Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Self medicating with collagen while pregnant, is this okay?
Absolutely check with your OB before adding any supplements. Not sure if collagen could affect connective tissue in a developing baby or not so I would check first.
Ignore the ask the doctor posts if she was able to ask the doc im sure she would! Shes obviously just looking for some advice i took a quick search of google and found this but obviously seek medical advice hun when you can as nobody wants to put you or your unborn child at risk but from what ive read it shouldnt be a problem xx
If you’re genetically predisposed to stretch marks there is NOTHING that will prevent them.
That is science. That is fact.
Please consult with your doctor.
Stop self medicating.
Stretch marks are genetic
You’d be better off rubbing cocoa butter on the areas to prevent stretching
I would still ask the Dr.
Best to seek advice from actual drs and not a fb page
I wouldn’t do goggle that is the “let’s freak mama’s out” website when it comes to stuff on pregnancy or when kids are sick
Stretch marks are not the end of the world…
7 months in and you are just now asking? And asking FB instead of your doctor?
Obviously ask your doctor but my doctor gave me the okay to take it while pregnant. I took it the entire time and had no issues! This was in 2020 if that matters!
Honey, they aren’t stretch marks… they’re tiger stripes!
You should always speak with your OB before taking anything while pregnant
I know I’m proud of my stretch marks!!
Well you’re 7 months pregnant n you’ve been taking it since you learned you were pregnant so you probably already asked your doctor if not then just ask. It’s a simple phone call to your doctors office and they’ll answer your question. Google and random people from the internet doesn’t mean everything is true sorry but your doctor would know best.
Just use lots of lotion. Ask your dr before you “self medicate”.
Don’t ever take anything during pregnancy without talking to you doctor first. It’s no longer about vanity but what is safe for your unborn child.
Stretch marks should be the last thing to worry about when you’re pregnant
They are my tattoos of my kids. I wouldn’t cover them for anyone
Stretch marks have more to do with genetics than anything else. Please tell your OB what you have been taking outside of prenatal vitamins. Moisturize is the best you can do
As long as you aren’t taking the marine, your baby should be fine. Check with your OB though if you should continue or stop at this point.
I just rubbed bio oil on my belly and drank lots of water. I only have like 8 stretch marks and they are very light.
While I don’t know about taking it during pregnancy, in “skin school” they told us that it is basically a placebo and doesn’t do anything. So I’m interested to see who has taken it and their opinions on it.
Something like that is harmless. It’s addictive drugs doctors are against
- ALWAYS SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING ANYTHING!! Pregnant or not. This should be the effin norm.
- YOU SHOULD NEVER SELF MEDICATE UNLESS YOU ARE 1000% IT IS SAFE. But you should always do #1 still
That’s something you should of asked your doctor about the very first appointment you had about the baby
Drink loads of water
The way things absorb thru skin you shouldn’t use anything without asking doc. Even over the counter, or natural can be harmful.
Taking collagen while pregnant is considered safe but you should speak with your doctor regarding all supplements you are taking.
You need to talk to your Dr first and not a friend.
Sooooooo you didn’t think the first thing you should do when considering it was ask your doctor
That’s why we have doctors. She should have asked her OB before taking anything while pregnant.
Your 7 month pregnant and been taking this med and now your asking if this is safe ? Never talk anything while pregnant without asking your OB Doctor. Facebook does not have a Doctors degree
They always asked me at every single appointment what medications and supplements I was on. Did they not ask you? Or did you not think to tell them?
When I got pregnant I cleared every med and supplement with the OB before taking them. Ask your doctor instead of friends and strangers on the internet
Stretch marks are usually genetic or just rapid weight gain. Not a whole lot you can actually do about them
You should of just used Vaseline and ask a doctor but you waited 7 months why?
I don’t know anything about that but definitely consult your doctor! But, Palmers has an awesome stretch mark lotion that’s made with Vitamin E, Cocoa butter, and a bunch of other good things!
Just use coconut oil on your skin… keeps skin soft and allows skin to stretch better without drying out… minimizes the look of stretch marks but you still will have them, just not as noticeable, and keep doing it after you’ve had the baby too! Mom of 3 here and this is what worked for me… it helped too that I had all 3 very young so my skin was able to bounce back a little more, but I went from being super tiny to putting on 40 lbs each pregnancy… mostly water weight and 10 lb babies
Back of my bottle says, “Dont take if pregnant or breastfeeding”
Checked when I fell pregnant, best to consult Dr!
Please consult your doctor before considering anything anyone else says. Your doctor has all your medical information. They will be able to help point you into the right direction.
You need to be asking your ob not fb
I was told by my obgyn to avoid any acne creams with collagen and retinol. Its always best to ask doctor. Honestly to help reduce stretch marks, I’ve always just used either moisturizing cream for sensitive skin (I have eczema) or just Vaseline. I have 3 kids and my stretch marks are barely noticeable. Regardless of what you use you will get stretch marks, it’s just easier to learn to love those tiger stripes.
you’re 7 months pregnant. Just now realized hmm maybe I should check if this is safe for my baby. AND once you realized you asked FB and a friend instead of a doctor??
Concerning level of dumb tbh
I thought the same thing and was taking it at first because everything online said it was okay. But it’s technically not fda approved so when I did bring it up to my doctor she basically mentioned that and that she couldn’t tell me for sure if it were safe so I stopped. I did buy bio oil and use it twice a day and hoping it helps
I would stop using second stretch marks are genetic you can keep the skin from drying but if you mom got them your gonna get them …I’ve had four children and have very little stretch marks but I know multiple other women who were covered in them with their first child and they didn’t gain a bunch of weight either …. I personally just used olive oil it’s funny because plastic surgery tell you not to use vitamin C or After surgery because it can cause more prominent scars just a side note I went from 120 to 205 at delivery with almost eve dry single one of my babies back down to 130 after 6 months
thanks to breastfeeding
What people misconceive about stretch marks is if it runs in the family you will most likely get them. People spend hundreds of dollars for no reason!
The second y’all learn that stretch marks are hereditary, the better You can take all the pills, use all the lotions/oils all you want, genetics always win!
Im sorry but you have been using a product that possibly could have caused issues with your baby just so you wouldn’t get stretch marks? I usually try not to judge on these post but that is just so selfish to me
Definitely consult and inform your doctor immediately. For myself I stopped all supplements during pregnancy except b12 which was approved by my doctor. A lot of supplements are completely fine but best to inform your doctor. Try not to stress.
I used cocoa butter for both pregnancies. Not one stretch mark.
Collagen supplements do NOT affect stretch marks. Nothing you do will prevent stretch marks if you are genetically predisposed to develop them. Taking any supplements should be approved by your doctor or avoided.
kim bierman or whatever her name is from housewives atlanta and dont be tardy apparently has a magnificent stretch mark line she created for herself when she had her twins? maybe try that! ive heard good things
My OBGYN told me NO cream can prevent stretch marks. It has to do with genetics!!!
You need to let your doctor know you’ve been self medicating with it just to be on the safe side.
wow, these comments are nasty. I get that she feels bad and maybe she should have asked a doctor or someone else earlier, but as she said , she didn’t think it was an issue as she wasn’t ingesting anything. At this point, I can get why she would be ashamed to ask her doctor as she is worried that she’ll get this kind of reaction … btw only two or three people actually gave her an answer instead of scolding her. Women are so very mean to each other, and for what reason? To OP, I googled it and it seems ok, but you should really check in with your OB. All doctors have different beliefs based on what literature they’ve read, so it’s best to check. Good luck OP, sorry you got so much hate on here
Some people can be so mean. We are all human. Please consult with your doctor mama. I pray you have a happy healthy little one thats what it is all about. I know you may not want stretch marks and such but if you do there is nothing wrong with them. You are super women growing a human! You are beautiful regaurdless.
First lesson in parenthood- selflessness… you’re growing a little life, stop worrying about tiger stripes for gods sake. Be In this world, not of it. You’ve been conditioned to think negatively of the natural body…
I know many women that would love to have those stretch marks you are being so vain about.
You’re perfectly fine and baby should be perfectly fine. Do NOT stress mama. At your next baby appt let your OB know
Y’all are what’s wrong with this world. It’s not like she’s purposely trying to harm her unborn baby for the sake of avoiding stretch marks. Shit I would love to not have mine but they are mine to have. I used cocoa butter to try to prevent them. That doesn’t make me vane does it? Stop being so damn judge mental of everyone else. If you have nothing helpful pertaining to her question then buzz off.
Not sure about that, I would consult your doctor but the best thing you can do is support that belly. All the creams in the world won’t matter if you don’t relieve the pull on the skin. I would suggest the belly bands or something like it and strap the girls in too. The more support the better. You’ll thank yourself later.
You should always inform your doctor about any medication you take daily, whether it’s ingested or topical.
Water help hydrate the skin for more lasticity but your skin can only stretch so much and is hereditary 111lbs and I have them from belly button to my knees gained 55lbs being 150 the being pregnancy oldest child and was a c to do and now back to A cup lol these titties is stretched to lol you can’t run from it one day they will be your only memory of that Lil baby however hope you get answers and babe is fine
Cocoa butter & no scratching. If tummy itches or any part like outer & inner thighs pat it instead of scratching
Always talk to your doctor and disclose any supplements or medications that you are taking or wish to take. I do not think a lot of people understand what collagen peptides are or do because it is marketed now as a beauty supplement but we produce collagen from the foods that we eat. This is a good article for pregnancy. Hydrolyzed Collagen Is Key to a Smooth Pregnancy – needed.
Talk to your dr. Everyone is different and any thing you use can have potential to affect bub but unlikely. Also nothing prevents stretch marks. Embrace them Mumma. To some they are your mumma stripes
Umm did you not think to ask your doctor before taking it or were you only thinking about your appearance over the health of your baby? You’re 7 months and JUST NOW concerned? Common sense. Some people shouldn’t reproduce.
Why haven’t you discussed this with you doctor 6 months ago?
If you don’t know, just why? Ask a dr when it comes to your babe please
The only people that would be able to give you the precise & correct information your needing is your obstetrician. I personally wouldn’t trust non medical persons information as that is there experience, for the health & safety of you & your child should be left in the hands of medical professionals who no your medical history.
Collagen, retinol and teeth whitening are no no’s! Speak with your doctor ASAP. Don’t worry about stretch marks… worry about your babe! The best thing for stretch marks is bio oil 2x daily. Put it between your legs where they might rub!
Did you inject into your tummy?
You need to ask your doctor and also stretch marks are hereditary so there’s nothing you can do to prevent them.
Go to your obsgyn ASAP. FYI- stretch marks are more about genetics.
Semen! As a medical assistant that’s worked for 8 ob/gyns for 8 years, semen is the #1 thing we suggest for stretch marks!! But stretch marks are low priority vs the health of your unborn child!!!
Stretch marks that appear during pregnancy are primarily hereditary. The lovely thing about genes though, they are more than just our parents. We may not get them just because our mothers did, but are definitely at an increased risk to get them. It also depends on your body type and how quickly you’re putting on weight. They will lighten over time and with some creams but nothing will prevent them. Definitely talk to your doctor though.
Perhaps a conversation for yer dr and not facebook.
If its liquid collegen its a no I was on it before and had to stop while pregnant
It’s a bit late now…. But U shouldn’t take anything at all while pregnant unless your dr approves it. If stretch marks run in your family you’re gonna have them.
Wtf !!! This page makes me anxious of how can this be real poor baby i hope everything will be ok
Stretch marks are genetic.
You cannot stop them.
You CAN stop taking some random shit for no reason. By the way, babies come out wrinkly. No collagen for bub, mkay?
You needed to discuss this with your dr BEFORE you started taking it. We aren’t all dr on here. Go and make an appointment.
Stretch marks are just part of the process if your family got them so will you. Instead of preventing them you should have just waited and start using cream on them after you had the baby.
You never informed your OB of meds/supplements you’re taking?
If stretch marks is more worrisome than potentially hurting your unborn baby then maybe you shouldn’t have children
Always discuss things with your doctor before making any kind of decisions like that.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Self medicating with collagen while pregnant, is this okay?
Collagen is protein and protein is the building block of life. The only time you shouldn’t consume extra protein is if you are having kidney issues.
Just a side note stretch marks are more often than not genetic. If your mom got stretch marks during pregnancy then it’s likely you will too.
You can use all of the magic lotions and potions but it’s more to do with your genes than anything else
I’d talk to my Doctor instead of Facebook.
If you want to avoid stretch marks just rub baby oil on your stomach. I’ve had 2 kids and I have zero stretch marks. My grandmother who’s had 4 kids has zero stretch marks and she told me to do this. I can’t give you advice on the collagen because I’m not experienced with it but ask your doctor.
Its part if being pregnant why get pregnant if you are so worried about stretch mark x
I took it while prego. It’s not a drug lol
I feel you should have asked all that BEFORE you decided to take it
Good grief ask your doctor not here
This isn’t a Facebook or Google question. Ask your doctor. You should have already done so
Check with your ob to make sure.
This isn’t a question for strangers on Facebook. Ask your doctor.
Omg… First off you shouldn’t take ANYTHING while pregnant unless your Dr says otherwise second off TALK TO YOUR DR. NOT FACEBOOK.
Talk to your doctor!