I definitely wouldn’t allow that, but some parents just don’t care. My son is in first grade, and I’ve seen his classmates walking to school alone. It’s sad.
My kids have been walking and riding bikes to and from school since they were like 6 or 7. Their choice, and they had to prove they could do it on their own before I’d let them. It’s maybe a 10 minute walk. They also can cook on the stove and have their own recipe books. Blasphemous right? They’re 10 & 11 now. Some nosey lady tried to call cps on us once and they laughed at them. If my kids saw you following them they’d probably think you were the creeper and cuss you out and tell an adult about you. Leave other people’s kids alone. Ur being creepy.
Also there’s LESS kids getting kidnapped these days. Not more. Yall are loony.
I would say it depends on a lot of factors…especially distance to the school and maturity of the kids. I have a friend who’s oldest is 10 and middle child is 6. They walk about a half mile (about 6-7 blocks) to school every day with a couple other kids from their neighborhood, meeting up with more as they go. The kids LOVE to walk to school and actually get annoyed when their mom or dad try to drive them. My oldest walked for about 2 years (4th and 5th grade) when we lived in an area close to her school (again probably a half mile or so) and absolutely loved it. My son never had to walk to school until we bought our house when he was in 9th grade…and my youngest daughter will walk to school from 7th grade on…
These are your neighbors kids so even if everyone agreed with you what are you going to do? What you should do is stay in your lane and mind your business. She has made a decision for her kids whether you like it or not. You offered, she declined end of story. Maybe the kids like riding their bikes. The school year is almost over and the kids are fine so obviously yall live in a pretty safe area. Has anything ever happened while you are watching them ride to school or did they make it to and from safely everyday. It really comes down to the fact it is her kids, her decision and she has done nothing illegal.
It’s not your business, her kids her responsibility. Maybe her kids are more mature than yours?
I feel like you should let her parent the way she feels fit and you stay out of it.
Kids being stolen is a pretty random thing to happen. The kids are learning independence. The vast majority of people don’t live within sight of the school, yet their kids walk or bike if they are too close to ride a bus. Amazingly, the majority of kids survive this and live to be healthy, independent adults. Your anxiety is misplaced.
You may not trust your kids but that doesn’t mean they dont have to not trust theirs
You should try the not your kids, not your problem approach
Not bike, but if we were closer walk? Yes. Kids that age walk to school here. There are adult crossing guards at major intersections, we live in a quiet suburb and there are lots of kids that walk. Our 1-3 grade school is in the middle of a residential neighborhood. (That age group 8-9)
It’s not the kids themselves that worries me it’s the disgusting people in this world that get me. Follow your gut mama.
Nah that’s so messed up, especially her declining your offer to take them in a safer way, that’s so so sad
it would depend, How far is the school from you? Is it safe for them to ride to school , with other kids, without any cars hitting them? Try it one day, you can follow safely behind jus to make sure, And when not going to school do you allow them to ride their bike around the neighborhood?
No cause get ran over or kidnapped
I did. I also walked to school by myself at that age. I had to go across my lil town to get to school too
I would never! I drive my younger kids to school everyday and we live less than 2 minutes away. Lol. I could not function all day unless I physically see my kids enter school and know thats where they are! Anything can happen in a split second and some ppl are too trusting with this world!
I think it’s fine… but then again it all depends on the child… I was walking a Mile to school back in 69 . With my brother an sister 5,6,7 were our ages… in all kinds of weather.
Americans are stunting the growth and independence of their kids by helicoptering them to death. Let them be. They are learning life skills. Children are statistically safer walking than driving, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death for children yet people are worried about a statistic anomaly of children being kidnapped which is so exceedingly rare.
I think today’s parents Cottle They’re kids, So they don’t grow up as quickly as we do they don’t mature. Kids need to learn to do things on their own on their own if you don’t give them space they will never learn
I never let my kid at that age ride bike to school. It was either bus or I took him. People r taking kids. Some hv let the kids ride by themselves and something happened. I would not be able to forgive myself for that. Plus my sons old elementary school is crossing a major street with no MaMa patrol.
We let our oldest ride her bike 5 or 6 blocks (it was 1989) That is until JayCee Lee was kidnapped! From her bus stop in rural countryside USA with her step dad close enough to be watching! After that? No freaking way! In 2002 I had our second daughter. I had become a lot more relaxed about people, more trusting. That is until two men tried attempted to kidnap me and infant while walking her around our block in her buggy. … I trust no one anymore. Crime has exploded exponentially since I was a kid, since our oldest was a kid and even in the last 2 years! … I have been an advocate for missing & exploited children since 2015 when our 12 y.o. was abducted. I have seen & or read stories about trafficing children that would haunt you for the rest of your life. So my answer? Absolutely NOT!
Not in these days and time. Check the missing persons reports and think about it.
I would say its definitely young, being kidnapped doesn’t matter how mature you are at age 10, you can still get kidnapped, or hit by a car or anything. Even 17 year olds get kidnapped remember so don’t act like if your a mature kid for your age nothing can happen. But, those are her kids, she can and will parent how she wants and sees fit. Nothing you csn do.
What world do you live in? You must don’t see how high the trafficking rates are nowadays.
It’s 2022 anything can happen
But I myself will walk my boys into school
No, my daughter is 15, and I watch her walk or drive her to her bus stop, too many crazy people out there!
It’s not your business! My 10 year old has been riding her bike or walking herself the 2-3 blocks to school for about 2 years now! And not because I don’t want to. SHE wants to!! People like you are what’s wrong with the and future generations. You “helicopter mom” your kids, other people’s kids, and won’t LET them learn independence then wonder why they’re still living at home at 30. Smh
You follow your children when they’re riding their bikes?
These are likely 3rd grade children…depending on maturity level (which should be gaged by parents not some helicopter neighbor) there’s nothing wrong with this. My 2nd & 4th grader are always riding their bikes. We have protective measures in place and I know where they are all the time. If my neighbor tried to tell me how to parent I would tell her to mind her business and then pray for her children to be able to enjoy their childhood without someone hovering.
Do we live in a scary world? Absolutely. Do we live in a world of sick people and unfortunate circumstances? Yes. But our kids aren’t going to benefit from us if we refuse to allow them to grow up.
I was 7 when I started to ride my bike to school. It was about 4-5 blocks from my house. My mom had to go to work, or she’d be late, and I couldn’t take the bus because they said “we lived too close.” I also declined rides from neighbors or classmates parents, when they stopped and offer. This was also in the 90’s so times were a bit different.
Every body always says. Each kid is different or if your kid is mature enough. None of that means a lick of difference, when kidnappers and sex traffickers could care less how mature or responsible your kids seem. And being two together don’t mean they’re safer. Read the headlines. It’s everywhere. If you allow your kids to walk or bike to school and they get hit by a car or kidnapped . That’s on you…
I just started letting my almost 8 year old start, but make sure she’s in a group of about 6 kids and she has a phone with Pingo on it, which is a kids tracking app.
I would never let my kids go that far without me. All it takes is listening to a few crime junkie podcasts about children getting kidnapped on their way to school or on their way home or on the way to a gas station less than a block away. There are some sick people out there
With the way kids are coming up missing these days I wouldn’t let mine. Its even getting risky to let them play in the yard unattended much less let them ride bikes to school alone.
Do you just have no faith in your neighbor and doubt that she’s ever talked with her kids about safety practices when in public? They probably don’t have phones because they are 8 & 9 and are probably more susceptible to danger and predators that way than by riding a bike to school. Kudos to her for not giving them phones yet. But seriously, do you just doubt that she’s ever talked with her kids about situational awareness and hypothetic scenarios? I’m sure she’s talked with them about all of it. Routes, a buddy system, vehicle and bike safety/traffic laws, stranger danger, staying aware of their surroundings, not stopping for anything or talking to even people they “know” (like other parents they may recognize). At 9, I was mature enough to understand all of that, and to remember it and the conversations I’d have with my mother, and I WALKED to school. I didn’t even have a getaway bike lol
They aren’t. I was walking to school from age 7 and on. Kids are capable. They have each other, they aren’t alone. They are on bikes. Not only is it healthy to teach them independence, it’s a good morning exercise.
You’re not their mother so back off. You don’t know what stranger danger things she has taught them or what self defense she has taught them either. It’s none of your business.
If they stay together.
Your comment about not being able to see the school makes me feel like you live in the same neighborhood of the school, so I wouldn’t say it’s a problem for an 8 or 9 year old to ride their bikes a few block. It’s also weird thing to worry about literally days before the end of the year.
I get anxiety all the time about the youngsters in our neighborhood that walk or bike to school, some alone even. But everybody parents differently and that’s their decision so definitely don’t step on their toes. If you keep watch for them when they are in your line of vision then you are doing your part. My 10 year old keeps begging to walk or bike to school because some of her friends do but I do not allow her yet. I’ve heard far too many horror stories and it only takes one time.
My son is 9 and rides or scooters to school just fine.
I walked to school alone with my sister since kindergarten and yes they had abductions back then
Lol I walked to school from first grade til highschool. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to drive their kid to school.
Personally no. My kids doctor said their depth perception isn’t developed properly until they’re about in their preteens. I forget how old maybe 13. But i live in the city between streets that lead off the interstate. But honestly these aren’t your children. And I don’t know what kind of area you live in. I don’t think you can judge this/ these parents. Just because I wouldn’t doesn’t mean anything. I know even in the city here at the elementary school there are always a couple of bikes that a few of the students do ride their bikes to school once the weather is good for it. I don’t judge those parents. And when I was younger after 3rd grade I walked to the bus stop by myself because having my mommy walk me was embarrassing.
Not in today’s world.
They’re together so not alone. A lot of kids that age bike or walk to school…. Some even younger. I’m sure she taught them about stranger danger and feels that they are responsible enough to bike to school. MYOB
Her kids are getting exercise gaining independence and being responsible I think your judgment is due to the lack of independence you allow your children to have and well not everyone is created equal we just like to say that
As long as the school isn’t very far away and it doesn’t sound like it’s very far, I don’t see a problem.
I really have never seen so many negative comments towards someone who actually cares about children. No matter the age. There are full grown adult women who get taken everyday and because she is worried, she is a helicopter mom. Thank God some of us are!
I plan to have my 9 year old bike to school next year
I know things are different these days but I’d walk a mile to school and have to cross large roads at 9. Getting a ride to school was a treat in those days lmao
Sorry lady. But mind ya business…
What you decide for your children has no bearing on what another home does with theirs. You can make judgements all day, not your home.
Karen focus on your children n mind ur business
I would not let my kids ride their bikes to school but that woman’s kids are not my kids. Everyone parents differently. She probably trusts her kids and trusts your neighborhood.
Yes…if they are responsible…
Long as they stay together. But you’re not safe Inside your home.
Eh, I’d be more worried about you than the kids. You just told the entire internet that there are children who don’t have phones (how do you know they don’t have them? You must have pulled over to ask them) wandering down the street unprotected. If you’re willing to say it on the internet, I’m sure you’ve said it to someone from your home town that knows exactly where you live and how to find these kids. You’re technically the one making them unsafe at this point by spreading their business.
There is no more risk today than there was in the 80s when I was growing up… we have social media and that plays a huge part. We hear more about trafficking and kids missing but the reality is it’s always been this way. I grew up in an affluent community and I can remember reports of random vans driving around. As long as kids are using the buddy system I would be fine with it. We aren’t doing our children any favors by not allowing them to be children.
Stay in your lane. Not your circus, not your monkeys. Raise your own kids and not someone else’s.
Absolutely not! My daughter is 10 and we live 2 blocks from the school and I will not let her walk or bike .
Either me or my mom and her and drop her off and pick her up.
There are way too many weirdos or accidents that can happen.
I trust mine to walk….I don’t let him take his bike because I’d rather it not get stolen! He does take it with a lock he’s pretty responsible….so if your comfortable and feel they can handle the responsibility then definitely let them! I just made sure mine knew safe doors to. Knock at
Every kid is different. I was walking to school on my own around 8/9 with no issues. Now, my daughter on the other hand who is 9, I wouldn’t let walk/bike on her own because she gets distracted lol if she saw a butterfly she would run after it
just because a parent may not be able to take their children to school due to, say, having to work at a certain time, does not mean that person does not care about their childrens safety.
Let’s all not judge the parent who send their children to school on bikes nor should we judge the OP for being concerned. But also, MYOB.
My kids walk to school on their own. How about you mind your business
Honestly, my son will be 10 this year and I still bring him to his bus stop every day and get him after school. It’s only a 2 minute walk but who knows what can happen in those two minutes. Perfect example - last week when I was getting off the metro, a man I’d never noticed before, walked up to me and said your the girl that had that kid with you last time. He’s a really cute looking kid, really really cute things like this is why I bring my kid to the bus stop and pick him up. I don’t trust anybody when it comes to my kid, ever.
Worry. About. Yourself!!!
All these people saying Karen’s shame on ya’ll.
This women just doesn’t want either kid hit by a car or worse a pedophile picking them up or human trafficking. I think its he being a good mom. Yes there not hers but I even will watch a young child at thw store to make sure they go to people they know . I have 4 and I wouldn’t allow them at this age to ride . I think alot of people think “that can’t happen to my kids” then it does
Unfortunately though hun there not your kids and I get you think she’s a crappy mom for letting them bike to school and I agree but it is what it is .
No I wouldn’t let any kid of mine under 18 ride a bike to and from school ….too much crazy in this world! Better safe than sorry
And this is your business how?
No way!!! I don’t let my almost 12 year old out of my sight, especially around cars!!!
Mind your own business and worry about your own kids
I feel like this is none of this lady’s business
Kids in my township do it. We would never. It’s a personal choice.
My friends always allowed their kids to do a little more than mine. We are not all the same. I wouldn’t let my kids walk to school alone at that age. But my friends let their kids. However, my friends weren’t almost kidnapped with their friend while walking. So I was a little more cautious than others.
Not your kids not your issue. I get being worried as you’re a mom it’s like in our DNA. However you can’t control how someone else raises their kids. This may be her way of teaching them independence or making sure they get their daily exercise. You don’t know what the conversation was when they made the decision to let them do this. Every person/family is different and you have no place to tell her she’s wrong. You are welcome to your opinion but it’s just that an opinion. Would you like it if someone told you they don’t agree with a parental choice you made?
This post should definitely be a test for parents that think they are better parents then others🤦♀️ who’s to say who is right. Calling other parents … crazy or gross or straight up stupid for raising their own kids the way they feel is best shows how your kids are really raised, to judge and insult people that don’t do things their way.
2 years ago yes today 's world NO
Personally, I wouldn’t let my 8 year old…but what your neighbour does is not really your business, she’s obviously trusts her kids to make their way to and from school…so leave them be and concentrate on your own life
Our City Schools have a requirement of being in 3rd grade before you can ride your bike to school. Has been in place for 50 years. I started in third grade, I met up with about 3 others a block away(agreed upon meeting spot.) Then we rode the 1/4-1/2 mile to school. Still the same with my 11 year old.
Mind your own business Karen damn
I would base alot on the type of community, how secluded or open the trek, maturity of child or children. Be best if it’s not a lone child and a group was together. Is their an area just for bikes. I would’ve let my boys based on so many of those areas but based on others they would’ve had to be paired with an older child or group. Its definitely a case by case issue since different communities and areas have higher or lower risk. With all that a bad person can sit in the center of the best and vice versa. It’s always a risk of bad people, injuries, or anything else. Maybe ride with your children for awhile to start them out. That way you see first hand the environment and possibly meet people on the route that can be your eyes and ears. I love our area because kids can still get out and do things like I did as a child.
Not this day and age no but she can do as she wishes.If something happens to them,that’s on her conscience.
My 9 yr old has since he was 6. Really depends on maturity of the child. Everyone develops at different paces so maturity levels should go by child not by age. My daughter may not start riding hers to school as early depending on her maturity level and understanding of rules and safety precautions
Do you know the kids well? I understand your concern and I’m the same way when I see kids out while im taking mine to school- I look out for any child. But I wouldn’t be so quick to judge that they’re too young. They’ve established trust in their parents to bike to and from school, some kids are ready for that step before others. And the fact that they go together and aren’t going on their own. I wouldn’t let mine at those ages however I know my kids best and our neighborhood, everyone’s situation is different.
Tbh it depends on the maturity of the kid. I’d let my two boys if we lived closer but we’re like a half hour from their school so that’s a no but like I said it depends on the kids , if they’re road smart , and the parents trust them enough than don’t worry about it , I’d worry when or if I’m seeing them circling roads and crap like that !
It’s her kids remember , not yours.
no it’s not her kids but she has a conscience and would feel awful if she found out something happened to them. I mind my business so I’d just watch them as she has been doing and just pray for their safety.
I was allowed to ride my bike to school at that age but that was also 23-24 years ago. I wouldn’t let my 9 yr old son do it now, mostly bc I don’t think he’d actually go.
I was always over protective, and able to take my son to school or have some take him to school. IMO if you can take your kids to school, you should. For safety, for bonding. Some parents need their kids to be independent at that age, right or wrong. But like everyone is saying, it’s your neighbors right to do as she see’s fit with her own kids, and as long as she is not breaking any laws in your neighborhood, then so be it.
Feel whatever you want, but mind your business.
I should’ve kept reading … it’s great you look out for them but it really is up to the other parent. You offered a ride and that was great. I learned after my kids grew up that kids that learned responsibility and independence had an advantage. I would’ve let my kids but instead I coddled and served. I’m not complaining about my kids today because they are good kids (men) but it hindered their growth. I wish I would’ve made my boys do more for themselves over the years. Sounds like the neighbor has a different way of raising her kids and the situation isnt due to a need, but a choice. I’d let it be because the worst environment ever is in a feud with a neighbor that tries to control another.
Perfect age to bike to school
So many variables… distance, part of town ect… Bottom line though they aren’t your kids so if their parent is fine with it it’s not your business
I am a bicycle enthusiast and my answer is no.
I just love how all you moms are saying “yes” or “not your business!” For starters she did ask everyone’s opinion SOOOO and 2 I guess you have a 50/50 chance of some pervert snatching your kiddos off their bikes or some crazy driver smashing into them like we hear SO damn often!!! At the end of the day us moms raise and protect our children how we see fit
I would feel uneasy too, but if it’s not far at all, then maybe. Just mind your own and keep looking after em.
I will bring them to school it safe out therr
My neighborhood growing up was safe enough to do this. Even younger kids would walk with there older siblings to school. I get being over protective but let these kids BE KIDS
Yes my 8 year old son does, I follow closely behind in the car. I don’t think it’s any your business
I was that age walking to school. It was 5 streets away both my parents worked days and couldn’t drop us off or pick us up. We are perfectly fine. Its better that there is more than one child and they are not alone
Depends how mature they are and if they know the rules of interaction. Have they been taught to stay away from strangers, ignore talking, and go to school. They do not NEED cell phones! I am so glad that I am not growing up in this generation, and never allowed to do anything alone. That said, there were bad things still happening in the 70s and 80s but we were not coddled like kids are today!