Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?


I wouldn’t let it fester because it’ll cause resentment. But maybe re-examine why you’re really upset. It sounds less like you’re actually mad about what she said and more about your insecurities. Communicating these feelings and giving her space to come forward with love and acceptance I bet would go a long way.


She answered you with taking action to help the issue and your upset. Imagine if she had voiced it to you… maybe that was a gentle way for her to make her needs known… :woman_shrugging:t2:


The way I see it. She wants you. And there is nothing wrong with spicing things up !!! If she wasnt happy, she would of gone elsewhere so stop acting like a fanny and just enjoy each other !!!


I think it’s possible she sees your insecurity and was trying to make you feel better by helping you add a little extra. Don’t jump to conclusions. Just talk to her if it’s bothering you.


Also next time she asks you if she looks like she’s getting fat say no and then go get her one of this bands for her stomach that make her appear skinnier. She will probably get the hint. Maybe not.


She," wow you have such a small organ". He ," Never a problem till I started playing in such a large cathedral ".


I don’t think “called out” is the way to go. But I think having a conversation would be important. We should be comfortable with our spouses to be open and honest about what we want and need intimately. Let her know that it’s okay for her to tell you want she wants and feels so you can help her as her partner, and vice versa! I hope this helps.


In reality your wife loves you and she’s with you because of who you are, not because of your penis. If you asked her and she said she doesn’t mind then she has likely found a way to make sure she’s satisfied so you don’t have to worry. She may have bought the extender likely because she thought you are feeling insecure and maybe it would help you feel bigger. But sex is about both of you so if you feel like she enjoyed it more then normal don’t blame her, be happy that she had a good time because she did that with you. You can even ask her how she felt about it and if she likes it more but it doesn’t do anything for you then ask her if she’s willing to try something you might like. That’s what it’s all about man. Communicate.


Look at it this way… If she asked if u liked her boobs and u said yes and always said they were just fine then she went and had a boob job and u found them even more attractive wud u then tell expect her to call u out on it or just let it go? My advise let it go it’s not a problem if she married u


A moment of silence for our brethren. Dude, don’t take it personal. Just find a wrinkle and roll in it. She loves you. That’s enough for any man these days. Plenty of ppl have toys in the bedroom.


My boyfriend is average but bought one. To just spicy it up. Don’t feel bad I’m sure your wife enjoys your as yours but also like the added toys


Honestly, if it has you feeling lied to and insecure, you should definitely talk with your wife, and express these feelings. Biggest thing is to not attack. As that will make it hard for her or anyone to hear the actual issue, and they will just react to the attack.

You do mention that you went along with it, my question would be, does it make you uncomfortable, or does it take away enjoyment for you?
If so then again expressing this to your spouse is you’re best bet.

With all that being said you both have to come to an agreement or compromise is some way. There has to be a balance, so if she added this toy, you want to acknowledge that, and make sure that your not taking it away without a replacement toy or action of some sort.


Why start trouble. Dont read into it , she liked it then, she likes it now.


If she asks ‘do I look fat in this?’ ( she has put on a few extra pounds) what do you tell her?


She didn’t say it wasn’t small, she just said she was willing to accept it. She found a way to remedy what you acknowledge. Don’t overthink it.


If she married you she obviously loves you as you are.

There is nothing wrong with adding spice into the bedroom no matter the size of appendige.

But don’t accuse her of lying


Well maybe she didn’t lie as much as "she didnt know what she was missing. " but dont let it bother you now, just enjoy the ride…lol…all is good


She probably doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or make you any more insecure than you already are. She obviously loves you for more than your appendage. Just drop it and be glad you are getting some, lots of people stop over time. I wish you the best of luck and long happy marriage!


How does that song go…“Let it go, Let it go”…(unless you want her to say NO!)…


She loves you and lots of people use various stuff to spice things up. Would you feel
the same if it was some other toy she bought? Don’t fixate on it because In relationships it’s actually more annoying having to reassure someone constantly that they are enough. She chose you and wanted to be with you forever so just relax about it and enjoy being together.

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It’s……kind of hard to not react to something big inside you just saying from personal experience. It has nothing to do with lying and you shouldn’t take it personally


Every female has a reaction to a bigger penis. Just like guys look at “tight young teens” all of the time (just an example). She obviously loves you and your sex life is better, win win. Be happy with it and let it go


She most likely answered honestly. She was probably surprised herself that the “addition” pleased her more…


You could have refused to wear it and still did. I don’t think she is in the wrong.


It’s not how big but how you use it. I’ve been with men who were tiny but excellent at oral sex. I’ve been with well-endowed men who were terrible in bed. In fact, they are more likely not to bother learning pleasure techniques because they may feel size is enough. (It isn’t.)

So if your wife seems happy, don’t worry about it.


you can be happy with what your partners got but its always good to add something extra sometimes to spice things up. rather than worry about it enjoy seeing how much pleasure shes getting from you


I think if the two of you are typically open & accepting of each other’s feelings/opinions, then having this conversation would be a good idea. It doesn’t hurt to ask; her answer may be different from what you’re expecting, & if it’s not, then you have the opportunity to talk it out. These things should definitely be talked about within a marriage, as letting your thoughts & emotions fester will most definitely cause resentment over time.


Let it go, I think all of us women like bigger :rofl: some of us settle for what we get as long as you’re getting off and she is too that’s what matters.


Be happy. No shame in nature. Ya got what ya got. Be confident and know what you’re doing with it … and if some spice gets added to the meat and potatoes, embrace it as a positive form of communication.


Just wait until she buys a strap on for you. It’s cuming.


Women’s vaginas stretch out with age and childbearing. It’s a fact of life. Therefore her vaginal errogeneus zones move around too [G spot] and like one person stated something else needs to be scratched. Also with age, women are less athletic and strong and can’t move their bodies as much to find pleasure during intercourse. This means loving communication is needed for the husband and the wife to know the needs of one another as they age.


Ok, listen you guys.
It’s not the size of the instrument. It’s how sweet the music. That’s what matters most to us gals.


What’s an extender?! So gotta Google this now. Also :rofl::joy:


I dont have this problem, but if she wasn’t okay with your size then why did she marry you. I mean I know its not all about sex because I barely have it with my fiance because I dont need it, but if she wasn’t okay with your size she could’ve just been done with it. A lot of people use toys in relationships and it just brings more excitement.


I dont think she neccesarily lied, its possible she was very satisfied with your sex life, if you know how to use your equipment you dont need a large penis.
But at the same time, are you sure your not being a bit over sensitive about this, it sounds as if she bought it just to see if it could add to your sex life, I give her credit for doing that rather than what so many are doing and moving on, or fooling around.
As long as your both happy and satisfied with the result, I wouldnt ruin it by obsessing about it. It sounds like you have a good woman and relationship, stop worrying and enjoy!


Just enjoy each other, and maybe beef up the pre game if ya know what I mean.


Thats why they say it’s so important to love yourself before you love someone else, your own insecurities will eat you alive :100:


There are many ways to make sure your wife is being pleasured as well as satisfied without it always being just intercourse. Maybe you are relying on plain Intercourse as the sole means of pleasure and that is why you are feeling insecure.


She knew what size it was when she married you!

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Look as a man yall never hesitate to get what you want…with the extender you are reaching parts that you couldn’t get to before…better you than someone else

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I think even the way you talk about it makes it seem like it’s your own self making you think something, not her actions. You say “finally pleased” but your wife didn’t say she was finally pleased that was your self talk. It sounds like you talked to her about something bugging you, so she found a fun solution to try. You don’t always have to use it, but if your wife was delighted isn’t that a great thing? If you feel concerned, you should absolutely talk to your wife, communication is key. But please don’t put blame on her because you are making yourself feel bad. Just be straight up “I love seeing you so satisfied, but now I feel badly about myself wondering if I wasn’t doing that before” because that is the honest issue. Call yourself out, then TALK to your wife.

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If you are both enjoying each other, who cares? We all have things we’re self-conscious about, it can be hard to work past them, but that is your issue to work with. And no mater what, there’s always oral. :wink:

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Girth Is where its at. But we can get off with any size its just a matter of how you use it. She loves you and it shows. She didn’t but it to be insulting she bought it for better time in the sheets.

Okay let’s be honest… WE ALL FALL SHORT on something our partners want. Nobody has everything (naturally born). If she’s with you and married you knowing you were smaller than average, then rest assured that part isn’t what she is concerned about and a priority for her. I wouldn’t have offered the extender if it was going to be an issue. You should just tell her how you feel. I think us women go through this a lot with boobs and butt size, weight, and everything else for that matter. If a man loves me the way I am, which he does, then why would I go change it??

What’[s calling her out going to do for either on of you.?


Sex is not limited to the size of your penis. There are so many ways to give and receive pleasure. The extender is just one of them. Quit brooding about it.

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So you’re upset because you have a little one and she is trying to help things out. At least she was trying to be nice about it.

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Looks like it’s time for a very open minded conversation about your sex life together. If neither of you can handle that, maybe get some sort of a mediator/counselor involved if you want to keep your marraige.

She told you a small penis was fine meaning okay. She didn’t tell you it was ideal or that she was satisfied with it. Of course she’s going to want bigger, it is better.

99% of woman have something that buzzes trust me
Most women I know wouldn’t want anything really extended if a guy really knew why we need the buzz
No matter the shape or size they come in, the tip or buzzy bit is the bit most used
So nah mate don’t feel bad cos all your mates missus’ got a buzzy somewhere
Your issue is she is quite frankly what a welsh man would call 100
Go find a girlie not so cruel :heart:

Paige Nock she loves you for who you are n not what you have or she wouldn’t still be around…toys can be fun the question should be do the two of you have enough spice in your life​:smiling_face:… truthfully my opinion once the toys are put away the real thing is always the best n you learn that eventually :smiling_face:

Flip the role and then ask the question again, :person_facepalming:


I’d say act your age. You love each other. See isn’t the be all.and end all in a relationship.

Communication mate, my last relationship was basically based off no communication from my end because I had no idea how to talk and open up and at that same time I had a drinking problem, the relationship ended anyways because of her.

Point I’m trying to make, just talk to her, don’t jump at her with assumptions to why you think she got you the extender, shit, I’m about average maybe even slightly bigger but my little tally whacker is literally little when it’s soft, I have no shame mate, because it still works for me! :v:

I think you could joke about “size doesn’t matter.” Make light of it. She’s there with you.

I*d let it go. She married you and by doing it shouldn’t be a big deal.

Women asking advice on the internet: “my husband yells at me, insult me in front of his friends, and doesn’t help with housework. Am I the asshole for crying when he forces me to have a threesome?” m~n asking for advice: “could my wife think that my peen is too small?” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

If she didn’t love you or wasn’t attracted to you because of your penis size, she would have just found someone else with a bigger penis. An extender is a toy - it provides physical pleasure, but it’s not what your wife is attracted to. Plenty of women, even the ones who are dating men with bigger penises than yours, would love if their men’s penises could do what a toy does. It would be magical if a man’s penis could vibrate, have a g-spot-stimulating shape, magically create suction on their clitorises, etc. But we know that’s not possible. We don’t ever expect that a natural penis will do what a toy does, even if we would be thrilled if they could. And, knowing that, women still continue to fall in love with men and devote their lives and futures to them, including their ordinary, human penises. Your wife enjoys the toy because that’s how it was designed to make her feel. Don’t take it personally - it’s not a replacement for her intimacy with you, it’s just another way her intimacy with you has grown.


Depends on your goal. Is there something to gain from calling her out, or do you just want to feel something and grant validity to it? In the more likely case of the latter, you should probably make it a very nonconfrontational discussion of ensuring all needs are met, NOT proving that your partner lied to you in a way that literally all partners do at some point.

All I can say is you better hope she doesn’t find out you put the two of your business out to public opinion.Talk to her.


Let it go. And stop drawing attention to you. The extender helped. Move on.

It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with what you’ve got that matters,

If it’s helped make your sex life better, just go with it. Don’t mess up a good thing.

there is no such word as I’s it should be “my wife and our”

How would you have reacted if she said otherwise? She may be trying to save your feelings - I’m sure you tell white lies about her not so perfect body parts. She loves you and doesn’t want to make you feel bad, but she can’t help it anymore than you can x

Let it go. You didn’t have the equipment and she bought it for you

No one wants to tell their partner he has a little dick…. Of course she’s gonna lie. But it was done out of love. Suck it up. Enjoy the extender. Move on.

If the extension is also pleasurable for you, then I’d just go with it

Maybe yours isn’t micro and she’s just a big black hole. Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. It’s all about perspective. :person_shrugging:

Some answers on here sound like they are coming from children… grow up

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To be honest average sizes are great for somethings but sometimes you want to spruce it up. Like a vibrator wand. It feels great and it’s nothing like a man being inside or being eaten. It’s just different not bad or good.

‘G spot’ stimulation is so much more enjoyable and most likely is being achieved with the extender.

OMG grow up. What do you expect? It’s not just about you & she was telling you that. She needs to be satisfied as much as you do.

Toys all the way nothing wrong with jt

Maybe it was fine until she found the extender

I would say what does it matter? If she’s happy, then don’t be mad if she is happier now.

As long as the extender is in you why should you be concerned. You still got her. She still chose you.

She loved and accepted you as you were. Don’t shame her for now enjoying your sex life even more.

Do so and watch it (and her) dry up.

I doubt these questions come from real people!

Asking this is more about you than her- let it go, or get some therapy. Peace to you.


Just be happy that’s she’s satisfied now why bring it up ?


Really big isn’t the end all be all, your effort and style are so important

Whoa whoa whoa. There’s such things a penis extenders? The audacity of women inventors. I feel personally offended.

When she ask you next time, do these pants make my ass look big just say yes. There, problem solved.


that business is between you and your wife not you and the world.

You jealous of a piece of plastic/rubber?

Don’t make her feel bad for wanting to be pleasured too.


Not every man has a baby’s arm holding a apple :apple:

Let it go. Please your wife who loves you in spite of your flaws.


Dude, if you got a small dick. Honestly there are so many other ways to get her off because 90% of the time women aren’t even close to reaching climax while you just thrust in and out, use your fingers and tongue, get creative. We don’t need big dicks, we need a man who can truly take the time out of their day to try all this other stuff to get us off. And SHE MARRIED YOU! That’s the ultimate way of letting you know she loves you and everything you are made up of and she accepts it. The toy is for your confidence and her pleasure. Kill 2 birds with 1 penis, :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Nah divorce her. She’s probably getting tired of you. Sorry to say.


She may have got it so you feel more secure

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Open communication is better than asking strangers.

If I’m not mistaken you get an extension on your car warranty… not your dick!!! Leave her bro.

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Anytime its bigger and better… Let it go lol

Love that she’s happy. Be happy. Love each other.

If she’s happy, leave well enough alone lol.

Some women need toys. Even with above average penises.
Communicate, make sure you’re both “getting off”, enjoy yourself, and be happy that you can give pleasure to your partner.


Hate to say it like this but better than cheating!

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