Should I be concerned that my husband spends his weekends away from me?

Girl in a marriage your man is gonna wanna spend time with you. Maybe not 24/7 if he works a lot and wants some time for himself but to dip out and ditch you every weekend is sketchy and not right. I’m sorry but that is not a marriage.

9 years before you guys starting living together because of a job. And now that you guys are living together he runs off and spends his free time without you. I honestly think his parents might be very controlling of the situation but it also makes me wonder if he has another family and maybe that’s why his parents keep trying to push you away


That’s not a marriage sounds like you have noithing at all. Leave cause you are single anyway. He could have a 2nd family


That man is living a double life

He has another family elsewhere :woman_shrugging:

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Sounds like a double life to me. I am so sorry.

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I feel like I’ve seen this episode on 90 day fiancé🤔


Seriously, why do you allow this?


Yes i would be concerned and wouldn’t put up with it

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I’m so sorry :disappointed: he definitely has another life going on


Go investigate his ass I’d follow him and see what he’s doing

His parents may not be well.

I don’t understand why people laugh at this. This women is sad and hurting and people just think it’s a joke.


Yes that’s concerning. He should be spending at least some of his weekends with you.


Time grow up and man up to his commitments.

We be getting updates on this ??

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Stand for something or fall for anything.

My question is what does he get out of being married to you if you didn’t live together until four months ago and he doesn’t stay or spend any time with you during the weekends. And what are you getting out of being treated like that?


It’s concerning to me you said you have been together 9 years and married 2 years and only been living together for 4 months. But your only concerned about his weekends. Something isn’t right at all here.


Can you read what you just wrote…then reread it again and again as if it’s someone else who wrote it then ask yourself WTF is wrong with this person to have put up with that for this long???


Can you say Side piece?!?


Yrs be concerned. You have no marriage


I am so confused about this dynamic.

If you’re together dating/married/whatever and you have children together then I don’t understand why y’all just started living together when you’ve been married for 2 years and together for 9.

This is so weird to me. You are definitely the side piece and he doesn’t respect you. Reading this is absolutely mind boggling.


Time to move on. All bad signs there!,


Something sounds fishy…listen to your gut…you know…

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very concerning… is he married his family or jou…

Not a healthy relationship.he married you.he should be with you…thier is something fishy

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All weird details aside, sounds like a double life to me.


Living a double life?


I would think about divorce. This isn’t a marriage.

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There is something very very wrong.

Now, say… why did you get married to him? Surely this has been an on going lifestyle for the first seven years…. Why would you marry him??


That is definitely strange behaviour from someone who is suppose to be your husband. What is the point of the relationship if majority of the time is spent apart? It’s not like you’re living long distance… He supposedly “moved in.” Sounds like he’s trying to live a double life and wants to have the best of both worlds. Not a healthy relationship and will only cause insecurities and trust issues. You should voice your concerns with him and based off of his reaction, I would make the best decision that benefits you.

Praying for you :white_heart:


I’m concerned why you would marry a man that had no time for you to begin with let alone ask why stay.


No man is going to live separate from his wife and kids hes got another family babe


I have to say I am so confused by this whole thing… but if this is all accurate information, then this is not a marriage. No, this is not normal, and another thing that’s concerning to me is that you even had to ask if it’s normal… I feel like we’re missing a lottttttttt of details in this post lol


Living a double life maybe? :grimacing:


He has another family please move on and be happy you deserve better.


Find a man who appreciates you and wants to be with you. Get out now.


Is it a cultural thing? Is it a helping his parents thing? Does he feel obligated to spend time with his birth family? Is it just a habit thing? Did y’all go out on weekends before you got married or early in your marriage and that’s changed?

I’d learn some phrases in the language they speak. I assume you speak English and the women don’t. Maybe ask the women to show you some of their favorite recipes and offer to help them learn English, and show them some of your favorite recipes to bridge the gap. I assume the men not talking to you is a cultural thing.

Did you not have discussions about this sort of thing before you got married? I’d demand he spend time talking with you about expectations for the marriage and future. Is his family in your country or are you in his?


Girl, I hate to tell you this, but that man probably has a whole wife and other family.


Marriage counseling if possible & go alone if he won’t. Did he value you more when you were single & now sees you as property? How are the other women in his family treated?

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I feel like… maybe we may have different perceptions of what marriage is.
My husband is involved 100% in my life.
This man is living a double life.
Doesn’t necessarily mean he’s cheating (although I would lean towards the most likely probability of that being the case as well).
But he’s definitely leading two different lives


That’s not right he left you out and he should stay spending with you cause you’re his wife and if he avoids you often that mean he’s up something so better check up on him!


This shouldn’t even be a question. I can truly understand being blinded by love, but come on now, you might as well be single if he literally makes no time for you. Love is about making time and special moments. He works all week and leaves every weekend, he has another life. You should get one too.


This is not a marriage a marriage is when live in a home together live as a family and so stuff together him not living with you and staying gone all the te that’s not a healthy life style .you need to get out and be with someone that wants to be with you who wants to make a family and spend the with you . Yeh Iean you have no clue what he is doing it sounds life he is married to you but living another life style other wise . Take yourself out of this situation


I feel this is a cultural issue. I don’t think it’s another family issue as you have met this family. I think it’s a language and culture issue. His family prob makes a big deal about still spending time together. I know you’re uncomfortable but I think you need to find some middle ground. You’re the outsider in this situation, find a way to fit into his family and learn some of the language. After 9 years you should know more about his family and some of the language. Don’t ask him to choose as you won’t like the answer. If it is a big deal to you, you need to ask yourself if this relationship will make you happy. Is this situation hard, yes. Is it how marriage is supposed to be, no. Are some relationships like this, yes. Either you fit in more with the family or you need to find something else that makes you happy. The fact that you lived apart after marriage for almost 2 years, is more strange to me than him driving to see his family on weekends


This question is a bit ridiculous. I mean, you only started living together 4 months ago but got married 2 years ago? And he spends weekends away from you. This isn’t a marriage. This is n’t even dating. I don’t know what to call this relationship. Friends with benefits? He is cheating or doesn’t care about your marriage. Don’t you think you deserve better than being a second choice?


Could he be possibly meeting someone else there and that’s why the dad made rude comments when you went by? If y’all have been together 9 years did he normally spend his weekends with you. And then when he moved in with you started spending his weekends over there? Like how was y’all’s visitation schedule like living an hour away.

Don’t waste anymore time in that relationship…… or lack of one.

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He should stay home with you.

Did I understand this correctly?
You been with this man 11 years total. Married for 2 and only started living together 4 months ago during the week days?
If I am correct, you need to change your locks, file for divorce and find a REAL life partner.
This man is using you as a roomer with benefits fir 5 days while he works. His REAL life is back home where he goes without you. If he doesn’t include you and doesn’t stand up fir you with his family after you being in his life 11 years, you need to stand up for yourself.


Oh Chile he living a double life


So sad. Too many issues here. Ask him to stay home!!!

I had a ex exactly like that we had our own place but always wanted to stay and mommy and daddy’s house then it was oh his son didn’t like our house let’s just say f that crap yes I would be concerned time for him to grow up

Its weird that a man who barely has time for his family, wouldnt want to spend time with them when its possible… Id be suspicious.


He hasn’t grown up yet


Sounds like he’s in it for his citizenship :us: if anything and if he has his papers you deserve better!


Not a real relationship :woman_shrugging:


I’d find a divorce lawyer fast. Or pack your stuff leave and when he does come home you won’t be there. See how he likes it. P.S. Don’t tell him where you are.


Uh… yeh…thats a problem

Yes I’d be concerned. Have you tried asking why he wants to go EVERY weekend? He needs to make some type of compromise if he wants it to work

Either go be with him and his family or release this terrible relationship.


Given me 90 day fiancé vibes… :woman_shrugging:t2:


Snot Gobbler……life is too short…:heart:

Maybe having a weekend relationship w/someone. Parents covering up for him. Maybe have a child staying with grandparent that don’t want exposed. It could be many of speculations and maybe innocent of all.

That wouldn’t work for me thats for sure

….Humm that’s concerning on so many levels….


Wait, is this for his citizenship? There is so much missing from this. My husband is from Germany. He left his family and everything he knew to be here for me. He has his Visa. He zooms his parents almost daily and sometimes I’m a part of their conversation. If your husband is not including you or just not spending time with you on his days off, you are being used for his way here. That’s what it sounds like to me. I’m not sure though if this is a whole citizenship thing but just in case, that’s my two cents. Trust your gut and get out of that crap. You deserve better but don’t be blind. Good luck!

It’s the first sentence. Yes be concerned

So he’s a weekday husband? Sounds fishy to me.

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Run, don’t walk away from this “marriage”. Find yourself a REAL husband, girl!


The whole thing sounds toxic


Why dont you make an agreement every other weekend he should spend time with his wife, but what you have to remember is he loves his family and has moved away from them for you so he could be missing his family, dont try and stop him going to see them just ask for him to spend 2 weekends a month with you and two with his family, I moved away from my family and I miss them alot.

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And yet you married him


Sounds like u married from a different culture and they using u for a green card. Who doesn’t Spend time with his wife? When will u have kids or turn your house into a home?

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That is very concerning first why were you guys together for 9 years and you never made the move to live together ? I wouldnt want to commit to marriage with anyone until I lived with them cause thats when you really are able to realize if you like a person or not . Dating and living together are 2 different ball parks . I could maybe understand him going up to stay in his hometown once a month but every weekend ? Thats very weird and sounds like he doesnt really want to be in a relationship. Seems like hes just staying with you so he could be close to his job … he should be wanting to soend his weekends hone with you


The fact that you even have to ask is concerning. Wake up!!! Can you say double life??


Right I’m sitting here reading your post…twice I’ve deleted my comments…if it was your friend talking to you about this with her hubby…what would you say?what would you think? What advise would you give? "WAKE UP this isn’t normal. So some spying or something because I recon hes cheating in you.


Do u really even have to ask ??

You have been married for 2 years and only lived together for 4 months and he still spends every weekend with them

Very concerning I wouldn’t trust that freshly moving in together he should wanna spend more time with you learn more about the new town he’s living in. Either sit down and talk and get to the bottom of why he’s gotta go every weekend or get rid of him before it gets worst. When ur married that’s supposed to be ur best friend he shouldn’t ever wanna spend a whole weekend without you!

Ide turn up one weekend without him knowing better to know than be taken for an idiot which I think he is making you look :woman_shrugging:

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I almost feel like the scenarios on this page have to be fake, they are so far outside of what most people would accept :woman_facepalming: yes, highly “concerning” your husband seems to have a second family.


You’re married, he’s committed to you for the rest of your natural lives. Find yourself a hobby or friends to occupy yourself with. People these days have this idea that any waking moment you have should be spent with your spouse and this is absolutely not the case. This can create dependency and ultimately tension between two lovers, no matter how long you’ve been together.

If it really concerns you, why are you asking social media? Ask your husband! Don’t do it in a confrontational kind of way, just talk to him calmly about it and decide on a plan together. Don’t let social media trick you into thinking something that could only possibly be true. Believe your instincts, consult your husband, and go from there.

Very. I wouldn’t be putting up w that.

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It sounds like he may be of different culture than you. My mom and stepdad were bf/gf for like 27 years before they merged. My stepdad is Hispanic and his whole fam lives under one roof. When their parents died (my mom and his)… a few years after she moved in with him at his house with his sisters. I know i personally would not be able to do that so i think you gotta ask yourself if you can be happy like that. If not, maybe moving on would help find you some happiness. 9 years is a long time!

This don’t sound right to me. To me it’s concerning x

I’d make sure my marriage is legal he may already have a wife !!!


Oh shes just a side piece and a second thought.

Hes definitely got a different life going on.
If I were you I would be doing some SERIOUS RECON

what the HELL? this is insane. move on girl.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my husband spends his weekends away from me? - Mamas Uncut

Just me but umm I’d put a tracking device on his vehicle one night he’s home with you and follow it on the weekend. I’m betting he really isn’t at his parents house and if he is, im thinking there will be an unknown vehicle around.


This screams double life to me. Like he has a wife and kids somewhere else and he visits them on the weekends when he’s “off work.” I can’t even fathom being married to someone for 2 years before actually being able to live with them. Why wasn’t he adamant on having you live with him close to his job instead of waiting until he got a job closer to you?? I’d go and surprise him at his parent’s house and see what’s going on. Then, I’d leave him because a man who loves his wife actually want to spend TIME with her.


I would sit down with him to find out what is going on seek answers off him then decide from there


Very much so!
He would do better or I would… you’re so much better than that

I would think so start checking his clothes wallet little things be wise be careful an watch out may be nothing but then again we’ll I would wounder why my husband would do that are you chunker than you were before you got engaged or married if so that might be it don’t get pregnant

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Very concerning. You should follow him to the in laws and see what’s going on

Yes, it should be concerning to u. And u should question why u are willing to be in a relationship when u are always alone and aren’t valued at all … don’t waste valuable time on this man…


I would go and spy on him
Secretly drive out there stay somewhere in a motel and watch what he does
I would be very unhappy if I was you that’s not a marriage