for yourself! A lawyer should help you get a plan together. Think of what’s best for you and your little one. Please keep us posted.
Get a lawyer and make him leave the house
I feel like I just read the story I my young life. DO NOT LEAVE THAT HOUSE!!! You WILL be ok!!! Not having answers can be hard. But you don’t need them. Instead, learn about who YOU are!!! Decide how you want to co-parent and let the pats be in the past. Find people who give you valuable advice and make the best of it. You may find you don’t want him to change his mind once you put everything into perspective. Good luck.
Why isn’t he leaving?.. Exactly the same reasons why you should not leave!
Contact a lawyer. I’m assuming since you’re married both your names are on the deed?
He can move into a shitty apartment or something. Just because he woke up one day and decided your marriage was over doesn’t mean you have to leave your home this is his problem.
Is going to be hard, but he’s made his choice. But don’t move out. You and your daughter shouldn’t be displaced just because he’s got issues. File for divorce and move on. It will get easier with time.
Sounds like you may not have been paying attention to the problems y’all had or maybe he found someone else and at this point has completely moved on.
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You are not gonna get the closure you want from him. It is safe to assume he has found someone else. What you need to focus on for now is getting a lawyer and learning your rights. He doesn’t get to decide anything on his own so don’t be weak as he assumes you are. I am sorry this happened and hope you find peace in the fact that he didn’t waste anymore of your time.
I wouldnt leave he chose to end the marriage his ass can go
He should go not you. Please get some legal advice.
Don’t leave the house. Do consultations with the best lawyers so he can’t use them. Get one of the lawyers you do a consultation with.
I’d say good riddance to bad rubbish. And if your name is in the house, he can go somewhere else. I hope you called a lawyer. I’d file first if he hasn’t already done it.
If he didn’t give you more of an explanation then if it was me I would think it’s because he’s found someone else…DONT LEAVE HE CANT MAKE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME…Until a judge says otherwise you and your daughter have every right to stay there.He chose this so why should you move you and your child some place else…GET A LAWYER ASAP.Fight for the house and alimony and child support…Hes cheating and then just comes home one day like everything cool and just drops a bomb like that with some dumb excuse no guy does that unless it’s over another girl or guy…Im so sorry this happened text him and tell him he chose this you and your child are staying at the house and he needs to continue paying everything that he normally pays until a judge says otherwise…Remind him you guys are still legally married whatever he doesn’t pay will screw him to so it’s in his best interest to continue paying for everything he normally pays for…
Get a lawyer…don’t leave the home …and he abandon you and your daughter…whatever u do dont leave the home
…get a lawyer
He found someone else. Don’t t leave the house.
Get an attorney! He is obviously done.
If HE is the one leaving, HE should be the one LEAVING the house to go stay SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Contact a lawyer asap.
If he says he doesn’t want to be with you, you can’t make him.
He sounds pretty decided.
However, if the home us owned, I would not leave. Figure out what you’re both going to do via lawyers (sell, buy out etc) but do not leave.
I wouldn’t leave the house. He needs to leave.
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Get a lawyer. You shouldnt have to leave. Is your name on the deed?
Absolutely do not leave, and get a lawyer or legal representation immediately. If you leave, he can get you for “abandonment.” Do not give him that edge against you. Good luck.
Since you guys are married that house is as much yours as it is his. I would not leave and uproot your daughter until the courts tell you to do so. If he wants to leave then he can leave. It’s not fair of him to just decide you and your child have to uproot your lives, especially without any explanation. If you didn’t have any children it would be different. I’d say cut your losses and leave but when a child is involved it’s a whole different ball game. Suddenly uprooting a child’s entire life can be traumatic for them.
I’d be hiring an attorney ASAP
My ex husband came home an throwed a card with a lawyers name on it I ask what it wad for an he said he has met someone an he wanted a divorce an I thought we were great also I left made new life for me an our girls an now he’s single all alone an I am remarried an he treats me so good .but I kept everything all he got was his cloths an truck so I would keep the house an fight for child support an alimony let him go
First off, why do YOU have to gone in a month? Marital property etc. NO. Get a lawyer and you file first. Do.Not. Leave. Stay in that house.
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It is most unfortunate, you should get a lawyer now before the month is up. Discuss your options, he has been honest about wanting out. You may never know the reason why or ever get an answer. Holding on will only hurt you in the long run as well as your daughter. She is watching. Feel how you feel, cry when you need to and move on with your life. If the house is in both your names don’t leave or that will be considered abandonment he will get the house. You need a place to stay for you and your daughter. I am sure you are confused right now. Try to think clear and be smart with what you do next.
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If you can afford the house stay, but be grateful it’s ending without violence. ( yes I watch way too much true crime) get on with your life. And God bless
first thing see a lawyer, as if you leave the home in some states you have a hard time to get anything out of the house … 2nd. do believe he has it figured out and has been planing this for a while so listen to your lawyer because when he fines out his plan will not work he will want you back do not believe as he will do this again and again if you let him. 3. find a job and a babysitter for child (some where there is a girlfriend and and a plan) do not be surprised. In other words look at the Forrest not just one tree, Don’t be surprised if he goes after taking the child as “He and his girlfriend can support the child” where you can not with no job. Except that he used you and the child to get to the place he wants to be. Good luck
He’s met someone. Don’t move out. That’s your house sis. Find evidence of infidelity and you can really go after him.
Do not leave that house! - period
Contact a lawyer.
That house is a home for your daughter.,
He’s choosing to end it therefore he can leave. Their has to be some stability for your daughter therefore that house is for you two. It definitely sounds like he has interests elsewhere, perhaps he has even been staying with that person since he chose to end it.

Do not leave the property! You need somewhere for you and the children and he has already moved out! Seek legal advice. Sounds like he has someone else
Stay and get lawyer he abandoned it all
Get a lawyer. Yall are married yall have a child together. Everything is split 50 50 dont let him get anything over on you. That home is that babys home.
Don’t leave. More than likely he has a gf.
Consult an attorney… find out your rights. Also come up with a parenting plan. Sorry to hear… but I don’t want to be with anyone who doesn’t want to be with me. You got this! Lack of communication is a huge relationship killer!
You stay put but not in the hope he changes his mind.
I’d be near certain that an infidelity will show it’s ugly gear in the future.
He can find somewhere else to live - simple. Stay in that home and do not leave until you have received official legal advice.
I’m so sorry, I know how you feel and it’s absolutely terrible but he’s a PoS.
Do not leave. He left, that can be seen as abandonment. Start taking a little cash back when you go to the store and get a savings stashed.
Call a lawyer. Don’t let him make the choice for the rest of your life.
Change the locks, keep the house, he’s been cheating,.file for divorce first…NOW!!!
Do not move out of the home. Contact a lawyer to protect your interests and your daughters.
Knock his to the curb and fight for your rights
Get those locks changed and hire an attorney!
Do not leave. He probably met someone else. Call a lawyer NOW.
Is the house in his name? If so I would leave I mean why would you want to stay with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. It’s a sucky situation I agree but at least he left you some money and a car. There are woman our there who’s spouses leave them high n dry just because they do not care.
Don’t you move, he wants the divorce, he can find accommodation for himself, he has a duty to keep you and your daughter in a home, tell him he has a month to leave, you are staying put in the family home with your daughter, your family
Do not leave the house. Agree with the others, change the lock’s, you file 1st
Stay in the house, find a lawyer, get all copies of financials you can, bank accounts, retirement accounts, investments etc…
Oh he is a slick one. He got you with the “shock” factor. Like everyone else is saying do not leave your home. That is considered abandonment. I would first get the car title reregistered in your name only while he is agreeable, by having him sign over the title and have HIM pay the fees since this was his idea. I would seek out a lawyer who can advise on the state laws in your area to achieve the best financial outcome for your daughter and you. You did not ask for this so he must pave the easiest route for you to obtain independence from him.
You should file first and don’t leave your home. He’s already moved out/on, likely with someone else. Why uproot your life and your child because he’s unfaithful. Get a lawyer and get moving on your filing, 50/50.
Legally he has abandoned you and child bc he left
Do nothing he says or it can backfire against you
Listen to what others are saying…get an attorney…usually consultation is free and there is legal aid. So sorry for all this…for the heartache, pain,etc.
File for divorce and temporary custody of your daughter immediately so he can’t just take her without your permission. Otherwise he can take her and leave with her.
Ah honey I’m sorry you’re going through this, but it doesn’t sound like he’s going to change his mind. Just talk to an attorney and see what you can do
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I wouldn’t move out unless he files an eviction, even then the judge can decide who/when needs to leave. Him leaving shows he alrdy has somewhere to stay so I’d stay there, save every penny you can for as long as you can.
Don’t communicate unless it’s about your daughter & go consult a lawyer.
Don’t leave the house. Get a lawyer. Sounds like he is cheating. Take him for everything
By law you DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR HOME. GET A LAWYER FILE FOR DIVORCE ON ABANDONMENT, he left. Go for house, car, 1/2 of all his retirement, 401K, stocks, bonds, money(savings/cking), child support, almoney if your stat has it. The attorney will see you free and than the process fees can be done in pymts. Change the locks on the house, he left.
What they said…get a lawyer and don’t leave your house
Why do you have to leave? Make him leave.
Go see a lawyer immediately then go see a counselor/therapist to help you work through this.
You are getting a lot of bad advice on this post. Please consult with an attorney.
Bummer . Why did he bother kissing you ?
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Why don’t he go if he’s not happy
See a lawyer asap don’t go anywhere
Whos name is the car registered in?
Don’t leave the house. Get a lawyer. He’s not going to change his mind when he tells you that directly in your face. Go for everything you can get.
See an attorney before you do anything!!!
Why should you leave? He’s the one who is leaving you?
Likely he has fell in love with someone else and this is his way to end the marriage. Seek legal counsel and do not leave that house!
Why are you leaving since he’s the one who doesn’t want to be there?
Lawyer up. That’s your smartest move. And by law you have no obligations to leave YOUR home.
Do not leave the house, or it will be abandonment. He can leave. Also get a lawyer asap. And he can pay child support and alimony. Sorry to say it but he has probably had this plan for a while.
He’s moved on with someone else
I’d get a restraining order and tell him he has a month to get get his shit out! I’d also go get a lawyer and file for divorce that day! If the house belongs to both of you then sell it while you live there! Make him get his own place!
My dad did the same thing to my mom. Walked in with papers and said he didn’t want the responsibility of a wife and kid. He left mom with everything because he was cheating and living with another woman. Save yourself the heartache and go ahead lawyer up
I was changing the locks. His @$$ could stay gone.
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Don’t leave and get an attorney asap
He left. Is the house in joint names or just his ? Dont leave until you get decent legal advice.
Get a lawyer. Don’t try and fight for something that looks like it will clearly be a waste of your time. I know it hurts and it’s painful to just turn and walk away. Maybe if you really want to just ask him out right for his reasoning and so you can move on and be able to close on this. You deserve that. Also if you still want to fight just tell him he has one chance right now to tell you this and if he dosent then you will walk away like he wants. Holding on to this will just hurt you more in the long run. It sounds like it’s his house? So I’m not sure what you can do better of asking a lawyer. Please don’t try and hold onto something that’s not there. If you need to then just give him ONE chance to explain this to you and tell you otherwise that is it. Its horrible but you can do. X
Go TODAY…and file for abandonment, custody and spousal support.
If you Own the home…you own half.
If You move out…he can get ‘You’ for abandonment…and likely knows this.
Get copies of all tax records , pay stubs, mortgage etc…
Did he take a paid for car and leave one with payments.
In many states you need to have everything in you separation agreement that you want in the divorce.
Do not be ‘nice, understanding, reasonable etc…’
He and his family will not be…
Do not leave the house. If you leave you are effectively abandoning the property to him. Get a lawyer. Now.
Don’t stay where you aren’t wanted, valued and appreciated. Answers may never come. Start healing
Get your ducks in a row! Firstly is the house in both your names? Either way get an attorney and do not leave. Technically he has abandoned his child and wife. Look into the laws in your state and speak to an attorney asap. File custody etc asap. Legally if the house is in both your names he can not make you leave… also he left so obvs he has somewhere to stay. Attorney now, don’t wait.
He has another woman waiting in the wings. Get all the money you can out of bank accounts. Divorce lawyers are expensive. Do you own this home? Take out home equity loan if your name is on the house
Get an attorney. You should keep the house. Get custody of your daughter before he tries to fight for custody. Sounds like he found someone new. Move on especially if he is ignoring you. I know that is easier said than done.
That’s what is wrong with people nowadays, they don’t know how to make a marriage last cuz they just want to leave whenever things get tough or if they don’t want to be married anymore. He needs to grow up and learn what his vows mean. But advice is get a lawyer and make him be the one to go because he’s the one that wants a divorce.
Why do you gotta leave? Stay put girl. Get you a lawyer and let him go do his thing. Life is too short for that sort of crap.
If y’all are married, Then you deserve answers. Sounds like he found someone else. I’m sorry. That’s a shitty move on his part!
He has made up his mind, don’t stay with someone who doesn’t love you because it will turn bad.
As long as y’all are married, you don’t have to leave, and don’t do it. Sounds like there’s somebody else involved and he has shit to hide from his side piece. As for contacting him, only contact him about the kid as you may not get answers directly from him. Oh, and contact an attorney this second, too!
I just got paid $7789 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12038 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
This is what I do…
You need a fast moving lawyer! Someone with plenty of experience and can get the ball rolling very quickly. You do not want him to file first.
Move on theirs a new life waiting for you. God has a reason for everything
Girl. What do you need. A house to drop on your head. He’s already found someone else. My advice is to leave and take everything you want
Stay in the house! If you leave then he gets everything in the house including the house. If your daughter lives there he would get custody of her too if you left. If he wants to leave then HE can leave.
I say stay in the house. If he wants a divorce let him go and live somewhere else. If you leave he will get the house don’t let that happen especially for your daughter.