Needing pros and cons about Santa

I personally get totally into creating the “magic” of Santa for my kids. My oldest is 23yo now and has 2 kids of her own and is enjoying creating the magic for them. Neither she or my 17yo son were upset with me or mad that I had lied to them. And both understood the importance of keeping the secret for younger kids/siblings. Their sister is almost 8yo now and they are as into creating the magic for her as I am. Heck my 17yo made a point if telling her that he believes (as a high schoolers) and her “friend,” who said Santa wasn’t real, was incorrect. :grin:


My kids are 6,5,&2 we let them believe in santa and the easter bunny they are only kids once and in this messed up world its great to see them believe in something good the excitement in them feels us with Joy at a time that has been filled with sadness as my husband their dad has cancer and lung disease that doctors say he has at most 3 years left I aint about to ruin those memories of daddy getting them excited about santa as we don’t know how many more christmas he gets to enjoy with them


I am totally pro Santa. It’s so magical and I myself as a child felt so much joy by believing in him. My cousin and I still laugh about the year she stayed at my house and we were CONVINCED we heard Santa and his reindeer on the roof. I don’t view it as lying not have I ever understood this concept. It’s not causing harm on the contrary it brings so much joy and wonderment. Kids are kids and should be allowed to enjoy these things for the small amount of time that they will. If you don’t believe in bribing then don’t. Nothing says you have to threaten your child with the naughty or nice list just skip that part. I personally fail to see any cons with Santa. Personal preference but i am so excited to see the magic he brings into my daughters life.

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I never lied to my kids xx

I absolutely refuse to lie to my kids.

I actually sign my least of value gifts from Santa. Meaning as we bought our kids tablets this year and instead of signing that from Santa we signed that Santa got them the 2 toy trucks. This has nothing to do with lying to them. My conflict that I personally have is I never want my children to go to school and say “Santa brought me a tablet” when a child with a possible struggling parent says all they got from Santa was socks. I want children to all feel special always especially at Christmas. That’s my only conflict with Santa


Let your son have the holiday magic when I was a kid it wasn’t just about being good for Santa it was the whole magical spirit of Christmas leaving cookies and carrots out for santa and the reindeer , trancking santa listening for him the build up of excitement! Its a special time that every kid she be able to experience stress free Christmas as kids also you can always give something small from santa or only make stocking from Santa it doesnt have to be a huge gift or anything


Let them be little for a little while this world issa changing fast !


The magic of Christmas, Santa, the holidays, children only get to experience these when they are young… We experience it much differently as adults. I think it’s really good for them and important to have this, and in the process learn about the power of giving as well as receiving. He may only be 3 but trust me, next Christmas help be talking about this year’s holiday, what he got, when he saw Santa. I think you should make it small maybe if money is a cheap hence, at this age even Dollar store presents are still the best presents ever! All 3 of my boys got a whole bunch of small inexpensive presents. Jmo Mama

I say please let him have this

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I’m honest also but I also do Santa and the elf on the shelf. Whrn they find that it’s not real, I plan on giving them the explanation he was a real guy and what he did and the spirit of giving and being nice. I don’t use him as a threat, I use it to demonstrate good will. 💁

We don’t do santa. I grew up with him and my (Christian) fiance did not.
My daughter has asked about him (first year in school) and you can explain that he isn’t a person but more of a spirit. How people gift without having to take credit for.
Or can tell it like the Santa Claus is coming to town where he once WAS a person (St. Nick).
My daughter doesn’t miss out on not having gifts from Santa under the tree. It’s always been us giving her gifts.
It’s really up to you. If you want to do it, can do one or two small gifts, or the stocking or something from santa. Don’t want to, then don’t. There is plenty other things you can do to keep the magic alive. Make cookies together,(& even give some away. Maybe to neighbors, police or fire station, etc) go driving around & look at lights. Gift something to a charity. Go caroling. Watch Christmas movies together. (Every year you could do a Christmas Eve box and have new PJs, hot cocoa, popcorn & new Christmas movie and/or book to watch/read together).

There was a great article I’ve read recently about Santa. The point is that it’s not the person but idea of giving without having to be thanked or rewarded for it. Parents do that for their children, and other people do for less fortunate and they don’t expect anything in return. That’s what Christmas is all about.

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We always put our gifts out on Christmas eve (originally to keep our kids from messing with them before Christmas) we always just put their name on the gifts, no “from” anyone. We never told them it’s from us or from Santa. They never ask. It was just magical for them to wake up Christmas morning with all the presents under the tree. My kids are grown now and we still keep up this tradition. Nothing goes under the tree until everyone is in bed Christmas eve. Our girls now buy gifts too and they sneak up in the middle of the night to place their gifts under with the rest.

Santa is part of the magic of Christmas, my 2 yr old loves Santa and Christmas lights heck she can even say merry Christmas, let him be a kid and believe we are trying to make kids grow up way too fast these days, let them play and believe in magic while they can, kids laugh 300 times a day where adults only laugh 60

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There is santa now then in the spring is the Easter bunny Santa will always be there as long as the person wants to believe in the magic of Christmas. There is the three wisemen bringing gifts and yes I know there are religions that do not par take in Christmas as others do

Good grief! He’s 3! Let him be a kid. My family is atheist and we celebrate Christmas (not the going to church/jesus bits but the santa/gift giving bits)


I love the Santa part and have always done it for mine. But if I could do it over we wouldn’t do Santa.

I’m all for letting my kids be kids. I let them believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. It’s all a bit of fun and it makes it all so much more exciting for them. I used to love waking up with my brothers and seeing what “santa” had brought us

Stockings from santa big gifts from you. Let that child enjoy the majic of christmas. He will find out eventually that these things are not real. Let him be a kid full of wonder for a time longer.

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I saw this the other day. This is how we’re going to explain Santa… 1 day


Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, e.t.c. it’s not about lying to children, it’s about giving them magic. People don’t continue believing as they grow older and turn into adults. They learn the truth about their parents/ guardians being the cause of the magic they used to love. Don’t make everything from Santa. It can just be a few things. My son is 9 and this year we wrote to Santa, telling him he’s too old for toys… so instead he wants to be on the big kid list. Kids on the big kid list gets family vacations from Santa instead of toys. Everything he gets will be from me, but he’ll have an envelope with his vacation location and dates, as well as coupons or gift cards for spending money while there. :woman_shrugging:t2:


So glad my son stopped believing. I mean it was nice and all. But if there were a next kid which most likely not then I would opt for no more Santa.

Santa makes christmas magical. It isnt about santa buying a huge amount of presents. They come from the parents who work hard for then. But santa for a child is the sheer magic. The thought of a child not experiencing this actually makes me feel sad but thats because i have fantastic christmas memories and wouldn’t have been the same without him xx


Kids are kids and I’d rather mine have the best childhood possible before entering the real world of let downs. I let mine believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, tooth fairy when it’s time. Because when we’re older holidays isn’t the same. So why not let their imaginations run wild and them be free for a while.


Honestly I don’t do the name tags to (kid name) from Santa I just write their name on the wrapping paper but my kids still do believe (well my 12 yr old dont) but my 7 two 4yr olds 1yr old does.) And I’ll let them believe as long as they want to. Until they have questions bout it

I will likely get crap for this but I do not care…

For those who have mentioned the Christ part of Christmas…

Christmas itself took hundreds of years A.D. to evolve into the the holiday we celebrate. First, this time of year was celebrated by Pagans ~ Yule, the Winter Solstice ~ the shortest day of the year, it was cause for celebration because it was getting darker sooner, less daylight meant less work, less work meant less action, less action meant depression! The season was a cause for depression and madness so to avoid this, the began to celebrate, and have lighting shows and feasts!

Now, it’s is NOT a 100% Pagan Holiday but it is also not 100% Christian in fact the bible LITERALLY MAKES NO MENTION ZERO MENTION OF THE DATE ON WHICH THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST OCCURRED. In fact, it took a LONG time in the beginning of the Christian Religion to accept the idea of a Christmas Celebration. People have for thousands of years celebrated astronomical markers that help them regulate things in their lives, like agriculture. The solstices and equinoxes know the best time to plant their seeds for the most abundant harvests. Christmas literally has evolved over thousands of years and each religious entity has added to it to make it the holiday we know now. Pagans ~ Yule, Christians the birth of Christ, Jewish celebrate something completely different at the same time of year as Christmas.

My point is (because I could keep going on and on) is…

Christmas is what YOU MAKE IT. Make it a time to celebrate YOUR FAMILY and the LOVE YOU have. If a man dressed in a red suit saying Ho Ho Ho isn’t for you, then don’t do it. But, so as you promise talk to your child properly, and educate him in the fact or facts that EVERYONE is entitled to their beliefs and not to tell other children that Santa isn’t real. Santa is Real to every child that still believes. Just like Pagans believe their religion started this holiday, as Christians believe Christ was born, as the Jewish believe in the story of enough oil to light 1 candle yet it burned for 8 (I think) days. Do you. But make sure your son lets other Mothers and children do them.

Cause yea, I’d be pissed if your kid ruined my kids belief in anything innocent and whimsical like Santa…

My husband and I do not plan to tell our kids that santa is real. Instead its just another thing we like to pretend with. Like a cartoon character or fantasy type things. Where we like to pretend they are real but know deep down they are not. If at that point my child wants to take photos with santa we will.
Maybe wait till they are a bit older? Or if they show interest to go ahead and let them take the photo. But same goes if they are uninterested do not force it. Because really at that age its more for the parents than the children.
My son is 2.5 and wants nothing to do with santa yet and im fine with that.

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We are non religious but we do let the kids believe in santa and the easter bunny and do the tooth fairy. Until they outgrow it having an imagination and believing helps them stay a kid awhile longer.


They are only little for so long and have that innocence for just a blink of an eye why would you want to destroy that for him when it will eventually become known that he isn’t real. There is nothing wrong with keeping that part magical for his childhood!


I am very honest and explain everything to my 3 year old as well. However, I remember the joy and excitement of waiting for Santa to arrive (tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc.) I don’t want to take that from him, it’s part of the imagination and the magic! . I have no recollection whatsoever of finding out the truth or being heartbroken at all from any of it.

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I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one makes the holidays hard to enjoy. If your heart is not in it this yr just let it slide. Give yourself a year to clear your head and see how you’re feeling about it next yr. Maybe then you will feel different. We do santa in our home. My oldest is 14 ,youngest is 2. My 12 yr old (SD) knows because she caught her BM one yr. It’s been tough keeping her quiet :joy: my 4 yr old just got over her fear last yr of santa so this yr is super exciting for her. I remember finding out the truth from my older brother. It didnt really bother me much. I didnt question it. Just “oh” and moved on lol.

Definite con is that he may ruin it for other families. I think it’s kind of cruel and selfish to take the magic away…


Sorry you lost your Dad and this is the first Christmas without him. Maybe leave Santa for this year and decide next year (I have also considered the lying aspect of it but decided I didn’t want them to miss out on the magic/imagination aspect…So I’m pro Santa. I’ll fund their therapy later if need be :wink:)

I always think about when their in school making Santa presents. And santa themed arts and crafts. Christmas pot luck parties in class. And them “ruining” it for the other kids later on. And how depressed they might feel during it about how their classmates are all celebrating it and he’s kinda singled out

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It’s not about lying or trying to bribe them. It’s about keeping the magic alive. I get where you’re coming from, I honestly do. We’re very blunt and honest with our 4 year old, always have been and will be as well with our daughter. But seeing his eyes light up and sparkle when he hears some random person walking by, talking about santa… that’s what being a parent is about. Their joy and happiness. Let them be kids, and when they’re old enough turn it and make it into a game like no red suit etc. Isn’t real, everyone is Santa and it’s up to us to blah blah blah. Or something like that. We keep a 1 gift of no more than $25 for the santa gift. Like this year he asked santa for a pink robot unicorn, I found 1 at ROSS for $12.99. But keep the magic alive… think back to your childhood, trying to stay awake to catch him, rushing to the tree or where you left the cookies and finding a cookie with a bite out of it. Remember that feeling? Let them have that. It only lasts for a little while

I say keep Santa. I love being Santa every year! It makes Christmas as an adult so much fun! I almost feel like a kid again, reliving the magic with my babies. They are only little for so long.

We don’t do Santa. My kids know about Santa. They’re 12 and almost 4. I tell them that he isn’t a real person that comes to your house, but a spirit that lives in your heart and makes you want to give to others. We usually pick a family that needs a little help and do something out of the ordinary for them. This year, we paid for a family to have family pictures done. My kids love figuring out what to do for them. It doesn’t have to be about a man coming to your house. Make it magical and fun, they’ll remember it forever.

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In the span of a lifetime, the innocent, imaginative child part is a small fraction of the rest of a person’s life.
With that being said, let the kid be a kid for as long as possible. I have 3yr old twins and they love Santa. They also don’t care if he’s watching because they still misbehave. Because they’re toddlers. From October to December 25th is the best time for kids to enjoy treats, family time, magic etc. It’s so exciting not just for them but as a parent as well to see they’re joy.
Basically, don’t rush your kid into growing up. Enjoy this small bit if of time while you can with them.
As far as the lying about a real Santa, we decided to let them believe as long as possible. If they get to a certain age and based on the child specifically (maturity wise) then we are going to decide when it comes.

My mother always told us kids( when we asked about Santa) Once you quit believing then the magic is gone! I’m 56 and I still believe :blush: lol

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hundreds and hundreds of years ago there was a man that became known as santa who made sure that all kids received something and when he passed away many people kept his spirit going on- true fact the spirit of Father Christmas

I told my kids that anyone who cared enough to get them a gift was Santa. Worked out pretty good for me :slight_smile:

I never put from who on the presents … my kids believed n santa … when they got old enough to ask i told them … as long u believe hes real , when u quit believing hes not real any more

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I let them believe as long as they wanted. When it was clear they really knew I let them play Santa and help with the magic for the younger ones. Lots of fun

I don’t want to do Santa but my husband wants to. If you don’t want to then just don’t

Why explain at all, you are taking the magic of the holiday away. I remember seeing my parents taking gifts downstairs xmas eve. I was saddened but like most kids it didn’t scar us for life. Children are expected to grow up too quickly as it is, let your child experience the magic of Santa, it only lasts for so long enjoy it.

Kids are little for such a short time… usually by 10 give or take they don’t believe…really…what is the harm in letting your child have their innocence for the little time they have it…

It’s sad losing a parent I lost both of mine 7 years ago within 11weeks of each other and as I live in Australia I wasn’t there when they passed, but with having children and at Christmas time seeing people bustling around buying gifts this is also hard for a little one to see knowing it doesn’t happen in their home. Still when my kids were old enough I explained that Santa wasn’t the one to leave presents it was us. They accepted it but for the smaller children let them enjoy the magic of Christmas time it’s nice memories for them when they grow up. Am a great grandmother now and seeing my grandchildren and great child opening their presents is wonderful feeling …

I ran across the attached here on FB. For my son, he picked up Santa on his own from school and peers. I didn’t lie to him, but I let him believe what he wanted. As soon as he figured it out, I was completely honest with him. He still went to see Santas even after knowing because he enjoyed it. He also understands to not “ruin” it for the other kiddos younger than him.


My husband and I did it with our 1st 3 children but when our last came along we decided not to. There are 9 yrs between our middle girls and our little boy and just thought there wasnt any reason for it. He is 7 now and we have told him that we buy his gifts but if someone does ask about Santa, he/she is a real person helping others who are less fortunate and he loves the thought of being “Santa” to someone else who needs it. Santa and presents arent the reason for the season and we shared that with our children, all 4, from day one. We celebrate the Lord’s birth and appreciate the love of our friends and family during this time.

Life is hard enough, especially on kids. Don’t ruin his childhood just because you’re not feeling it this year. You’re santa…you give, you’re santa. Santa is the person giving to anybody…and it don’t have to be materialistic; it’s giving a helping hand, a smile to a stranger. That is what Santa is about.


If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t play into the whole Santa, Easter Bunny or tooth fairy. My son was 5 when he found out Santa didn’t exist. It’s been 21 years since I saw his first heartbreak and I clearly remember the devastation when he asked me with tears running down his face “Mommy, why did you lie to me?”. It was really no big deal when my daughter found out, but it was a horrible experience for my son😏


It’s really just about letting them be kids while they’re kids. Don’t take his childhood away. Ofcourse this is just my opinion. It’s very magical Christmas morning. I had a No lying bond with my son when he was little. I still let him have that magic. Santa, Easter bunny the whole nine yards. He thanked me for it when he got older.


We always told our kids about the real Saint Nicholas and that Santa Claus was just pretend and it didn’t spoil the fun at all

I let me kids believe until they found out on their own but they werent hurt by it because,after they open their gifts,they were still very happy! As they get older(until they stopped believing)it was no longer fun anymore!

You’re over thinking it. Santa brings some magic to Christmas for children that is beautiful.

I can remember the day that I discovered the truth and I remember feeling deflated. But I couldn’t wait to share that magical feeling with my daughter.


Your child deserves a childhood which includes imaginative ideas…and Santa!!!


I’m the same way. Anytime my daughter asked if Santa was real, I would ask “what do you think?” bc I didn’t want to lie to her. When she believed in Santa, all he ever did was fill the stockings at our house.

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Definitely let him have this. Kids are only kids for so long. Just seems like he might feel like he’s missing out when all the other kids talk about Santa and how excited they are. They have all the time in the world to know everything that’s real and true. Don’t look at it as be good or santa won’t bring you anything (I personally don’t believe in “bribing” children to be good) We just look at it as a fun time of year and something our son looks forward to every year it’s like magic almost. Don’t let your own feelings rob your son of this.


Life is already to serious there is nothing wrong with giving a bit of magical thought and excitement during the year your son will have plenty of time for seriousness in older years


Don’t take that away from him and it will put pressure on him to not spoil it for others. In our house, Santa only brought 1 gift per child as he couldn’t hold more than that in his sleigh. It was usually what they asked Santa for at the mall. None of my kids turned into psychos because I lied to them about Santa. They have to grow up too fast now days and I feel that it doesn’t hurt them to have a little magic while they can.


Santa is REAL, its just you playing the part. When they come to realize that its “not” just explain to them that mommies and daddies play santa for their kids

Santa and the magic of Christmas is a wonderful part of childhood. Kids grow up so fast these days. Seems like everyone just wants to do away with all the old traditional things and that makes me very sad.


Let him be little and allow him to enjoy the magic of Christmas and Santa. No matter how old…you have to believe to receive. :christmas_tree::christmas_tree:

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Santa is part of the magic of Christmas. You don’t have to feel like you are lying to your child. I agree with some of the other comments that say to just let it be. I wouldnt tell him Santa is fake because hes too young to understand that other kids believe and he doesnt have to. I think it would be more confusing for him and the other kids if at 3 yrs old you told him that something as common as Santa isnt real. I would wait until he starts to question and wonder about it. Then if hes more mature tell him whatever you like. We dont owe our children an explanation for everything until they are old enough to grasp the idea


It’s a fun childhood memory and it takes work on your part but very worth it for the kids. I never once gave in and talked about no Santa. My kids are adults now (but until they are
parents) we play along like Santa will bring a seperate gift. It’s fun.


My oldest noticed really quickly that all the “santas” where different and we jus talked about how the people who dress up like santa are gods helpers spreading kindness and joy and whenever he asks about santa I jus say I dont know or ask him what he thinks. I think it jus makes the season more fun for kids!

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Let kids enjoy Santa. I like the picture of the praying Santa, for kids to get a perspective of God’s importance over Santa.

My kids learned the hard way that santa wasnt real. Santa had bought all the gifts early and wrapped them. Then one of my twins became very ill, and medicinne and heat was more important, the night when ran out of fuel oil, my son had 104 fever and it was below freezing outside. Santa unwrapped every gift at 11pm, prayed to find a place that sold fuel oil that time of night. I explained to my sons that mom was Santa, and sometimes the necessities are more important than our wants, but we had a helluva a celebration at tax time. My kids grew up to respect that our needs come b4 our wants and both go out of their way to give to others. I wouldnt have changed this for the world it made us closer.

i let my kids believe in the majic of Santa but they only receive 1 gift thats from Santa…the rest are from mom and dad. I try to think of the other kids less fortunate and if my kid goes to school saying “looking at all the cool stuff Santa got me” and another child maybe got a hat and gloves then they may feel they arent worth more. If that makes sense? So we do one gift(which is always something they’ve asked Santa for) and the rest say “from mommy and daddy”. Lets be real…we all work waaay to hard to let Santa take alllll the credit anyway!! haha


I dont use Santa as a threat or reason to be good. Other people who interact with my kids do, but I just ignore that. I let them enjoy being with Santa if they want to…I dont label anything from Santa on Christmas Morning. I dont tell them Santa is coming at night. I just let them think what they want…not necessarily perpetuating it, but not being Frank and telling them it’s not true.


Prayers for you, I lost my Mom last year and it is so hard to smile and carry on. I agree that Santa is you and you are loving and giving and kind, then that is what he will always remember. You don’t have to say anything about Santa just let it be. You are right, he won’t really think about for a few more years. Give yourself this time to grieve and things will brighten up. Then see where you both are on it all. No need to rush it.

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I taught my boys the reason for the season. And I told them that god gave us the blessing to buy the things under the tree. Never seen a reason to let “Santa” be an issue in our home.


I always told my kids that Santa was a man (St Nicolaus) who gave gifts in secret and helped others- so we give Santa gifts in his memory but the reason for the season is Jesus. Hope this helps

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It us a childhood imagination
That makes it magical. They grow up so fast. This has been a,tradition for centuries. Why take that away from him. He will learn on his own as he grows. Don’t take that away from him.

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I always taught my children that Santa and the others aren’t real, just fun!

Saint Nick was a real man that put gifts on door steps so that’s where we parents adopted the Santa traditions it’s magical time as a child gives them something to believe in when the world is in the toilet let them believe in goodness and teach the real reason for the season the Lord have fun with it

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Well this might be simplified but santa is real theres a million billion santas in this world every year parent take on the role of santa to bring a little magic to their youngins if this christmas is diffcult for you im sorry hun for your loss but taking on the role of santa might just bring you some joy if their was something around this time of year you and your father did do it with your baby i think the most important thing to remember is that the santa thing is supposed to be about family time love christmas magic celebrating the loved ones near and far and thoses that our no longer with us


I have always said Stanta is love to my Kids grandkids and great grandkide everyone write from santa we need to let kids be kids and teach them love

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I never taught my children about Santa. We always taught them about the real guy St Nick and about Jesus. They are older now and both have decided they don’t want to teach their children about Santa either.

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I read an article this morning and the dad explained Santa very well when his son asked if Santa was real. He explained that Santa is the spirit of giving without be recognized or thanked for giving a child a gift! Santa is the spirit of doing good without recognition.

My kids weren’t upset to learn that Santa wasn’t a real man. I also explained that Santa is the spirit of giving, making others happy!!

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I think you should do the Santa thing… he is way to young for all the explanations, he won’t understand! However, he doesn’t know any difference right now!

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I would let him believe! Let him be a kid why he can be a kid! Where you able to believe in Santa growing up? If the answers yes? How would you of felt if your parents didn’t give you that change to believe in Santa? Our older kids know the truth about Santa but there younger brother still believe and seeing the smile on there little brother face Christmas morning when he sees what he thinks Santa brought makes the older kids still smile!! But our kids also know the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus birthday! So maybe explain that to him also! So when he older and over believing in Santa! He will also know the other meaning for the day

Let him have Santa in his little life when he is older just tell him that you don’t have to believe in Santa now you are older and that the magic of Christmas is having Santa until you don’t want to believe anymore you are not lying to him just giving him the choice to believe or not

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My son just turned 5. He knows about Santa but it is not a big part of life. That is, he sees “Santa” in stores and has taken pictures and he getsa single gift from Santa but the are never threats to behave or anything like that based around Santa or the concept of Santa.

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Your conscience has already answered this question. Follow it. The truth is never a bad idea. You will never have to apologize for it.

Im sorry about your father. But the memories made around Christmas are special. Santa or not. Santa brings an extra excitement! Its not just about being good esp at 3 bc he wont understand that side of it yet. Make a new tradition w your child. Something you remember doing with your father! Take a couple of ideas and make it something for you and your son to share. It’ll make the loss of him a little easier each year that passes by remembering him in those traditions


Let him be a kid and enjoy it because it won’t take long in this world before his innocence is taken from him. For now a thing like Santa could be a wonderful memory for him. Just my thoughts on it.

Santa is magical let him have that memory you are overthinking!


Let them be little for a little while. They grow up far to fast and then the magic is gone. So enjoy it.

He’s 3!!! Let him have a childhood…


Explain to him the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ

As you age, life hands you some very cruel cards. Let him enjoy Santa Claus while he can.


Let kids have the magic of Christmas :heart:

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He’s a babe, let them be little. The magic of Christmas is real.

Santa is the spirit of Christmas but Jesus is the reason for the season.

Santa is the magic of Christmas

So sorry for your loss . that will taketime to heal . as to the santa ? I think children areonly small once and it is a time for wonder and magical happenings . you are only small once then all to soon the reality of life sets in and you are faced with hardships and trials . to tell your children santa is coming is not a crime. They will learn soon enough

I think the idea of the person letting your son be Santa n doing something nice for someone is a good idea!

You could tell him the truth about the original St. NICHOLAS. That there are children less fortunate than him. I took my kids to the hospital and they picked a name on the tree in the childrens ward. We then purchased a gift for them, wrapped it and brought it back for those in the hospital on Christmas. I have 4 kids. We did this for 18 years. Now my last are moved out but I still give gifts to the children.

I never did the Santa thing.