Opinions on the name Bundy

Please don’t do that to your kid.

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Wth does alcohol have to do this this? :expressionless: It’s concerning you’re having child.

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Ted Bundy is like the most famous serial killer. You’ll never get away from it.


Plz reconsider. Sorry. It’s like people with last name balls and name the kid Harry. Sorry not trying to be rude

Peg and Al Bundy from married with children tv show - my kids 25/27 wouldn’t know who Ted Bundy even was .

Nooooo. Don’t do this to your child. They will hate you for it


It’s your kid! Who cares what others think! If you like it, then do it.

Honestly thought of Ted bundy as soon as I seen bundy. It don’t mean your child will be a serial killer and you’re naming him after him. Now if you were giving him Ted bundy then maybe I’d say you were trying to name him after him. But bundy was his last name, not first. Do what you want. Besides he can always have a nickname he goes by. :woman_shrugging:

Can you explain why you love the name? Maybe that would help people be more okay with it. Can’t change the stigma of the name if no one else ever gets the name either.

If you want him to hate you later in life then go for it. Whether or not you’ve “heard of Ted Bundy” doesn’t matter, other people know who he was and he was AWFUL. That or he’ll get Married With Children references for his entire life. Why not name him Brady instead?


Bundy would’ve been an okay name years ago before Ted, but I just see this going a bad way for your child. Kids are very mean and will bully him over a name.

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How have you never heard of Ted bundy? :woozy_face:

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I think of two people

Al Bundy and Ted Bundy….neither are good images


Omg :rofl: please dont. Your kid will never hear the end of necrophilia jokes

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Name him a different name & use Bundy for a nickname. I don’t want to see your child get bullied. I’m only thinking of them. Kids & older adults can be so mean sometimes


I did a paper on him when I was in college…
DONT DO IT. Please

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I’m sorry maybe I misunderstood but Is she saying she’s considering the name Alcohol as well as Bundy? Both names are an absolute no! Why not a normal name :joy::woman_shrugging:


Do what u want it’s your baby your choice but think about baby do u think he’d love that name?? Lol :blush:

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Why not Dahmer? :rofl: in all seriousness, please dont


Maybe do some research about the name see why everyone is telling you no…But your kids will be teased his whole life …

I wouldn’t … But it’s not my child …

Al Bundy, Ted Bundy. Idk if those are names I’d want my kid to be associated with, almost makes it too easy for other kids to tease…

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I never even considered Ted Bundy. I thought of AL Bundy

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What about have buddy as a nickname and have his legal name as something else.

Don’t put your child through that all their LIFE.

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I must admit my first thought was Ted Bundy the serial killer there is a good chance your kid will get bullied if you call him that

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I hope this is a joke lol please do not name your child that.


Its a terrible name. Name him Ted. Or something… anything but bundy. Its awful.

It’s your baby, name it whatever you want. Fuck what others think :woman_shrugging:

Save that name for a pet.

Nooooooo don’t do it

Bundy is a terrible first name…


First thing I thought of was Al Buddy of Married with children and I think he is quite hilarious lol


Name yourself Bundy and see how that works out for you


You cant be serious :woman_facepalming:t2:

I definitely think Ted Bundy


You should have got a dog or a pet turtle, instead of getting knocked up.

Why does anyone’s opinion matter??? It’s fine to consider it but your life is yours. There are plenty of bundys who are not serial killers. One of my favorite shows was married with children. Not a serial killer in the bunch!!! Life is too short to live for other people. Do what makes you smile. Those that matter won’t mind and those that mind don’t matter. Stay blessed doll :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart::heart:

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Yes I would always think Ted Bundy, the killer. Most people would.


Personally, I am a serious fan of true crime and the Ted Bundy case is super fascinating to me. I would possibly consider naming my child that. However, I know that not everyone thinks like I do (:joy:)
I would honestly advise against it. Think of the possible repercussions in the long run and how it may affect your child as they’re grow up.

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Just think will my child get bullied for this name! Just because u like it don’t mean in years to come they will I love plenty of names but for the sake of my child would never burden them with those names

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So, I named my youngest Theodore, Theo for short.

I’ve had people make comments even tho there is literally no relation other than a first name. I like the name Bundy, it would be really cute for a boy, but people can be openly stupid without knowing they’re assholes about it.

:flushed::grimacing: really bundy? Im sorry that is a horrible name. I would not want my sweat child named after an absolute monster. You to watch a video on bundy. I hope it would change your mind.

No way!!!
That’s the first thing I think of is the killer’s name

Your child is the one who will suffer, people will laugh and poke fun , and that’s not fair to them. Please re consider.

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No it makes no sense choose another

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Even without the serial killer reference, I do not like that name at all.

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We used the name Daytona and are by no means Nascar or Florida fans… we just thought it was unique.

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I know plenty of men named Charles and Charles Manson was a vicious murderer so do what makes you happy! My great nephews name is Damian and that movie scared me to death!

Lol I was thinking about Al Bundy when I saw Bundy. :joy: But yea…Not a name I care for but it’s your choice period.


If you like it, you like it. However, if people are already pointing these things out to you, things that are very negative, it may be that you need to consider the ramifications the name would have on your child. I do not believe in letting other people dictate what you name your baby, but in this case, please think about how your child will be treated.

This is what I immediately think of lol but don’t take my opinion to heart. My son’s name is Gander (boy goose) it’s your kid, you do you.

Nope, still Ted Bundy or doofus Al Bundy. :woman_shrugging:

Youre not gonna get away from the ted bundy jokes ever so its a terrible idea tbh

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Name YOUR baby what YOU want! Others opinions don’t matter😉


I mean I don’t find it weird to name your child this. But you can not tell me you ain’t never heard of Ted Bundy! You living under a rock??


Your child. If you like the name Bundy, name him Bundy. Everyone has an opinion but in the end You’re having the child, not them.

Your kid will have a harder schy life with that name. So if getting bullied, picked on & made fun of is what you want for your child then, Bundy it up. (Horrible name, unlucky af)


They will be called bunz- in a vulgar way.

This is all I think of :rofl:


All I think about is Al Bundy from married with children. In any case Bundy is not a name that would indicate good feels with anyone unfortunately


So many people name their kids things like “Olivia” “Felix” and all sorts of horrid ugly names. If you like the name then you name that baby Bundy and make sure he rocks it with Al the confidence in the world.

Well got the name ‘Peter’ that never :grin:generated any comments growing up.

Do whatever you want! I want to name my girl Manson and call her manny but get told this all the time lol

the minute I saw the name all I could think of was the serial killer


Not a fan honestly. :confused: I think there are too many negative associations with the name to use it for a child.

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Im sorry but Bundy is just settng your kid up to be teased


I think when choosing names for children that what “we” as parents want for a name can turn pretty selfish. Everyone should really consider how names will impact that child’s life from every aspect.

Kids are kids and will bully even with a “normal” name but I certainly wouldn’t be making it any easier :woman_shrugging:t2:

Bundy has way too many negative associations. So while you may be set on it; what happens when your child grows and realizes what a terrible person also shared that name…


Nope. There are so many other fabulous names.

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Do what you want. I love the name Elvis but people obviously associate it with the singer.

Look up Ted Bundy then see if you want people to think of him every time your kid introduces himself to someone…yeah sure other people’s opinions don’t matter to you. But that won’t stop other people from bringing it up to him his whole entire life. Think of him in a job interview and he introduced himself as Bundy.

If you you end up naming him that at least give him a good middle name he can decide to go by later on in life.


It’s your kid. Personally I don’t like it. But again, it’s your kid. You do you.

Name your child whatever you want. i named my daughter Aileen after serial killer prostitute. It’s a name and it won’t define them.

What does alcohol have to do with it? :unamused:


It’s your LO - so you decide to name your little one whatever you want. If you don’t want to ever hear any backlash about a name you choose, don’t share it with anyone. Then they can’t complain too much when baby is already named! We are doing that with our next little one :wink:

I personally wouldn’t name my child Bundy because I don’t want my child growing up and having any negative association with their name to someone who kidnapped, raped, and murdered women (or even just people in general).

Nope. Please no. For the child’s sake. If you like it that much, get a pet and name it Bundy but not a kid.


No no no, if.you refer to someone as a bundy it means they are stupid

Some names are just too taboo to use and you have to accept that. Bundy was a serial killer known through out the world and you won’t escape that fact, your child will be teased and will hate his name.


Al Bundy or Ted Bundy is all I can think of


Just expect your child to change it when he is older. We have 6 boys and so far 2 have changed their names…not legally but preferred to be called. And they were normal names. I have always given our children a name I truly love plus a “normal” name they can fall back on if they want.

No, just no. Don’t do that to your child.


Since you are asking, I don’t like it. Reminds me of Ted Bundy- confessed to killing 30 people, confirmed at least 20. It also makes me think of those small Australian trees too. Give your kid a cool name, Bundy isn’t cool.

Don’ name your Child that! No names their child Hitler!

Who cares what people think. Name your baby whatever you want…

Absolutely not. Maybe buddy instead?

I think it’s cute! Maybe people should teach their kids to not be twats. I have a friend we call that and it has nothing to do with the parents above allowing and teaching their kids it’s okay to make fun of people because of a name.

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Please don’t put that sordid name on your baby! Please research bundy,you will see why!

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Is this a serious question


Serial killer was first thought and married with children show…last name is Bundy. I can’t judge u on it. So what u want. But research the name. I named my child after a god known for strength and survival (almost lost him several times in pregnancy) and when I announced the name I got made fun of as it sounded black. And that it was after a cleaning chemical. And I dont need to defend my choice to anyone but I did my research so I could cramp it down peoples throat.

Watch the Ted Bundy tapes on Netflix. He was a serial killer in the 70s and killed many women

The first thought that comes to mind is Ted Bundy. He is a very infamous serial killer.


I named a pet rabbit Bundy. Wouldn’t call my kid it though.

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Your child, name it what you like.

As a fun nickname? My son Benjamin has Benben, Benjio, Banjo, Bean, Beanie, and Bunny nicknames and his friends started calling him Benathen. Bundy itself is cute but I wouldn’t burden a kid with a name that carries a lot of negative first impressions.


You’ve never heard of Ted Bundy?


I wouldn’t do that to my child, personally! It’s your child, your choice but your child has to live with the consequences of your choice. Yes, in an ideal world people wouldn’t be A’holes and pick on anyone for anything but we do not live in that world yet!


Look up the name Ted Bundy. Plenty of documentaries and stories done on him.


You have no idea who Ted Bundy is…? How is that even possible lol? He is one of, if not THE most, prolific serial killers EVER in the US…

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Even if you haven’t heard of these things, you obviously know they exist or you wouldn’t mention them. Why burden a child with the name of something so horrendous, just because you like it. Think of the child first, that’s the whole point of parenting… this child will be an independent person one day and it won’t be about you then.


Bundy is not a name.

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