Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

I just had a baby March 01 this year. He is completely healthy and so ready to go that he was csectioned at 37 weeks . I am 40 years old and have 2 other boys 10 and 9 from my first marriage and understand your anxiety. If anything the only issues I experienced was a umbilical hernia which was repaired during my c-section. You can always buy some over the counter prenatals this would not be a problem and you dont really need a prescription for them. God bless and congratulations to you and tour husband.:pray:t2::blush:

A friend of mine gave birth to healthy twins at 38. Take care of yourself and stay positive. You can start taking prenatals before your appointment, you can buy them over the counter. Good luck!

I was 32 with my first boy and 35 with my second both boys born healthy and safe

My sister had her first baby at 39 and two after that. They are all beautiful healthy, beautiful adults now.

I had my daughter at 36, my husband was 40. My doctor suggested an amniocentesis, so I had it. All was fine and she has always been a wonderful blessing.

I had twins at 38, they were 5weeks early, spent 10 in hospital to keep them warm. Healthy throughout there childhood and now successful young adults. I took folic acid and a healthy diet. They kept us young!

I had a baby at 35 and my husband was 44. It had been 15 years since I had a baby. 17,16,and 15. My baby was born healthy. She is 50 now and has 3 healthy sons.

I had my daughter when I was almost 36. Beautiful healthy girl. She will be 19 on 10/23.

My Mom was on Menopause meds and got pregnant at 46. My Dad same age. I am 65 now, I was a premie, 5lb.6 Oz, because Dr’s told her to smoke for her nerves.smh. I was fine otherwise.
Just get checked a lot and do what is done at any age.

I was 39 with my last son high risk because of a tumor on my spine baby came a month early but perfectly healthy came home with me at 3 days old

I had 3rd baby 36 and fourth 38 planned and I wouldn’t give up my life got married 27 4 children 14 grandkids each one is a blessing and they keep you young you’ll have young friends and more fun in life. God Bless you your child is a gift from God

My dear lady, let me promise you that there is nothing on this earth as sweet and promising than looking into the eyes of your very own child, when you are filled with so much love and adoration and hopes and dreams and plans. I wish you only the best things and feelings as time goes on. God bless you and your unborn child forever and ever.

I was 37 when I had my oldest son. Then had my youngest son at the age of 41! They were all healthy. Don’t stress about it too much, it’s an exciting time. Good luck, you’ll be just fine!

I had my youngest at 45 healthy, happy, and beautiful.

35 is still young enough provided you don’t have any health problems. My brothers were both born when my mom was in her 40s. One was born when she was 40, the other when she was 42. They were both very healthy and have grown to be fine young men. I think you’ll be fine. Take your vitamins unless you already have a medical reason not to. See the doctor/midwife you feel most comfortable with, and enjoy having this new baby.

Had number 3 at 38 and number 4 at 40. Both easy pregnancy’s except for gestational diabetes with the last. Followed my diet carefully and gave totally natural births to both (no drugs at all). They are now 26 and 28 and awesome young adults. Just take care of yourself and it will be fine. Older parents know not to sweat the small stuff and have more patience if not as much energy. Hope all goes well for you.

A friend has had three healthy kids since she was 35 and another friend had twins at forty four you are not too old old wife takes

My mom was 37 when she had me, I was healthy, that was 59 years ago!

Yes it is ok to take prenatal vitamins. I took them prior to even getting pregnant. As far as your age that should not be too much a concern. I had a child at 34, 36, 38 and 40 years old. They are all happy and healthy.

I had twins at 38. They were perfectly fine. Bigger than the average twins and went full term with them. Also no c-section.

I was 40 when i gave birth to my 4th child.
She is now 17.

I had my last 2 children in early 40s babies 4 and 5, kids perfect, just a bit hard on my body but all good personally congratulations

I had my youngest at 35. He was my fattest, healthiest baby of my 3. But his delivery was the most difficult however that had nothing to do with my age.

I had a healthy beautiful girl at 46 years old!

I have severe hyperemesis (morning sickness the whole way) and I never took a prenatal. I also have bad anxiety. You’re okay mama! It’s a lot, but you’re doing really well!

Relax. Don’t let yourself worry over this. Take prenatal vitamins. Enjoy the miracle you have growing inside you. You are experiencing a blessing that many never get to experience. Do your best to Keep things in perspective, that’s the best thing you can do for the growing baby inside of you. Congratulations!!!

I had my first at 33, 2 miscarriages and then my other daughter at 42 and my husband was 50…she is a healthy and happy 20 year old…a teenager in my 50’s was rough

I had my last child at 36. It seriously was my easiest pregnancy . He was born healthy.

I had my last baby at age 42 with no problems, in fact, it was my favorite delivery as I got an epidural with this one. Neither my husband’s age or mine caused any health problems. My baby girl is now in her 30’s and has 3 healthy children of her own.

I had twins at 37 and they are perfect. The only complication that I had was that I had twin to twin syndrome.They are 24 years old and perfectly fine.

I was 38 for last child-he’s brilliant and wonderful… enjoy the moments-this baby is truly a gift!

Enjoy this wonderful blessing I had my boys at 35 and 38 ; the doctor considered me an “older mom to be”, but they have kept me young and engaged both are currently in college

I was 36 when I had my 1st one, then had twins a yr & 8 days later (premature @ 34 wks). They are now 30 & 31, all fine, physically & academically…You will be fine as well! Congratulations!

My son and daughter-in-law ( age 40) had her third boy two years ago. They have 3 boys now, all healthy.
A cousin of mine had her third child in her 40’s and another one in her early 50’s!
All were healthy!

I was 41 with my last and ran and lifted weights all through my pregnancy. My last run was 2 days prior to her Csection.

I have 2 friends who had babies at age 40. Both are healthy adults now. No problems during pregnancy. I had my daughter when I was 31.

My hubby and I had our first son when I was 23 & he was almost 40, our 2nd son at 25 & 42, and had our 3rd (our daughter) at 33 and 49 :joy:. I found my last pregancy alot harder and hubby’s found the night feeds harder. But we’ve just fell into the swing of having a little one again, she’s 2 now and the terrible 2s have started :roll_eyes: yay! Make sure you get extra sleep, take the pregnancy vitamins and enjoy :blush:

I was 38 when I was surprised with my second pregnancy, to be totally honest it was easier than the first. My son is now 29 with 2 kids of his own. So please don’t worry!! Lots of luck and congratulations!!

My Mother had me at 35 and my brother at 37. We are both healthy.

I was 33 and my baby have Down Syndrome, my mom was 42 and my brother born perfect baby, is not your age it is just mean to be born like that. My grandma was 52 with my last aunt ,and the baby was fine.

I was 35 having my last child ( now an adult ) You create your own REALITY, so in that reality create only good thoughts , good visions . Healthy pregnancy, healthy baby , lots of love :heart:, the creations go on :heart:

I can’t speak for myself but my mother had me at 42 and I came out just fine, no complications and I’m also healthy so far 27 years into my life

Had my youngest at 37 he is perfectly healthy and 22 yrs old now

Just had baby #6 and I’m 37 had baby #5 when I was 35. Both perfectly healthy, although I dealt with gestational diabetes

I had my 4th baby at 39. Happy healthy and beautiful. Taking vitamins is fine before and after a pregnancy you can take prenatal vitamins. Your pregnancy will be more monitored due to your age and that’s okay it just means they want to pay better attention to you and your beautiful child. Just carry on as normal don’t do anything you know is harmful I don’t know if you have other children good luck and I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy

I was 36 and had a healthy baby girl. There are tests the doctor can offer to ease your mind as it is considered a slightly higher risk. I too got sick on the prenatal vitamins. My doctor had me take a multivitamin with folic acid. Congrats!

I was 30 and 35 when I had my kids everything went well and my kids were healthy!

I had my first baby at 36 and my second at 39. Both are healthy and happy.

I was 38 when I have my youngest and she is healthy and graduated in college and now she has 2 kids.

I didn’t know I was pregnant until late Dec. My son was born late Feb. I was 42 and oviously no early prenatal care. I had high bp and developed gestational diabetes. He was slightly over 4# but perfectly healthy. Don’t stress about it. That can cause undo pressure on your body and hence the baby. Enjoy!

I’m 33 and my husband is 35 I’m currently pregnant and it’s been a very healthy pregnancy.

I was 37 y.o. he’s very healthy and beautiful. No problems good pregnancy. Good luck and don’t worry.

I had my last child at 36 ,husband at 43 you will be fine just stop being nervous that can affect the baby chill,relax and take one day at a time. Congrats

I had my kid at 35. He is healthy as a horse. My aunt didn’t have one until her 40s. In fact all 3 of them. They are all healthy

37 when I had my last baby. Try not to worry. Our son is now 6’2’ , intelligent, handsome and healthy. Stay on a healthy diet, rich in b vitamin and omega 3,6 and 9. I never took supplements other than folic acid as this is essential for healthy spine and nerve formation. Don’t drink or smoke, otherwise carry on as normal. I wish you all the best . Worry never changed anything but your baby may pick up on negativity so stay in the positive and enjoy your precious gift.

Try not to worry too much I was an older mom and so was my mom and my daughter we were all fine
I felt the same as you worrying and being fretfull about everything
Thankfully all was ok and my son is now 36
My mother in law and her daughter were pregnant at the same time and between her youngest and oldest there are 25 years so there is another one who had a late baby
It’s only just over three weeks until your appointment so I would wait until taking any vitamins as they will tell you the best ones to take
Tell them how you are feeling and they will try and help you and just remember all babies come for a reason
It will be so lovely a new adventure x
Enjoy it all, rest as much as you can eat the right food go for little walks
Enjoy each other and look forward to a wonderful miracle xxx
Best wishes xx

I’m 34 and my partner is 41 and we have a healthy amazing little 9month old girl

I had a healthy baby girl at 36 and my husband was 40. Congrats!

My perfect granddaughter, born when my daughter was 40.

I had my first 2 children at 22 and 25. (Both girls). We wanted more kids and had a difficult time getting pregnant. We had fertility tests and there was nothing wrong with either one of us. When I was 37 I got pregnant and we were so happy. I had our son when I was 38 (totally healthy) and then another son at 41 (totally healthy). I did not have a test for anything because I would not have had an abortion for any reason. Don’t be afraid. Many people start their families at your age. My husband is 2 years older than me. Enjoy!! You are going to be blessed with the most amazing gift!!!

I was 35 and my husband was 43. My son was 9lbs 3.5oz when he was born and is now 35 and a daddy to my first grandchild.

Had my last at 43 yrs old. Completely unexpected as I had an ectopic pregnancy years earlier and lost an ovary and fallopian tube. Aside from high blood pressure it was the easiest pregnancy, labor and delivery. My other two kids were 11 and 12.

I was 38 when I had my last baby and she was just fine. My husband was 40.

My grandma was 41 when she had my aunt and I was almost 42 when I had my youngest and they turned out fine

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My Mom had my sister when she was 38. I was 11 1/2 when she was born so it seems like she had no trouble at all. My sister was born with no ill effects at all. Other than my sister was spoiled. LOL

I was 39 when I had my last baby and that was 17 years ago and he was very healthy when he was born. And yes you can take the prenatal vitamins.

I had one at 37, 38 and 41. All were very healthy and healthy adults now!

My late pregnancy was discovered during routine lab work for surgery. Because my GYN did not diagnose the pregnancy, he was able to fire me as a patient, cause: high risk. No other Dr. would take me so l had a health department pregnancy. :flushed::flushed::flushed:

I was thirty four when I had my son. I had a miscarriage the year before he was born. My Son is a heathy 21 year old now and he has a healthy 2 and a half year old son. God bless you.

Prenatal vitamins are so important the first few weeks of pregnancy. Buy some otc until you can go to your obgyn.

I was 39 and had a healthy baby. No problems at all…She is now 35.

Lori was 39 and I 42 all went well very happy and healthy Abbey. There are many great bonuses to having our Abbey later in life, stability, self confidence, and positive direction hopefully we are doing our job showing her a positive life style. The downfall as we see it is just a little less time to spend with them in regards to end of life. We live everyday as it’s our last and love every minute of it

I had my 3rd baby when I was 36. She was a surprise. 11 yrs after my last baby. No problems with her or me.

I think more and more women are waiting til their 30s to have children. I had me second child at 38 she is now 30 with 2 children.

My mother was 35 when she had me, 12 years after her middle child. I came out okay and we’re talking 62 years ago.

I’m pregnant at the moment I am 40 I’m only 3 months have my dating scan on Thursday but I had my little girl at 39 in May 2020 and everything was really good

My 2nd baby was absolutely adorable and soo perfect l was 36
You can have an anmio test at 17 weeks to make sure everything ok best of luck im sure you and your family addition will be jus perfect :pray::two_hearts:

I had my daughter at 35 and that was back in 1987. Everything was fine and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I had my last at 35. She is now 24 . She’s healthy and happy . Enjoy and try not to worry

Do not worry, I had my last baby at 41 and she is very healthy😁

I had my 1 and only baby at 35 (accident) he is a very healthy 6yo now!

I had my first at 35 Dad was 45 at 36 weeks she was healthy she’s now just turned 21, my son I had at 38 he too was healthy he is now 18 I too like you worried if they would be healthy or have something wrong genetically

I’m 42 and so is my boyfriend and ours was a surprise. I immediately started taking prenatal vitamins pretty much as soon as I knew…it’s never too early.
I had the genetic screenings between 8-10 weeks and all is well. I’m now just shy of 6 months along and have a completely normal pregnancy. Thankfully I started out with no underlying issues. My baby girl is growing very quickly and she is healthy.
Drink as much water as you can, take your vitamins along with additional immunity boosting supplements.
I took vitamin B6 to assist with nausea and now fiber twice a day to help with the side effects of the iron in the prenatal vitamins.
I can’t stress enough the importance of your water intake.
Congratulations, mama!!

I had my son at 35 and was also worried.
Everything was fine. I did all the tests that were recommended. I started prenatal vitamins as soon as I found out. I Would do it all over again.
Congratulations :balloon:

My daughter had a perfectly happy healthy baby when she was forty. Pray and trust the Lord .

I was 351/2 and my daughter was 37. We both had very healthy babies

I have 5 healthy kids. 2 of them, I had at 36 & 39
My husband is 44.

My mother was 40 wen she was pregnant with the youngest one I was the eldest at the time I was 16.She ad a healthy home delivery as with us other 4.he’s now 64 big strapping man.good luck to the couple concerned.xx

I had triplets at 38. My only viable birth after many miscarriages. They are 26 now and 1 of my girls has 2 girls and expecting her 3rd.

I have my 3rd at 38 and my 4th at 39. Super healthy pregnancy and babies.

Honestly it has become the norm women having babies in their 30s. Many of us are busy with our careers and choose to start their family in their 30s. Personally, I was 35 years old with my first born and 37 years old for my second child. I really believe if you are a healthy woman and begin taking prenatal as soon you are aware of the pregnancy the outcome is positive. I now have 2 healthy strong teenagers.:blush:

I had my last baby at 40. It’s an absolute blessing!!!

You are Blessed with a Gift from God. You are Only 35 and with more maturity on your side; you will be a much calmer mom this time around and will enjoy the milestones of your little one. Best wishes for you and your husband on the Blessings about to unfold.

My twin sister had her daughter at 44, husband 48… Healthy baby.

Congratulations! You will be a great mom!

First of all… deep breath, relax.
I had my 1st at 24, then 2nd at 37 and 3rd at 39. All healthy little bubbas.
You will probably get a little scare at your 12 week appt. after scan & bloods. You will probably be told you’re high risk for downs etc but please dont panic, your age just puts you in that catagory. So please do actual proper testing if necessary.
Prenatal vitamins you can get at any chemist without prescription.
Congratulations, enjoy being a parent when youre older, wiser, relaxed :heart:

No u should get some anyways and take them. The baby needs all the nutrients all he or she can get before seeing the doc. Right now I’m 37 and I’m pregnant with my third and due in February. My first was born c section and my second premature. 2 lb and 14 oz. doc say to prevent anything happening again we see an ultrasound tech to make sure everything ok.

I got pregnant and had my daughter at 34…healthy pregnancy healthy baby who is now 14.

Will it work for us. Both my husbands parents and my parents had us at 34. I had my last daughter at 34. She had her last child at about 30.

Looks like you got a lot of good answers, all I can say is don’t worry and enjoy your pregnancy!