No not if you don’t really need it … I would push him to spend more time with the child before I worried about the money if I could afford it on my own cause The child will grow up an see each parent for who they are …
For sure - child support isn’t political. That money is to be used so those kiddos can thrive. I would say the same if it were a father asking for support.
Yes full amount, insurance through both of you, half of all her bills. Save it for her college or vacations but he needs to be responsible for his kid too
I would revisit his child support and go to court and get what is meant for your child. You can always put aside. Maybe she would like to do ballet, horseback riding. You never know!
Yes, he should be paying, you’re being to nice and he knows it, he’s taking advantage of you. It would be less stress for you, heck ask for more but then settle for what you really want him to give you.
Yes 100% the money is for your daughter and if he can’t bother to see her he atleast should be supporting her
Yes you should ask for more child support. He has just as much to do with making her as you did. Why would you look at him supporting her as a burden? There’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty about asking for child support.
That child support is meant to provide a good life for your child and having a healthy mother is part of that. He has gotten off pretty good until now and if you take the same stance as all these years then you are not doing any of you any good. Does he visit his child regularly and buy her things outside of the support payments? He should also be paying half her medical cost including insurance and dental. Your counselor is 100% correct you need to take him back to court and do not lower it under any circumstances.
Your daughter deserves the money! It takes 2 to make a baby, it takes 2 to raise one! That includes payin bills gas/electric/water/food/clothing/shoes etc. He chooses not to spend time with his child!that’s his choice! He still needs to pay his equal share! Never think your child is a financial BURDEN for him!!!
yes your counselor is right you need to get the child support and put it into a college fund for yor your child even if you already have one yourself both parents need to support the child its not for you the child has a legal right to the support money
YES!!! IT’S his job to support her as well ¡! Go to court and get support and education $$, it’s not for you, it’s for HER!!
Yes you should you never know what she’s going to need and he doesn’t help with anything else open a savings account for her
Hell yes he should be paying! Teenagers are expensive! Put it away for her because if he isn’t helping now he won’t later!
Absolutely he should pay what he owes. Your daughter deserves it. Raising children is not cheap, and I’m sure you could put that money to good use for your daughter
Yes…put it in a college fund if you don’t need it for the daily monthly expenses. It takes two to make a baby so he should also be made to pay.
Make him pay all her college expenses when she goes to college or trade school. And make him buy her first car. That should make up for what he hasn’t paid for over the years.
Why should he get off not having to provide anything for a child he helped create? If you were still married he would be contributing so why because you are divorced does that give him a free ride. I think you have been too nice to him. And maybe that’s because you really don’t even want to deal with him or the drama that may come with child support. I would pursue child support and if it becomes to be too much drama then maybe he should give up his rights as a father? He doesn’t seem to have any interest to act like a father to someone who is a blessing. I’m sure people may say that’s too far. But if he wanted to be a father he would make every effort. He’s living a free life not paying for his responsibilities. He’s a dead beat dad.
Why are you asking. Anyone in there right mind would make him pay everything.he has the money. Fathers think they can get away with not paying. Some quit there jobs so they wont have to pay a penny.
Your daughter is entitled to the financial luxury she would have had, had you stayed married. Shes missing on things she should have received, nkt that money buys happiness, but, she deserves it.
Add up ur daughters monthly expenses. Not the wants , just the needs. Ur ex should be paying half of that. Most basic needs of a child equal $600 a month( according to the foster care system). Obviously u need to add in daycare cost. So now the total is $1100. He should be paying $550 a month .
Yes, personally I feel it would absolutely be fair! It’s his child too. You won’t be any less of a mother or single-mother or woman because you ask your child’s Father to help financially raise his child too. Keep your chin up!
I can’t even read all this but why would you not want him to give you full amount of child support your daughter deserves everything and he deserves to pay his share so I’m not gonna read the rest of it
Absolutely- take the money and bank it for your daughters college fund. When she turns 18 tell her it’s hers for college.
I never asked for 1 penny for anything because our 21 yr. old grandson n his 1 yr. old daughter lived in the house, we raised the grandson n i knew that would be true of the g.granddaughter too.we were 71 yrs. old.In fact i had my SS put in his account.My Lady Lawyer tried to get me to take everything away from my ex-husband.Later i re-married We are all 3 82 yrs. old now and get along just fine, the G.Granddaughter is 11 yrs. old and she loves my husband too.In the end God has really blessed us.Sometimes Lawyers get a little to greedy when there are kids involved.Just my own story.
Absolutely!!! It’s not about the money… It’s about helping his daughter. I did the exact same thing - not asked for full amount. Even agreed for him to pay less outside of the courts. He paid for a while and then quit paying altogether. I did go back to court, but never got what I was suppose to. I agree with most people here: if you don’t need the money put it aside for her later car, college, house, etc. As she gets older the expenses get higher. You are letting him get off scott free for expenses needed to raise HIS daughter - food, clothing, utilities, etc. Back to court you go!!!
Your daughter has a right to it and it is wrong to keep it from her. Put it away for college if you don’t need all of it every month.
If he doesnt do extras outside of child support yes he needs to pay more.
ABSOLUTELY! You could put the money in an account for your daughter if you don’t want to use it. She deserves it.
Just do it. If you are lucky maybe you will see some of that child support.
I can’t believe a judge made that call. I had one tell me one time that it was not up to me to decide what my Ex husband should or should not pay he should pay according to what he makes so yes you’re not being fair to your child
All bills for the child should be 50-50. BUT I do also think that every penny should be accountable.
i would stick it to him, she will need the money and help believe me, get it for her, he is having a ball not paying, probably laughs all the way to the bank
Did you know that father’s that pay child support are much more likely to spend time with that child? Are YOU financially burdened? Of course you are! Every responsible parent is!!! Of course he should be paying child support and time for him to grow up!!!
Get it all you didn’t get pregnant by yourself and you shouldn’t have the financial responsibility by yourself
Your child deserves more i understand where u are coming from but it’s ok to want more for her
Yes yes yes!!! Why shoulder all the burden! My first husband got his reduced and still didn’t pay!
Absolutely, if anything put it in a college fund for her.
Hell yeah make him pay! Especially since he makes no effort at all to REALLY see her and spend any time with her.
Yes ! I didn’t and it’s too late now. I certainly wish I did! Unforeseen circumstances can arise so get things in good order now.
I honestly don’t understand how some men just don’t want to be apart of their child’s life?!? It baffles my mind!!!
Yes it split everything related to what your daughter needs school supplies medical dental eye exams what ever it is
Yes your daughter deserves the money even if you put it in a fund for her
Why are you cheating your child out of what she deserves… if you don’t use it set it aside for her. School car etc…this is her money and you are her representative irregardless of his relationship with her or his other children…
I would make it a college fund or something else, because not every child college. her first car or anything.
;You can always put it in her college fund if you don’t need it to support her financially.
Yes I think he should pay the full amount that the courts can access, because even though you make about the same amount, you are paying for the rent, food, clothing, household bills, cellphones so yeah I think he needs to help support your daughter even if you decide to put it in an account for her needs.
Yes, it could be used for college or put into an account for her to start building financial security
Get the support. If you dont want/need to use it then put in a savings acct for your daughter or a college fund for her. Hild support is for the child regardless of how much you make.
Girl, I dunno WHAT that man did to make you feel this sorry for him, but damn. Knuckle up- you didn’t make that kid on your own. You shouldn’t have to support it on your own.
You have no right to take money away from your child regardless what you feel or can afford her on your own. If you dont want to use that money on her then put it in a savings account for her. I don’t understand people who dont think of the child 1st. I dont mean to be harsh just frustrating people forget about the child in their own drama
I read your post and I feel I need to ask don’t you believe your daughter deserves the best she can have. She didn’t choose her parents so she doesn’t have a voice you are suppose to be her voice. I don’t know what happened in your marriage but it seems you are a very responsible mother willing to do whatever is needed. You did not bring this Princess into this world by yourself, so therefore you shouldn’t be stressing yourself out by doing it on your own. Become a lion sweetie, roar find your voice and teach your daughter she is worthy and deserves both of her parents to give her the best life she can have.
Yes do it. The cost of living is going to continue to go up child care, housing, food, clothing etc… Even if you don’t need or use the support put into a savings account for your daughters future.
His child too, should pay what courts allow. He should also pay half the medical costs. My state makes both parents carry them on insurance
Yes it’s fair! Even if you don’t need the money save it for her for college or a down payment on a house etc
And there are always two sides to the story. I’m sure he could flip it and make himself sound like an angel as well so ultimately this is something personal between the two of you and your decision.
No need to take him to court. Child support will reevaluate your case once a year upon either parents request. Get what is owed to you!
He should pay full child support and cover medical
Boy he’s got it made with you!!! The money and support is for your daughter,and she is entitled to it. Start a bank account for her and put some away for her if that makes you feel better.
You are not very bright for not getting what your daughter needs! Fair would have been from day one!!!
She is his daughter as well as your, make him pay the court. Shame on him for not taking care of his child
That’s the least he can do! He should willingly pay the support that she is entitled.
Why would you not save it for your daughters future! Unless you think or know otherwise for mental health issues…
He needs to pay his share. Your daughter did not pop out of thin air and he needs to step up.
She is his child too and he should be responsible. Stop feeling sorry for the him and get what is owed to her.
Yes! Have him pay the full amount. Its his daughter too and you have her most of the time.
Some states calculate the cost of a child’s expenses. Then they allocate that to the parents based on their salaries.
Call it a cost of living increase and go for it. Put it in savings. You do not know what the future holds, and she might desperately need it at some point.
What do you not understand about his being this child’s parent? And therefore responsible?
Absolutely he should pay the full amount. I know it seems hard, but it is the right thing to do.
Yes, ask for it to be re-evaluated, it is for your daughter.
Yes!!! It is his daughter too which means his responsibility, especially if he rarely sees her.
It’s only fair that he pay his part. He should also carry insurance on her.
You owe it to your daughter to ask for the child support.
You should of been done that. She is right. It’s only fair he provides half of his daughter’s expenses. You didn’t make her alone. You let him off easy.
Yes its for your daughter and its only fair if he makes as much or more than you
Certainly. If you don’t use all of it put rest into a college fund
Absolutely…it’s not for you…it’s for your daughter…if you feel you don’t need it, put it in a savings account for her, for college or whatever when she’s older.
If you don’t need the money then put it away for her college or first car or first home.
Yes it’s for your daughter. If roles were reversed he probably would ask for the whole amount
Make him Pay, he didn’t spend hours and hours in Labor with your child and his, putting up with all that suffering, why give him a pass???, he has to take responsibility!!!
He obviously has not done his part down through the years…dont have any sympathy for him ask for all you can get…child support, half for copay at docs and half of child care…go for it all and see what ya get
I would make him pay the full amount or ask him to put it in a college fund for her.
Did everyone else understand correctly or not? Is the father paying nothing, half or full amount? He’s paying $98 a week court ordered but wants more? I dont know why my brain doesn’t want to comprehend reading that. Lol???
Would it be fair to have him pay his fair share? Yes. Don’t tiptoe around him, dont let him control you like that! Stand up for yourself and more importantly YOUR DAUGHTER who will learn by watching you, so show her how we women BOSS TF UP WHEN NEEDED!
Yup, full child support. You are shorting your child fir stopping it. Child support is for your child. If you make good income that and can support yourself put her money in the bank for her.
Full support. If you really don’t need. Open her a savings acct for when she is older
Of couses it would were the fools because we dont want to burden them
Yes ask him for the full amount. You can always deposit into an account towards any college expenses she may have later
Do you have agreement about college? There’s that.
Take the money the full amount and put it in aa account for your daughter. When she wants to buy a car or go to college the money will be there for her.
Have him pay full amount. You could always put it away for college if you don’t need it.
My main question is why are you “protecting” him? Would he even bat an eye if the roles were reversed? Nope…he’s take you for everything the law allows. This isn’t about you, you know…nor is it about him.
You should have been getting it all along. Your counselor is right. The money is for your daughter and she should have it. If you want to put it in a savings account and let her have it when she’s 18 for school or a house do that. You didn’t make a child by yourself and he should be paying his share.
If it’s just gonna be a fight and he won’t pay anyways, do what I did and just move on. I found it was more payment just having the angry man out of her life.
Yes it is fair. Don’t feel guilty about it for even half a second.
You have to be joking. Your daughter deserves every penny they can get out of that loser.
I HATE child support, HATE the rigged system, and am a huge proponent of Fathers Rights and the abolishment of the current child support process in Title IV…but in this case, absolutely take him for Max child support
Take the money for your daughter put it away and push him to spend the time with her unless she has other means of a father figure !!
You already know the answer to your question. Why the ask for validation from others?
Stupid question. Even if you did not need his help. That could be invested for her future or put into a Savings account for her to have money for her Class ring, trips, Senior pictures, prom Cap and Gown, dorm fees, down payment or cash for a car!!! Wake up he is never going to Volunteer