Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

Congratulations! Start prenatals now and then if you’d like them prescribed, switch over. I wouldn’t wait!

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Go buy some prenatals. I was never prescribed prenatals in any of my 3 pregnancies, but the vitamins, especially folate, are so important in the beginning. I know a couple of women who had babies after 35 and both were healthy all around.

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Pregnant at 34 years with 1st child, 36 years with 2nd. Healthy kids!

35 is NOT old to be pregnant!


Well I’m 29 and my husband is 45. We have an almost 3 year old daughter who has had no health issues at all. Lots of people wait to have kids now days. You guys will be fine!!

Congratulations. I had my last at 36 she’s now 31. Yes I would start prenatal vitamins

You can get prenatal vitamins otc

My mom had me (first and only baby) at 45. I was a preemie because she had an undiagnosed uterine tumor that pushed me out. Aside from staying in an incubator for a while and a little asthma, I’ve been healthy. My mom lived to 97 and I turn 65 in about a week.

I had my second child at 35 and she was perfectly healthy and so was I.


Heard former British Prime Minister John Major speak at a convention. He said, “My father was 65 when I was born. My mother was…surprised.”

My sister had her daughter at 45 years old. Her daughter teaches special education now.

I’m 38 and just gave birth on friday before last and he’s a preemie and doing great :slightly_smiling_face: prenatal are good but folic acid at first trimester is best :slightly_smiling_face: good luck and enjoy

Get the vitamins. I was 36 when my daughter was born, she is 15 and healthy. No problems for me or her except she was breech and I had a c-section, which isn’t exactly a problem and had nothing to do with age

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You can get prenatal vitamins over the counter. At the VERY least you should be taking a folic acid supplement or increasing your consumption of foods containing folate. It’s important for neuro tube development


My mum had me at 23 and was told she could have more children, she remarried and surprise at 40 she fell pregnant and then again at 42 2 healthy boys and mums 50 now and still running around doing school runs and working


I was 37 when my 2nd son was born. Honestly most of the time I forgot to take my pre-natals, but he was perfectly healthy.

My mom was 39 I was born in April and she turned 40 in December and I was a healthy almost 9 lb baby I just turned 39 in April


I had my youngest of 5 kids at age 37. Take prenatals, they had me going to a high risk Dr. Once a month because I was over the age of 35. My baby was and is healthy . Good Luck.


I just had my LAST (of 7) at 35… Only difference i noticed is i was more tired…

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Y’all are not too old! Will be fine

I was 39. Everything was fine. I would take prenatal vitamins. That’s just my opinion. Talk to your doctor.


I take prenatal vitamins even when I’m not pregnant and don’t plan to be.


My daughter is 5, Im 43 so do the math lol. Yes take the prenatal vitamins. My daughter was born 12 weeks early due to total eclampsia, I was on my feet way too much. She is super healthy now you wouldn’t even know she was a preemie. Enjoy being an older mom- we rock


I would buy some over the counter even if they’re just regular ol’ flinstones​:100::100::two_hearts:
Good luck

Had my first at 41. She was a beautiful healthy baby. Now she is an almost 4 year old wild child. Take the vitamins now.


I was 35 and my husband was 47 when we had are surprise baby boy. He was born healthy and happy. I did take prenatal vitamins before my first doctor visit. I also had a much easier pregnancy and delivery than I did when I had my other two. A boy at 26 and a girl at 28.

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I had my second at 35. Hes 7 months now & hes perfect. 35 is fine

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My mom had me at 36 and I’m fine, though I am left handed lol :thinking:

I had my first at 34 and last at 38, no health issues due to my age however it was exhausting for me. Why don’t you want to take the vitamins before the appointment?

I had my first at 33 and my second at 36. Both of my boys were healthy and fine. My oldest is epileptic, autistic (high functioning) and ADHD. But this runs on his dads side (autism and epilepsy). My youngest has adhd. I have adhd and it runs on my side. My pregnancies were just fine no problem. I just had extra monitoring with the second one. The last month I went weekly and had ultrasounds and did the fetal stress test every time. My appointments ran about 2 hrs at the end because of it but he was fine and so was I.

I had my 3rd blessing at 34!!! I didnt take prenatals until after i was about 8 weeks. He was so healthy and big that we had to force him out 2 weeks early lol Dont stress mama! Congratulations!

My mama was 40 years old when she had my youngest sister and they both are perfectly fine in fact she’s 10 years old now.

Here to suggest taking vitamins now and if the doctor feels you need something different then he will prescribe it then but your body needs the vitamins to make up for everything baby is taking away from you.


I had my kids at 39 & 40. Good pregnancies, csections, healthy babies. Hubby and I are both 45 now. I think it’s good to start on the prenatal right away to ensure your body has a good supply of all the vitamins that both you and baby need.


I was 39 when I got pregnant with my 1st. My dr immediately put me on prenatal, folic acid, fish oil and iron. I was extremely high risk due to diabetes. I was also worried bout health issues so my high risk dr tested for any genetic disorders. They put me at ease with telling me they wouldn’t expect any abnormalities in the first place, since both fiancé and myself have no history of birth defects in our families. The testing just confirmed it. There is always a risk for any age. Embrace your miracle baby. I now have a healthy happy 10 month old boy. Get started on prenatal vitamins.

I was 35 when i had my 3rd
37 with my 4th, 41 with my 5th and 44 with number 6 :joy::rofl:
all were healthy babies all natural births…


My mom had me when she was 35 and I was fine so was she but that was also back in 1992 I’m almost 30 now😆

I just had a baby at 37💙 hes a healthy happy Little boy

I was older than you having my first, now I have 4 healthy kids. I’m 46, kids are 7,6,4 and 5 months. You can do this. Please take your vitamins. You’ll need the extra energy. I’m not going to lie, it’s not easy but that’s true at any age. Congrats and good luck xx

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

I was 38 and my little princess is perfect.


I was 46 when I had my daughter. No health issues but now that she’s turning 13, I’m just pooped trying to keep up with her!!!


I had my fourth and last child at 35. He, too, was a surprise. I opted out of an amniocentesis (to check for down’s syndrome) and delivered a healthy, 10 pound baby boy. He was my kindest, gentlest, most well behaved child. Very sensitive and sweet. He did very well in school and was a leader and athlete. Good luck!:heart:


I’m 34 and currently pregnant with surprise twin boys so far they are doing great the doctor has had no concerns and this has been the easiest pregnancy I’ve had so far :slight_smile:


I was 37 when I had my youngest, surprise baby I couldn’t even get in to see a Dr till I was 14 weeks pregnant He was born a healthy 7lbs Yes you can take prenatal vitamins now they will do no harm


Age is just a number! I had my first at 33 and then again at 35. They are now 2 and 5mo. I feel younger and healthier now in my “old” age than I did in my 20s. I honestly think it’s a perfect time in life for children. I can’t imagine doing this any younger!


My mom had me at 42, I was healthy and happy, mom did well. I was also the seventh child of seven. Go to your Obgyn appointments, take your vitamins and stay healthy. Prayers for a healthy baby and safe delivery.


Gave birth to my youngest when I was 45. Easiest pregnancy of the three and she’s perfect!


My Mother was 46 when my youngest sister was born not only smart Beautiful


You are still very young to have children. I gave birth to my last born when I was 40, no complications.


I had my second child at 37, happy and healthy! You will do great!


I was 42 when I had my one and only!! . She was only 4lbs 7ozs tiny but healthy. She is now 24 married and beautiful. She is my miracle baby and I love her very much.


I have 18 year old twin daughters from my first marriage. I also have a 4 year old with my husband now of 10 years. I was 33 when he was born and my husband was 41. Our son was very much planned. My pregnancy and delivery went so much smoother this time around and I am such a better mother this time around. I love my girls so much, but I just lacked the maturity and patience to be the best mom I could be at the time. Some women do better having kids young, amd some women are better when they are older. It really depends on your outlook on being a mom all over again. I can tell you that it is the best experience ever for me and we plan on having another baby cause lil man is growing up like an only child and he is a social lil one who would make an amazing brother.


Yes I had a surprise baby too! I was 37 and my husband 46. She is super healthy and turns 2 this Sunday.


I had a beautiful baby girl at 39 years old. She is forty next month!


I was pregnant at 42 , she’s 13 now beautiful and healthy!


My daughter is 35. Had her baby 2 weeks ago. He perfect in every way. God Bless


I had my youngest when I was 38 ,a total surprise but the most wonderful surprise I ever had . Normal birth and a healthy baby .


Both my sister and daughter and mother had late babies…all healthy and much loved!


I was 32 when had my third partner 37 big gap eldest daughter 11 this yr pregnancy went well little more tire than first and second time round but all went well I quickly adjusted to pregnant life congrats!!


I’m 38 my husband is 42 we have a healthy 4 month old baby boy who was also a surprise this year. There are many of us out there who have had healthy happy babies in our late 30s.


I was 35 and my hubby 45 when I got pregnant with our daughter. She is a smart,happy and healthy 2 year old. Go ahead and start prenatal vitamins and congratulations!


I was 35 and my husband was 40 when we had our daughter. She is now 13, and the absolute joy of our lives. And while we are older than a lot of her friend’s parents, she says that we are also ‘calmer’ with ‘less drama’. Idk if that is age or just personality, but she sees it as a positive.


I got pregnant at 38 had my only child at 39. I had a fabulous pregnancy health wise. He came three weeks early and was perfect and so was my delivery. I was so blessed. You can do this and it will be so wonderful! Congratulations !!!


I was 37 when I had my 3rd. Daughter. Normal pregnancy…healthy baby…healthy child…beautiful healthy young woman now herself a mother. :heart:

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My son was born when I was 38. He is/ was healthy baby,thank God. I had amniocentesis to make sure. I tried to eat healthy and exercise. When he was a toddler he was very active. I was able to enjoy his childhood, by spending time together.I feel very fortunate to have him in my life.

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I was always afraid to have kids…waited a long time but ended up having a healthy boy at 41 and a little sister at 44. Absolutely the best!!


I was 37 when I had my beautiful rainbow baby ( now 16 healthy)
My partner was 50 xx

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I was 43 when I had my beautiful daughter, she’ll be 9 December 24th. Although my numbers were high for a down syndrome baby, because of my age, she was born perfectly normal. You don’t need a prescription to take prenatal vitamins. The sooner you start the better. You’re still young, please enjoy your pregnancy :heart:

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We planned our 2nd baby when I was 36. Labor was only 4 hours and had a healthy babygirl! Everything will be alright and it’s God Blessings!!

My niece was 36 when she had her daughter. Both healthy! Both beautiful!! :sparkling_heart:

I had my little princess at 36. She is so healthy. And a true gift to from God. I can’t imagine my life without her. You’re blessed

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I belong to a group of older mommas ranging from 38 to 40. Our babies were born perfectly healthy and have grown to be strong beautiful young people. Don’t worry and have faith


I had my youngest at 38 and she was and still healthy 3 year old
I totally different her. I have so much more patient with her

My daughter, when she was almos 43, had a baby during Covid and while her husband was deployed. She was AMAZING and the baby is healthy and a joy.

My sister was 42 when she had a beautiful baby daughter. She weight. 3.8 lbs she was born 3 month early, she’s beautiful and studying to be a nurse.
Her brother is 41 years old and she is 21.
When her son was born they told my sister she would never be able to have another child SURPRISE !!!
Never say never

My youngest (now 2 years old) was born when I was 38. She’s completely healthy, full term, pregnancy went wonderful! If you’re concerned about not taking prenatals, pick something up over the counter. I never did a rx for prenatals. Just research for good quality ones :slight_smile: congratulations! Surprise babies are just as amazing and loved as planned ones. :heart:

My daughter just had her 4th baby and she is 39 1/2 years old. No problems with her pregnancy band baby boy is just perfect. Try not to stress everything is going to be fine. Accident or planned - all babies are a gift. Good luck!

I had my daughter at 39. We were both fine…shes 19 now and my best friend. My mother had me when she was 36. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

I already have 2 baby’s at my youger age.im just turning 36 3rd.of July 2021 then I have unexpected pregnancy.but I am doing well now. I’m pretty you’ll fine.

Yes, I had my last child at 36… she was born prematurely and now she’s a healthy 4 year old.

I had my oldest at 38 and triplets 4 months shy of my 40th birthday. High risk? Of course. But both pregnancies went well. The trick is…don’t worry about anything unless there is something to worry about. Just do what you know are the rightthings for you and relax and enjoy your pregnancy! Love and prayers to you.

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I had my baby daughter when I was 40 and although classed as a ‘geriatric’ mum, I gave birth in 3.5 hours with no pain relief and have a healthy beautiful 11 month old x

I had my last two children at the age of 40 and 41 they’re both healthy fine my son turns 21 next year and my daughter just turned 19 they also have an older sister that’s 18 years older than them just go to your doctors keep a good diet and everything should be fine

I was 39 when I had my youngest son. He was born perfect and healthy, and the easiest pregnancy of my 3. Enjoy this time, take good care of yourself, and see your OBGyn when you can. You’ve got this Momma!

Both my daughters were older mothers . Eldest was 39 and youngest was 34 . They were both OK and grandsons were perfect x

I had my first at 36…and my second at 38…easy pregnancies…did have amniocentesis done with both because of my age…but both perfectly healthy girls! You got this!

I had three children’s and at 35 had naturally conceived triplets born 5 weeks early but all survived and are now 42 and all was well and I survived 6 children. U will be fine. Hope all goes well and God Bless.

My daughter in law had her baby at age 41. He’s beautiful and perfect. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy you’ll be fine

Daughter is 6 I was 35 when she was born! She healthy and happy! No real health issues with me just body aches and being tired way more!

Had my two at 33 & 37. Two short labours. Beautiful babies. Beautiful mommys themselves now

I had my youngest daughter at 35 and she is happy, healthy and intelligent. I worked throughout my pregnancy. I worked on Monday and she was born at 5 A…M. Tuesday . I returned to work 3 weeks later. She was born almost 3 weeks after her due date. Stop worrying and enjoy this time.

I was 36 husband 40 with our last HEALTHY child, the only thing different was we spoiled him a little to much knowing he was the last, Enjoy and Congratulations

Have a beautiful healthy granddaughter whose mom was older than you. Have faith.

My sister had twins at age 40. Lovely children! Very healthy and intelligent!

I was 40 when I had my one and only child. I had such a easy pregnancy and my daughter is perfect.

I haven’t had any babies myself after the age of 30 but three of my friends did and they had healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. They were monitored closely and all went well. They were all in their early 40’s.

I had my first one at 17 and my last baby at 35. My doctor told me as long as I ate good and rested everything would be fine and it was. I took prenatal vitamins even when I was not pregnant so I would start right away

Girl I had both my babies in my 30’s. Folic acid is very important, Especially early in your pregnancy! 600 mcg a day!

Just had my baby in July and I am 35. My husband is 53. Baby boy is perfectly healthy. Only thing I suffered from was gestational hypertension. Age is just a number! Good luck!

I was 38 when my youngest daughter was born,she was perfect and such a blessing …you got this momma ! Prenatal vitamins are so important especially in the first few weeks of pregnancy, you can buy them at the store until you see your doctor .