My teenage son has started demanding things from us: Advice?

Take phone, license, everything away. :woman_shrugging:t3:


He needs to be put in his place. He doesn’t work, doesn’t pay, owns NOTHING! What’s given is a privilege not a right. Food, clothing and shelter is a right anything after that is a blessing. My son has tried pushing boundaries, that’s teens🤷‍♀️, but don’t let them get their way whenever they want. That’s life! He needs to earn his privileges or he doesn’t get. Simple word, no. Let him cry and scream. If you give in he’ll push harder.


You’re his parent NOT his friend. Who cares if he doesn’t like you for a week or 2 while he learns what respect is.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: who’s the parent here


No driving time and no phone until he can respect you. Calling you while you are at work (unless it’s an emergency) is disrespectful to you and your place of employment. When he learns driving and phone are both a privilege then he will treat you with respect. And If dad lets this behavior continue he’s being just as disrespectful as your son.


Just put your foot down. You are the parent, and he is the child. Plainly tell him NO,and that it will always be NO till his attitude changes.
Also have him earn driving privileges. If he’s old enough to drive,he’s old enough to have chores.
Do not allow him to have that much power over you.
I hate to say it,but if don’t get it under control now. It will only get worse.
Good luck Momma,you can do this.


His picking on you because he knows you will cave. He deserves to have things taken off of him.


Hello …Who’s the parent here !! Set the rules and stick to them ! Your behavior is worse than his , your not his best friend , your his parent ! Grow up !


Set boundaries and stick to them. Seems he has less respect for women…hold strong mama! My son is young with an abusive father and often pulls guilt trips, I REALLY try to enforce boundaries and not feel guilty. It’s a healthy part of every relationship you have


Start taking stuff away. Make him get a job

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Come on mom. You are trsining him to behave badly. Suck it up and take away all priviledges and put up with his tantruming until he consistently shows respect and behaves well.


He has to do certain things to do drive time
Rude no drive time
Bothering you about it constantly no drive time

He would have a chore list for every chore he completes he can earn driving privileges. Life is not a free ride rudeness and tantrums get you nothing. If you give into him because he guilty you he will try that at his job with his wife. Sounds like your husband agrees with you. Tell him no and that you and his dad have discussed it make a united front.

Respect yourself enough to say no and mean it


Sounds like he needs an attitude adjustment.

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Be the parent. Not his friend. No driving no friends no nothing. Not until he helps out and learns some respect. I’m old fashioned sorry


Driving is a privilege not a right. If he is going to act this way he doesn’t deserve to drive :woman_shrugging:


You are showing him it’s ok to treat a woman with zero respect. You are his mother. He needs to learn that there is a right way to get things and a wrong way to get things!!!


You gotta get STRONGER.


Who is the parent here? You are in control.
His behavior is unacceptable and you shouldn’t tolerate it! Period!


Whoop his ass​:woman_shrugging:t2::exploding_head::sweat_smile:


Needs bitch- slapping!!

Look into Love & Logic parenting. It’s all about earning what you get, being a family unit that equally contributes, and natural consequences.

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Need more time with him. Hes trying to get ur attention. I have 4 teens. That’s all they want

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Bottom line driving a car is a privilege not a right. If he can’t help at home he can’t drive, if he demands anything follow his demand with one of your own. Tell him what you are required by law to provide for him and let him know everything else is given to him out of love. Then tell him because he’s behavior is that of an entitled brat that he doesn’t get to drive for the next week.


He wants to drive so badly,great tell him to get a job!!! He will have to buy his own car,and pay for the insurance too. Driving is a responsibility not a privilege!! And DEMAND respect from him!! If doesn’t simply ignore him till he does!!


Calling 16x while at work for the same thing? I’d quit answering my phone.

Set some boundaries. Tell him to pay insurance and gas if he wants to drive. It’s a privilege… not a right. He needs to be made aware of the difference


I can’t believe some of those comments. Give him more of ur time. Hes hungry for attention. If not Iu will have him outta control. Seriously. I have been there. I learned

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It’s such an awkward age because they are closer to adulthood in age and want to be respected as one but he has to learn that adults don’t just GET what we have. We have to work for privileges. Things are earned. If he wants more responsibility given to him then he needs to show the effort and maturity. If he wants to drive he should have to pay for some of the expenses involved like a portion of the insurance and/or gas and learn how to wash it, change tires, how much it costs to maintain etc. Vehichles and driving is not free. Its a liability. He can do chores and or mow lawns or whatever but he needs to have some personal investment in the whole thing and then maybe he will realize it’s not just his to bug YOU about.


I have raised a 40 39 25 21 and still raising 7 year old. Now you will find your sweet son is now an awful teenager they are spoiled. They think they know everything and that they are entitled to your things well everyone’s things time, money, car, you name it. They do not want rules or you to even ask them questions. It is them pulling away but they still want you to pay for everything. I would stop cuddling him. Sit down tell him this isn’t how we do things then tell him what you willing to and what you will not be doing. He need some respect for both his parents. I feel you pain teenager are hard to handle.


He should get a part time job to support his car interests. He wants a privilege without working for it. Therefore he should not be given it. Growing up means you’re willing to take on responsibility. Driving is a grown up privilege.


Do you actually hqve a set time of week and hours that hes allowed to drive so he can anticipate it? Sounds like its wishy washy and maybe thats why hes always asking? He is doing it in an innapropriate way, but set times and if he messes with y’all abt it outside of those times he loses the privileges.


Ur giving in and being a push over. Hes taking advantage of that. Teens will push boundaries as long as u let them. Tell him he has 2 earn those privileges. He does daily chores around the house he will earn 30 minutes 2 an hour of drive time depending on chores he completes 2 ur specifications. Pick a day with dad 2 fulfill that drive time 4 the practice. Pick another day with u 2 fulfill the drive time as well. U and hubs need 2 be on the same page about it as well. That way he gets the practice and what he wants while u get the help u want and keeping u in control. It also teaches him responsibility of working 4 things he wants it isn’t just going 2 be given 2 him especially if hes demanding things. He wants 2 act like a child treat him like 1. Hes starts 2 act mature enough 2 get things he wants then he will get them.


Tell him he has to earn the gas money to drive it. Can’t drive it if you don’t give him the keys🤷‍♀️


Take the temps away because he obviously is not mature enough for them. Calling you at work is not acceptable unless it’s an emergency and driving isn’t one. He’s the child here and needs to be treated as one.


First stop giving in. He’s just trying to guilt trip you. He wants to drive than tell him when he starts showing some respect you’ll think about it.


He either does the things u want him to do like clean his room etc or he doesn’t get to drive……driving is a privilege not a right!!!

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I raised four children 2 boys 2 girls and none of my children would ever talk to me like that even today as adults. The rule for calling me at work was is the house on fire or is someone bleeding to death? So they knew it needed to be important. If your husband isn’t backing you up then you need more help than FB can do. Try family counseling.


I’d tell him, “I know that driving is really important to you right now. However, driving is a privilege, not a right. For you to show me that you have earned driving time, you can start by recognizing that everyone around you has schedules and limits. That means you need to respect my work hours and only call in cases of emergencies. When I am nagged 12 times during long hours it only makesome irritable. You don’t like being nagged, so please don’t do it to me. Recognizing other people have lives outside of you also means that if you want to drive, we need to collaborate and make a schedule. That way I know to set time aside for driving and you aren’t asking me all the time. From this point forward, I expect you to be polite, because I know I taught you how to say please, thank you, and sorry. I would hate to have to treat you like a toddler, but if you’re going to act like one that’s how I will respond.”

Show you understand his side, give him tips on how he can improve, set your boundaries, and be willing to work with him. It won’t be easy at first, but he has to learn eventually that the world doesn’t revolve around him.


Sounds like chores for drive time to me. 1 chore, 5 mins drive time. Oh, and you need gas money too mom!
Driving is a privilege for his age, so make it one. Much strength to you!
My teenager got his last come to Jesus meeting today. We’re about to be practicing hell on earth in this house if he doesn’t get it together, so I’m with ya! Prayers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My daughter paid cash for her first car at 14 1/2 years old from her job she saved from. The car sat until she got her license and then she bought a newer car at 17. When she turned 18 she bought a new VW Jetta Turbo. She paid for her own gas and insurance. Driving is a privilege not a right. Sounds like your son could do with a life lesson about hard work and respect. Not trying to be mean but kids need to learn responsibility and that hard work pays off in the end. My daughter is 36 and still thanks me for how she was brought up.


Driving is a privilege if he wants to drive he has to earn it

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He knows who he can guilt and bully. He has probably been doing it for a long time. it is up to you to set the rules and stick to them


He’s a teenager so he’s going to think you’re the worst and blame you for everything no matter what. If he’s not even helping at home there’s no way I’d let him be driving at all. Driving your vehicle is a privilege and if you give him everything for nothing he will only get more entitled. Stand your ground! Tell him to get a job.


I’m dealing with a hormonal, moody, 13 yr old daughter right now… I am thinking A LOT OF HOLY WATER…I feel your pain. I keep telling myself this stage shall too pass!!


It sounds like he’s really excited for this chapter, I would just sit down and calmly talk to him about things and how you feel. Ask him why he feels like it’s okay to talk to you like that. Let him know I’m treating you like that really upsets you ( don’t use the word mad). Kids no matter the age still deserve respect and explanation no matter how they’re acting. When my kids who are much much much younger start giving me attitude and not treating me good that’s exactly what I do every single time and us communicating really really helps. :relaxed:


He doesn’t make the rules, you do! You need to stand your ground. Say no!!! If he treats you that way, he doesn’t get to drive. He should be earning car privileges! If his chores are not done, he doesn’t need to see any friends. That not how it works.


I would take the permit from him and say when you can learn to be respectful and help around the house you can have it back. My parents wouldn’t tolerate that.


Oh that would just be the end of driving. Done. I wish my kids would have done that crap.


Ummm be the adults and tell him NO. Who cares what he demands. You don’t have to do anything other than feed and clothe him and send him to school. He bullied you, he will probably bully and or beat his spouse because you can’t tell him no. It sounds like you have raised an entitled brat that is going to become society’s problem soon. Get him some therapy and some for you and your husband too.


Ugh. He can get a damn job if he is old enough to drive. And house chores to earn the right to drive… everyone eats and lives in the house so everyone, including him, must take ownership of keeping a clean home… and a job to pay for driving expenses.

He sounds like narcissist… but he goes after you cause you haven’t been able to set boundaries with him… and dad isn’t helping much either.


Tell him to figure it out and get his own car💁 he wants to drive so badly he can get a job and he can buy it himself bc apperently he isnt humble enough

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Sounds like someone needs to have his driving privileges revoked for a while if he can’t respect the people that allow him to drive.


Tell him he has to earn the privilege so he has to get a job and buy his own car, his own insurance and his own gas. You deserve better treatment Mom, you aren’t his doormat.

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Sounds like a normal teen. And he knows how to work you. I’d say things like, if you get two loads of your laundry washed and folded and put away by 6 when I get home, you can drive us to dinner. You know whatever you want done and by a time. And no more discussions about it. When you get home and it’s 6 and it’s not done, you drive. Don’t give in. Or just stay home. Tell him no radio while driving. When he has his own car he can turn it on and or pick the station, or he can pick on saturdays or whenever you decide. If he fights you, tell him you can drive your own car just fine. Life is always give and take and following the rules. Set clear rules and stick to them.


I would tell him until he can show respect he can’t drive it’s a Privilege and if he can’t earn it he doesn’t need to do it right now since he is only 16 and for other things he’s acting out about you just have to take more stuff away and teach them to be responsible

Tell that boy no! Obviously he hasn’t heard it enough so far in his life.


Sadly he may not act right anytime soon teens are stubborn and just don’t understand at times what they are doing

They learn as they grow

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Driving is a privilege. Especially at 16 while living at home. You’re the parents act like it. Use the word No.


It is ur job as a parent to teach your child how to survive and take care of themselves. As far as entitled attitude, if a person wants something in life they have to work for it, it’s not just given. Its earned, question ??how did you and your hubby obtain your the things you wanted in life. Just giving to satisfy their entitled attitude. They will never learn a work ethic and you’ll have a thirty yr old gamer living in your basement thinking you should give and take care of them . And then when your gone he’ll never know how life is done


His your child and your allowing him to act like that… be a parent and teach him the word NO

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: dude my kids wouldn’t be doing ANYTHING if they did that. Idc what they think parents are supposed to do, if they can’t do something as simple as ask or help around the house then they don’t NEED anything but a bed to sleep in, food in their tummies, and clothes on their back. My kids are 4 & 5 and know that if they want something their chores need to be done with clean rooms and beds made, and be polite and have a good behavior or at least improved behavior before asking for something with a please at least


It’s time for you and his dad to be parents, but it sounds like it may be s little late. This is a learned behavior, not something that just happened.


Make him get a job and EARN his own car. Remove his phone if he continues to harass you at work.

Boundaries are not just a control measure for parents… they are a vital life skill that at his age, he should know by now. Enforce some. Mothers should be feared more than fathers.


This white pictures right

Treat him like a 4 year old if hes going to act like one

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Why are you rewarding his behavior, driving is a privileged that he should earned not be given to him! I learned that the hard way! Pay for my daughter to have driving classes when she didn’t earned them!

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Lol grow some balls and punish the little bastard or let him throw a fit and stay somewhere else for a while or put him in boot camp


If he takes control now he will still be behaving this way into middle age and no one should know this better than I. Once they get control it never ends.

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You can’t figure this out?


This is a weird page.


Take permit away until he get’s his shit together and shows some respect.


Mom, you better shut this down now. Remember who pays the bills and paid for the car and insurance. Your house, your rules. When they pay for their own house, car, electricity they can do as they wish. For now, you are the one who has to have some tough love. He needs to remember your his mom. He does not get to talk to you like dirt. My son tried this with me and we had a come to Jesus talk. Not happening. Apparently you know it’s bad to ask for help with him. Our job as parents is to send them into this world to be respectful young adults. Nothing is handed to you. You said yourself you work 12 hours a day. He needs to learn those values. But, I do think spending quality time together is important. Be hard when you need to and give love and quality time together. Ours sons always needs us even when they act like they don’t. Maybe he just wants some attention from you. He will take advantage of you if you let him. Saying no is ok. It will all work out. :heart:


Why didn’t you whoop his ass in the beginning? :woozy_face:


Learn to say no, that’s where you get your strength. You’re teaching him manipulation is ok.


It sounds like he is ruling the roost and he is entitled because you have handed the power over to him.:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:


you’re his mother not his friend. let him throw his temper tantrums.
tell him NO and stick to it.
set down rules that he EARNS the privilege of being able to learn to drive and use your car.
let him demand all he wants.
tell him demand in one hand and :poop: in the other, and let you know which one fills up first.


This is what’s wrong with a lot of kids nowadays. I’m not judging but put.your.foot.down….it will only get worse. My husband would never allow our children to act this way, y’all need to have a mutual understanding of each other


You know the answer just stop giving him all the power say no :bangbang:

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So the inmates are running the asylum? Sounds like scared of her son.


He wouldn’t be driving a damn thing until he learned respect and how to ask and not demand shit. Dont let him run you! But this type of behavior doesn’t crop up out of nowhere, and by the time they are this age, it should have been handled a long time ago. The older they get the harder it is to try to rein them in. Don’t allow him access to vehicles, don’t let him drive, I take my kids phones for disrespectful behavior, and their video games.


Do not let him demand things. You are teaching him it is ok to disrespect you and other people. If he does not contribute to the household he does not get to drive and he does not get to see friends. Do a “reward” system. So for example. Cleaning your room =15 minutes driving time. Dusting = 5 minutes, etc. also do driving time on your days off and then drive somewhere like a park and do family time. Sounds like things need to change, as your son should not be demanding things and should be thankful for everything you provide. If he continues to act this way, i would take privileges away until the attitude changes. Or if you have anlarge homeless population where you live, take him there and make him volunteer. That can be eye opening.


Who’s the parent here now huh … smh if the mom would stop letting her son run all over her he wouldn’t be doing this shit… u need to woman up and get ur balls straight… tell ur son he’s not the boss if he’s gonna bother you like he does about driving take his damn permit away… it’s not that hard smh … talk to him like adult … stop complaining about it and put ur foot down and set ur kid straight… the only reason ur having problems with ur child is because ur letting h say and do whatever he wants and that my dear is a big NO NO… If u Don’t do it now u gonna regret it later js

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Not a parent unless you are hated by your teenage child… if you’re hated you are setting boundaries, teaching him respect and teaching him that the world doesn’t infact owe him a favour… you want something in life you earn it!!
He gets a job, helps round the house and clocks up driving time and pays to drive like everyone else!!
Foot down with this one… or he’s going to be, sorry to say not a very nice grown up to deal with


Stop trying to be the friend. Youre the mother.

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I say very poor parenting, this didn’t just happen.


NO and stick to it. He’s spoiled. He’s running the show and you both are letting him. No driving at all till he finds some respect. Do not answer calls at work. He can’t demand anything. Get a backbone, say NO. Mean it.


Manipulating little prick! He’s lucky he wasn’t brought up back in the day when parents whipped your ass ! He needs about 6months of boot camp or 1 yr on an Amish farm he’d learn then ,the miserable lil prick.


TELL HIM WHEN HE GETS HIS LINCENSE & A CAR HE CAN DRIVE ANYWHERE HE WANTS TO! Until then let him know YOU WILL let him practice driving on YOUR TIME NOT HIS!! WHO CARES WHAT ELSE HE MIGHT SAY, THAT WORD " NO" should’ve been taught to him a long time ago!! Also NO CHORES, NO DRIVE!! GOOD LUCK!

How about the word “no”…he “,guilt trips” you? you feel guilty? Apparently, you do…parents are supposed to set the rules…not sure why you need to ask strangers on FB …give him a pacifier and tell him to use it…your guilt over not doing what he wants is obvious…you are the parent, not him.

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Yet you let it continue? Mine is 15 and just got his first truck. We go plenty of places in his truck but he isn’t allowed to drive my new car. It’s simple either get in the passenger seat or stay your a$$ home :woman_shrugging:t3: then to take him driving at 8 or 9?!?! Hell no. This problem didn’t just start. But if you can’t control them at 4/5 you can’t start at 14/15


You are the momma. Start acting like it and stop being his friend and letting him walk all over you. You make the rules and what you say goes. If he gets upset o well, that’s a part of life. Personally, with the way the kid has been acting, I wouldn’t let him drive or get his license. I definitely wouldn’t allow to be hanging out with friends. He needs to learn respect first and have some responsibilities like chores around the house and maybe a good spanking or two. He sounds like a little entitled brat


You’re the parent. You can not and should not be told what to do by your child. You’re allowing him to treat you like this and that’s exactly why he’s doing it. It’s because he knows he can get away with it. You need to take control and make him earn it.


We set up a schedule with our kids. They weren’t demanding, but we hated having to say no when they were so excited & we were drained. With a schedule, all parties knew when drive times would occur.

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Reign it in immediately. Keep it SIMPLE. Make a chore list if everything is completed for the day THEN you may ASK to do things w/friends or drive etc. Don’t let him “make you feel anything” when it comes to chores/fun interaction. It is a business deal.


As someone who tried the exact same thing with my parents and spent more time grounded without access to my car keys because my parents took them away from me for the exact same attitudes, maybe thats what he needs. Old fashioned tough love. I did my chores right, I got them back. I half assed my chores, I lost them again for a week. I used manners, I got them back. I demanded something, I lost them for a week. Maybe You need to teach that boy his place. Your house, your rules. Driving is a privelege. No time like the present to learn.


I think 14 But mostly 15 year olds, are when children can make a turn (often to the challenging type). You need to be firm. You are the parent. Set rules and stick to them. He must have chores and needs to understand that those things he wants are privileges that are earned. It seems like you are saying that he has just recently become this way. If that is true then he is asserting himself but you need to be the parent and stick to your guns. If he has always acted in this privileged manner, then you have a lot of work to do. It is probably best to find a family counselor/therapist. It would probably be good to also bone up on some parenting books. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and How to Listen So Kids Will Talk, is a good one.


you have mum guilt & he’s using that to his full potential… stand firm mumma. let him have his tantys when he hears no. Hel get over it

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I’m confused on who’s the adult/ parent here… he sure wouldn’t be stepping foot into my car if he treated me like that. His ass would be staying home always doing chores untill he could get it together.


Put your foot down. I would backhand any of kids for treating me or their father this way and they know it. Where was the respect lost? Was it never established because you may have an extremely difficult time establishing that now after so many years without a support system. Sounds like a bit of entitlement is going on here and he needs to be knocked down a couple pegs. He no longer gets whatever he wants whenever he wants and if he continues his piss poor behavior looks like the temp license or permit will also be taken away. You’re the parent and you have the power to be forceful. Enough of letting disrespectful kids run the show.