Pregnant and overwhelmed, what should I do?

Mumma I just had my fourth lil boy it was an emotional roller coaster and I didn’t know weather or not I could do it I suffer from anxiety and depression but you know what I followed through and gave birth to a healthy beautiful blessing on the 13.8.21 he has brought so much joy to our home it’s stressful with lil sleep of night but we just nap while the others are at school if you need to talk I’m only a msg away with whatever choice you make sending big hugs :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I’m 19 years old with two boys. My oldest I had at 15, I was on bc but it didn’t work. My second son I had at 18 & I planned him because I wanted my oldest to have a sibling. The dad & I were split up when I conceived our second and honestly it’s constant fighting between us. I finally tried moving on and started dating a new guy, I tried getting on bc but with COVID I couldn’t go through my health department. I cheated on the new guy with my bd several times because I have this problem of hurting people before they can hurt me, it’s pathetic Ik . Now I’m pregnant with a third & I’m not with either of them and I just left my apartment & came home cause my mother passed and I just felt so lost. Now that I know I’m pregnant I’m even more lost. I have no advice honestly, I just keep telling myself god has a reason for everything & I believe because my baby’s due date is 2 days before the one year mark of my mama dying. Life is hard but us mother get through it. :heart:


Many girls think and say, " i can’t do it. " when in reality yes, you can do it. Just because the thought is overwhelming, don’t let that brainwash you to believe you don’t have what it takes. My God if I could do it then anyone could do it. Your situation that is going to make this difficult is temporary. Use this as motivation to change your place in this life. Make a transition. If u need to use public assistance and food stamps TEMPORARILY until u reach your goals then so be it. Thats what it is there for. Temporary assistance. Go back to school. Get an education. There is tons of government funding to go to college. Find a way. Go part time if need be. There is a huge demand for nurses or people in any branch of the medical field. You can do it. Accept help from family and friends. If u are bettering yourself you would be amazed at the help they would offer. Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. Anybody can do it. Change your frame of mind. Its all about perspective. Tell yourself, " "yes I can do this. And nothing will get in my way. " Then in 3-5 years you will be looking back, living comfortably and watching your little one play in the backyard and u will think “it was all worth it.” " that girl on Facebook was right. "


Whatever decision you decide to make is yours and yours alone. There should be NO judgements!!! It’s a scary place to be when you don’t want to be there… sending hugs to you!


God will provide a way, I had 5 children, life was hard, but all worth it. Don’t do something you may regret later.


To the people talking about birth control we all know thats not 100% effective. Shes not reaching out to be shamed. Stop it. Do whats best for you hun, if you cant physically or mentallt take another pregnancy thats noone elses place to judge or scream adoption in your face. The sooner you make your decision the better it will be for all involved. Noone else has to live your life or walk in your shoes. Do whats best for YOU.


Hey sweetie… trust me been there done that. I had to make that same hard horrible decision about 14 yrs ago… i was irresponsible and thought oh that can’t happen to me I’m not ovulating blah blah blah … Denial was my best friend and well at that time i had just seperated from my now ex husband and i already had a 10 & 6 yr old girls… struggling as a single mother with my 2 girls and pregnant… Trust me when I tell u that it is not an easy decision but after several days of thinking, crying about the alternatives and what f i did keep the baby I will be fine i mean if my mom did it why can’t I… is what I would tell myself then reality will hit me and knock the wind out of me and make me come to my senses… I had to stop and think about my 2 girls how they where already having a hard time dealing with the struggle of me sometimes not having 2 pennies to rub Together and then i was being selfish to bring an innocent child into this world to join in on the suffering… so needless to say i did what i had to do…i cried on my way to that clinic and I cried when i was woken up I cried on my way home and till this day i think about that decision i had to make and just wonder of the what if… But truth be told if i had to do it all over again i wouldnt have changed anything because it was a learning experience the hard way but lesson learned.

So i guess what I’m tring to tell u sweetie is u r not the first and u won’t be the last. Many people will put in their 2 senses and make u feel as if u are the worse human person on this earth telling u stuff that at the moment is just flat out unnecessary because people are good to judge and talk crap but will those same people then help u feed, raise, diaper, clothe, daycare, sick visits etc… Help u in ur time of need since they were so quick to judge and talk crap… those will be the 1st ones to puff just disappear… So u do u sweetie… in the end it’s about u, ur babies that u have now and ur sanity…
Umm also i went to a planned Parenthood when o had it done . And well I also worked at one 2 yrs ago here in Chicago. Not sure where u live but they offer the pill up to 10 weeks and they offer the surgical as well.

Best of luck sweetie keep ur head up everything will be ok.


I fell pregnant 4 months after my first was born. I am diabetic and had a c section so the dangers were astronomical. I was also diagnosed with PPD and was angry at life. I made the decision to abort and while it does have mental drawbacks its not nearly as taxing as raising a baby. In the end do what is best for you!

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What about adoption? Give your 4th child to a family who wants to have a baby but can’t conceive themselves…

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I just found out recently that I am also pregnant with my 4th and I feel the exact same way. I am mostly worried about my other children and how they all feel about another baby. But the farther along I get the more I think “god has a plan”. You got this mama :heart:


I got pregnant with my 4th child despite using multiple precautions. My 3rd child wasn’t even a year old yet and I felt so defeated and overwhelmed. It was a hard pregnancy mentally and physically but that precious little boy will be 5 next week and he is the joy of my life. It was a hard season but I am so thankful he is here. His little life has taught us so much and been such a blessing. I can’t imagine our family without him.

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Adoption maybe a open adoption im speaking of this because i had a full histerectomy and you have truly been blessed and this baby is a blessing but no judgement from me but take a deep breath and relax your mind and everything is gonna be ok. Your strong and you got this. Praying for you.


I wanted my teen-aged daughter to have an abortion so as not to “ruin” her life, and have the neighbors talk about her…she refused and 31 years later I am still thanking God for the most beautiful inside and out granddaughter she birthed…She is loved and respected by everyone who meets her…She is my personal help mate…we have a special bond. Now, I don’t have an opinion on the subject…I would never have an abortion, but neither would I ever encourage one…or not.

I have no advise but I have my experiences…both of my children were adopted at birth (different birth families) and we have open adoptions.
My sons birth mama will be spending the weekend with us for his birthday, and we just visited them in FL 2 months ago.
Adoption is always an option. It’s not for everyone, but just know you can also choose to have an open adoption and you don’t have to lose that connection to your child. :heart:

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Father God please undertake for this Woman! Please give her wisdom, help her to put on the mind of Christ! Father please help those that look at her look at her thru your eyes! It’s not our place to judge unless we want to be judged! Judge us Lord and I pray that you see Jesus! Your Son who died for us! Jesus who died for our sins! Father God please grant this Woman comfort in your Saving Grace! Please give her a healthy child bearing term! Please help her turn over her burdens you, our God! Our God who said no he would be all things to us! In Jesus name, Amen!

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Do what is best for you. No one should judge your decision and honestly you dont have to tell anyone your choice. Yes adoption may be an option but if you do not think your body can handle it and you can not handle the physical and emotional stress having a child does have on you do what you choose. Pregnancy and birth are scary as fuck and I question all the time how people always talk about how excited they are and Act fearless with it lol. I only planned on having one and am now pregnant with my 2nd which i am okay with my son deserves siblings and i love my fiance so much. But I made it very clear to my dr that I want to be sterilized after this.

Have you thought about adoption? My hubby and I tried to have a baby for 7 years and thanks to pcos an secondary infertility I can’t have any more. So we are looking this route. I know lots of people are comfortable with this option some are not. Do what’s best for you and your family. Good luck hun.

Please just do what you feel is right for you and your family. Don’t worry about the opinion of others. Do it and never look back.

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These comments are disgusting. She’s obviously scared and in scary hurt and confused space right now. Adoption isn’t always an easy option and abortions are personal choices. She came to social media to get comfort on what’s a best decision to make. Parents get judged having to many kids when they can’t take care of them. If the fourth is going to be challenging I suggest doing what’s best for you :heart: you should talk to the father and see what’s his opinion as well or what he’s interested in doing. If you want to pm me I can send you some info about the clinic as I have a friend who works there

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I’ve had the pill. It basically induces early labor. It’s literally no different than a heavy period.


Sleep on it momma. Don’t be too hard on yourself for feeling this way, women go through this everyday.
I hope it all works out for you. :purple_heart:


Whatever you decide get your tubes burnt tied removed. Whatever it takes. So many birth control options.


The ob can give you pills. However, it’s your choice. Whatever decide you make will be the right one for you. Pray on it :purple_heart:

Birth control is to prevent these situations. Give the baby up for adoption. Give it to parents praying for a baby .


Don’t make any decisions in the next 2-3 days. Give yourself time to process this information and your emotions. You have 3 options. Abortion, adoption, or raising this child. Choose the one YOU can live with. I know it’s not a popular opinion because “your body your choice” but also try to take the fathers feelings into consideration.


Planned parenthood can help set you up with the right people for an abortion. I’m 31 with just two kids and i would never want another child. I got a tubal at 21. I HIGHLY reccommend a tubal ligation. Best thing I have ever done!! Your life, your soul, your body. You don’t have to keep sharing it. :heart:

There’s nothing wrong with aborting. You do what’s best for YOU. Screw what everyone else thinks, are they going to help raise your kids?
Some OB’s do. Planned parenthood is always an option. Also this… Safe, Online, Delivered: How to Get the Abortion Pill By Mail

God will give you strength to do what you need to do

Pray about it. God’s got you and your children. I’ll be praying for you too.

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My son was 3 months old when I got pregnant again…his dad and I were having many issues and trying to work things out, but I didn’t feel secure in my life at that point. I had postpartum depression really bad, I knew I couldn’t handle another child so soon. Only you know what is best for you. He didn’t support my decision but I got an abortion at 6 weeks, and it’s been 3 years since then. I don’t regret it, I am grateful I had the strength to do what was right for my son and myself. Even now I’m grateful I have been able to give him the time and attention I have. Do what’s right for you. Feel free to PM me if you want more details on my actual experience with the procedure. FYI I also miscarried many years ago and was given pills to help remove the fetus, and that was a very difficult and traumatic experience.

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Follow your heart on this matter❣️

Do what is best for you, the sooner you take action, the better.


Where is the father in all this mix? Were you on birth control? Not judging just wondering if there was preventative measures in place prior. Personally I could never get an abortion, but if that is the route you choose to take make sure it is something you won’t regret and maybe get your tubes tied after if you don’t want more kids.


Life is always going to be crazy when you have kids. I have 5, ages 18-27. And the hardest was going from 2 to 3 kids. A 4th child will just add to the love in your family, but if you don’t think you can do it, adoption is always an option

It feels scary now because you didn’t plan this, but your mother instinct will kick in and you can make it work with a little organization, help, and prioritizing. You have been a good mom to 3, 4 will round out the bunch and be a blessing. Don’t be afraid to do whatever you feel is best for you. If you pray, ask some friends to join you in prayer. You don’t have to tell them why. You will get peace on whatever your decision is.

I’m sorry but i don’t see how adoption would be the better option. To some maybe to others maybe not.
And people asking why she wasn’t using protection. You don’t know if it failed or not.

I hope you’re okay OP. And do whats best for you :orange_heart::orange_heart:


So What is Best for you… As Hard as it All Seems now it. It May not be as bad as you think… Ur Mother instinct will kick in.

You may Regret it in the future just Think About it properly before u make any Final option

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Only you know what is best for you. Other people can tell you what to do, but they don’t have to live your life. So stop looking for answers outside yourself. You know what you need to do. Just do it. Will you have regrets? Yes, no matter what choice you make there will be regrets. But remember you thought it through and made the best decision based on your circumstances at the time.

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First off, you don’t carry the burden of the infertile. Their infertility is absolutely NOT your problem! Sad it has to be said but these comments are ridiculous.

Secondly, you need to really evaluate what you want. Two of my 4 were not planned, I was upset and the future seemed uncertain, but after a couple weeks my mind changed and I am totally 100% happy that I kept them. But that is ME and I have an amazing support system. Our lives may not be the same and that is okay!!

Thirdly, you need to reach out to your OB. Explain how you’re feeling and explore your options. Adoption is absolutely an option, but if you don’t want to carry out the pregnancy that is okay too! The sooner the better.

Take everyone here saying 4 is nothing with a grain of rice. They are NOT you. To me 4 is A LOT and I sterilized myself as soon as I was cleared for surgery because I knew I could not afford or mentally handled another one. Sterilization may be something else to considered after whatever decision that you choose. If you’re truly done and able to find a dr to sterilize, please deeply considered it to avoid this happening again.

Good luck. It’ll be okay! It’s a hard decision no matter what you choose. I support you!


I felt the same way on child 4 and child 5!! You can do it, and one day it’ll be just as doable as your situation now. However, if you dont want more children this is a perfect time to make a decision to have a more permanent preventive measure.

I have 4. You will be ok however if you do choose go get that pill at the pharmacy asap the sooner the better so it doesn’t ware on your mind

Joy Kerr Please!! People want babies, but they want their own babies. Not adopted babies. I see it so much. Sooo much. People who are infertile complain that they would adopt, but they want their OWN baby and not someone else. And then there’s the part where they make adoption sooo inaffordable to everyday working class people. So there are so many people who would adopt but can’t. Then there’s me. I was adopted. My parents couldn’t have children. Before the adoption was even finalized, they got their miracle boy. I was unloved and mistreated, misunderstood and an inconvenient addition to their perfect family for as long as I can remember. Even still. They didn’t WANT to adopt, they wanted their own. And honestly, after an entire life of so much hardship and no real family. I feel abortion is the better option. Crazy, so a many adoptees out there AGREE. And there are so many support groups for adopted people, because we still suffer for life!!


I have a 16 year old, 7 year old and 8 month old. All pretty far apart. I didn’t think I could do it with my 1st when I had her at 19, then again with my 2nd (different dad, things didn’t work out shortly after I found out I was pregnant.) I was only really “ready” for my last at 35, almost 36. Yes, it’s hard and draining at times, but so worth it. Im so grateful I had each one of my children and couldn’t imagine life without any of them. Just really think about what you’re going to do.

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I was upset when I found out I was pregnant with my third. I knew I wanted another child but it was so the wrong time. My mom said something that really helped me. When God blesses, He does so in abundance. There is a reason you got pregnant. I know it’s overwhelming and inconvenient. Trust me, I was 7 months pregnant packing my home to move half way across the country with my 2 kids
while my husband was away working. I thought I would never make it. I’m now almost 9 months, in my new home, with 2 kids in school in a whole new state with no family near by, but amazingly I feel happy and at peace ready to meet my baby girl soon.


I could never kill a child of mine or a sibling to my two daughters… I will not stand before God for murder. You can’t sugarcoat killing an innocent person. You both as adults had a choice whether or not you became pregnant, now it’s on you both! PERIOD!!!

Hey momma, I’m just hear to send some love. I was in a very similar position about 9 months ago. I have 3 beautiful kids with my husband, and I did not want anymore! Hubby was about to get a vasectomy, we were just waiting for the clinic to call with his appointment. And then I found out that I was pregnant with my 4th. We were… shocked and didn’t know how to feel. I considered all of my options, sat with it for a bit, and decided that we would have the baby. It was hard for me to get my head right on this one, but I’m going to be having our baby any day now. I’m nervous but also very happy we made the choice we did, even though this pregnancy has been soooo hard on my body. I’m lucky to have friends who were supportive no matter what we decided.
If I were you, what I would do is discuss your feelings with the father, and then go see your OB so that you can find out what all of your options are. Then, sit with it for a bit and try to consider how all of the outcomes will affect your life. If there are financial and mental health issues to be considered, that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
I’m sending you all of the love to make the choice that is right for you and your family :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Abortion will not solve your issue. I can completely understand if you are unable to care for your child in the way you would like to- but someone else can. You do not have to end your child’s life. There are a lot of support groups out there💜


I know what your going through! Unplanned pregnancies can do that! I found out I was pregnant and was shocked I looked at abortion until I was 12 weeks! I finally called ob and scheduled a scan and when I saw him I fell in love! I kept him and so glad I did! He is such a good brother to his handicapped brother and has been an amazing part of my life! Don’t look at the negative look at the positives! That baby will be a huge asset to your life! I then had twins after him and that was my 3rd-4th babies! My life is so full but I’m done with babies now! They were my last and I’m ok with that!


My son was done with his family they found testicular cancer he beat it thank god but 6months later I get a call mom were having a baby…I was like😳 their other 3 were 15…10…9…I said its gods will and if yall dont want it I’ll be there in delivery room like I’ve been for the other 3…and bring that one home…well time came to have baby and everything went well they dont know what life would of been like without this stinking beautiful lil girl the kids adore her to pieces and shes got her daddy wrapped around her lil finger a proof god wasnt done yet…and I came home empty handed
:heart::heart::heart::heart: I love all my babies…

I too was overwhelmed with #4 you see I was 42 and my youngest was 17…so many thoughts were going through my head The guy I was dating at the time never had any children…needless to say 19 years later she just Graduated from high with all said and done one day at a time…

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I personally know someone who will adopt and pay

You have options. Make the one that’s right for you and your family. I don’t know where you are, but you’ll probably have to go to Planned Parenthood or an abortion clinic for the abortion pill. If you prefer that over surgical, you’ll have to get an appointment soon. You have my full support.


Yes i did…i had two girls and the 2nd was really hard . Didnt sleep just a difficult child in every way then found i was pregnant again was booked in for an abortion but then decided i couldnt do it. Was told bc of health resons i would probably loose the baby so thought id let nature sort it out. Pregnancy was difficult but ended up woth another daughter. Shes mow a mother of 4 herself but was a grt baby and a little shadow. I love het dearly and her children and partner…im so glad i didnt abort . I cant imagine life without her and her family…but its your body so yoir choice …good luck…

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Planned parenthood is a great resource hun. You focus on what you need to do for your kids, go to planned parenthood, figure out your options, and go from there hun. Its all gonna be ok <3


Sweetie i had 5 kids by age of 26 i was told i should get abortion my life was in a bad way and i didnt get abortion now my kids are grown and they have a great life trust god hun theres a reason


Dont let anyone on shore guilt you.
If you’re really settled on not wanting this child dont feel bad for doing what’s best for you and your family.

Go talk to your dr

  1. Make sure you can mentally handle abortion if thats what you choose. People dint seem to talk about what that choice does to you mentally.
  2. After 3 everything is the same. You can handle it!!! If you can do 3 the 4th is a cake walk haha. Chances are at 3 you already do things in an assembly line. You just add 1 more step. Chances are you have already lost your mind #mombrain so no fear of it leaving lol its already gone. Chances are your money sutuation is already rough. Kids are expensive. It doesnt really change with a 4th. Lol We have 6 kids from 22 to 5. I thought I lose it on 5. And 6 was hubs idea…
    Deep breath and think everything through calmly.
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We had 3 children all about 19 months apart. When they were going to school it was awfully quiet. We decided to get a license to care for new borns until they were adopted. Needless to say we fell in love with this one baby girl that was mixed race and no one wanted her. Today I have grand children and great grandchildren.


I’m sorry. This is so tough. My SIL and BIL have been going thru infertility for years. They’d love to adopt. She’s a school teacher and he is in I.T. Please teach out if this is an option. God Bless.


First call planned parenthood doctors will not just give you an abortion unless the baby is non viable and if your struggling financially then they might help you with some of the cost abortions are not covered under any health insurance and the pill alone is only available for up to 10 weeks I believe and the pill alone is about 500 and if you have to get a d&c thats about a 1000 out of pocket so if you really want to do this talk to a professional first and get the counseling your going to need before and after your body your choice


I was shocked/ devastated when I found out I was pregnant at 38 yo and my other 2 children were 20 and 16 yo… I went to 3 Dr’s b4 I accepted the fact I was indeed pregnant !!! I’ve always been ProLife but I tried so hard to justify an abortion in my mind but I could NOT get any peace about it … I came to the conclusion this was supposed to happen to me or God wouldn’t have allowed it and I simply COULD NOT have lived with myself had I had an abortion and then had to meet my baby in heaven !!! I would have became an alcoholic !!! Abortion is NOT the answer … if you truly don’t want the baby … let someone who has the DREAM of having a child adopt it … but PLEASE do NOT abort it … it will DESTROY you !!!


We have 4. Honestly after 3 you couldn’t even tell there were more🤣. It’s just diapers for a couple years then turn him/her loose with the others. They entertain each other.


You should definitely talk to your doctor about having your tubes tied or removed. I had two children, boy and a girl and I made sure I tied them tubes up.

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I won’t type what I really want to because I know all of you would tell I’m being rude and insensitive when I won’t be.

The one you didn’t plan
Well they are the most precious.
I know I was 42 and I was done.
But know I’m so glad he is now 17


I had mine tie after

No judgment here… you are entitled to your feelings. Pregnancy is so hard and having kids and being the best mom you can be is overwhelming and we really sometimes have to stop and think on what is best for the family we already have. Talk to your OB about the pill and other options ( as long as you are not in Texas) otherwise there are some sites where you can order online and get it over the mail.
If you feel you can handle the pregnancy look into choosing a couple or a person who is looking into adopting a baby.
There are many options and only you can decide what is best for YOU. Talk to your partner if he’s in the picture and you feel comfortable enough to take his opinion in consideration and if you know you will get his support but remember the decision is only yours! Good luck!


I don’t think your OB would especially if it’s a religious hospital
Find a planned parenthood near you. They usually go through options not just abortion.
It’s better to know your options from professionals who have your interest at heart.

You need to read on abortions. Lots of people mentally cant go through with it. If you dont want this child go with adoption. Drs wont just give you an abortion unless they know for a fact it is not viable or other situation. You need to know all the facts before you just decide to abort it. & also you need to see how far along you are bc most states if the baby has a heartbeat they will not allow you to abort it.

Completely understand where you are coming from. I felt the exact same way when I found out I was pregnant the third time. My sanity and mental health couldn’t take another child and I decided termination was the best for me. I would take a breath to calm down and logically go over all the choices you have and make a decision. Whatever you choose is your choice. Go with your heart and mind. Good luck.


Fuck what anyone thinks.
Your body.
Your choice.
Abortion is a hard decision but if you know you can’t provide for the fetus and you are mentally capable than it’s the responsible thing to do.
Just really weigh the pros and cons.
It’s something you have to life with for the rest of your life.

Good luck.
I would make an appt with an OB and discuss options for your particular situation.

I had an abortion after I fell pregnant with my ex a few months after I had my first son. I wanted more children but not with him. I had an abortion and left him. I got married and had another son and will have one more. Its your body, your life and your decision. You can have a chemical abortion via the pill if you aren’t too far along. Weigh your options and if you would like an abortion, try not to contimplate too long as it’s best to do it as soon as possible. :heart:

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I’ve been there before. My 3rd was also a surprise. I decided to keep him, but I and I understand that’s not an option for everyone. Have you considered adoption? Open or closed ? You can choose a family for him or her and you can decide if you want involved or not.

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It’s going to be ok!!! Once you hold your precious baby in your arms you will realize how much you love your baby! Can you even imagine life with out any of your other children? It will be the same with this baby! You can do it! I have 4 and Its an adventure for sure but so worth it! Once they get older it’s easier and you end up with a precious family!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


You cannot let other peoples views influence you. Everyone is different. Only you know in your gut what is right for you and your family. I wish you luck and strength either way.


I been thru this, I had 3 kids and was done until 7 years later i got twins. Please don’t abort, give the precious baby up for adoption. Please don’t kill your baby.


My advice is do nothing until you are absolutely certain. Good luck no matter what you decide.


I was thru having kids & all mine grown when i became pregnant at 44 !!! Me & hubby stayed in shock for a couple of months but in the end it all worked out, we have 3 grown kids & now a 3 year old so he made 4 i firmly believe GOD knows the plan of our lives & he knows best when we can’t see it !!! Hope you all the best with whatever decision you make :blush:


u can make it! I was upset when i got pregnant for the fourth time but now hes my Baby!!! MY LAST BABY LOL stay positive!


Do what you have to do. You got pregnant for a reason. I had my last at 35. It was planned. It was much easier because my other 2 were much older. 4 children is a lot. And this world is so upside down right now. And getting pregnant in a world that is so messed up, that you were meant to have this child. May not feel like it now because you just found out. Only you know the answer. But I think you already do. Good luck

I can almost guarantee abortion won’t be any better for you mentally. But whatever you choose to do I’d recommend getting your tubes tied


Make the best informed choice for YOU. If you think that is abortion then look into a planned parenthood. No judgement here! You know whats best for you :sparkling_heart:

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I got pregnant by a man that was not a good person. I didn’t know what to do. I was also in university at the time.
My son is now 4 and I finished my honours degree. My boyfriend of over 3 years loves my son like his own and his biological father has never met him nor wanted to, but my son is loved emmensly and I cannot imagine life without him.
I know you may be overwhelmed in this moment, but remember feelings are temporary. There is now a baby in your belly and you are that baby’s mama no matter what choice you make. Just take a deep breath and remember things always work out and I have no doubt you would be an amazing mother to this baby if that’s the route you decide to take. Us women are capable of overcoming any obstacle in our way with the right supports in place. If you feel you have no one to go for help Check your community for any support. You are strong :muscle:
The choice is yours, I just am speaking from experience as someone that had a baby in an “undesirable” circumstance and now I cannot imagine life any other way. Good luck with whatever you decide to do :blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart:


Ultimately you’re making the decision for yourself and others need to respect you and your decision, so if you need any advice from someone with an open mind, feel free to message me!

Keep the baby its a blessing some wanted but never give a chance to concieve youre lucky to have 4 me ihave 3 and cant imagine life without them better to not have a husband than losing an angel infact abortion is a sin


Keep the baby. It’s Gods gift to you. If you see yourself not coping. Let your doctor know. At the end. If you still haven’t wanted the baby adopt him out to a wonderful family.

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You need to sit down and really think about your options. If you can mentally handle a kid, adopting out or aborting. Are you financially stable? Are you mentally stable? Do you have enough stability for another life? Don’t let anyone sway your decision. Sit and truly think on it. Me personally, I’ve had to have an abortion due to medical reasons. It really fucked me up for a while. But had no other choice. I have also suffered a miscarriage for unknown reasons. This one hurt but not as bad because we were NOT in any place of stability to bring another life into this world.

Don’t let people place the burden of other people’s infertility on you. That is not your problem. And handing your own baby over will be just as hard if not harder then an abortion. It is sad that some can’t have their own but their are loads of children begging to be adopted. If abortion is the choice that suits you best, then do what’s best for you. The world is overpopulated as it is anyways and honestly people should be ashamed of trying to bring more kids into this awful world right now. Do what’s right for you. Talk to a Dr. Talk to a close friend. But don’t let negative comments get to you.


Abortion. Trust me. If you feel this way now, it absolutely will never change. It’s not fair to you, your children, or this child to live in an environment where it’s not wanted or welcome. If you have the baby, you’ll likely resent it. And that can’t change trust me. No matter how hard you try, you’ll resent the very ground the innocent child walks on. And then you’ll be flooded with guilt all the time for feeling that way but you’ll be unable to help it.


When I got pregnant with my fourth I was so lost. I had just started going out and doing adult things again (all my kids are 2 years apart, I would literally get pregnant again right after breastfeeding) I wanted so badly to not be pregnant. But I can tell you right now I am so glad I had him. He fits in so well with my other 3. I got more spiritually in tune with myself. And this baby is already musically gifted. Hes 10 months old now. Life does get super hectic but this doesn’t last forever. Of course, you still make your own decision, im just giving my personal experience. For me 4 is a good number. Good luck with whatever decision you make. And always know you’re not alone.

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DO :clap: NOT :clap: LET :clap: PEOPLE :clap: MAKE :clap: YOU :clap:FEEL :clap: GUILTY!! You know your limits. Listen to your intuition.


I was the same way…but of course I always had the beautiful baby and here I am 32yrs old with 6 kiddos and would never change it for the world :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: life is always tough, but u got this girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: best to u whichever path u choose

My kids are 15, 13, 11, 9 and 7 months old. And honestly it wasn’t as hard as I expected to add the baby into the mix as I thought. My older kids help quite a bit. My 11yr old the most. She’s like a little mommy. But ultimately when you first find out it is so overwhelming and kinda scary to think about how your going to manage it. Most everything is put on the mom to do even with a great husband. But we always figure it out. That’s what we do. After a while you stop feeling so overwhelmed and start to look forward to the little baby snuggles and the tiny little face looking at you. Maybe just give it some time to sink in and sit with you before you make a decision with your heart that you know you can live with :heart:

Please consider adoption.

So to f-cking answer her question… (since there’s a bunch of self-absorbed leeches here)
If you live in a place where abortion is legal using medication, and it’s been less than 77 days (11 weeks) after your last period, then you just go see your doctor and they should walk you through the process of taking the medication. The effectiveness varies, but it averages about 94-97% effective. If you go to a clinic that doesn’t offer that, ask for a referral. I don’t know if your insurance covers it, so I would ask at the clinic first, just to make sure. I wouldn’t let anyone council you except the doctor you have the appointment with. Outside of some clinics they have sneaky religious people who try to redirect you and may pose as doctors (not even kidding), but the clinics have escorts under those circumstances. I wouldn’t go alone, because you’ll need the moral support. Please know that either way this is difficult, and whatever choice you make in the end is the right choice, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Everyone else can f-ck right off because they don’t have to live your life. Here’s to hoping you, or someone else who needs it, read(s) this.

Do whatever is best for you and your family. :heart: as a woman you have that choice, and shouldn’t be ashamed of whatever you decide to do. Hang in there.


Tbh if you’re not on bc you need to be, or you or your partner need to look at getting “fixed”
Abortion is absolutely your choice, but I 100% do not believe in it as a form of bc. You laid down, you got pregnant. This is a blessing. Maybe not for you, but there is a family out there who cannot have a child and might just be looking for yours.


I had this on my 3rd… I went to the clinic and was adamant I didn’t want another… but because I was “to far gone” for an abortion pill I would have had to been put to sleep… I sat and thought for a good few weeks while my app was being made… however I didn’t go through with it and he is by far the best child ever… I some times have mum guilt and thinking how different my life would have been without him but I 100% made the right decision :heart: your choice Muma make it a good one x


If you know you don’t want anymore kids for sure, you should be on birth control. And do what you think is best. You’re in shock right now but you need to talk to your doctor

I was 21 years old and pregnant with my 4th child. Having marital problems and very much financial problems. I felt alone. I looked into open adoption. I’m now 40 and would love more kids now that mine are grown but that last baby labor almost killed me so now I can’t. It’s not easy giving up a baby but your giving him/her a life and most children who find out later their adopted are so relieved and okay because they know what the alternative is.