Coming from someone who’s not religious… I believe everyone has a purpose in this life. If raising this baby isn’t meant for you or your family, please give them a chance at this life with someone else. Abortion is horrific and I would never encourage a woman to do it. Your body, your future and your health and mental health deserve better than that. You and your beautiful body is meant I bring beautiful people into the worked but I would also never judge her for doing it either. I don’t walk in her shoes. Whatever you choose, choose wisely something you can live with and that won’t bring you pain in your future. Whatever that may be. You will love this baby, you’ll see. Just the same as you do your others. Minor adjustments and everything will get itself on track. You got this girl. Good luck to you, you will make the right decision for you
Yes momma I was right where u are about a yr ago. Single mom.of 4 and was on birth control and found out I was prego with number 5 i did not want another and he did not want another. Me personally…cld not do an abortion…your choice but I cld not. I talked about adoption. I had 4 and he had 2…so 6 total. Knew adoption would make another family happy. He did not want to do adoption…knowing one of his kids was out in the world not knowing if they were tking care of. Fast forward…we have bought a house together and she was born at 33 weeks. Went through nicu stay as we were moving. Was so hard!!! The other kids are great with her and help out so much. Still crazy here and trying to get use to nights taking care of a baby. Went through entire pregnancy up and down mentally. Was stuck in hospital for preterm labor cpl times…was on meds and had to be put on diff anxiety meds. Feeding her now as typing this. If you need a friend to talk to I am here anytime. Picture of my girls holding baby
Decision is yours truly! Tough one all around. I had my fourth and I cried when I found out I was pregnant. It wasn’t what I wanted and that’s okay to feel that way.
If choose to add baby 4. It will be okay! You can ask for local help to get things you need. Come up with plans to do self care. Yiu are important too.
Have your support help you. If you have older kids they can hold or watch baby while you shower.
I have asked my kids to hang out in the living room with younger siblings for 30 minutes while I fold a basket of clothes by myself. Keep in mind you need time too.
It isn’t so bad now. My youngest is 18 months and my tubes are tied. My oldest is 14 so quite the age range. I don’t regret my decision and love my baby so much. Wouldn’t change it now. I also never wanted 4 kids in my life
Life is harder but we are still chugging along.
I would start by finding out how far along you are, Then educate yourself. Learn what each option entails. Each option comes with both mental and physical stressors. Think about which ones you feel like you’ll be able to go through. Only you know what you can physically and mentally handle. From there I would make your decision, and surround yourself with good support.
1 take time to breathe . And take time to think and way out all your options. There’s options out there . And give yourself time and think about what would be best option for you . Just like others have said there’s a option of adoption. And give someone a special gift of a baby who can’t have children. But it’s up to you and your decision. Just take time and don’t do nothing in haste and make sure whatever you decide it’s what you want . And what’s best for you . You may right now just be scared . Right now . I only have two children. And I was only gonna have 1 was set just on 1 . And I getting up there in age also so I figured my baby making days we’re definitely over . Well at 39 I got pregnant. And I literally freaked was scared . Had all kinds of thoughts . Running in my head . Was thinking this isn’t fair to baby have a old mother . Thinking I can’t do this . Wasn’t financially stable nothing. And I thought about adoption. Or giving my baby to family . Anyways I gave myself time to think . And I realized I want to keep my baby . I was just terrified. So at 40 I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. Who is now 3 and I wouldn’t change it for nothing she’s my world and my little angel . So just take time and make sure you know exactly what you want . And make decisions based of what you want .
No one ever regrets having a child, but plenty of women never regret having an abortion either. Do what is best and right for you and for your family, don’t be bullied into the choice either way. It may help to discuss with a neutral third party like a counselor. Good luck sweet momma!!
You know what causes pregnancy. If you knew you didn’t want anymore than you should have been careful not to get pregnant.
Abortion??? Don’t spread your legs if you can’t handle another kid
If you don’t want to have a 4th child don’t. I have a family member who didn’t want their last child. And it is obvious to anyone who knows them. They don’t abuse or neglect the kid but they definitely don’t treat them the same. There are solutions to your problem. Terminate the pregnancy. It’s none of anyone’s business except yours. Don’t bring an unwanted child into this world. Also it’s perfectly OKAY to know that you can’t handle anymore children. You matter and so does your mental health.
If you want to have an abortion but can’t afford it and need another option, there is a way you can get the pill for an extremely reduced cost if you want to message me
You need to have a long discussion with the father. You need to decide for you. Talk to your doctor about your options.
I wish you peace of mind for whatever you choose to do. Either way, it will be a difficult decision.
Talk to a doctor and do what is best for yourself and your family.
if you really don’t want anymore kids, their are permanent options. Don’t make any decisions while you are feeling this way… We all have our moments. An abortion is permanent… You can’t take it back… You have to be 100%sure of you’re decision.
Do what you feel is right. Weigh the options. It’s your body and your life. I definitely wasn’t mentally, physically or emotionally ready for my 4th but I am so thankful for her every day! She brought peace to my life. Things usually work out for the best. Just know that you’re stronger than you think!
This must be such a shock. Hold tight you’ll be fine and have no regrets. Family and friends will understand and help out more. Hugs
I’ve never been in your position, but have you thought about giving the baby up for adoption? There are so many couples that can’t have children.
Maybe there is someone out there who would love to have a baby but can’t so maybe they could adopt your baby. Just something for you to think about.
I just had my 4th child and I’m about to be 40 years old I thought all the same things but chose to have my lil girl and wouldn’t change it for the world but I well say My other 3 kids are a lot older and this baby’s dad isn’t the greatest of guys which is why I had thought about the same things but the choice is yours and only yours do what’s best for u
Hopefully you don’t live in Texas. They’ve stripped that right from under you.
I’m definitely pro choice but I do feel like most women have abortions when they feel they have no choice. Talk about both sides with qualified people. Dr’s., Counselors and qualified professionals. Then your choice will become clear and what you can live with. I consulted with a prolife Dr and a Dr that performs abortions to help make my decision.
Adoption not abortion there’s alot of women who can’t get pregnant and they rely on adoptions but thats just my opinion
All pregnancies are different. You may have gone through a few rough ones, but you just don’t know how this pregnancy will be. In my opinion keep the baby, thats your other kiddos brother or sister. Babies bring blessings. Two of my kiddos came with financial blessings. I’m not kidding once I found out I was pregnant finances started pouring in. May this baby bring you joy, happiness, and many many blessings.
I was a single mom of 3 kids and got pregnant with my 4th and she became my saving grace. Hang in there and have time to process your emotions and options!
I dont believe abortion is the way to go. We cant rely on our own feelings because they lead us on the wrong path sometimes. Do in your heart what you believe to be morally right and true. All things will work together for your good!
The lord will be with. Trust in Jesus.
You have to do what’s best for you. Our 4th was a surprise. Still call her my little pill baby lol. She’s 14 now and I’m so glad I have her. Good luck momma.
1st I pray you aren’t in Texas right now. There is a war on rights of women here.
2nd I am a mom that had the same problem. I chose to place my child in an open adoption. I would be happy to talk, zero judgement or pressure. Just message me.
If you ARE in Texas & want to consider all your options, with a counselor with zero pressure or judgement, connect with Abrazo Adoption Associates. They are amazing.
Adoption is also an option. For me I don’t want to be pregnant again but if it happens it happens. That baby would be just as much my child as my 3 other kiddos. I had conditions last pregnancy that have a greater chance of happening again. However my husband and I talk about adopting or fostering to adopt. There are families out there that want to to adopt, either open or closed adoptions. If it were me in this position (even tight financials rn). I have come to find out that things find a way of working itself out. Wish you luck happiness and healing. I would think about getting an impartial listener To help guide you
Always do what your heart tells you to do and talk to people maybe a close family member or friend. I went through this as well and decided to keep my baby knowing that I didn’t know how I was going to do it and it worked out. I sat on the phone crying for hours with my grandmother and she said you CAN do this if you want to. She is a blessing today I
You do what you want. You have to search your soul. I am a sibling of 14 kids so I know it can be done. I had a great life. You will do what is right for you. God bless you
It happened to me too and he is the little blessing that I never knew I needed until I held him in my arms. Best of luck.
I wasn’t happy when I found out I was and I just knew I couldn’t do it however god made a way and made it work
I BELIEVE IN GOD!! PRAY to GOD! He has the answers! DON’T GIVE UP SO EASILY! LIKE you said you’re feeling overwhelmed! GOD WILL LEAD YOU! JUST TRUST & BELIEVE IN THE LORD!! PRAYING FOR YOU!!
I felt this was with 5th child (I was on birth control when she was conceived my son was supposed to be our last) I didn’t want her at all and I was worried about having 5 kids and felt like it would be impossible to raise 5 kids. But let me tell you she was my best accident ever. That little girl is my best friend and my princess.
I’m with so many others here. Where there’s a will there’s a way! Please seriously consider adoption. The baby didn’t have a choice u did. I understand emotions can run high when pregnant and u feel there is no way u can cope, this is when talking 2 those who care and love u the most come in. If u feel they won’t be of any help please seek counseling. No matter what u do someone will always have something negative 2 say and u will always think well what if I had gone the other way? Life isn’t easy never has been never will be but have a lil faith and let things work themselves out. I hope u can come 2 a decision that’s right 4 u In a timely manner before its 2 late. Good luck. All babies are a blessing the question is are u going 2 let it be yours or give someone else that chance? Or just deny anyone all together?
Im pro choice…
At the end of the day its your decision, talk to your OB, if you can talk to your partner… weigh up your options…
Hope your okay don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for your choice, what ever that may be xx
Spend some time really thinking and praying (if that’s something you do)… would adoption be something you’d consider? So many couples cannot conceive and would be willing to pay/support you until you give birth. Abortion doesn’t have to be your only option. Knowing that you’re carrying a child to then give/bless another family with, can ease your mental health- you won’t be stressed out trying to figure out how to provide for a child or any of that.
I had my 4th and to b honest I cdnt imagine life without her now yeah she’s a diva going thru the terrible 2s but she’s my wee best friend if u do have an abortion it mite b the biggest mistake of ur life think long and hard on this uve managed with 3 so far this 1 cud b the 1 to complete u x
I have 5 children none of them were planned some days its easy some days are hard but do whats right for you and ur family
You have 3 kids already and I know that is very busy and exhausting. But there are other things that you can do. There are thousands of living couples that can’t have children that would love to adopt a child. They would even help and support you while your pregnant. You have to decide what you want to do. But don’t rule out giving a couple a chance to love life to love your child
If you want to on me, I’m happy to tell you my story and get you connected to a helpful group. I don’t want to post details here because trolls are awful. My is with you!
Adoption is an option
I felt that way with number four then he died when he was two I’d give anything to have that circus back again
Yes a lot of OBs can give you that pill but you have to be pretty early. You can also get a “regular” abortion. It’s your choice and your right to make that choice. I just encourage you not to make a decision in this mindset. Go talk to an OB. Talk to a clinic where abortions are provided. Get all the education, get your thoughts right and then make the decision.
You got this momma. Even though it feels overwhelming babies are always a blesding. Ask for help from family friends community church other mothers etc.
Murder that’s selfish after having three kids why don’t u set the child of for adoption
They are many people out there who can’t have kids and desperately want them. Put it up for adoption
I’m also pregnant with a surprise fourth. After a while all the worries and panicky feelings go away.
God won’t give you anything you can’t handle… It was meant for you to have that baby please take it as a blessing… God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers!
somebody would love to have the child🙏
Yep. I didnt want my 4th. My marriage had gone to crap and I just didnt want to be pregnant. Didnt even want to go to the doctor. Then about 5 weeks I started cramping and bleeding. I went to the hospital. They did a sonogram and let me hear the heartbeat. I got put in a room where a very serious doctor walked in and said" you’re gonna lose this one". Mind you my 3rd child was only 5 months old. I was suddenly mortified that this child was going to die. I got in touch with my morality quickly. I went home and just waited and it never happened. I went back to the regular doctor and they said you’re still pregnant. It was a tiring pregnancy. I had gestational diabetes. I couldn’t take care of my other kids. I was a wreck. She was 2 weeks late and a very scary labor. She was born clinically dead and they brought her back with the paddles. The doctor pointed out a total of 3 separations where she detached from my uterus but at some point was too big for it to matter and she reattached. She was my smallest cutest baby. She is now 28 and she breaks my heart more than she knows and I wouldnt trade her for anything. This is just my story but thought I’d share.
Plz, no abortion. God will help you if you call on him in the day of your trouble. Plz understand you do not do this alone. Ask for help. Start with church, family, then friends. Your baby needs to know he’s ( she’s) wanted. Stop the drama, confess how able you are. We all care about your success. One day at a time, you’ll be fine. Stop obsessing. God bless you and send the right people at the right time into your story. You lose the pride and receive the help. You’ll be fine. Keep going. Cry it out then write it out. Write your baby a letter and tell him her how you feel. Crunch it up and throw it in top cupboard and keep it there til after the birth some day. It might surprise you. Keep moving forward with your life.
I had a horrible birth with my first baby and almost died. I want another so bad but am so scared. I would love if you reach out to me to speak about options. I would love to adopt a baby. There is many options. Go to a pregnancy center and talk to someone about your options. Give it a couple days to really think about it.
When I first met my husband after just going through a custody battle for my younger children, there’s no way I wanted any more kids, even if it was with the man I loved. So when I found out I was pregnant a few months after we were engaged, I was shocked and scared and sad.
He was happy and all I could do was cry. I already had 3 kids and my stepson made 4. So it was my 3rd pregnancy, 4th child by birth and 5th child in our family.
After a few weeks things started to feel better though. And after a month or so I was excited for the baby.
That baby is now 8 and has added so much joy to all of our lives that I can’t believe I wasn’t happy when I first found out about him.
Changing our plans and goals can be hard and shocking… but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible or that it won’t have a good outcome.
My surprise 4th was also overwhelming however she is just what I needed and wouldn’t change a thing. No baby is a mistake. Mine are 18,16,12,and now 4…you can do it mama. I’m doing it single,if I can so can you. Everything works out the way it’s supposed to. Much love and strength sent your way
Since no one else said it, yes there are multiple options. You can talk to your ob about abortion. They can and will give you the pill if needed and wanted. They won’t ask you any questions about it either if you are sure you do not want the fetus. Now if you do, there are always options. Open adoption, regular adoption and abortion as I mentioned. Do not feel bad about not wanting a 4th child. Being a parent is overwhelming. What ever option you choose, it’s gonna be okay! Sounds like you have made your mind up. So go talk to either your ob or even a clinic.
I was 28 married and mother of two beautiful children! I had to have back surgery! It all went well and I got off my birth control pills because they made me crazy! Famous last words to my ob dr! We will be careful! I got sick one morning!!! I called the other dr that I had gotten diet pills from and ask if they would make me sick and they laughed at me! So I called to make a appointment to get my tubes tied. Yup! 4 weeks too late! My husband didn’t speak to me for a week!! I was going thru the sickness and was like you! The thought did cross my mind to abort!! Fast forward to 8 month appointment and I tell the dr that something was different!! I felt like I was ready to deliver!! So in comes the ultra sound appointment. Yup! TWINS! Go home go to bed for 4 weeks!! I delivered beautiful full term boy/girl twins. I could not understand how God could put such a load on me! Fast forward to date I have 4 wonderful kids with 16 grandblessings and 1 great grandblessing! Each of my children have a wonderful place in my life! I could never do without any of the four! Each one very special to me! Actually this year my twin son got a surprise set of boy/girl twins also! As for the world that your baby will come into, God must need warriors for his plans! Strong men and women to care for his world! There are so many worse things than bringing new life into your family! Hang in there Mom God has big big plans for your life! Mother Mary must have had some of our same thoughts! I am praying for you!!
Just know these over whelming feelings do pass. You may feel like you cannot do this. 4 is not much difference then 3. Babies are blessings. I also respect everybody’s decisions also. I felt like this just so overwhelmed finding out about another one. But everything always works out in the end. Women make it through every time. We’re solid like that remember.
My door is always open! Please leave your child with someone who will love them !!
so remember life is tricky and an illusion so counter those illustions with the opposite thought, if your feeling you cant, know that you can, in check those feelings, this baby is your savior, this baby is the one you’ve been waiting for and just didnt know it, this baby will be a breeze for you you are a pro, this baby is special and believe me the thoughts your having are just that thoughts and no more, your amazing and a mother of 3 your unstoppable and when its time you will know exactly how to feel and the love for this baby will come overwhelmingly fast and hard, you will do great, just believe in yourself and your precious little one, sent to you for a reason and remember children grow so fast it doesnt seem like it but time really does fly use you imagination to program yourself to believe that this is your little hero put in you life to do a miracle one day! You will do great, you are great your a mom! Si many times in life we will find its the things we think we dont want that bring us to most joy and teach us that we are sometimes way off base with our thoughts at least for me its been a lesson I have learned more that once.
How about not having a panic attack and realizing you’re a great mother and you will be just fine if you have a fourth child. You were probably scared with each one for a different reason and you’re “overwhelmed “ so take a deep breath and relax and decide what’s best tomorrow for you.
All these, I didn’t want baby #4, #5 and so on, have none of y’all learned what causes this. There is options before this happens, it’s called getting fixed (tubes tied). There is also a thing called birth control, don’t do the deed until you have one of the above in place. It’s really easy. The (baby) didn’t ask for you to be irresponsible when you clearly knew before had you didn’t want another.
Oh dear, you do sound overwhelmed & maybe you haven’t had time to think it all out (“just panic” mode?) BUT there is help! Do you have family? Church family? Can you call a crisis pregnancy center? They offer emotional, & support in practical stuff. Check out: SHE FOUND GRACE. They are an amazing group of women who’ve been there, done that! You could give the baby up for adoption. Our son’s birth mom let us adopt him because she knew she couldn’t take care of him by herself. It’s an open adoption. Now read Psalm 139 especially verses 13-24. Read it over & over until you have peace, until your heart knows this tiny life inside your womb is not a mistake. If you were near me I’d try in every way to be supportive & helpful in every way possible!!! Ask GOD TO HELP YOU, HE CARES! I SEND YOU LOVE, & HOPE & PEACE & JOY! YOU CAN DO THIS! HUGS
I’ve felt crazy overwhelmed this pregnancy as well!!! This is my 4th pregnancy in addition. We have 3 with us at home my 6yr old step daughter, my 5 year old soon to be 6 year old daughter and our 3 year old daughter. We lost our son May 2020 I was 27 weeks pregnant. Needless to say all of the things going on with kids, school, this “pandemic” right now that is really making life difficult, plus grieving still has made this pregnancy overwhelming. We are so grateful and happy for a new little blessing but we find ourselves holding our breath about the whole thing after our last experience. I honestly find that in the beginning each pregnancy was overwhelming though… the first one I freaked out because well it was my first pregnancy I was 20 almost 21 and it was not a part of my plan at the time… but it all worked out and I wouldn’t change it. My second pregnancy I was freaking out because we were adjusting to being a blended family of 2 and they were basically like raising twins (only 5 1/2 months apart) so that was going to make us a family of 5 (3 kids all under 4)… the next was planned but I still freaked out because we were moving and a lot of changes were happening and we didn’t expect it to happen so soon then we lost him… this one caught us by surprise but it’s the rainbow at the end of our storm. Just know you are not alone in this and their is light at the end of the tunnel. It will all work out
Tubes tied and put up for adoption God bless
I also am pregnant with my fourth child. I have 3 boys ages 4,2,1. I to also felt overwhelmed at first but now that I feel the kicks and in hopes it’s a girl wouldn’t give anything in the world for any of my babies… but please for that sweet life don’t go the abortion route, give that soul a chance at a life even if it’s not with you… there’s lots of people out there who can’t have children and desperately want one. I went to school with a girl that can’t have children and I so badly want to have a child for her but know as who I am I couldn’t carry, feel kicks, hear heart beat see sonogram and then give that child to her…
A new pregnancy is overwhelming. Give yourself time to adjust and acknowledge that you are pregnant.
Think about adoption. There are some open adoptions where you can meet the adoptive parents and even receive pictures as the child grows up. Or where don’t know who receives the baby and no updates.
Talk to your doctor and listen to what he/she has to say.
After you decide that, make sure you talk with your doctor about a tubal ligation, birth control and always use a condom to protect you from STD’s, HIV and AIDS.
Whatever you choose is your decision no one elses, adoption isn’t always a good option either for those say give it up she still has to carry it and that’s even exhausting as is
I told my daughter when you feel that baby move. Your thoughts will change. And boy did they.
This child is an unexpected blessing. I had the same situation 23 years ago. I wouldn’t change a thing. My child brings so much joy to my life. All of my children do!! Trust God!! He knows what he’s doing!!!
Look into putting up for adoption.
Me, me🙋♀️ I want the baby! I’m sure there are many others that want it too. But after 7 miscarriages I would do it in a heart beat.
I was like that when I found out I was having another kid… I couldn’t even imagine my life without him now!!!
I would definitely sit with the idea for awhile see if the fear goes away. Ignore the majority of these comments if you want the abortion go to a clinic and talk to someone
A child is a blessing from God, if you truly don’t want it, someone else will.
I felt like this once. That child is one of my greatest Blessings
I found out my husband was cheating and I filed for divorce. We had 3 boys together and I didn’t want anymore. I wasn’t a drinker but during my divorce I became one and often. My ex married the woman 30 days after our divorce was final. I lost it. I went out and got crapface drunk and went home with a guy. One time is all it takes. Not only did I get pregnant thinking I was protected but the ultrasound showed 4 sacs. At 12 weeks only one sac but it contained identical girls. I was scared to death and thought awful thoughts about my girls. I couldn’t go through with an abortion or even adoption. I cried daily and worried till I was sick. The babies were born 5 weeks early and Canyun went to the NICU. My twins are my saving grace. As scared as I was I look at them and know I made the right choice. They are 12 now and I thank God everyday for them. You got this mama. You are stronger than you think and can be exactly what all 4 of those children need. I’m sending lots of prayers and hugs.
My husband and I are looking to adopt going through everything for home study for state placement… I respect your choice of whatever you chose…. We would love to grow and expand family Take time to yourself think it through:bangbang: we would love to hear from you
I’m pretty sure you can get Plan B over the counter at the drug store. You gotta do what you feel is right for you
Honey, if you can do 3, you can do 4. Get Pa to help out a little more.
I am leaving this page. Tired of all these ridiculous Fan Question posts!!! Not a holiday page clearly. Just a bunch of narcisstic people posting about problems they themselves created!
Ok 1 you should have used protection when having sex. No protection = what? A unplanned pregnancy. If you were that emotionally strain then maybe your best bet was to keep your legs closed. Secondly they no longer do the pill. So boo you’re out of luck
Do what you need to do. You know most women don’t support abortion. Talk to your OB about a pill that’ll take care of it or go through an adoption. I’m sorry that this is happening to you. Wish you the best of luck
Breathe Girl Breathe
You got this Love
First off dont open your legs
Second off put it up for adoption
I hope you’re not from Texas.
Where 3 can eat, so can 4. Where 3 kids get dressed, so can a 4th. You’ll make it work believe me. I didn’t want a 3rd child I already had my 2 boys and was struggling so bad. I found out I was pregnant, and I was a mess thinking the same things “how the hell am I Gunna do this” the answer is … you will always find a way. My third turned out to be my little gurl that I waited for my entire life, I look at her EVERY SINGLE DAY and thank god that I chose to have her, and most importantly I thank god for giving her to me .
The great thing is that you have choices! The earlier the better. You absolutely do not have to go the adoption route. You’ve indicated your current state of mind, so it seems that adoption isn’t the route to go. Abortion is your personal choice. You won’t be the first or last person to go that route. You know your limits. Choose for you!!! Not others.
I can completely relate. I recently divorced but separated over a year ago. I have 4 children already and found I am pregnant in May. My life is chaos, hectic, and I’m a single mom to 3 full time and share custody with my 4th and the father of this baby is not involved. It’s scary and I made hard decisions but I suggest contacting your OB or if you have a women’s clinic or center for pregnant women and discuss your options and make the best decision for you and your family. The more information you have sometimes the easier it is to make the best choice. Wishing you peace in whatever you decide and trust you aren’t alone and it will be ok.
Then give it up for adoption for those who cannot have children.
Or get on Birth Control or tie your tubes or whatever so it doesn’t happen anymore. Killing a child esp knowing it is in there when you chose to lay down with said person is just selfish. Yes, your body your choice. However that applies more to rape victims than those who choose to not use protection and have sex. Other couples would die to have what you have. Allow some others to have a family if yours is too chaotic.
If you’re seriously thinking you cannot care for a fourth child, please consider private adoption over abortion. There are tons of families that would give anything for that child.
Honestly after having two miscarriages hoping for my 3rd child I would take any child no matter how many, If you can do 3 you can do 4, you will know what’s best just don’t make any discussion you will regret
I remember the place your at just now, wondering how in the world I could ever do this, and # 4 yet. But I did it and he was a joy. Always so busy and active and brilliant. Then he went to the city and started apprenticing and working. But he was 19 and coming home for the week end when he was killed on the highway. That was almost 40 years ago and I still miss him.
I went through this but that baby is gonna bring so much joy to your life I don’t regret any of it she’s the best thing that happened to me in a long time you got this girl u already a great mom what’s one more
You can love and raise this baby too.
It will be hard but a great blessing. You will never know the blessing and joy this child will give if the baby’s life is ended.
If this journey is something you really think you can’t handle, you can give the baby to a loving family who so very much wants a baby.
You can do it because you are strong enough to be raising 3 other children. Adding another child to your family will give you strength you never knew you had. And if you choose to bless a family and the baby with life, you will also find the strength that you never knew you had.
I hope this encourages you❤️
Sorry but social media is definitely not the place to ask about this specific situation. Talk to someone you trust and don’t do something you’ll regret later based on how you’re feeling it’s best you take a deep breath and relax before you make such a sad choice.
Go to God on this… Every child is a blessing in their own special way. I absolutely agree with make no decision while you are so emotional… if you absolutely can not except responsibility of another one please choose adoption…many couples would love to have a child they may not can have on their own… you would be a blessing to them. Good luck and God Bless and guide you.