My spouse wouldn't let me join a dinner he had with his friend

My husband would be taking his belongings with him


Hunny that sounds like a date!


Is this a joke. Please tell me this is a joke just to see how we all react.

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That’s his girlfriend sis :woman_shrugging:t5:

Definitely not cool…as a married man…f*ck that

You should get a setter and go check on him or have a friend go sane restraunt or set outside


Oh hell no! I agree with the others. There’s definitely something going on. I would get a sitter and follow.

Not cool … hes definitely cheating :pensive: :astonished:


Hell no my husband wouldn’t be going without me and if he did the locks would be changed or I would be gone once he got home that is very unacceptable


Dolly please dont be naive :broken_heart:


:woman_facepalming:t2:That woman is not just a “Friend”…
Wake Up!!!

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LMFAO my husband would never


It’s a date no way a married man should take an unrelated female out to eat supper alone


I don’t think you would of wrote this if you didn’t already know what was up.


Sounds like you should go with your gut suspicion. Do you think it’s right? How would he feel if the roles were reversed? I wouldn’t like it.

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I’d be getting rid of his CHEATING ASS!!!

I like the go spy idea. Trust your instincts lady. They’re always right. Too many excuses, too much fishy activity.

Follow him and just sit down and say " sorry sweety that I’m late " and just start introducing yourself to her. And go from there if it gets crazy just call the cops :woman_shrugging:t2: and if he’s cheating have the cops escort you, pack his shit and bye :tipping_hand_woman:t2::tipping_hand_woman:t2::tipping_hand_woman:t2::tipping_hand_woman:t2::tipping_hand_woman:t2:

That would be a hell no if I was you…

He’s a pussy . Not a man.
Maybe you can arrange a dinner with an old male friend and see how he likes it

Switch the sim card mama🤓

I’m on the fence. He’s allowed to have friends and get together with his friends without you and the baby tagging along. Who takes a child out to an 8pm dinner??
But I do think it’s odd if you’ve never met her, if every time they go out you’ve never been invited, etc.
I would take matters into my own hands and in a few weeks I would say to your hubby; “Hey, I’d like to invite your friend for dinner at our house next weekend, she can bring a friend or a date etc. I think it would be nice , since I didn’t get to join you for dinner the other night.”
See his response, see if he invites her, see if she accepts, etc


Get your eyes open!!! He is hiding something

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Yeah. Um he’s living a double life.


You know he’s in the wrong

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Go on a date yourself. I bet he won’t like that very much.


Yea…no. if he had said something about not wanting the kids to go that world be different. But a cute actress he knew in HS? Dont think so. How would he feel if the positions were reversed?

I think you know what’s going on.
Do you know where they are supposed to be going? Does he love to eat meat? Why would he go to a vegan restaurant if he wont eat any of it. Show up and see for yourself.
I would probably just stay home and send my best wishes to them both.


8 PM and he has pictures of her on his phone? This is a date. 


Very odd and I’d go spy on him. Or lock him out the house tonight

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Tomorrow night it’s your turn :wink::woman_shrugging:t5:


Follow him and they are sitting down walk up and give him your child and say you had an emergency and he needs to take care of your child. Watch his reaction. Then you’ll know for sure.


No way in hell a respectable married man would be going to dinner that late at night with the woman that he had photos of in her phone I am seeing huge red flags and if you don’t you need to open your eyes sweetie sounds to me like he is cheating and probably told her that you guys are not even together. you need to show up at that dinner or make sure he doesn’t go.


He guilty that’s B’s he shouldn’t do that it’s totally wrong I’d go check it out be a date crasher n she how nervous they get stupid man

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That’s his girlfriend and the woman he’s truly in love with :pray:t5:


I would just show up👀


You can always just show up

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Maybe it’s the only time she’s free & it’s a schmooze the client dinner for him at a fancy enough restaurant where they don’t appreciate children fussing. To be sure, send a friend he doesn’t know to the restaurant to spy on them.


Girl you need to call a babysitter, get your best friend, and go bust his ass!

Yuuup I would make it very clear your feelings and where you stand

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You should go out with a male friend next week, tell him the same way. Tell him he’ll have to stay home and parent.


Sounds like she’s his girlfriend or he wishes she was


Go out with one of your own male friends 🥲🥲

Show up girl and show out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: get you a baby sitter if possible.


This is when I send out friends of mine that he don’t know to do recon. Cause something about this whole mess sounds fishy af. :woman_shrugging:t2:
ETA- I believe in trust but verify. Okay cool go ahead but imma make sure I’m not left home looking like boo-boo the fool.


Have your mom or a friend watch the baby. Go! If he won’t let you follow him. That’s not ok.


Sounds like a date to me too.


Sounds like you might be a safety net

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Go there and spy on them


Excuse me but he wouldn’t be having any breakfast …lunch…or dinner with a female especially without me :no_good_woman::no_good_woman::tipping_hand_woman::tipping_hand_woman::bangbang::bangbang:


Y’all have some patience lol because the way I’d end up on snapped would start with this scenario right here. Call me insecure if you will, I’ve been burned enough to know that a phone full of another woman’s photos is a red flag and Imma snap. Probably him in half lol


Have someone go to the restaurant and eat and watch that bullshit. I guarantee he’s having an affair and you’ll want proof if you have a kid together for a divorce

That’s your husband. He’s going on a date with another woman. C’mon. No one else has to tell you what’s really happening. You already know.


Most definitely sounds like a date dump the man and move on

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Whoaaaa this is way off

Run Now‼️If he can’t take you … Theirs definitely something going on‼️

Definitely a date. He wouldn’t have made it to that dinner if he still wanted to be married. Find someone who respects you.

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Yea definitely sounds like a date. Iv went out with a few of my old guy friends but it was to lunch and if my husband wanted to go he was more than welcome and I rook our kids and my mom. I’d go spy on them

Really?? Lately I feel the trolls are super active here. Wtf does her being a vegan have to do with anything? :rofl::rofl:


Me and my hubby talked about this because i felt some type of way about it at first. His thing is we do not know the entire story. My husband said…. First off how long have you guys been together and why havent you met this woman if he has pictures of her on his phone from before you got together? I say ask any of his friends or family if this girl is someone you should watch out for or if she really is “just a friend” or if shes ever been more. If she is a back then fling then there is a possibility that something shady is going on. I also agree with everyone saying have her come over and hang out with the both of you or go somewhere all of you can eat where as hubby said it may be because of the toddler and bedtime possibly??? Idk there’s so much that factors into this.


Sorry but he’s cheating on you with her or her with you

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You already know what to do

Yeah listen honey. He don’t care about you. Don’t waste your life with this guy. I did it for 30 years and he NEVER stopped cheating. He was 58 when I left…still at it. Get a new life. The longer you wait; the harder it’ll be. :crown::heartpulse:

Wake up and file for divorce the writing is on the wall please don’t be so naive 


me… what times your dinner? 8pm
me… make sure she has a trailer attached to her car when she picks you up
(him) what for?
For all your shiit thats going on it
start packing loser :laughing: Lol.


Dump him he is a cheater come on !!!

The amount of people telling you to spy is ridiculous. I don’t think he would’ve told you who it was with if he was hiding something. He might just think you trust him. If he hasn’t caught up with her in a while, having his wife and toddler there will make it harder for them to talk to each other. I wouldn’t take my own kid if I was catching up with a friend I haven’t seen in a while for this reason. You obviously know about her and who she is to him, I’d say to leave it alone and get over it unless you have some other reason not to trust him.


Nah nah he has photos and everything I’d cut it down right there and a dinner date and tells you no ?? Sounds like more then a friend to me just pull up

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I would say if you go, don’t bother coming home! That’s a date woth another female not cool. Ve different if it was a group dinner! Not just 2 of them alone


That’s a date—period.


I’d invite her over to hang out and see how they act or if they’re willing.

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Follow his ass and
Snap Those Pictures

Definitely cheating!!! Ain’t no fuckin way my man is going on a late dinner date or any date without me!! Not have photos of some bitch on his phone!! Do NOT be BLINDED

If they were THAT close, wouldn’t you have heard about her or even met her?? Maybe an invite to the wedding??? Sounds odd

If there is no respect from both husband/boyfriend and friend that you can not be included than there is no business being with them. Leave. If I can not include my husband or an outing at 8 than the other person doesn’t respect you and your lil family and it seems like he doesn’t respect you enough to bring you.

Wow wtf did i just read either show up and invite your self or dump him and move on

I’d would call my sister and a sitter for the kids, and we would be hiding an watching for sure.


Get a babysitter and go with.


Hmmm I think I would have to get a baby sitter and do some spying to see exactly what’s going on. Something is not quite right!


Hell I would be like come on son we gonna have deserts with daddy and his friend. That late and being vegan surely they have a deseet menu :wink:


I would rock up anyway to be honest! I think it’s super strange he has random pics of another woman on his phone that you don’t know and on top of that he wants to go have dinner and won’t invite his family. If they were really close then she’d know about you and your child and wouldn’t mind meeting you guys.

I’d show up and say sorry I am late, act like you were in fact invited and see the reaction on both of their faces lol.


Have cheaters check him out

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Dodge that bullet !!!

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Goose…gander…nuff said…

He’s probably introducing her to some meat products


Go spy as you find a babysitter to watch your kids


Are you serious
Putting up with that


i honestly would get a babysitter & kinda do some detective work because that’s all red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:


Girl you’re the side chick


After 35 years together my husband would NEVER go to dinner with a female and if he did he would invite me and all our kids and grandkids.


For fuck sake!!! Is this even real?

I don’t know what kind of marriage u have but going to eat with the opposite sex at 8 at night don’t sit with me regardless of the photos. I’d tell him go have fun because come tomorrow you file for divorce.

F that get a babysitter and insist on going with him. If he refuses then pack his shit because that’s just bull shit!

Nope. My husband would not do that to me nor would he want me to do that to him…


Girlllllll…fuck that

Kinda concerning you decided to marry someone you don’t trust. I can understand not wanting a spouse and baby to change the entire dynamic of an adult dinner between old friends. Next time marry someone you trust and respect.

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over my dead body. you deserve better than that. that’s totally a date and he’s gaslighting you. ew


To those saying to “follow him” “spy” what will that do. A cheater is going to cheat if that’s what he wants to do. I’d damn driving around acting like booboo the fool over another person. If my significant other doesn’t see a problem with his actions deuces, know your worth and bounce.

Once they say things like “none of the other guys bring their wives” and don’t want you going along… leave, there’s already someone else.

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Put a tracker on him, and follow them.

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