You not married he is a boyfriend!!! These women are so so stupid omg
If you don’t want him disciplining your kids, you never saw him in a parent role for those kid(s), which means you didn’t really see a future with him. If you’re dating someone for that long and they are a part of your children’s life, and they are taking on the role of a stepparent, they should have just as much right to discipline the children as you. And if you still refused to give him that, that means you just didn’t see him being in that role. From your kids reaction I would say that the child was lying. But I also don’t know your kid. All I know is my son did the same thing. He said his teacher slapped him and when I said that I would pull him out of that class he immediately started bawling because he still liked his teacher.
Okay so your son could be lying. My godson told his mum i smacked him once and i hadn’t, second you can’t expect someone to look after your.child and not.punish them once the kid knows.this he will run rings around him!
You need to just remain single. So, you think someone will help you take care of children that they cant even give consequences to? Stay single. Let him be with someone, who, even if she does have children with someone else, will allow him to discipline the children that he is expected to help care for. You sound like someone who wants your children to run the complete show and not obey anyone but you. Good luck if they go to school. Newsflash, they will get plenty of consequences for ill behavior there.
unbelievable you crazy ppl saying he allowed to smack a toddler??? If he has liberty to punish the child why choose physical discipline ??? Why not choose other discipline??? Because he act out of anger that’s why!!! No excuse!!! You ppl are so stupid
There’s a difference in a discipline “smack” and an abusive “smack”. I believe in using discipline smacks from time to time. I’m from the days of mommas picking switches. Trust me, kids were more respectful in those days than they are now. What’s worse to me is a parent who just yells - with foul language included and yanks on kids. You make it sound all warm and fuzzy. Do you discipline in any way? Kids need boundaries. They need discipline. They need rules. They need good examples set for them to follow.
You need to ask your child more non leading questions and find out. It could turn out it was absolutely nothing.
I can’t go along with the boyfriend not being able to discipline your child while you are “resting”. If you don’t trust him DON’T leave your child for him to watch. If the child gets on peoples nerves, he probably needed a smack. The lack of discipline is a major part of what is wrong in the world today. I am totally against child abuse but that is not what this is.
My BEST friends toddler lied about me smacking him. We still arent friends years later… Killed me. So i have no advice.
I met the love of my life when my son was one and a half years old. No I didn’t like it when he disciplined him at first. But I realized he needed discipline; because my mother lived next door and was spoiling him. Fast forward my son (44 now) loved that man so much. He never called his biological father who never wanted anything to do with us. But 6 months after we met, my future in-laws had my son calling him Daddy & he loved it. He was PaPa to all of our grandchildren. We lost a great man to cancer in 2017. My mother would’ve been the first one to tell you that he was the best thing that ever happened to us. I understand all stories don’t end like mine. I am truly blessed!
Dude. Everyone yelling about him disciplining him if mom doesn’t smack him the boyfriend doesn’t smack him. Period. You don’t allow others to do what you and the childs father would not do. You can absolutely discipline a kid without smacking him. Now I would’ve given him once chance after talking to him but he lied. He didn’t just do something she was against…he lied about it. How the fuck is that right?
If he knows hes not allowed to punish your children, and yet hes getting angry enough to threaten them with physical punishment, I wouldn’t put it past him to lash out out of anger as well. My personal belief is that regardless if he hit him or not, your bf showed no regard for your rules for your children, and that he is not allowed to punish them. He shouldnt be threatening a punishment that he cannot carry out. I dont allow my sons teacher to dictate what punishment I carry out at home for my son acting up in school, I’m not going to allow anyone to threatened a punishment they cant/aren’t supposed to carry out. In my opinion you did the right thing. But I would make sure to talk to your toddler about what happened and why, so that you begin to instill the idea that what he says and does can have consequences and to be sure he is telling the trutg
My toddler’s lied before, about many things. She’s a sweet, polite little girl but oh hell she can make up some whoppers. Last night she started misbehaving for attention. You may think your kid is an angel but they’re still human. That being said, I don’t know your situation or who your boyfriend is. If he has aggressive tendencies or what. I’d say trust your instincts but at the same time, you should have a talk about discipline anytime someone watches your kid. You can’t expect someone to let your child do whatever they want. That’s the best path to an entitled kid, unfortunately.
Step parents should NEVER lay their hands on the child!
I wouldn’t come back after this js my husband is the same way with my daughter. She’s not his by blood but he choose her at 6 months old and she chose him. He doesn’t do the discipline but that’s because in his eyes she nor our son that is fully his does any wrong but trust and believe if he ever does making him leave will be the very last thing done. Kids need guidance and want parents to actually be parents especially in this day and age
Forget about friends and a boyfriend,focus on your child. Maybe this was all part of your path. Just cause Your child cryed when he left doesn’t mean he wasn’t being mean. Kids don’t understand right from wrong and even when kids are abused by there parents they still want them cause that is all they know.
Sad. So sad.
The young child has only known him for 2 years, and now he’s out on the street
Parents don’t get sick days he was enough to try and give her her time for a child that’s not even his she should be some type of appreciative for that. He got onto a child that got upset about her making leave it’s apparent it wasn’t that serious children wouldn’t act like this about someone who’s abusing them js
How hard would it have been to just look at the child’s leg?
Then stay single
The bf has been the father for several years but you deny him right to discipline an unruly child? Shit that relationship is over from the start
He threatened to hurt your child, if you allowed discipline from him, its acceptable. On the other hand, kids lie a LOT, especially toddlers. They LOVE the attention.
My partner an my daughters dads partner discipline my child but neither one of them would lay a hand on her if me an her dad dont touch her no one will be doing an i would hit the roof if i found out any diffrent my daughters step mum has been in ger life 10+ years an has never laid a hand on her there are other ways of dealing with behaviour than cracking a child all they Will learn is that is how u deal with things in later life
Nah. Let him go. The bf may of lied to you. Your baby is first
I feel like if you set those rules, you don’t hit your kid(s), nobody else should either. These women saying you’re wrong aren’t you. I would have done the same thing. My kids will come first. If anyone has any smart remarks to make about how “I grew up in a time…” stfu and save it. You hit out of frustration, not to teach lessons. Be honest with yourselves.
So, treading lightly here, toddlers lie, lots and lots. My two year old daughter turned to my wife who was sitting across the room from me and said I hit her because I told her no. She has also many many times told us her bubba, whom is 15 hit her. I will admit, the first time she told me he hit her I wanted to loose it. So, first thing, there were no marks at all, second I needed to find out why she said this, did he tell her something she didnt want to hear, like get out of my room? Third, ask, if there is no evidence and he says he didnt then I must believe him, even if I dont believe him there is no evidence whatsoever, do i just Salem witch trial him so that i feel better? No, the kid is obviously not hurt, i keep an eye on the situation closely there after observing not interfering unless needed. Here is another piece of advise, if you have a boyfriend of two years it’s getting kind of serious, you should probably decide if you actually love this guy or if he is a convienence, if you actually love him and really trust him, there should never be the conversation as to whether or not he is your child actual father, have seen that destroy so many relationships and good men in the process. Just my two cents. Also, my wife of 15 years has always been able to discipline my oldest daughter, she has been there since she was born, she has never done something I dont approve of, she is her mother as well.
kids lie, my 4 yr old does all the time, she says my mom hit her when she wont let her do something… sorry to say but I don’t think the bf was the problem here, I think its underlying issues from mommy dearest…
He lied about smacking him. Thats where I draw the line. What else will he do and not own up to it. GONE!
I have disciplined my gfs children and have had many. I discipline my child and stepchild. When they are doing bad and know they did wrong discipline them or end up with self entitle brats that are flooding the streets and abusing their parents and grandparents because they have always been allowed to do whatever they want. If I am supporting a woman and her children, they will damn sure listen. Or get out. I fully promote that option.
A boyfriend let alone the kids own dad should not smack the child. I have someone in my life and he respects my children and if he has an issue with something than he will address it with me and then we or I will talk to my kids who are older now though, but there was a time that their own dad would smack my kids and it got worse with the smacking… the more he did it got to the point the walls would shake. When that relationship ended between my ex husband and I our house was peaceful because when he was there in the household the kids started smacking each other and the tension became high. I don’t care what anybody says, don’t doubt yourself you did good! Keep that baby safe!
If he’s your boyfriend and already threatening to smack your baby imagine what it’ll be like when he thinks he’s this child’s “parent”. No. You did right.
I think he should be able to discipline your child if he’s helping care for your child, your child looks up to him and will also test what he can and cannot do around him as well. If he can’t put his foot down when needed then the child will be running your house the more and more he gets older. Now I don’t believe he should lay hands on him by any means! But he should definitely be able to sit him in time outs and send him to his room. Or even say you can’t play with your favorite toy for the way your behavior and talk to him about what you and your boyfriend expect from him ect. Otherwise your relationship will not work. You all need to sit down together with your children and set the rules so everyone is on the same page! Toddler’s understand more then you think. My son is almost 3 and he understands when my husband and I talk to him about his behavior after timeout and he’s calmed down.
I also understand your fear bc you do hear about boyfriend’s hurting or worse when super upset with a baby or child. And I would explain that to your boyfriend I’m sure he can understand. They’re has to be responsible respect within all! I think… I hope things work out!
The baby is always first.follow through and things will be good
Your baby comes first … he shouldn’t hit him or even threaten to hit him .
I was gonna try to put my 2 cents in but it seems like nobody here believes in a pop on the leg when it comes to discipline. Or any discipline at all for that matter. So I hope you made the right decision but if your kid figures out all he has to do is say that to get rid of someone he’ll abuse it
Two years and can’t disipline your kids.? They’re just as much his kids if he is raise him…the kid probably lied knowinhe can push his limits cause the poor gucant do anything
I’m sorry, but if you’re trusting someone to help raise your kids, they should be allowed to discipline them. Also, toddlers lie. All the time. My daughter would lie and say someone who didn’t even exist hit her. She would also lie and try to make me and my ex mad at each other, because she knew it would prevent her from getting in trouble. 2 years is a long time to be with someone and just instantly not believe them without listening to their side of the story. Maybe next time, you should sit down with him and your kid, and determine the truth before you react.
So he’s been there for 2 years playing daddy to your kid but he can’t discipline your kid??? You’re willing to take the word of a toddler who was getting in trouble over the adult in the situation?? Sounds like you did the boyfriend a favor by telling him to leave!!! What kind of mom wants a man to play daddy to her kid but doesn’t let that man discipline the kid?? Maybe if you actually disciplined your child he wouldn’t get on people’s nerves and you wouldn’t be in situations like this. Sounds like you’ve got some issues you need to work out before trying to be in a relationship.
Yeah why be with someone if your not going to let them correct your kids? You can’t let your kids just run over someone like that. Then they know they can tell you anything and you’ll believe them.
Run for your life… Every one loved my Dad. Him and
My stepdad beat the shit out of me…No one believed in me…
My now husband and I came to a mutual decision that he could start disciplining my son after what we agreed was an appropriate time together and around my kid. We believe in spanking and such so it’s fine by me that he spanks his stepson when he deserves it. If he didn’t discipline him why would my son feel like he had to listen to him? He wouldn’t. And he didn’t until my husband started disciplining him.
It’s not abuse. My husband does not and would not ever abuse my son or our other son. But discipline is important. They love each other and have so much fun together but if you want your man to be another parent figure to your kid, discipline is part of that.
If you don’t believe in spanking or smacking, that’s cool. Just communicate your disciplinary boundaries with your man. It’s not that hard
First of all, I’m all for believing your kids, but I also know my kids pretty damn well and I know when they are lying or trying to manipulate me. Secondly, you did the right thing by breaking up with him, because you can’t have someone in your life and trust them to babysit your child without disciplining them. Everyone will discipline your child when they are being watched by sometime. Do you expect your kids to go to school without getting disciplined by a teacher? Or are you going to change schools Everytime a teacher disciplined your child. I am with a man that has a son and I do most of the disciplining at home. I’ll be damn if I let him run all over me, he gets the same treatments as my other kid. I don’t spank him but I do put him on time out and tell him no when he needs to hear it. Glad you did him a favor by letting him go
Kids come first always, you did the right thing.
If he is gonna be in your life and has been that long then he should be able to to get on to your child as long as he is not beating him but a snack is far from grounds of ending a relationship.
this is laughable. I’m sorry but if you are with someone and you trust them to help you raise your child then they should be able to discipline. everyone has to be on the SAME page or that child will manipulate every chance he gets. which it looks like he just did and you fell for it and over reacted.
kids and toddlers lie. all the time! a little smack is not abuse and is needed sometimes anyway. ive been with my husband for almost 5 years and he is my 3 kids step dad. from the START he was allowed to discipline. I would never tell someone that is babysitting or “playing dad” some might say, that they are not allowed to discipline my kids when they are in their care.
You don’t mention there being any marks on the child- a true slap would have left a mark. Without a mark- you ended a relationship. Maybe you were right, maybe you weren’t
This is exactly how you stupid women end up
This mother is fantastic for standing up for her child
Nothing is worth a risk to your child why even chance it??? 2 year mean nothing if you compromise your child safety
you women bash the mom if she doesn’t leave or you bash the mom if she does leave you are all so crazy and not smart
Dude should have jumped ship 1 year and 11 months ago
I think your toddler may have felt guilt after knowing it was his fault he was kicked out, but it was the right the to do and I’m so glad he told you what happened, I would have kicked him out too
You jumped far off the deep end. Maybe the guy will be better off. I babysit a lot and I’ve had kids tell their parents I hit them when I told them they couldn’t do something. I tell their parents right away and I’ve had kids go as far as hitting themselves to leave a mark but I’ve documented it and had pictures so they knew I didn’t.
You didn’t even hear the guy out; You straight kicked him out instead of talking to him like an adult.
For your next relationship if you won’t trust them with your kid move on.
Yes children get abused but there are usually signs, behaviors, marks on the child.
A smack on the leg no marks the kid is a toddler a tap on the leg could make a toddler say he was mean …you ended that so fast it seems you wanted too. 2 years he should be able to discipline your child especially as he is a toddler between 1and 4 so he really only knows this guy with you. Also if the guy was mean to your toddler chances are he isn’t going to want to hug him.
Kids also need that crack now and then just so they know it can happen if you trust a person with your children you have to trust they know when that is a swat is not abuse
Ummm yeah kids like to lie about this to get attention so he probs lied and sorry but i would have left my husband a while ago if i lived with him and wasnt aloud to discipline his daughter.
I know people say little kids don’t lie…but depending on their age they sure as shit can. My older two are 16 months apart…so they’re very close and they have definitely lied to me specifically about the other one hitting them, usually when they want a toy the other one is playing with. I would be watching them play and all of the sudden one of them would burst into tears and run to me saying the other one hit them. Nobody was hit. I’m all about being an advocate for your kid but did you even have a real conversation with your boyfriend? You’ve been together for 2 years, have you discussed how discipline should be handled? This just sounds like some serious communication issues between you and him.
I think you did the right thing. go with your gut
I think it might have been a moment to discuss things with your partner. If he did hurt your child, it sounds like it was a disciplinary action. I’m not saying his tactics were appropriate, but you two both need to be able to discipline your child if you planned to share a life together. It might be worthwhile to reach out to him to discuss it. You two need to be on the same page with how you discipline your child. If he doesn’t respect how you reacted out of instinct to protect your child, then good riddance. But if he’s smart, he’ll understand if you reach out to him to talk about what happened. This doesn’t have to be the end if you don’t want it to be. Follow your gut.
None of my business but if he’s watching your child that includes discipline too if you are not home or feeling sick then he is the one that is there to discipline. You should get one the same page about how you discipline your child.
I would be afraid to leave my kid with him after that. You don’t know what it might do
There’s more ways to correct, respect and discipline (teach)
But I believe every house hold member needs to be on same page not taking their threats and power trips on children. Both needs to talk on it. If it’s a huge no 2yr wasted. He should have known to put hands without coming to agree strait into relationship.
Bravo for believing your child over a man your dating. I am proud of you! You are the best mama bear ever.
2 years with a man who’s not to stand up for himself . Your child will grow up thinking the whole world needs to cater to him. I get the smack think ok I really do but this is actually the most rediculas post I’ve seen. Obviously if the kid misses him straight away hes not being abused. You’ve tossed what seems like a good man out your door for words of a toddler… my very own toddler used to tell people I PUNCHED her in the face. All the time happy or sad it was her go to thing. That was me. Your babe doesnt understand the concept of lying and if he was telling the truth youd see some little mark you would think. I’m not saying to put your partner first but mate. Kids are little shits and can say alot they dont even understand what they are saying half the time. If you are so ready to throw away a man that’s already been in your kids life for discipline then you honestly do not deserve him. The whole reason they probably do it “hey I’m no professional” is testing the boundaries to see how far they can push it I know sure as hell I used to do it as a kid and now mines doing it for me lol if he was worth it to you you would think to get the story straight first. This is purely off what you have written I’m no expert I dont know everything but it just seems that you were already ready to boot him and was just looking for an excuse.
Look up the 6 yr old that just die in Long beach the other day… that might help with making up your mind
I feel like especially because your son is so young & not able to explain… you did the right thing. I’d rather trust my child & be wrong, than trust an adult who harms my child. I’m sorry mama!
Umm if you are trusted to watch the child by yourself. You should be trusted to punish then as well. That is just my opinion. My rule is if my child is allowed to stay with you over night then my child is allowed to be punished by you unless I am already handling it.
Just something as well. My toddler loved to “tell stories” and I’d ask him did this really happen or are you just telling stories and he would admit it’s a lie
Well he would have to go if he admitted to threatening my child
Don’t leave them alone if he can’t discipline him, I don’t understand why your in a relationship with someone who can discipline your child? Children need boundaries, if he knows that your boyfriend can’t discipline him he won’t ever respect him.
You ARE NOT overreacting! I told my mom what was happening to me and she refused to believe it. We’ve been estranged for over 30 years. Just can’t be ok with her failing so badly to protect me.
You were strong and you did what was right IMHO. GO YOU!
I can understand being in mama bear mode but kids make up stories a lot! My nephews often come to me telling lies about the other one hitting him and vice versa. I would maybe talk to your kid about lying and what consequences happen. Explain that his accusation is serious and to make sure he understands. If after two years you still have to question your trust in your boyfriend and also if he’s not allowed to parent your child then that’s a separate issue but sounds like more investigation could have been done here. Maybe once your mind feels calmer you can think more rationally about this.
Only one incident in 2 years wow and yes you both need to be parents together maybe you are ready to move on and that was your push.
Absolutely ridiculous. He is watching your child so he can discipline him too. There is a major difference between smacking him on the leg and being abusive
I left my first husband for the same thing. He would get drunk and beat on his kids and call my cute little 4 year old a “stinking dog” in front of company and make her wear her underwear on her head and walk back and forth outside until she would cry when she found out friends were coming over. ( she had a medical problem and wasn’t always able to run to the bathroom in time when she urinated. I was pregnant and he said if you leave you will have one hell of a custody battle on your hands. I left anyway he sued me for 10 years till he got my son. Leave this man do not have kids with him ever
Sounds like he dodged a bullet by leaving. Good luck in your future endeavours.
You should’ve had him show you the “mark” made when he was supposedly smacked.
Usually children that young dont know how to lie. They tell it like it is. It upset your child enough to let you know it affected him. If there is boundaries set then he should have approached you with the issue.
Okay, first off… toddlers lie a lot. They are testing boundaries.
Second off, you expect your bf to help you with your kid, but don’t allow him any mode of discipline whatsoever? Then maybe your ass should have been watching your own child.
It sounds like, given the responses and reactions, your son fibbed. You didn’t react reasonably.
Maybe stay single if after 2 years you don’t trust your partner to pass down ANY discipline. You can’t expect someone to step into a position of helping be responsible for your child, and then give them no tools to manage bad behaviour.
Wow people are ignorant on this thread. You did the right thing mama
Think your problem was seeking validation online. Do what you, as a mother thinks is best, leave the rest of the world out of it.
A) ya all are nuts… I grew up getting smacked around and disciplined damn right I’ll spank my kids and if I am married to a man that isn’t their father damn right he has the right to discipline my child.
B) my kids and I actually are great and also in turn have respect for others and also authority and their elders… ya all are raising a bunch of big babies!
Also fyi kids lie, everyone lies its life and no ones perfect and ya all read to much internet bullshit that’s a one sided damn… grow up
I have raised my (step) children for 13 years with their father. I have only “jerked” our son ONE time and it was to save him from running in front of a car. I have never laid my hands on them at all, but I do hand out the discipline after it’s agreed on between my husband and I (he just can’t hand out punishment) You did the right thing. I don’t think your son would lie repeatedly about it. If you let it go, it could have become worse in the future. You just never know.
I agree that parents should believe their children but I also say that toddlers (and kids in general) do make up stories. One my son told when he was around 4 was that my mother in law wouldn’t feed him when he was at her house and let him go hungry “all the time”. We had problems with her over feeding him, definitely not underfeeding. He also told lies on me and his dad. I am not saying don’t listen to or believe your child, just saying that you also must temper that with observations. Have there been any signs that your child has been hit, or is scared of this person? Has your boyfriend displayed anger toward your child prior?
Remarried for 21 yrs. I have 4 children and he never laid a hand on any of them. There are other ways to discipline.
As a parent, you need to realize that your child, no matter how sweet and loving, will lie! Not because they are malicious or plotting the demise of your sanity, but because they want attention. But sometimes that lie will simply be a misquote. The more serious problem I see is that you expect your partner to be in your life, but only as long as he sits quietly on the sidelines and only participates when he says “mother may I”… Sweetie, this is life and not a game. If you are going to bring another person into you and your child’s life, then he needs to be all in. Make sure he has the same disciplinary beliefs and actions that you have. Take the time to actually build a relationship and develope trust. Then if this situation should ever repeat itself (which it will) then you will know who to believe and who is seeking attention. Oh and just to let you know… There is nothing wrong with spankings when they are not done in anger, and they are a good tool for teaching. I have had the “board of education” applied to my “seat of understanding” and have grown to be a good and strong woman because of it.
You definitely OVER REACTED! That’s what is wrong with children today. No Discipline! You messed up. Probably not what you wanted to hear. Sorry!
Thank goodness you believed your child and protected him, so many don’t.
Sadly it may be a small lie from your child and the end of your relationship. You’ll never know.
Your child comes first, SIMPLE AS THAT!! It happens once, its gonna happen again!! How the hell can you feel bad your toddler wants him!? To protect my child, I would have beat the fuck out of that man, he ever put a hand on ANY of my children!! For ANY reason!!
He is better off so let him keep going because any human that would kick out their partner for discipling their child usually ends up alone anyway. Regardless of if the child lied, I would run as far and as fast if I were him; and if you don’t mind, and you grow up and live in the real world and he does come back, PLEASE tell him that I personally said that his life would be alot fuller if he just keeps walking. You will NEVER be a good partner to anyone that isn’t allowed to love and discipline your children.
Always believe your children and do what you feel is right…
There is no right or wrong answer you just gotta trust your gut…
Always believe your child!!! You did the right thing. It could have been worse. Good job mom!
U went way to far sis. No bruises light pop on leg that’s all. At least he was trying to be a dad u were with him for 2 years u should know and trust him by now. I believe in whoopings. My kids turned out great kids. I have friends they didn’t let their partnership discipline the kids. when they got older they ran over the mother. The partner said u should have trusted me to help its not my fault
I can see a couple of different things here.
True, if you can’t trust a person to discipline your child than you have no business in putting them in their care. That is a huge set up for failure and a bit control freakish.
A pop on the butt with an open hand is not child abuse. You can not always send an irrational illogical toddler to time out and expect a reasonable response. Sometimes immediate measures need to be taken.
Children are naturally born manipulators. Masters at it. It is their job to push limits and see what they can get by with. It is an adults/parents job to let them know exactly what those limits are through discipline. Without it the will end up being over indulged, disrespectful sociopaths.
Maybe, because your partner wasn’t being treated as a partner, maybe your child saw him as a type of sibling- hence the tattling. Just a thought.
If you sent him away for this maybe it was instinct or you were looking for an excuse. Conscious of it or not.
If he’s living with you playing the dad role he should have every right to discipline your child, you didn’t mention any marks on the child so I’m assuming if he did it was a light smack to get his attention.
Sounds to me that you were already done with this guy & looking for an excuse to get rid of him.
I would never allow anyone to do that either. However I was with a man who had a 4yr old, she was a lot to deal with and was raised with no rules, boundaries etc. She told him one time I hit her, which hurt my heart because I always used time out and he was the one who did the spanking and even tho he didn’t believe her it killed me inside and I started worrying about her telling someone else. We r no longer together for a lot of reasons but even if he is lying there may have been a reason and I feel u did the right thing.
Always believe your babies. But remember if you are “living” with someone and they are having to deal with your child they are also going to get frustrated and all of the other things that you are. Just because they are not his kids doesnt mean he doesnt have feelings.
I have to say I find it refreshing to know that you stood by your child. It doesn’t happen enough. You have sent a powerful message to your child. Inspirational job Mom! You are your childs hero.
If it was my child, I would be mad if my boyfriend hit my child. I am boss in my family, I discipline my girls, not there dad. Sorry this happened to your child, but I sure wouldn’t let my boyfriend hit my child
Damn. That fast?
Toddlers DO make up stories!! They do it for pity or to get attention or their way. I KNOW my son’s father, heck even me, we do not hit AT ALL. You wanna know how often our 3 year old says we or his older siblings were “mean to him” or we “hit him”??
Did you even look for marks, or ask any questions??
I totally understand keeping kids safe but this sounds too damn harsh!!!
Good for you I believe your child is telling the truth I know baby in the hospital right now taking care of constantly by the boyfriend call the mom works as I said the baby is in the hospital now from the boyfriend no matter what anybody says believe your child you know your child boyfriends are a dime a dozen tell him goodbye let him stay gone children do not know when somebody is just playing or actually abusing them abused children Trisha’s one stop do not always fear their abuser
Always put your children before a man! Your son has no reason to lie. Be thankful he told you. Some kids are too scared to say anything. You’re better off! Find yourself a true gentleman who loves your son just as much as he loves you. Hugs xoxo