Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

My sister in law was 45 when she had her last one everything was fine

I had my 5th baby at 35. Everything was fine xx

My sister had her first and only pregnancy at 39. He is now 18, 6ā€™4" and full of life and smiles.

Oh donā€™t worry honey the baby will be healthy and perfect!

Also buy some prenatals at the store until you go to your first dr appointment and then you can ask for proscribed prenantals but you donā€™t have to you can just take the over the counter ones!

Your not to old. I was 33 with last child. All was ok. Yes take vitamins. Melaluca has the best

I was 42 with my youngest child and everything was okay

I had my 2nd at 40. She is perfect. :grin:

35 isnā€™t old, your pregnancy will be classed as geriatric but that doesnā€™t always mean health issues. You can have a very healthy baby full term. Also you donā€™t need to wait to see your Dr for prescription pre natal vitamins. You can buy them in the supermarkets or chemist. Look for one which includes folic acid. Any brand is also better than none, ask pharmacist for help. Happy baby growing.

Plenty of older women have healthy babies. Take prenatal vitamins now. You need the extra folic acid in those vitamins to avoid neural tube and spinal cord defect problems which can develop early in the pregnancy with low maternal folic acid levels. Extra vitamins will not hurt. Excess water soluble vitamins are quickly excreted out of your system, via the kidneys, when not needed by your body.

I had a healthy baby at 41

My mom had me at 40 :blush:

I was 37 when I had my last child. It was a walk in the park. Easy Peezy they did test to make sure. But I felt it was no different than the first one. I personally as a choice would take the prenatal vitamins soon thing later. Canā€™t hurt right.

Please consider antenatal vitamins and an iron supplement while you wait for your appointment. It canā€™t hurt you.

I had my first at 37 and my second was at 40. I had no issues. Now they are four and five years old. You will be ok and congratulations

I was thirty six with my bonus baby. Perfectly healthy. I would start the vitamins. It canā€™t hurt. Just buy over the counter.

I was 38 with my surprise/ shock lastā€¦perfect health. I wasnā€™t the best but he was fine.

Yes, I had My second child at 38.

I had my surprise baby at 41. My husband was 43. I did have an amniocentesis not that it would have changed anything

I had twins at 35 and another at 37. They are now all teenagers and we are all perfectly fine.
Itā€™s rough having kids when you are older but other than being a little extra creeky, you will be fine. Donā€™t worry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

pre-natal vitamins are ok to take before you are told to and if you absouluty need to see someone before your date you can always go to a walk in clinic or an er if you are that consered

Prenatal vitamins can be taken before they are prescribed.
In this day and age of Women getting an education and/or having careers, 35 is not so old.
Anxiety produces stress hormones like cortisol which circulate through your body in your bloodstream. Studies have shown that these hormones possibly affect fetal brain development. You might benefit from some maternity yoga classes and/or meditation. You can learn to meditate at home with YouTube or an ap or a dvd, and itā€™s fun too. This is a beautiful adventure, donā€™t let it be dampened by fear.

The lead in ā€œOutlanders ā€œ just had a baby boy at 42. Both healthy

Relax and enjoy the ride. No alcohol and no smoking. Follow doctor orders. Prenatal vitamins good idea! What a gift!

I had twin boys at 45 my husband was 48 that was almost 13 yrs ago :blue_heart::blue_heart:

I had my first at 35 and just had my second at 42. Both were super healthy. And like the others have mentioned they will tell you all the issues that can happen because of your age. But just stay positive. Itā€™s all gonna be amazing :heart:

Start prenatal vitamins if you choose to.

Take your prenatal vitamins now, necessary for early neural development.

I had my seventh baby at 37. Mu husband was 43. All went fine

Sincerely do the pre testing for normalcy. I had a late baby. Turned out just fine.

I had my 6th at age 37 and my 7th & last at 42. Never a regret however your priorities are likely to change & for the good.

i was 35, husband 46 with our last and it turned out fine.

Had my only child at 37 all good

I had my first and only child at 34. You will be fine. Take your vitamins though now.

Gods gift!!! Trust in HIM :heart::pray:t2:

I was 34 and my husband was 42. No problems.

I had my first child at 35 .
No problems. Take the vitamins.

Please Calm Down Many Ladies your age have heathy Babies you are not old 35 is rather a good age really

I had my 4th son at 35, heā€™s now going on 23 this December. All my children were born with no problems, in fact, my 3rd so I didnā€™t go to a dr until he was just about to come out, because I had 2 other children and I had a husband who was beating me, so I had to work nights while my children slept then the husband would work days and I had to make sure things were right around the house because I would get beaten if they werenā€™t, then take care of the kids and do everything. So it was a surprise to know it was a boy again, and then when I had my 4th son with my 2nd husband we were told he was going to be a girl all 9 months, until he came out and the dr said oops, its a BOY. I was so happy I knew how to raise them, I was scared of girls

Please take your prenatal vitamins, donā€™t need them prescribed. You can just buy them at your nearest grocery store. Prenatal are recommended to be taken by any woman of childbearing age. It helps development of the fetus in the first 8 weeks which is critical for organ, brain, and spine formation.

Had my 5th at 36 my man was 42 the kids are fine. Your not old lol

I was 37 with my first and 44 with my second and neither pregnancies were considered high risk. You donā€™t need a prescription for vitamins. Relax, take care of yourself, keep active and enjoy the experience. I worked through both and dealt with morning sickness by sucking on salted peanuts then tossing the nuts. Who needs all that fat but the salt worked great!!

You will. Be just fine. Stop stressing and enjoy your pregnancy.:two_hearts:

I was 38 when I had my last child

Take the vitamins they have over the counter ones the pills usually prescribed by the doctor I learned with four kids I like the over the counter ones

Praying :pray::pray::shamrock::rose::eagle::seedling::heavy_heart_exclamation: for you and baby :baby_bottle::heart:

35 isnā€™t old and yes start taking vitamins

A complete surprise at 40 to find I was pregnant. My first at 28 I had problems. In better health at 40. No problems. Just listen to your doctor. And use your commen sense.

I had a daughter at 38 years old. She graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse.

I was 39 he was healthy is now 30 never had any health problems for him or me. Kept me young.

35 is the new 25. Youā€™ll be just fine. Make sure you get prenatal care for you and the baby. My mom had me at 40, that was 43 years ago, before all the technology and medical advancements Xo!!!

I thought Iā€™m old at42 I need a child

Thatā€™s how old my parents were!

You are still young!! People live up to 100 nowadays so your age is the old 25 :v:

Had my daughter at 32. No issues at all. Shes 24 now.

Call your OB doctor Iā€™m sure it will not be a problem if you take prenatal vitamins as directed on the label if youā€™re worried a phone call will solve your problem with that

Congratulations to you both what a joy you will have just so much enjoyment, fun n all the above with this healthy bub. Get you tests n required investigations done to settle your concerns if all good you will be fine 35 isnā€™t old you just feel that way because families start at such a young age now. Do share all your future good news.

Get prenatal vitamins asap

You are still young enough!! Donā€™t worry!

Donā€™t worry mama, everything will be fine.

Take your prenatal now, itā€™s crucial in the early months, more so than later. Im a former labor and delivery nurse!

You should be okay, but talk to your doctor.

Go get the prenatal gummies until you can get into the doctor.

You can get over the counter prenatal vits until you get in to the dr if you are worried.

Quit worrying! You are not old. It is a unexpected gift. Will keep you young!

Call your doctor and get a script ahead of time. You need folic acid.

Jā€™ai eu mon dernier Ć  42 ans et le papa avait 44 mon petit a 9 ans il pĆØte la forme ā€¦courage pour la suite

Recommend prenatal vitamins / donā€™t wait until Dr appointment
I had my first at 26 and 2nd at 42 all healthy and labours where short

Start a good multivitamin- go to the drugstore& talk to the pharmacy & tell them your story & they will recommend one! No smoking no alcohol

35 years ati older? Is this a joke?

That is young in tbis day and age to have a bady

I had a baby at 33 and was just fine. My sister had a baby at 35 and she had a great pregnancy. My mom had twins at 37. Every pregnancy is different. Just eat healthy, exercise and drink plenty of water. Keep up with your visit as well. Iā€™m praying you have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

My mom was 35 when she had me and my dad was 44 I was perfectly fine :two_hearts: my friend is in her 40s and just had a baby it will all be okay :two_hearts:

My mom and dad had my sister when they were 34&36. My mom said my little sister kept them young, so enjoy your new little one!

I was 41 with my last baby, she was healthy and is 27 now.

35 isnā€™t that old. But they will consider you high risk. That just mean you get lots of scans and extra attention. I had my 2nd at 37ā€¦ Its my experience that we are better parents at this age. I had my first at 21 and raising my 2nd know there is so much I did wrong when I was young.

Itā€™s best to start prenatal vitamins asapā€¦

My mom and my aunt were both in their mid 40s when they had their last child. No issues.

My neighbor and good friend and her husband had their last child at 40 and regret it! They said while they had their first 2 in their early 20s. They were looking forward to being together and explore the world. Youngest is now in college and they are stuck whipping a but and running nose. So Iā€™m so glad I am not my neighbor. They said they will be the almost 60 when their youngest goes to college or moves out and they will be mistaken for grandparents not the childā€™s parents. Their oldest 2 will get married and have children and they will become grandparents while they still raising a child of their own. :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Take the vitamins. Birth defects can be related to low folic acid levels

Stop worrying as I had my first baby at 37 years old and she came out fine and healthy. Your baby can feel your tension so please try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. I also know many women that had babies well into there 40ā€™s to you shouldnā€™t feel bad. Yes take your vitamins and folic acid as normal. My daughter weighed a healthy 8pds 3 ounces.

My mom was 33 & my dad was almost 40 when I was born. Iā€™m now 30 years old with one daughter & a son on the way. :heart: I was actually my momā€™s first (& only) child that she carried. I was a healthy, yet large baby lol

You can buy prenatal vitamins over the counter and I would start taking the. As soon as you can. You donā€™t have to wait for the doctor to prescribe them. My last baby was a surprise and I got pregnant with her at 37ā€¦ she was/ is happy and healthy and will be 4 in January :heart:. Started preschool a month ago and she is doing great :grin:

I had 2 babies in my 30s. My oldest at 34 and my youngest at 37. Both healthy babies. Now theyā€™re grown with babies of their own.

35 is not old. Your baby will be fine. I had my daughter at 33 and it was a great pregnancy

Millions of healthy babies are born to women over 35. Enjoy this wonderful surprise blessing.

Had my kids at 39 and 40 they are perfect

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Youā€™re going to be fine, 35 is perfectly fine and men can father children well into their 70ā€™s.

I was 45 when I had my last baby boy

I had my son at 37 and he is just fine.

Iā€™m 63 now and may bunso is 23 nowā€¦ di ba 40 edad ko ng ipinanganak ko sya? He is talented,he can drive,he can print,develop ID.pic, nkpgtpos na sya sa collegeā€¦Di lng sya nging pari which is my dream
Him to beā€¦heheā€¦
Have strong faith in God
He will give you a.healthy childā€¦

I was 38. I had gestational diabeties , but also did 10 years earlier with my next oldest. I went into labor 6 times from 6 months to 37 weeks. They held her off until the 37 week mark. I did have high blood pressure, but she was totally healthy at 7.5 pounds!!

Who daddy he got to help alot

32 and my husband is 44. Our baby is 4 months old and healthy.

Last 2 one at 41 one at 42.

Take your prenatals. They are sold over the counter.

What kind of question is this one? At just 35 and you are talking as if you are 70 years.

I had my daughter 2 months shy of my 38th birthday and my son when I was 42. Happily they were pretty easy births and they thrived. They are now 25 and 21 and the best things in my life. Try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. X


Had my last one at 38.

I gave birth to my last daughter i was 37. I danced right through my pregnancy. My water broke at 10 o clock pm. She popped out at 10 35 pm. It was a home birth. We are the best of friend. I was so emotionally healed and in such a great space when i decided to have her.:heart::heart:

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I had my son at 40. Healthy, happy baby boy. If they consider 35 advanced maternal age anymore, it just means youā€™ll be fortunate enough to have Drs. paying even closer attention. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! <3