Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

Had my youngest at 37! Perfectly healthy.

I had my 3rd and last son at 38 (my first at 21, second 25.) He was 5lb 11 oz and 4 weeks early…he is 10 now and perfectly healthy. It was ME who had the hard time. Everything hurt. My back my hips my ankles my knees all of my stomach muscles on the sides…I was extremely big and always tired. In Canada a pregnancy at 35 and older is called a “geriatric pregnancy” CAN YOU IMAGINE? I did however do a bunch of recommended genetic testing simply because of my age…it was was a hoot…i guess lol. Congrats on the news!!!

I was 38 he was 36 when I got pregnant with my first and only son. I had 3 years on you. The only complication was that my son had clubbed feet. That had NOTHING to do with age. Probably more to do with the fact I am a smoker who quit while pregnant. Since I had smoked they told me that was why. More and more women are having babies late. I dont think you’re that late. Lol women are having babies at 45 now not blinking an eye! About prenatels I bought the over the counter cheweys through my whole pregnancy. They aren’t bad at all

Always go to a doctor for health screening during pregnancy! THEY are the Best source for information

I had my son at 34 and my husband is 41. Other than gestational diabetes pregnancy was fine other than terrible heartburn and morning sickness. With healthy diet and watching my sugar my son weighed 7lbs at birth and doctors were expecting 8-9 lbs. Good luck mama!!

35 is still young. I was 35 when I had my son.

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I was 35 when I had my 3 child. It didn’t even dawn on me that I was old. Didn’t worry about high risk pregnancy as we are going love no matter what. Take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy. My baby is now a freshman in college.

Please take folic acid So important to prevent some spina bifida.
Also prenatal vitamins to help you and baby be healthy and strong!

I’m 40 and due in a month. Perfectly healthy baby. Prenatal don’t have to be prescribed, you can buy them at walmart. Just breathe.

I was 43 and just fine. Prenatal pills sold at Costco. Baby healthy and beautiful. Best time of life. I name her Serenity

I had my babies in my 30 and they were healthy if I had had them warty I wouldn’t have enjoyed as much

I was 42 years old unplanned. 9 years later she’s still healthy…Don’t stress about it

My mom was 40 when she had me and no problems.

My mom was 44 when I was born. Surprise!

I had my son when i was 37. No medical problems, just joy in my heart.

I was almost 38 with my second, she is a georgous 12 year old now

I was 36 when I had my last baby I had a healthy pregnancy & baby
Best wishes to you x

My bestfriends has 2 babies with her husband who is 20 yrs older than her and is now having her third and she turns 34 this year. All healthy babies. Unless the doctor see any reason for this to be a high risk factor, everything will be just fine.

I’m 37 years old with a 9 week old little boy and we are both all good

I had my second son at 42 . My first son was born when I was 22 . My second son was healthy , handsome , and smart . He belongs to Mensa , he got his Batchelor Degree at UC Irvine . My pregnancy was easy , I did have a C section . I think being an older parent has its perks . I have more knowledge , life experience and more patience . I would not take invasive test , I planned on having him no matter what . With tests of any kind there’s risk , and I was not willing to take that risk . My son is a wonderful man . Thank God for him .

I was 35 with my second, 38 with my 3rd and turned 40 a few months after my last which was twins were born. Everything was perfect and no problems.

My sister in law and cousin both had a baby in their 40’s. They are now 13 and 12. Healthy with no issues.

That’s not old to be pregnant. That’s probably smart. My aunt had her first at age 40.

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At the very end my talking thing went away a baby will be coming to your house how lucky can you get

I was 39 when I had my youngest, healthy baby boy that is now 25

I had my twins at 42. I think I was a better parent than when I had my daughter at 28!

I had my healthy son when I was 35. Drs told me after doing tests because of my age (that I told them specifically that I did not want done) that it was 75% chance he had Down Syndrome. Told me to abort & try again. I argued over an hour with this dr telling him God intended for me to have this baby & I don’t believe their tests! I have seen too many wrong results! Dr kept going through my paperwork and asked when my due date had changed? I said it has never changed! He said disregard those results, the person went by the wrong due date!!!
I got pregnant & delivered at 35, my husband was 42. Don’t be afraid just because of your age. And remember, you can refuse any test that they want that is done because of your age, and the results are NOT always correct. My healthy 14 year old wouldn’t my be here if I had listened and assumed they were correct. Good luck!

I had twins at age 40! Easy delivery and the best thing that ever happened to us.

I had my second at 37, third at 38 and I’m pregnant with my fourth at 41. All my children are perfect.

I had my second when I was 36 and it was all good just eat well and take plenty of excercise. Walking is must. And ear lot of fresh raw fruits and veggies like salads etc.

I had a wonderful planned home birth at 40. Basic midwife pre natal no scans or intervention. Birth without pain relief. All good. You only take supplements if your diet is inadequate.

Had my third and final child at 39 1/2 and was very smooth pregnancy - he’s now 20 and a Marine!

My husband and I are both 38, our daughter (total surprise :flushed:) is 10.5 months old. We already had 5 kids between us, the youngest being 13! I had the same fears. I was a mess, so I really can’t offer much advice, other than you are not alone or crazy to be a little scared. It all worked out great though (so far, lol). Baby girl is healthy and happy. A handful for sure, but an absolute blessing. I will say, there are some thing’s that are harder with her, I think because I’m older and don’t have the energy I once had. But there are also alot of things that are so much easier with her, than my others. Probably because of life experience. Plus there’s the bonus of having a house full of teenagers and young adults who help out tremendously! Best of luck to you! Once he/she is born, it will all be worth it!! :heart::heart:… and yes, I would definitely take the prenatal vitamins in the meantime :blush:

Congratulations, I had my youngest Daughter at 35 & everything was fine .

I had my healthy son at 33 , so do what your doctor says and the baby will be healthy …

I had a baby at 37 n 39 both were healthy!

Age gas nothing to do with the health or disability of a baby. All 3 of my kids in my 30s, I’ll be 38 just before my next baby is born. Doctors just do more checking throughout the pregnancy. SIL was 23 for her first and he has downs. MIL was 45 when she had her youngest no issues. Celebrities in their 50s are having babies without issues. It’s not age. You can totally take prenatals even not pregnant they help so much with healthy skin, nails, hair and vitamins women need

Had a healthy baby at 34 my husband 37

You need to call your doctor and tell him you want to get started on your prenatal vitamins. Your appointment is a month away. He can go ahead and give you your prescription so you can start on them. Also drink plenty of orange juice for the folic acid in it. And don’t worry about your age. You are still young.

My mom was 42 when she had me and I think I am fine. I am the only one she had

I was 35 when my son was born i had pre-eclampsia and the cord wrapped around his neck when born but he was just fine.

I had my son when i was 40yrs and 5 months old he is 25yrs old now no problems at all look after yourself and you’ll be fine.And it was a normal birth.

we had our first baby when my wife 34 and I am 42 now he is 19 healthy boy and smart too 2nd year in ucla you shouldn’t be worry. I know you and your baby should be fine.

I was 35 when I married my 45 year old husband. I unexpectedly got pregnant and our son was born 9 months after we married. He is now 35 - born perfectly healthy & he’s been such a joy to our family!

Yes wait on the vitamins. I had mine at 43 husband was 44. She is healthy and active. 14 now. God will hold you through this.

I had my 2 baby at 43 I have high blood pressure and diabetes… it wasn’t easy but good diet and faith everything turned out alright… my daughter is five now healthy smart and full of energy… take your vitamins and include God in your life … he is faithful.
God bless!

Your doctor can a call a order in for you i have two half brothers 15 years younger and no problem except they where spoiled rotten :joy::rofl:good luck

I was 37 when I had my first child he is almost 11 he was a healthy baby

It all depends on your health and what pregnancy hormones do to your body. Start to take at least over the counter, low folic acid as soon as possible. It doesn’t hurt anything to take them. If you need more then what the over the counter gives then your doctor will let you know. Always better to start them as early in the pregnancy as you can.

I had twins at 32. Turned 33 the next month. Twin A weighed 7 1/4 lbs Girl. Twin B weighed 7 lbs Boy. They were C section but healthy

Definitely don’t skip the pregnancy vitamins, if you have any concerns about taking them for whatever reason then see your gp ASAP! They are really important for the baby’s healthy development!

I had my first child at 38 and second one at 42. They were both healthy kids.

Our daught just gave birth two weeks ago to a healthy boy. She is 36 and was considered high risk for other than age.

35 perfect age to have a baby. Don’t worry just enjoy motherhood and all it holds for you.

My husband and I were both older than that, baby was fine. Just listen to your doctor. I didn’t know I wS pregnant until after you will see your doctor. Just go light on caffeine - and no alcohol/smoking. Good luck!

I was 35 when I had my last son! No problems at all and I have had 2 major back surgeries 3 yrs before I got pregnant!

I was almost 41 when I had my last one she was perfect

Im 35 and expecting twins total shock but everything is going smoothly so far my partner is younger than Me though I’ve also 2 kids already was 20 with the 1st and 27 when I had my 2nd

My mom had me at 33 and my sister at 37. She also smoked the whole time, they didn’t tell her not to. We are both just fine. I am 65 and sis is 61

Congratulations! I was 34 when my first child was born and 39 with my second. No problems with either pregnancy.

I had my second baby at 42 with no complications ( my first baby at 19…they’re 22 years apart :grin:). Congratulations :balloon:. Enjoy the experience​:heart:

Im 31 had my son last year anx my daughter is due nov 11th

Take your vitamins. I had twins at 38. All good :smiling_face:

Had my one and only at 40. 6 weeks premie but healthy… 10 stay in hospital for temperature control

I had mine at 37 and 40! Both were healthy uncomplicated pregancies😊

I had my son at age 37.His dad was 47.He came into the world at 8lbs3oz.Now he is going on 17 6ft 2inches.

I was 35 when I had my first and 38 when I had my second . I had all the tests they said to do . I was. fine had 2 healthy girls !!! Who are now 29 and 26 !

My mother in law had her last child at the age of 45 & he grew up to become an Electrical Engineer. No problems for her. Her first was born at the age of 31, then 33, 35 & then 43 & 45. All five children fine. Three boys, a girl then her last another boy. They all have healthy children & most grandchildren now also.

Had my baby at 37year he born 6Ib and very healthy

I was 37 when I had my daughter, everything was fine

My mother was 45 when she had me.

Congratulations! You don’t need to worry at all. See your doctor and follow his/her orders. You are in no way to old. What a beautiful blessing.

Had my surprise baby at 40 and I was 7 months pregnant before I realized it due to other medical conditions that masked the signs. I only had pre-natal care for the last two months of my pregnancy and my son came out perfect and healthy. They can give you medication for anxiety that is safe while pregnant if you think you need it. The pregnancy caused me extreme anxiety. My son is the best thing that ever happened to me. The miracle I didn’t know I needed. Yes, you can take over the counter prenatal vitamins until your first appointment. My general practitioner told me to do so until I could get an appointment with an OB and then he prescribed some.

Definitely start the prenatal vitamins now. Having an adequate amount of Folic acid is so important to the normal development of the brain and spinal cord.

I was a week shy of being 36! Had a healthy baby boy.

I was 34 for my1st and 35 for
My 2nd. They are now 36 and 37. And I have 3 grandkids I would start vitamins they will put you on them. I was scared too. But also so happy

You will do great my children are 11 yrs apart and I had the first at 24 and the last at 35

My Mother-in-law was 55 and eleven months when she gave birth to my husband…and he is fine!

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I got pregnant with my second at 35. Had no problems at all entire pregnancy as well as during labour. Gave birth vaginally at 40 +1 weeks. Age is just a number. Eat healthy and take walk. I walked a lot almost 8k steps daily. You can start prenatal as soon as possible cos folic acid is very important.

Start taking your vitamins now. I am 38 and pregnant with our second. You know your body. Do the best you can now. Cut back on your caffeine and start getting in better eating habits. I started taking my vitamins once I found out and cut back on my caffeine intake. I walk daily as well. I would say I am doing much better with this pregnancy then my first, cause I know what to expect. CONGRATS

I think you’re fine at 35 but i would start taking prenatal vitamins now

I had two healthy babies.

Was 41 when I had my last. She is a joy

First of all you are not too old to have a baby it will be just fine and healthy you guys are in the prime of your life now a new baby will make everyone so happy they have a way that to do that you can take prenatal about vitamins anytime they never would hurt you put your mind at ease my dear and except this new thing that is coming to your house from having a baby

I was 38 when I had my last baby. It was the easiest of my 3 pregnancies, easiest recovery, had a healthy, beautiful 7lb, 8oz baby girl. I wouldn’t have traded this experience for anything. I was tested because of my age, but there was no indication of any problems. Wait for your appointment and let the doctor tell you if there is anything to worry about.

I’m 47 and my wife is 32. We had out youngest 2 years ago

I had my last at almost 36 and my husband was 57. Our son was perfectly fine. He is the tallest kid in his class, no health problems. I was more tired with him, but I also had a 2 and 4 year old. You’ll be fine. Congrats.

Yes I can tell you about experience I am 76 and raising a 5 year old and might as well except having her have took care of her ever since she was born so at 35 you should have no probably

First off,Congratulations!! Secondly, breathe lol yes you should be OK to wait to take prenatal vitamins until doc prescribes them…

The folic acid in prenatal vitamins is one of the most important nutrients for a developing baby especially in those first few weeks I’d start taking them asap just to be safe it helps prevent neural tube defects which are some of the first things that form.

It shouldn’t be a problem, just take care of yourself. My D_I_L_ was 40 when she had my grandson, he just turned 23.

I have two boys i. My 30s and one at 42 they are all fine

Absolutely! And by the way… you are not old yet😀Congratulations!

Had my second at 39. Healthy now 13.

I was 35 with my healthy son. His sisters were 18 and 15. Start vitamins now to prevent Spina bifida.

38 just had a baby 5 mo ths ago. I had GD but otherwise healthy pregnancy and baby!! :two_hearts:

I had my last baby at 44 he was 7lbs 4oz

Don’t wait on Prenatal vitamins. Your baby needs folic acid now. Brain development, neuro tubes, etcetc.

I was 34 when I had our son everything is great he is now 44

Got last born at 39,a sharp 13yrs old…was afraid , lmagined l was the oldest mummy