Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

Your only 35!!! I didn’t want kids till I was 30. Had mine at 21,23,29. And I’m telling you the 29 year old one is so much easier. I’m in a better place.

My doctor suggested to take prenatal vitamins as early as you can, and continue taking them to birth.

I was 45 hubs 41 when we had our baby. He’s 15 months old and perfectly healthy!

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My dad is 52 I have two brothers 1 and 2 both very healthy also congrats :clap::100::heart::person_tipping_hand:

Just had a healthy baby boy March of 2020. I was 39 a few months shy of 40. Everything went perfect. Don’t stress your baby will be amazing

I had a surprise baby at 44. She was/is very healthy. For me, I feel that my doctor helped me to have a successful pregnancy. He monitored the baby more closely than if I were a younger mother. You can get over the counter prenatal vitamins.

I just had my second baby at age 34 and didn’t consider it to be old :thinking: 35 is when they start doing more genetic testing of babies but the majority of babies of 35+ mothers are still born healthy without any special needs.

Definitely start the prenatal vitamins!!! They tell you now to buy them at Walmart instead of giving you a prescription.

I had my last 2 at the age of 40 and 42. Both healthy.

Yes go ahead with prenatal vitamins. I’m 35 years old and 37 weeks pregnant. Baby has been healthy so far. :clap:t3: good luck mama

I had my last 2 girls 13 months apart. I had Bella the day before my 39th birthday, 2 days after my husbands 43rd birthday. The 13 months 8 days later we had Gracey, I was 40 my husband 44. Both girls are happy and healthy. I wouldn’t change a thing.
You can buy prenatal vitamins over the counter. I would go ahead and get started on them.

I was 39 when I delivered my 5th. There was more testing and extra ultra sound due to my age but everything was ok. My little one is now 3 and happy and healthy!

I was 32 with my first, healthy girl, 38 with second, healthy girl! Congratulations mama!!

I’m not quite that age I’m only 25 but my husband just turned 48 and were expecting r 4th child together on Nov 10th. We have had all healthy kids we lost r 3rd baby nothing to do with health reasons she got to tangled in her cord day b4 she was born and was born sleeping. He has 14y 9 and 6y old who r all healthy as well. All 6 kids keep him young. :blue_heart::purple_heart: good luck to u both!

Currently pregnant with #3 at 36. So far, everything is fine. You might be monitored a little closer this pregnancy. I’m having to have growth scans every month even though baby is measuring fine. They are also having me take a baby aspirin daily.

I was 35 when I had my youngest. The pregnancy itself had no complications. I did have to have my gal bladder removed at 24wks. Issues before pregnancy. But other than that it was just fine.

Had my first at 39 and twins at 42. Start taking those vitamins!

Start the prenatal, watch as they can cause constipation. As for age, you can have a very healthy baby. Myself and my husband were both 38 and 39 when we had our 2nd. I had issues, he was born at 35 weeks, had some trouble with breathing and eating at the same time. He was only in hospital a week. Healthy. 2 year old.

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You only have to be concerned if you are over the age of 40. Your significant other poses a possible risk for autism but that’s about it. I’ve seen healthy babies come from many ages. Also, you are not older having a baby at 35 :crazy_face: that is the average age of women having babies. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!!! Him or her will be perfect.

I have a perfectly healthy and beautiful one year old niece, her mom was 38 when she was born

I had my second child at 34. I had gestational diabetes, but had that with my first at 28. I did have some issues with placental bleeds, but he’s a happy and healthy boy who turned 3 a couple months ago

You can buy prenatal vitamins over the counter.

A lot of women are starting families later now. I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t had a perfect baby, even women as old as 45. Prenatal vitamins should be started asap. My OB always pushed that folic acid is super important earlier in the pregnancy.

I had my first at 40. Full term and vaginal birth. Have a good obgyn that stays on top of everything . Vitamins now & some extra folic acid won’t hurt.

You should be taking the prenatal vitamins you can get them at any store and most of the time they’re not prescribed unless there’s other issues going then doctors will prescribe a higher dose of prenatal vitamins. My doctor did and it had extra iron cause I was severely anemic. And you’re 35 not in your 40s so there chance of something being wrong with the baby is slim

I had my first when I was 31 and my second when I was 36. They are both very happy and healthy boys. My oldest is now 13 and youngest is now 8. Never had any issues with either of them.

The day after my 40th birthday j found out I was pregnant with my second. My first was about to be 9. He was a perfect healthy 8.8lb baby. Now almost 6 and loving life . You will be fine. J never took prenatals as they made me sick

Honestly, most couples I know are having babies well into their 40s now without issue. My sister in law was 38 when she had my nephew and no issues whatsoever. Just take your vitamins, take care of yourself and try not to worry! Easier said than done - do things that will help you relax. Stay active throughout your pregnancy if you are able. And yes, OTC vitamins are completely safe and often what many pregnant women stick with.

I wad 41 with baby #1 and 46 with baby #2. Both were and are both healthy! Start your prenatal vitamins!

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I just had mine at 40 and he’s perfectly healthy

Start the vitamins as soon as you know!!! They are very important <3

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I have a very healthy 1 yo I had at 36…his dad is about to turn 40…other than being way more exausted than I was with my kids in my 20s no different and im a type 1 diabetic…

You can start taking prenatals now. It’s better to start them right away.
I have a 2 year old and I am pregnant with a surprise baby right now at 39. They do extra genetic testing at our age to make sure everything is ok. The good part about that is you can find out the gender around 10-12 weeks through the blood test! :slightly_smiling_face: Everything will be fine. My 2 year old is perfectly healthy and this baby is doing great also. Congratulations :heart:

Didnt have my first till 34 and my last at 37…everything was fine. Eat a good diet. You can take otc prenatals they dont always need to be rx unless bloodwork or dr indicates it needs to be.

I had my first at 35 and my last at 37. I had no problems with either. 2 healthy baby girls! The only thing was they didn’t let me go past my due date because of my age but everything went great!

Prenatals are more for your health. I’m 35 and 12w with my 7th. I’m high risk bc with my 6th I had a placenta abruption and I almost died and my babybwas stillborn. I was on bc but my blood pressure made my Dr change my prescription and it’s not as good as the other bc. Taking the vitamins would be good even if it’s just the over the counter gummies. I can’t stomach the prescribed ones anyway. And of course baby can easily be healthy.

Im 39 years old pregnant with no 2

I had my first at 34 and second at 37. Both were health. I had diabetes with both. Start taking vitamins. I did with Both of mine. That is what my dr kept me on.

I was 43 when my son was born. He is a happy, healthy 3 year old now.

I had my 1st at 37 second at 39. Diabetic but both pregnancies went fine and kids were healthy. Take the prenatal vitamins.

I had my first at 36, she was 3 weeks early but came out healthy and perfect.

I’m 36 and 71/2 months. There’s so many genetic tests and stuff they offer now so don’t stress yourself out. But I would start prenatals right away.

I had my last 2 at 40 and 42 and they were perfect!!!

My mom was 39 when she had me and my dad was 45! I came out perfectly fine and am the smarter one out of me and my sister lol. Just being honest. But I was a surprise baby too!

Just had my second at 34. It was definitely harder than my first at 29, but I know all pregnancies are different. Just stay in contact with your doctor and try to relax! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have 2. 1st at 30 and 2nd at 39. Both girls r healthy. The dr just did a little more genetic testing and a couple extra ultrasounds to make sure my 2nd was healthy and growing.

you can buy the cheap option at Walmart. I was the baby of a 30+ woman and I came out all right. she breastfed me until she went back to work

My sister had her second last year at 41, he’s now 18months and as healthy as can be. She was considered high risk due to her age and had a lot of scans, tests, and appointments. As far as prenatals, I always took them over the counter and I started them right away. My Midwife told me it’s better to take them when your ttc/before getting pregnant. I had HG with this pregnancy so I couldn’t take them for the first 25weeks or so. I’m now 33weeks and don’t take them regularly but I and baby seem to be doing great regardless.

I’m 36 pregnant with my 2nd. I’m so gar 18 weeks and as of now hes healthy… this pregnancy is a bit more harder than my 1st at 29 but I’m making it… our pregnancy was a surprise as well…

Take prenatals that’ll definitely help.

My mother was 41 when she had me I turned out just fine.

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1st at 39 and he has mild ASD but perfectly healthy, 2nd at 41 and he’s now 8 months and is healthy as can be and seems to be neurotypical.

You can get prenatals at the pharmacy. They are in the vitamin section. I have known many older women who have had healthy babies. The risks are higher, yes. But you will love your baby no matter what! Just be sure to follow your doctor’s advice

I was 34 and they had us all worried about DS but we had a health baby boy born on time. Oh and labor and delivery was quick and simple!

Me and my hubby were about the same age. I was 36 and him 40 with our last. I had a harder time working my full time job with this pregnancy but that was about it. She is healthy and happy. Only issue she had was a little jaundice when born but my 2nd had that too and cleared up quick. She turns 1 in 3 weeks :heart_eyes:

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My mother was 40 when I was born and my father was 50. I have never had any major health issues. I was 34 when my youngest was born. She is also very healthy.

Children with health problems need love too. One can have minor or even major health problems and still live a fulfilling life and be a blessing to the world around them. My nephew has down syndrome and my niece has a major developmental delay. They are happy children that bring light into the world. Each of them is an amazing little person with their own personality and unique perspective on the world. I love them both to pieces and I can’t imagine this world without them in it.

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I had a baby at 40 and 47. Both babies prefect and healthy.

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I had my first & only when I was 37. Hes 2 1/2 now, healthy & smart as ever! Also, I didn’t wait for a prescription for prenatals, I just bout some from the store.

You aren’t that old. You will be completely fine. I had my last babies at 38 they were twins. Honestly everything is going to be fine. Yes prenatal vitamins are a good thing to start now.

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and twin boys at 40. All healthy and lovable! Take the prenatal. I wish you the best of luck. :heart:

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Mymother had 7, I was first when she was 24 and my youngest sister 18 years later when she was 41.

My mom was 36 when I was born and I turned out just fine. No problems. My dad was 42.

I had my last son at 35 just do all your visits and vitamins would be a good start

I had a similar instance I was 31 with a surprise pregnancy with 4 kids at home, I was 31 and he was 38 we worried because I am a type 2 diabetic - the pregnancy was a rough one for me because of the diabetes but I gave brith to a healthy baby girl 39 weeks and one day. its not impossible.

I was 36 with my 1st and 37 with my second. Both are absolutely fine.

You’re not old. And research shows that risk is truly scant by just age alone causing risk. Enjoy it. I never took vitamins until this pregnancy (14th) I wouldn’t take most of the crap on the market. You want a really good quality if you’re not going to be getting it from your diet. Ritual has a great prenatal.

I am currently 38 n hub 46. We was told that I couldn’t have kids anymore when I was only 27. I came to terms with it. SURPRISE I am currently 8 months pregnant!! Do to me being high risk in first place I do go to both a ob and a maternal fetal specialist. However our little boy is growing great and is healthy. Causing issues for mommy more than anything but he all good.
Yes it is scary and I do worry all the time still but I have been going to dr appointment so much and getting to hear n see him so much I know he ok. It’s just me.
Yes take prenatal vitamins. They will only help your little one. I started as soon as I found out

Nothing says you cant start the vitamins before you go to the doc. Talk to the pharmacist and ask their reccomendation for your situation. There may be one better suited for your age group.

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That’s not old. Had my first at your age and I’ve had two healthy babies so far. I’m now 39. Start taking prenatal vitamins now . Take a deep breath you’ll be fine momma.

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My first and only at 42 hubby 57. She turned out perfect! 17 in Dec.

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I was 33 when I had my youngest. She was/is perfectly healthy.

I was 34, 36, 38 when I had my three! It’s great! Perfectly healthy,happy and grown! Lol

Had my last when I was 34 and my sister when she was 43. Both healthy babies. Take over the counter prenatals for now until doctor can prescribe them.

Yes take the prenatals. It really depends on the health of your body. Yes you are at higher risk for complications but that does not necessarily mean you will. Try to calm down. Stress is bad for Mom and baby. Happy Mama means a happy baby. Take it one day at a time and take care of yourself. Try to get some exercise daily, eat well, and relax!

My Gyno told me they’ve raised the “geriatric age for pregnancy” to 40 or 42 (where as I believe now it is 35) and told me if I wanted to have another baby she’d have no concerns (I’m currently 35). So I’m sure you and baby will be perfectly fine. You can buy prenatal vitamins OTC at most any store.

I was 34 when I had my lil boy, he’s happy healthy and too cute for his own good, I would start taking some folic acid as that’s great for baby development and growth asap and not wait until your appointment, but see what else the doc advises then. All the best!

I’m only 33 but my 4th baby girl will be born in January 2022 (3rd baby girl was in January 2019 and my two oldest girls are 12 and 10) my youngest two dad is will only be 29 on nye. But I haven’t had any problems due to my age.

My moms friend got pregnant at 47, as far as I remember other than some swelling at the end of the pregnancy it went smoothly. Her daughter was and still is healthy :slight_smile:


Had last one at 38 perfect health 27 now

42 I had my last child. Perfectly healthy

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My niece was 42 and had her 6th baby a couple of months ago and he is the most healthiest an happiest baby I know

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I had my daughter at 39 hubby was 34, she was perfect. You will probably be considered high risk and will have more testing and frequent appointments. You can take prenatal vitamins now, they won’t hurt a bit. Relax and enjoy this time, it’s an exciting adventure. Congratulations!

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I was 35 and 37 with my two. More tests done, but all fine.

I didn’t take prenatals during either of my pregnancies and they are both healthy. There are many foods you can eat during your pregnancy that provide better care for you and your baby than the prenatals do.

Why would you need a prescription for prenatals??? Please do not deprive your baby! Make sure to get prenatals with folic acid and DHA/Omega 3 RIGHT AWAY!!!


I just had a perfectly healthy baby at 37. Buy yourself some prenatal vitamins if it eases your anxiety

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Prenatal are very helpful and great those first couple months

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I personally wouldn’t take prenatal vitamins until you talk to your Doctor. A lot of women are having babies late into their thirties. There is a test available to make sure the baby is okay if you are that worried about it. Not good for you to be so stressed out, just take it a day at a time.

Congratulations! Go to walmart and get the prenatal vitamins there!

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I’ll be 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I’m 37 and my husband is 47 our pregnancy was a surprise for us too, and so far everything is going good with my pregnancy. When I find out I was pregnant. Before my first appointment with the doctor I went to Walmart and got prenatal pills. I have a friend that had a baby at 40 and was and is still healthy

My mom had me at 38 my aunt had my cousin at 39 and my sister in law had one of her daughters at 39 and her newsest son at 40. All children involved are very healthy and striving!


My mom had my sister at 45 and I had my youngest at 32. Both healthy.


I’m 35 and my boy was just born 2 months ago. Perfectly healthy! My blood pressure did become an issue so I’m on meds to control it now but otherwise everything was fine. My husband is 47 and this is his first biological child. He adopted my daughter.

Take prenatal. They are like $4 at Walmart. Also your dr can prescribe them if pregnancy has been established. I was 37 when we had our daughter sadie. Husband was 51. She is healthy as can be. Currently trying to climb over the 3wall at 17 months old :rofl:

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Why wouldn’t you start the vitamins now?

I found out I was pregnant on my 42nd birthday. She is now 29 and perfect.

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Had my first pregnancy 32 and my ex 43, no problems. My sister’s last 2 kids born in her late 30s and early 40s, all perfect. Take your vitamins now. Early development is too important to skip vitamins. Congratulations!

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You can take over the counter prenatals, that’s what I did. Women’s once a day prenatals for both babies.

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My mom was 36 when I was born and I turned out fine in my opinion. Now if you ask my siblings or coworkers you may get another story…:joy:

But in all seriousness, just take it day by day. Congrats Momma!