Wait…so you have a toddler and have been in a relationship with this guy for 2 years, meaning he’s been there for most of this child’s life. That’s a father figure to this child. Did you have a discussion with him about disciplining? That would be key considering you’ve been together 2 years and he’s been around for most of this child’s life for a toddler.
I would want to see a mark, the only reason I say that is because my SD used to make up horrible lies about me to get attention. I would try to sit down and talk to your child
i get going into mama bear mood, and taking your child’s word over anyones. But young kids do lie. My oldest sometimes still lies, and I smake her butt, just a spanking, not over doing it, and she learns not to try to lie. I’m not with her father and with a soon-to-be husband for four years now. Just recently she lied to her grandmother on her dad side about him “touching” her and she called CPS. They came and talked to us. Now her grandmother have history with CPS too and they don’t really like her. But they talked to us and believe us that he hasn’t touched her wrongly. I wouldn’t be with him if he did. But we had to follow rules and my girls and I have to stay somewhere else while the case was open. but not due to what he was accused of, but because the place was dirty. So they did their questioning of my older daughter and examined her and found nothing bad. We were able to stay home once we had toddler beds for both my girls. My oldest hasn’t went to her father mom since. We want an apology from her for not talking to us first and for what she accused my soon-to-be husband of. So yes kids do lie and mostly to get attion. So you should at least got the BF side of the story too.
How can one expect a peaceful and civilized home when one parent can discipline the children and the other can’t?? That makes no sense at all to me
- A long term bf cant punish your kid in any way? (Smacking i get but AT ALL??) That is a bit much, especially if you want him to watch your child while you are unwell or out, if he is going to be a full time part of your kids life he needs some of that responsiblity 2. If your kid didnt want him to go then he cant be one of the bad guys 3. 2yo cant tell the difference between intent and accident, maybe they were playing and he accidentally tapped your son somehow? My 4yo came up to me the other day and asked me why i elbowed him on purpose? It turns out as i walked passed i tapped him with my elbow and i didnt even notice, the way he told it was like i laid into him on purpose
i get you want you child safe but seems like you jumped the gun a bit here
My (almost) 3 year old has lied about this before. Idk why. But I know she has because she has even lied about me doing it. At the same time, you have to be careful. Moms can never be too careful. But he obviously doesn’t feel unsafe around him…he wanted to give him a hug. Also though, what leads you to think him capable of this? There’s a lot of information we can’t possibly know.
You did the right thing
Ummmm what? Did you even check his leg to see if he hit him? Yikes.
I hope you did something protect your child
If there was no coloring of the skin, I’d say chances are he didn’t touch your kid. But you’re never going to have a lasting relationship if you teach your kid that the person who has your child in your care is not allowed to discipline them. It’s almost guaranteed that the child is not going to have any respect for that person at all because you’ve taught the child that they don’t have to respect them.
Toddlers don’t lie .always believe your child when they tell you something …
For everyone saying toddlers don’t lie is BS. Kids make stuff up all the time . Now im not saying he should hit your kid or be able to , but If he’s going to parent your child then he should be able to discipline.
You wanted to protect your child, that was the right thing to do IF IT WAS TRUE. You can’t 100% say it was a lie or not especially coming from a toddler. They tend to make up stories. You’re definitely in a tough spot but ending a two year relationship over a tap on the leg? Number one, the boyfriend should be allowed to help discipline to an extent. Number two you say your kid can get on people’s nerves and is hyper so you’re condoning his actions. Kids will be kids, I know that, but sometimes they act too much out of line bc you allow it and don’t discipline when necessary.
Number one don’t be putting your dirty laundry on Facebook something else is going on between you and your boyfriend
Did you check where the smack was at?
There 2 ways this could go set your rules at the being time only take his toys. Next dont say he not allow to spannibg in front for your child you say to thechild i told you to listin to him. Cause if that child know he get him troble belive me he will divedr house cant stand thats a fact. Boyfiend can say then dont leave watch them see where i going chose your make yhem sweet cause you might have to chew on them your boyfiend love hell love your kids and keep your eyes open see it all before you say anything you sound like a great girlfireng and a garte mommy allway say a prayer befoe going in the lions den will need it
If youve been together 2 years and he is being a man watching him bc you are ill he has a right to discipline.
Has he ever lied to you before?
He isnt allowed to discipline yoir children ever… Sounds like he doesnt nees you!!! Thata asking for children to disrespect him and you even said your child is rambunctious…
Hes better off leaving … The fact that you quickly reacted and the fact that he iant allowed to discipline!!!
Shame on you for putting a distance there - its suppose to be if ur with me ur with my kids sounds like he was just trying to help you out.
Did you evem check to see if there is a mark???
It was discipline not abuse come on why did you kick him out or even leave him to watch your child while you rested if you didn’t want him to discipline your child why didn’t you just calmly discuss what you felt would have been a better way to discipline after checking for a mark to back the child’s statement
I sounds to me like you just wanted an out! How confusing for your son.
Kids. Fucking. Lie.
Not saying yours did, but they do. They also know who loves them. And if he cried for him, that should’ve been you first clue.
Talk it out before you child loses an important person to them, and you.
You are ridiculous lol and too immature to be in a relationship
If he’s not allowed to discipline, I don’t mean smacking I mean discipline, he shouldn’t be expected to watch the child on his own or else the child will just take advantage of that completely. I think that’s unfair to ask him to watch your child but not allow him to even discipline.
You don’t need a reason to dump your boyfriend. He obviously had no value to you that you reacted so harshly. You must not trust him to be honest with you in regards to your child.
Im sure you had other reasons. Also you need to report this assault. Since you believe he abused your child to the point you threw him out, then you really need to report that to law enforcement…
Toddlers dont always tell the truth! He could have threatened him so your child repeated it back as he did it, if you’ve been with this guy for 2yrs why wohldnt you trust him over one issue? Why would you immediately throw him out no questions asked if hes been there for 2yrs?? I could understand if you seen a mark and your child was crying… or if your child was 10+ and knew the difference between the truth and a lie! You could have let your future husband walk right out the door bc your toddler messed a sentence up.
My 3 year old told his doctor I threw him out a 3rd story window w my bff Amanda Bacon there. They do lie.
You did the right thing.
Did the child have a hand print where he smacked him ?
If yall have been together that long and he helps take care of the child I think he has the right to tell your child no and to pundits him to an extent. I small snack on the leg isnt going to hit the Boy maybe he did something he wasn’t supposed to do. Being aware and cautious of abuse is good. But I wouldn’t say leaving him over that was reasonable. Your child safety is important but the boy clearly wasn’t too upset because he didn’t want him to leave. You should have another tall with the child and your boyfriend and make a limit on what happened and make sure it xpesnt happen again. From what it sounds like the boy was lieing.
You can’t take a chance love but u need to find out the truth too x
I 100% feel you did the right thing. There are a few things that could’ve been done a little different though. This was something pretty big to lay on his/her shoulders. He could feel guilty and IF you allow bf back this could cause major resentment between him and your son. Just something else you may want to take into consideration for future. You have your reasons for doing what you did, please do not think I’m judging or trying to criticize, Im not.
Maybe tell your toddler if matt is going to smack him then that’s why you asked him to leave… or some other creative way because I have 3 kids and yes they do lie about things all kinds of things and you have to find ways to be creative with the things you say or do in regards to those and you’ll find out if it’s a lie.
You reacted pretty harshly so you must of had other reasons for asking him to leave and breaking up with him.
Really odd that he told you he was hit but then crying that the person who hit him and being mean to him has to leave.
be careful and protect your child always
It’s very common for kids (of all ages…toddlers through teens, and even adults really) to “take back” the truth they have told when they see that someone who acted aggressively or abused them ends up faces consequences for those acts and the kid feels like it’s their own fault. It’s also common for kids or anyone to still have positive feelings or love towards someone even after aggressive acts. Just because your toddler was sad to see your boyfriend leave and wanted to hug him doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Trust your gut.
Wow so many harsh comments for a Facebook group that was made to support mamas! As long as you went with you mama gut that’s what matters!!! So sorry all these people are such A**HOLES
You’ve been with someone for two years and don’t trust him with your child … I don’t think him potentially slapping your baby’s leg is what made you so easily break things off with him
I have been with my husband for almost 7 years, since my step daughter was about 15 months old, she is now 8. Her mom at one time has forbidden me to discipline her. After about 5 years of me being in my husbands and their daughter life and after several therapists agreeing with me, I am allowed to discipline their daughter to a certain extent. I will only spank her on the butt when needed, however it doesn’t work for her so I choose not too. The last three therapists that have seen my step daughter have agreed and cps has agreed that a spanking on the butt is not abuse and is allowed by any parent in a child life. For you to give up on a relationship over a supposed smack is stupid. You obviously didn’t want the relationship to begin with. He has been with you for two years and if he’s such the good guy that you say he is a smack that didn’t leave a mark or anything else is harmless. Now if he hit your son so hard that he bruised the skin or made him bleed then you have every right to do as you did.
So you ended up things with the guy that you’ve been with 2 years, who has never show any signs of violence of any kind bc your toddler who is rambunctious told you he smacked him? And the same guy who was potentially your life partner was told he can never discipline your child, but you accepted the help to watch the kid that gets in peoples nerves while you were ill?
Damn, you will never establish a long lasting family with anyone with that mentality.
He can’t correct a child that he’s basically being a father to? Your child obviously cares for him or he wouldn’t have acted that way once he was made to leave. And he can’t punish him at all? Lol
Good luck finding someone to deal with that!
Unpopular opinion: If your toddler is “rambunctious” and frequently “gets on people’s nerves” maybe he needed a pop on. the leg. a little discipline can go a long way…a smack on the leg is NOT abuse and you seem unreasonable, honestly. Especially to have been with someone for 2 years and expect them to be a father figure, but not discipline your rowdy kid…Yeah, let’s the kids do WHATEVER they want without consequence. That’ll work out fine.
You should be a bit forgiving. I’m assuming more than this happened?
If there’s a mark on him then ur boyfriend did smack him. I will always believe my children over anyone. And if there was a mark on him and he denied it that’s baddddddd
In my opinion you handled this the wrong way by throwing him out of the house and not telling your kids the truth to why he left. Was there any physical proof that he hit your son? Your son got in trouble from your now ex partner and had threatened your son with a smack but didn’t go through with it and was very surprised by your words that your son even came out with it. Your son sounds like he has either lied about the situation or hasn’t communicated properly to you what has happened. You have been with him for 2 years and threw him out because of something you don’t know is true, I would suggest for yourself sitting down and asking yourself if you really want to be in a relationship etc because you can’t expect someone to stick around for so long and get them to watch your kids but also not have any say in discipline and just basically tolerate the bratty behaviour. Your child will pick up on that and sweet Jesus will they take advantage of it.
Okay first off unless your child was crying and had a hand print i belive you was out of line also if your with someone that long they desirve to beanle to acccept and punish your children as there own dear god
I think that if he’s with you and that means he’s with your children how can you expect him not to discipline?
You do realize children lie right?! Unless there was a handprint then I wouldnt have believed my child! But if you can easily end that relationship you dont love him so you do need to let him go. Good luck to you!
You certainly did the boyfriend a favor. Anyone that will jump to conclusions and terminate 2 years of effort is not worth hanging around for. That probably why the kids dad is not there anymore.
Just remember this, the children ultimately pay the price for the good and the bad.
This would be a harder one if you weren’t there but… You were there… If your kid was hit your kid would have cried?? And you woulda woke up?? If after 2 years you don’t trust your boyfriend enough to know whether he might be abusive to your child then you made the right choice regardless.
So I applaud your response to a potentially bad situation. However, I know for a fact that little ones like to take innocent things and make them sound worse because they don’t know the words. I personally believe that you should have investigated a little bit more. But again if you feel there is something there then there is but I surely would have investigated more and not souley relied on a two year old word.
There’s a big difference to abuse and a little smack on the leg. Your child was warned by the boyfriend but the child kept going. This bloke is like a father figure to the child and has been there for both mum and child. And I say this bloke used the smack as a last result.
Seems like there was definitely some other reasoning as to why you wanted him out because toddlers do need discipline and kids lie all the time that’s just what they do and if hes never abused anybody before and he said he didn’t do it then he probably didn’t do it…you jumped the gun lady.
I guess your love for him is not that deep yet. Living together, raising a child together… but you don’t expect him to do anything if your child is acting up. Yeah it’s best to let him go.
No one here is asking the obvious questions! Did the kid say it’s happened before? Was there a mark? How did he hit him? I’ve lightly tapped my kids multiple times when just playing around! My husband and I do it too! However it never hurts and never leaves a mark! Ever! Assuming he beat this kid is a stretch! He said he hit him in the thigh but did this mom ever ask the kid what they were doing when it happened? No! She jumped the gun and went from 0 to 100 way to fast! He’s better off without her if she’s going to go crazy any time her kid says he was mean to him!
Yes I would have went into momma bear mode too but I also would have investigated the situation more in depth before making a drastic decision especially since this person has been in the child’s life for almost his entire life. However, discipline can be done in so many different forms outside of just physical discipline, y’all know that right? But for the ones that clearly on here don’t, the non-parent can still be respected without touching the child because me personally if my child was acting out and there was a need of physical discipline, I would expect her father to do the physical discipline and not the non-parent and being a social worker once worked at a cps agency I have seen plenty of cases similar to this.
It’s ridiculous to think that you would be with some and have them as a partner raising said child but they get no discipline rights
How do expect that to ever work? Maybe you should just be alone and raise your child alone
If you truly do not trust him enough to know if he is lying when you ask him about hitting your kid then you shouldn’t be together I don’t think also though I will always trust what my kids say
Good luck finding a man that will “father” your child, but not discipline them. If you feel that strongly about it good luck staying single until they are 18 because no man is going to put up with that. Because clearly you can’t even handle him because you said yourself that he gets on peoples nerves which clearly shows your lack of discipline. I also think that if he did smack him and it was the first time in 2 years that he clearly needed to be smacked. Lastly, don’t expect someone to watch your child if they can’t get on them or discipline them.
You did your ex a favor he shouldn’t be treated like that for what your son said. Some kids lie or gets things mix up and even if he did smack your child oh well he’s been in his life for 2 years y’all live together he is a farther figure to the child if I was your ex I wouldn’t even want you back even if your child lied and you said sorry
I’m with you. Chose your kids always
Boyfriends come and go. The fact that this one was even threatening him with hitting is a red flag, because he wouldn’t have said it in the first place if he wasn’t thinking about doing it.
Whether your son was lying or not, he came to you and you acted on it, which helps to build a bond where he is comfortable coming to you for anything. It’s better to find out he lied later than to find out he was telling the truth and was abused until the truth finally came out IMO. He will remember if you had his back, or if you chose to believe another random guy over him.
If you do end up taking this guy back I wouldn’t leave him alone with the kid, or I’d at least set up a nanny cam.
Well done for putting your child first. But if he had just done it, his leg would have been red.
If you believe that kids don’t lie or exaggerate then you are very naive.
You’re seriously over reacting. Your kid was probably doing something he wasn’t supposed to and got a quick pop on the leg. If he didn’t have any marks then he didn’t get hit that hard. I pop my own kids on the legs and it doesn’t mean I’m gonna abuse or kill them…you got issues
Really… You just did the stupidest thing. Why would you even jump to conclusions like that. If I believed over half of what my toddlers had said pertaining to this same situation I would have NO ONE in my life. Getting info from a toddler is like playing the telephone game. You just threw 2 years down the drain and OBVIOUSLY he’s not abusing your son if your boy acted like that when he left. Like one of the ladies said on here. You did that poor man a favor. Good luck cleaning up that emotional mess you just caused for your poor baby boy. Obviously he loves that man.
I would believe my child.
Trust your gut. Always choose your child first.
Sorry but all you people saying a smack is ok from a boyfriend is out of there mind !!! She specifically told him NO discipline to my children that way . She did the right thing by telling him go get out . And for him to say I told him I would smack him but didn’t to me is a red flag right there !
I think you did the right thing.
- .did u ask ur son why? And 2…I agree with u but I also agree with if u r to be together u both need to stand together with discipline issues
Two years he’s been basically the child’s father…you just threw him away for disciplining him. That’s what I don’t understand with you girls these days…you want it all from someone, but only on your terms. He disciplined him…he didn’t beat or hurt him. If you want him to be around as a father, then by God let him be completely.
Sounds like your boyfriend got lucky and escaped a bad situation with you. You state that your child is rambunctious and gets on peoples nerves…which screams spoiled and undisciplined… and nobody is allowed to discipline him… you might get a hand on your kid before the prison system is forced to discipline him.
“I’m under the weather, let me sleep/relax. Watch my child, take care of him…but don’t you dare discipline him! Just let him run wild and act out.” Literally you.
That’s why marriages and relationships fail it’s child centered and child first… hate to break it to you but the majority of your life will be without your kids living with you and it will be lonely if you always put the kid before your husband
For everyone on here saying to not believe the kid… I feel sorry for your kids. As a child my mother consistently didnt believe me and even punished me for lying about what i told her was going on and none of it was a lie and eventually started to help them sexually abuse me. As an adult with children of my own, if my kids tell me someone is hurting them in any way, that person is GONE FOREVER. 2 years in someones life is nothing when it comes to abuse of any kind. 99% of abuse comes from close family or friends. You did the right thing momma and and f*** anyone who doesnt think so.
Why wouldnt u let him discipline him? Hes a step father and a role model in your childs life? Sorry but you fucked it up from the very beginning. Your poor baby will not be happy about this for a very long time.
I don’t care what anybody says you’re your child’s protector maybe you did act A little bit overboard But I mean if he cares about you guys and he really didn’t hit the child I don’t think it should be such a big deal he should Forgive you and understand that you’re just trying to protect your child and by all means do so because you’re right they’re a lots of stories of boyfriend’s abusing and killing their girlfriends children! Everything else these ladies are talking about doesnt matter Saying O he should be able to discipline the child the blah blah blah no no no like I said you are your child’s protector in this world.
If I were the guy and this happened, I wouldn’t come back. It’s good you stood up for your child without question but it’s straight over. There is no coming back from that on his side either. I couldn’t allow my husband to kick me out on accusations of hitting his son and then turn around and ask me back.
Honestly none of us were there. Maybe there is more to it than just what was posted. But yes I agree if you are with him over 2 years he should be given some room to dicipline because then the chilf knows that no matter what they do with him they won’t get in trouble especially if the bf tries to tell you and the child denies it and you are only taking your childs opinion… Yeah that’s a great lesson. But I also agree he has no right to hit your child and I do usually believe my children when things of that nature happen. But again it’s also understanding both sides. Im a step parent too and I do get to dicipline my step child the same as my own children but I don’t spank I find useless as what is telling them not to hit and then hitting them for it going to accomplish… Not shit. I do time outs and groundings and discussions and hell that works for us. I have had my child lie to me saying someone hit them but you bet your ass I investigated it. But also my child has told the truth about being hit and you bet your ass I made an official report and there was an arrest. I’m a no bullshit person when it comes to my kids so I get it. And only you know. A mom knows when their child is lying as well as their partner. Again none of us were there so we don’t know the entire story we can just give you advice based on our own experience.
If your toddler doesn’t lie on a normal bases then believe your son and you did the right thing!
I couldn’t touch my first girl.friends child, when she asked me to. Instead I spoke to DJ, and we.went to park got a kite and waited till her mom cooled down. I couldn’t touch another person’s child.
Only two years no he can’t
The problem here (if he popped the kid) isnt that he did… it’s that (again IF he did) that he denied it. I dont know you, or your situation. But… if you didnt trust him to discipline your child this far into your relationship, it was time to cut ties anyways. Someone I’d known for years DID kill his girlfriends kid and I’d of never imagined it. I’m not saying your boyfriend would… I’m saying that something in your gut knows more than you’re telling. Maybe to ease your mind, ask your kid to hit you the same way he did, to get an idea if it was mean or disciplinary. Again, either way, the bigger issue is that if he did, he lied about it
Agreed with the rest. If you plan to spend the rest of your life with this man he needs to be allowed to discipline your children under certain circumstances and within reason. Telling him he absolutely can not discipline your child at all is just never going to work for any serious relationship you plan to have. Simply because your child will not respect or listen to whoever you end up with. Obviously you are right that alot of step parents/boyfriends/girlfriends are all over the news for abuse and such but i would have given him the benefit of the doubt and honestly depending on the situation i would allow it. I understand you your worries and concerns but you need to have a real talk with yourself and figure oit a way that you can let another person discipline your child in a way that you are comfortable and in a way that your child will respect and listen to the man you end up with. I think you could save the relationship. Just call him up and ask him to come back over and have a talk with him about what set you off and yoir concerns. Then lay down how you discipline your child and he should be allowed those same rules. If you lightly would have smacked your son on the leg for doing something wrong then he should be allowed those same rules. I even have done this here and there. Whatever your rules are for yourself should be his as well. Making him leave infront of your child was a bad choice but you can learn from it. It sounds fixable.
If he did or did not, you know he said he would…
why is he trying to make your child fearful of him? Acting like a toddler (his age) or not… nobody makes my son afraid… that’s not how I parent. Never will. I know what it’s like to grow up afraid and unheard and feeling alone… I pray for more moms like you. Please listen to your baby.
Believe your boy… if you don’t believe him then who else is he to turn to?
And… For the people saying that your child wouldn’t of acted that way when he was leaving if he had actually hit him… I know things that happened to my sister that was a billion times worse and she stood up for the man and wanted nothing but good for him after horrid things he did to her… sooo I can promise it is completely possible that a little boy would still want his friend around after he hit him. Yes it hurts your heart but your child living in fear is far worse. I wish my mom would of believed my sister and stood up for her. Maybe she wouldn’t be so broken now. I will pray for you.
Nope. No one puts their hands on my kids. My children are autonomous human beings, just like I am, and if no one is allowed to hit me, they are also not allowed to hit them. I respect my childrens bodies and choices and wishes, and anyone I’m going to have a relationship must also. If it has been established that a partner will never physically discipline your child, then he broke that agreement and betrayed your trust, point blank, period. Good luck, but I’d not be letting him back around my kid.
I don’t think you deserve him in your life. One if this was someone that you were going to be in a long term spend the rest of your life with sort of thing he should be aloud to help discipline and two you didn’t ask him what happened you just jumped to conclusions.
Even if he did. Sounds like he discipline’s and loves ur child. He is not doing it to be mean and spanking isnt abuse.
To be honest i think your spoiling the child.
If he got spanked maybe tell ur child what did you do to get a spanking? Next time what can we do instead of
Every parent has said * if you dont stop i will spank u * at least once or twice in there parenting. Lol
Toddlers are very dramatic. My son would be standing and fall on the spot (just clumsy) and he would turn to the closest person and accuse them of smacking/pushing him.
Tough one but possibly child needed to be reminded that there are still rules. Could have been a nudge on his thigh. Any marks on the child? I think you jumped to conclusions this time
If they was rough housing and he accidentally hit him playing
Your son is so lucky to have such an amazing mom on his side
How on Earth could you possibly put the pressure of watching a child and yet not being allowed to discipline that child? I think you need a solid dose of reality! EVERYONE has rules to follow or will be disciplined. Cops write tickets or put you in jail, employers fire you… YOU are setting you child up to be a spoiled entitled brat who thinks they live above the law.
If he denied it and he did it , You did the right thing… Good for you. Kids come first
My son (1.5) says ppl hit him all the time when they don’t
You’ve been together two years. Has he done anything like this before? There’s a lot to consider. 1) toddlers do lie especially if they get upset with someone. 2) if he is taking on the responsibility of your child while you aren’t feeling well. Do you expect him not to discipline your child? 3) if he did do it why did he lie about it? My opinion is you over reacted. Do you know the whole story? Probably not. You should have handled it like an adult and discussed the situation with the man.
Everyone saying he was in the right… what? a) he said he didn’t hit the child so if he did, than he knew he was in the wrong. b) they both established these rules… a rule in my house is hitting is not discipline.
Thank you for believing your child. He should fully respect that. You guys can work on things while he is out of the house in case their is a safety concern for your child. You never know. My step dad molested and hit my sisters and I. My mom didn’t do anything but drink. He didn’t have love for us or anything so it can be hard to trust someone. I would definitely see what exactly happened, why did this guy lie and if you want him back, y’all need to reestablish rules.
Go by your instincts if he loves you he will come back
Was there a hand print?Or anything that looked like a pop/slap?Has he ever done any thing like this before?Then you went way overboard kids lie all the time.You’re in the wrong if he’s never done/shown any anger towards you,or your son.
Well did you at least look at his leg to see if it was red or pink from being hit? If not, you went overboard!
You can’t give someone the responsibility to watch your child, but not discipline them.
And 2 yrs is a long time for you to be together and you get mad just bc he smacks his leg.
Nope, he can dicipline without putting his hands on him. Im bothered that he could be lying. Nope no one puts their hands on my babies regardless. Have a problem with my kids? Let me know. That simple.
Get up and look after your son then