My toddler said my boyfriend slapped him on the leg: Advice?

You’ve just taught your child how to get rid of your bf’s


I don’t think a smack is that big of a deal but I respect your judgement to stick by your child. Unfortunately you can’t turn back bc that will create an unsafe situation. But you’re pretty dope for what you did. A lot of women don’t.


I was lucky to have step parents when my parents divorced, my step Dad and step Mother treated my sister and I like their own, they gave orders to follow but never were physical with us, my Mom and Dad gave us a few slaps but not the step parents, all through the years we came to love them as much as our bio parents. I think the Bio parent should be in charge of discipline and follow up if step parent thinks it is needed.

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When children are within a relationship that is like ideals of marriage then a discussion on how discipline will look within the family needs to be made. Seems a little silly to throw a relationship away over one incident that hasn’t had any discussion etc… I would definitely use this time to talk about discipline etc now so you are both on the same page. Also a child needs to know parents/adults are united & not able to have someone side with them like you have demonstrated & kicking your boyfriend out seems like it caused hurt & confusion for your boy.

Good for you for standing up for what you believe in. You don’t believe in child abuse and couldn’t imagine someone smacking your child. You are advocating for your child and protecting him. As for those saying your boyfriend should be able to discipline, there are plenty of other ways to discipline a child that doesn’t involve hitting them.


I feel like pieces of this story are missing. I’ve re-read this over and I think you really wanted to end it with him and used this as the reason.


The dramatics :woman_facepalming:t6::roll_eyes:


Please dont take him back I still remember the first time my mom’s bf hit me and I was in 4th grade …after her not standing up for me it was black eyes as I got older …I’m pregnant and I have ptsd from all the violence and also I don’t know a healthy way to express my anger …and now I’m battling myself trying to think of ways to break the cycle …I also don’t speak to my mom now and I don’t respect her for all the things she allowed


Toddlers don’t lie that specifically. Believe your child. I’m sure the boyfriend told him, if you tell then your mom will make me leave forever. NEVER leave your child alone with a boyfriend or even girlfriend. If you need to sleep … Take your baby to the sitter first.


I’m assuming since he won’t ever be able to discipline him you won’t expect him to ever watch him, as he gets older he definitely won’t respect or take anything he says seriously


Ehhhhh… My daughter said to me once my husband hit her on the head… I went to him and “talked” to him about the situation and come to find out he was playing and tapped her on the head lightly but my daughter is dramatic so she acted like he killed her… You should of had a conversation with him first… Especially if he isn’t abusive and you really needed to analyze the situation was he running wild he lightly tapped his thigh was there a mark why I just wanna know why he did it or did not. what was the reason for this… I respect my kids and their wishes and I protect them by all means but there comes a point in time you need to actually sit and think about the situation at hand… My mom accused my grandfather which is not her dad of molesting her and my grandfather did not passed a lie detector test and everything later down the road she tried to get me and my brother to do the same I stood up for my grandfather cause I Know he is a good man but my brother lied… So for real you needed to look at it at a whole… But no need now let it go move on no going back cause now there will be term oil between the two and he will not feel like he actually has a role my husband doesn’t spank or hit my kids simply sits them in time out and they say he is mean​:person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


You caused that little boy more trauma by kicking “ Matt “ out , than the alleged “pop” on his thigh. He was clearly upset by Matt leaving. I don’t believe in hitting children , but that’s just me. Popping a kid and abusing them are much different. If that man can provide , act like dad etc but not discipline them , you’re teaching them to walk all over him.


Sorry he should be able to discipline your child. You weren’t even up to watch him yourself. A smack on the leg come on. You end it over that after 2 years. Than it was over long ago and that was your excuse. Kids also lie ALL the time. Did you even check good leg for a mark???!!!


Than you discussed he can’t discipline your children. Than don’t have a relationship. Don’t have them watch them. Don’t have them even be around your kids! Because they will have NO respect for them and walk all over them if he can’t even correct them SMFH


Totally agree with you and what you did, can’t say anything different

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Okay fine you don’t want him to smack okay but why are you allowing your bf to keep an eye on him at all if he can’t do the discplining?


You went a bit over board…first off stating that he was to never discipline your child…that in itself made yalls relationship doomed from the start…I could understand if the two of u had just gotten together but it’s been two years and I’m guessing that since ur child is still a toddler he’s been there most his life…you act as if he beat ur child when all he did was pop him on the leg for misbehaving…for all you know he could have been messing with something that he shouldn’t have and could have hurt him…if you do not allow your future partners to discipline your children then u can hang up having a lasting relationship with anyone because your children will not have any respect for them and no one will tolerate that for very long… yes I get that he may have lied to you which was if he did in fact pop him. But it’s a catch 22 on that. Maybe he lied to keep from problems being started over something he himself didn’t see as an issue. Who knows seeing u didn’t give him much chance to explain fully…me personally after being with someone for some time I’d allow them to punish my kids but with boundaries…for instance my fiance he is allowed to ground my girls or restrict them from tv or what not…one one occasion did he get the ok to spank one of them for dropping his dog over the fence…myself and my girls father agreed to this…but my fiance could not make himself do it and grounded her for two wks. If they disrespect him then he has all rights to do so…just as he would allow me to do so with his son wen he comes over on visitation and his mother is fine with me disciplining him as well as needed…however I do not allow just anyone and everyone to punish my kids…tgey tell us the issue and we act accordingly…hope things work out for you later dwn the line but maybe u should reevaluate things or prepared to live a lonely life til ur kid hits 18 and is out the house


If he wasn’t allowed to discipline the child then he shouldn’t be required to watch the child. Especially as you say the child is very rambunctious. Sounds like you were looking for a reason to end this relationship.


Okay so I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. All of you saying they should be allowed to discipline the children if you’re dating them… he’s allowed to tell them they’re out of line and that earn respect but if I don’t put my hands on my kids I’ll be damned if I’m allowing someone else to in any capacity.

I would have looked for a slap mark on the kids leg where he said he was slapped. Kids like all the time and I think you over reacted. You probably lost a good person over nothing. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: my opinion


I think it’s a bit much to kick him out! I mean you weren’t even up to watch him and the bf was! One pop on the leg isn’t going to hurt him. You obviously trust your bf enough to take care of him while you are sick, so he should be allowed to discipline him while you are sick. If you don’t want others to discipline your children then tough it out and get up and watch him. If he were abusing him then it would be different but you said he isn’t.


I feel like you totally over reacted. I mean, why couldn’t it be discussed like adults?
And why in front of the child?
Did you love your boyfriend? Because i would never throw away a relationship with someone i love over a tap that may not have even happened.
And then kicking him out in front if the child was wrong.


You did the right thing…I love hearing stories of people actually standing up for their kids…I’m mama/daddy and I have always choose my kids over any man…and I be damn if anyone puts a finger on them…don’t question what you did, protecting our babies is our #1 priority…

You shouldn’t be in a relationship if they can’t discipline your children. It’s ok if you are against smacking, but he needs to be able to discipline your child in a way that you guys agree on and is consistent between you and him. When you bring a man around your children, that should be a man that you are serious about and planning to spend the rest of your life with. Your son is 2, you’ve been dating him for 2 years,!he has helped you raise your child. You definitely did not do the right thing, you totally overreacted and he dodged a bullet.


Wow people. There are ways to discipline a child without hitting - she said it was a toddler. Someone who is not the parent who is watching the child can discipline without hitting - would you allow a daycare provider to hit your child? Kids that small do not get hit for punishment, they don’t get it, they just know you are hurting them. Whether or not it actually happened I have no idea, but if it did and he lied about it he needs to go, and she needs to stick up for her child and the amount of people here that are making excuses for the guy saying he has the right to smack her kid is disgusting.


I’m gonna agree here with the majority of what people have already said. I think you overreacted. For one, you’ve been together for 2 years, you trust him with your kid…you obviously had, or…should have had a stable relationship with those facts…secondly if he’s allowed to watch him he should be allowed to correct him. A light pop on the leg is perfectly age appropriate for a toddler. I could understand if your son came to you with a busted lip or black eye or something drastic, absolutely… but if he did in fact do it to begin with then I honestly don’t see what the big deal is. When my family or friends watch my daughter they already know… if she’s out of line, smack her ass. Not that anyone has had to, but if I’m trusting someone to watch her, then I’m 100% trusting them to discipline her when she needs it too. It goes hand in hand. I think if it upset u so much u should have at least talked to him about it, been mad and slept on it or something. Ending the relationship and kicking him out just seems far too dramatic , but that’s just my opinion.

Sounds like Matt dodged a bullet seeing how you never plan on accepting him an actual partner and coparent in your relationship
I feel so bad for your son though


You messed up girl. :pensive:


My two year old is always making up stories but then I’m from Africa where a child’s discipline is enforced by the whole village. We discipline children any time anywhere regardless of whose child it is because for us we believe that it takes a village to raise a child so I may be the wrong person to offer any advice in this case. But if you have been with the guy for two years and it has not happened before maybe you need to learn on taking time to think things through before acting. It helps it really does


You are right …He should not discipline Your child ,YOU should.


My brother was in a relationship with a girl that had a kid that wasnt him he had been taking care of this kid since she was 9 mos old. It was ok for him to buy for the kid and to pay bills for the kid but not to discipline the kid. They ended up having a child together and he disciplined her no different than his own but because the mother wouldnt discipline the child my brother had to which caused them to break up. She was a stay at home mom and he worked and paid all the Bill’s. That’s what makes me hate her to this day that he was good enough to pay Bill’s for her and her child and buy presents and pay for birthday parties but he wasnt allowed to discipline. If you are going to be in a long term relationship with someone you should trust them to discipline your child. You want all the benefits of a dad but he doesn’t have the same rights as a dad and its bullcrap!!


I think he has the right to discipline if he’s been in the childs life for 2 yrs. If you don’t want him disciplining your kid then maybe you should’ve been watching him. He’s doing you the favor of watching him while you rest you could have atleast gave him the benefit of the doubt.


Girl you better sit down somewhere it was a smack on the leg and you even admitted the child is out of control so maybe he needs some discipline I’m his life! It’s totally obvious you did not consider him a partner with how you overreacted and not talk things out privately. If I was him I would never come back! And then you goes as far to say you keep reading stories about children being abused so if you thought he would do such a thing why would you be with him? And a smack on the leg, hand or bottom is far from abuse that’s why kids are so out of control these days because they can get away with anything with no Consequences.


The question isn’t if he should have the right or not she didn’t ask that, this was talked about and he knew it was a no go and might have done it anyway so he violated and agreement they had as a couple, if he didn’t like it he could have left or put in an argument that he wants to feel like more of a partner and help raise this child including discipline. Those of you saying he should be able are missing her point, she’s asking does she follow her mama bear instinct and believe her child or not and I say yes hunny those mama bear instincts have done mamas good for thousands of years. And if you’re looking for opinions on how to handle it which you seem like you are, if you love him and see a future together it might be time for a talk and explain how you would like discipline handled and if he is in a situation like that again an agreement on how it should be handled. If you that quick to kick him out maybe you subconsciously think it’s time to end it. Also admin should shut comments off I think 700+ is probably enough? But that’s just my opinion


There are other ways of discipline than hitting . Some of you are saying if he was watching then he should be able to discipline :grimacing:. You let grown men hit your kids ? You let everyone watching hit your kids?There are other ways of disciplining a toddler then smacking if he did smack a 2 yo then it means he has zero patience . Toddlers can be fibbers . But there are other ways to see if he did or didn’t . He looked surprised meaning he was baffled something was said . I don’t think he did it . I’m happy your a mom that listens to your child and takes them first but before . You should have asked oh why did he hit you ? What happened when he hit
You ? Or ask your toddler why ? Try to read your toddlers body language when asked to repeat what happened . I had a compulsive liar nephew (my husbands nephew ) lied said my husband told me to give him money … lied saying I called him stupid … lied saying he saw his dad hanging out with another woman a certain day when the footage in his store showed otherwise … there is a lot to think about . How did bf act with you when your baby acted out? How did the bf act during toddler tantrums there’s a lot to think about


If u don’t want him disciplining your kids then don’t have him watching them . Simple as that . 2 years is a long time to be with someone and still not expect them to discipline. there is a huge difference between disciplining and beating a child


Abuse my a@@ a light pop on the leg is not abuse if there was no mark then was not even hard enough to make a difference. That’s what wrong in the world now kids think they can do and say what ever with no consequence. I grew up with old fashioned values spare the rod spoil the child a light pop is not going to hurt him. And to allow the boyfriend to be a adult in his life and can’t make your son mind makes no sense.


Good for you to let him go! I mean what kind of person tells a person they been with for 2 years (maybe one day get married) that they wouldnt be able to discipline the kid??? It seems like he stepped up to be a father figure, right? Hes living with you??? He has that right to discipline the kid. It seems like Matt dodged a crazy one like you. You didnt even want to coparent with him one day… Maybe you were just dragging him along to play house with :roll_eyes:


Y’all don’t even know if the man hit the child. The child could have lied, they do it all the time. But if after 2yrs u don’t trust him then why do u allow him around ur child? Was there a Mark? Usually there is an obvious Mark that they were hit! But if u can’t trust his word then why would u even allow your child around him? And I get your sick but that’s not a reason if u don’t trust him, I have 4 kids and pregnant and currently have the flu and I still manage to do all my mom duties. If i can’t trust an adults word over my child, they wouldn’t be around my child!


Always believe your kid…

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I’m sorry, but If you won’t allow anyone else to discipline your child while you’re resting, then you’re crazy.
My son is 2 yrs old and smart as hell. He knows what “yes” and “no” means. He know EXACTLY what we are telling him and shit. So, when we tell him no or to don’t touch or throw anything several times, then we give him spankings on the butt. :person_shrugging:

If you don’t want other to discipline your kid then you should. If others “need” to discipline your kid then maybe you didn’t do a great job then.


Always believe your child. Not believing is how kids end up dead or abused for long periods of time. If it doesn’t feel right it prolly isn’t right


My boyfriends son did the same thing to me which i never would and never did at that time he was 4 went back told his mom and it started a war i had also been with my bf for 2 years and some change and he was the same way no one could disiclipne his child but him so i told him then he needs to get it under control or else!!

We now have a 3 year old and when she was 2 she walked around the house saying mommy hurt me daddy hurt me because she was putting multiple sentences together and from me correcting her from using u meaning herself when myself or bf would talk to her

I would believe your child. Even if he lied about it, he lied bc he was probably scared. Even the threat of being abused is terrifying to children. You can make kids do crazy stuff just by telling them you’re going to hurt them or someone they care about. My mom didn’t believe me… I wish she had though. You’re a very good mother, better than good.
Maybe you should read him the story about the boy who cried wolf and ask him again if Matt really did smack him, even if it was just a tap, u need him to be honest with you and you’ll always love him no matter what. That last part is the most important part of making sure he trusts you, not only telling him but proving it.
My step dad used to get me to believe him and then he’d prove to me he didn’t mean any of it, my real dad… Well… Thats another story. He’s dead for all I care. He convinced my whole family I was a sociopath that was abusing myself trying to get him in trouble, my brother even backed him and said it never happened, he sat, watched, and laughed and then beat the shit out of me 2 days later when I told the school social worker about it and that I had tried to kill myself after. The verbal abuse and the threat of abuse was always present. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I started calling his bluff and that’s when it got physical and it got there fast.
You’re brave and I’m proud of you for always having your child’s back.

My partner smacks my daughter when she’s being an asshole it’s called discipline, if the guy did smack it’s not like he bashed him! Most kids need a bit of discipline in their life

You know what NO you did the right thing!!! You can’t trust people these days!!! You hear this shit on the news ALL the time!!! Who knows maybe it would’ve been something worse next time or who knows fuck that it’s better to be safe than sorry!!!

Asking the internet for advice when you know what you already did was right!!
Forget what everyone here tells you. Your child is most important believe them.


Was it even a discipline momen?were they playing around? Toddlers tend to.fabricate things and lie if there was no mark then kicking him out was wrong i get wanting to beleive to ur child but i also would.of talked to the bf more thoughly first and ask what all went down. If ur bf was a long time thing how do expect him to be a parent figure with no disipline he should be able to diapline but with maybe some restrictions i think u jumped the gun on this one possible ruined a good thing. U said u werent feeling well so were u resting in a different room? If so u know what really happened


Discipline your kid then so no one else has to!! I’m guessing this poor bloke pays the bills and supports YOUR kid to!! Let him leave and be with someone who is on the same page as him when it comes to raising kids together!!


This is case where I don’t know Matt so I can’t call it. I’m glad you are mama bear though

You are strong g for standing up for your kids. Tell him to stay gone. However dont have people watching your kids that’s cant discipline 5hem


Good for you! My fiancee doesn’t hit my children and I do not hit his. I would do the same thing you did. Period.


You throwing him out in front of that baby hurt him more than if he did get a tap on the leg. Which probably didn’t happen especially if there were no marks. Kids lie. I can’t believe there are parents on here that say children don’t lie. He dodged a bullet and I hope he stays gone.


You should’ve asked your son if he was lying and explain to him the consequence for, “Matt” if he is telling the truth. I understand not wanting him to physically discipline him, but after 2 years you could’ve come up with an agreement where he can, send him to his room, corner or timeout of some sort? You admitted that your son is a handful, he obviously needs some discipline. By not allowing the man you allowed to live in your home and to be a father figure without allowing him some way to discipline shows you don’t trust him and your child won’t respect him. You should’ve never let him move in if this was the case. Matt, if you’re reading this… She did you a favor.


Let the liar go ur baby will be fine with ur help


Wow just wow. Youve been with this dude for over 2 years. And you kick him out for parenting you child? Im sorry hun but if youre gonna do that over someone getting onto your child for something then you should lice the single life You can have a relationship and expect them not to parent after 2 YEARS together


When someone tells a 2 year old they are going 2 smack them toddlers tend 2 say they did it even if they didnt. Always trust ur kids but also verify


I say he should make a clean break from you and not accept responsibility for anything he has no authority over. Don’t move your boyfriends in, you handle your responsibilities because you’re right, you can’t trust anyone 100%.


Lying is not always a learned behavior. I have been around children who have not been around any kind of lying or anything of the sort and they end up lying all the time- for example: I was in a situation where I watched my friend ask their child if they ate a cookie and the child said no even though there was cookie crumbs all over the child’s face… so please tell me how, if the child was not taught to lie or around people who lied, that the child was taught how to do something. Children don’t understand that by doing something it could cause severe consequences. So when it comes to things like this, children feel they will get more attention if they lie or fib or stretched the truth and it has nothing to do with someone teaching that to them.

This child could have just been mad his moms bf told him no, so when the boy was told he could be spanked, he just ran with it to get mommy to give him what he wanted. Kids do it ALLLL the time


In my opinion, its ridiculous and uncalled for to expect ANYONE, especially a man you put in the daddy role for 2 years, to be told to take care of and watch YOUR kids and also be told to not discipline them in any way shape or form. THATS teaching your kids entitlement and that they do not have to follow rules. THATS teaching them to lie and mistreat people


Kids actually lie . Shocker I know


I would not watch or tend to a child I could not discipline. If there was no mark than he obviously did not smack him hard.


2 yrs tho? My husband discipline mine and he has no kids. They highly respect him he’s there father figure. Now if he a lied about it that’s different. I do know kids who will lie! I worked at an ESL and a student told the mom one of the “brown ladies” pulled her hair and those mommas was not believing us we had to roll lots of tape smh and the lil girl kept her story even in our face!

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Sounds like you need to be single and raise your child alone !

This is absolutely ridiculous.
You have a damnnnn toddler he needs to be disciplined and corrected if necessary you just sound pathetic.

I suggest you get some help.

No man/father deserves to be told they cant discipline their child.

The way you handle situations is terrible.

I also suggest parenting classes


Pay attention to what your child says. A two year old is not capable of making up lies, and if the child did something to deserve discipline why lie about it. I personally have a problem with the boyfriend lying about it. The child acted in this way because he is emotionally attached to your boyfriend too. This is why we should be careful about being people around our children before we truly know them.


That kids spent two years knowing he can manipulate “matt” and misbehave with zero repucussions…


If there were no marks and he did “smack” him, it was obciously just a tap… Not saying hitting a child is right, but if he was pushing buttons (like kids do) then it is fully understandable.

But by what you have said and how suprised and hurt he was, your little boy probably lied. Especially by his reaction when you kicked him out.

Talk to him properly, and hope he forgives you for acting impulsively. After 2 years, he doesn’t necessarily have “the right” to smack him, but to punish him he does… otherwise your kid will walk all over him and keep doing things like this because he knows he can


My toddler will run to me and tell me her brother pushed her. When they are 5 feet from me. And he didnt even look in her direction. I haven’t quite decided if she is trying to gain something or if she is genuinely confused. She is 2. :woman_shrugging:


This an overreaction


Only you know what’s true and what’s not. Only you CAN Know. Look at the signs, is there ANY other red flags you may have ignored? Has he ever stepped out of line before? (The boyfriend) Anything? If not, he really might have not done it. But I don’t judge you at all for taking extra steps to ensure your child is not the next one on the news and anyone saying anything against you for that is wrong. I do know that my daughter started telling lies as soon as she could talk. She would say aunts, uncles, cousins, whatever and whoever popped her or was being mean, when it literally was not possible, she’s always with me. I think she did that bc her dad and I have told her from the get go if anyone every touches/hits or is mean to her to let us know, and I think she was trying to get a reaction/see what we would do. We let her know it’s not ok to lie, but the point is, kids do it. Sometimes she will still go tell on someone for being “mean” bc she wants us to get on to them. Today the floor was mean to her, (she tripped) and we had to have a talk with the floor :sweat_smile::joy:

My daughter is 12 other half been in her life since she was 4 yes he disciplines her he lives with her 24/7 but the first time he ever raised his hands to her hed been gone without a second thought

I think he’s better off. I think a smack on the leg and a beating is far apart. I never beat my kids but a smack on the back side worked. They knew I wasn’t happy. Shit when I was in school teachers were aloud to smack kids with a wooden paddle. You may want to talk to your child about what really happened. But I hope the man you kicked out never looks back and finds some one that trusts him.

What’s up with all you parents saying hitting is just fine? I live in Denmark, I think we are going at 30 years of law, for NO hitting children at all! And before you attack me for our children being spoiled or bad. Look at your crime statistics vs danish. Must be the way SOME of u raise your children!


Kids do lie or more make stuff up but at 2 I dont think he would just blurt that out for no reason regardless if you feel something isn’t right trust your instincts


you bitches will do anything to keep a man in the house :man_facepalming:t5: all mothers need to be like her

I think it’s a very tough spot to be in but the super simple way to check would have been to look at his leg. was it red? Bruised? Toddlers can get confused or not be able to express the words and meanings they mean to.

I agree that we see horrible stories all the time, after 2 years if you even think he could abuse them it’s the right call. Because it’s about more than what happened here… and that’s what you should listen to.


Think matt had a lucky escape


I think you need to ask yourself how you really feel about “Matt” because that was either a gross over reaction or you have reason to believe he’s been abusing your kid or has the potential too. Also, some mothers can’t take it when someone else disciplines their child or speaks to the kid a certain way. Maybe that’s the case for you as well.


He is not to discipline your kids?! After 2 years??? Surely if your child is a toddler and you’ve been with this man for 2 years then your child is actually both your child?? My daughter is not biologically my husband’s but he took her on as his own from the second we got serious and the same with my step son. I dont understand why he wouldnt be allowed to discipline your children??


Wow, just wow! Sounds like “Matt” is better off without you.


You did the right thing. Only a mother knows. Possibly only a good mother knows. Nobody should put hands on your baby. If you think he lied even a little bit he probably did spank the baby. Always listen to you’re kids. My daughter is 3yo and hasn’t lied about someone spanking/hitting her. She tells me everything down to the details so I’ll always believe her no matter what. She’s a BRAT but shes also VERY smart.


Pay no mind to what people say. If you aren’t ready for him to be part of discipline that’s fine. It’s different for everyone. My first issue is that he used smacking as a threat knowing full well you have said that’s not his job as of right now, so I think there’s every chance he could have done it BUT two year olds lie, although I find this hard because he was very specific about where he was hit. It’s difficult but I don’t think you were wrong, I would talk to your ex again and ask him to be honest because two years is a long time for you and your son. See if you can work it out providing he’s honest xx

Going through so many bs comments on here is f…kin shockin… YOU DID THE RIGHT THING… your child should always come first… im glad to see a GOOD mum put her child first… you see some bad shit on the news sometimes… you listened and took action like a mother is meant to… if some one hit my child… i would give them a hi 5 right to the forehead… never should anyone hit someone else’s child… no matter what!!! Not even a step parent!!!

My opinion. Yes, no one has a right to hit your baby but if he’s your partner and considers your baby his, I think a little discipline is okay… There was no mark of a slap… He might have done it, may be he slapped him, but did you ask why??? What if the kid was misbehaving??? What if the child is the one in wrong?? I think you have investigated first before making the decision. Btw, did you tell you boyfriend that he shouldn’t discipline or hit your baby? May be you should have given a warning instead of ending your relationship…Yes your baby comes first, hope you feel better after ending your relationship… Because your baby deserves a happy mom. You can still fix this… Don’t end your relationship because he hit the baby. Tell him, he isn’t supposed to hit him… He might understand… And tell your baby, (if he’s lying) that it’s a bad thing… Find a way of fixing it… It’s easy… You are good mom btw.

When my son was 2 he started crying for no reason, when I asked why he was crying, he said his sister hit him, his sister was in school at the time, toddlers talk an awful lot of rubbish 99% of the time


You expecting with someone who can not correct your kids whenever they wrong??? Wow!!! I don’t think you ready with someone beside you except your own kids.

This is interesting. The other day I saw a post on here about a daughter that accused the boyfriend of hitting her, mum didnt believe her and was sure she lied. Everyone jumped on her back askin why she didnt protect the child now they are saying the opposit to this woman! Can’t win🤷🏽‍♀️


I think throwing him out is a bit extreme. But id be having some serious conversations about why it’s unacceptable

I seriously am mind blown over the way some of you have acted and the things you have said. This poor mom is reaching out for help because her heart is tore in two different directions over something of someone putting their hands on her child, and you all want to act like stuck up bitches as if you all have perfect lives, parenting and children.

Hitting is not ok, but if he will never be allowed to discipline your child it would have never worked anyway.


My 2 year old literally tells us everyone hits her. I moved the hair out of her face the other day and she told her dad I hit her. The dogs wags her tail too close? The dog hit her.


Toddlers do lie, my friends toddler used to forever blame his sister who would be at school etc. People who says toddlers aren’t capable of lying you are mistaken lol Matt should go out and enjoy being single now after being put down as a child abuser :roll_eyes:


I think you did the right thing. Your child is #1 and if its was meant for you to be with him it will work out.


EVEN IF THE CHILD LIED? No that is not the right thing to do.

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Depends if the smack was to correct behaviour or his anger, being old fashioned I still agree that a sign of disapproval to a child is appropriate provided it’s to teach the child how to behave correctly,but not anger from the adult. We only have to look at the “ little” darlings we have at schools and on the street who have no respect for anyone or anything.

My ex’s daughter lied about me hitting her… it almost cost me custody of my child, my security clearance and job, $7000 in lawyer fees and being homeless for two weeks. I can’t stress enough to make sure your children understand the importance of not lying. I am not saying your child necessarily is, but if he cried and wanted him to stay, that tells me that maybe he took “I’m going to smack you” as “he smacked me.” However, I understand being the mama bear… it’s a tough situation, I am sorry!


Your ex dodged a bullet shame the same cant be said for your child.


If he agreed not to discipline then why is he threatening smacks when your not around . I’d say his word is as good as your toddler’s right now. Trust your gut it won’t steer U wrong with whose lying


If you two agree on discipline and he threaten to hit even you did right thing

Never mind these crazy women who say you did wrong they try to shame you for being protective but they are the ones end up in news like you say

I feel sorry for there kids