Should I be concerned with what my son was looking up on his phone?

I’de have the talk but I would not tell him you went through his phone, break that trust he will never come to you with anything…

Totally normal but i’d say you are about 5 years behind on the talk

Don’t mention it, let it be. Like you said he’s at that age, so why stress it? If HE ever comes to you, just be straightforward and tell him to use condoms or whatever you want to say but definitely don’t shame him or punish him for something that’s natural.

Ya I thinks it’s too old to be looking in his phone. You re not going to like what you find. Give him space.

Does he have a father who could discuss this with him? Father and son talk in order

Don’t say anything to him!!

You trying to give him a complex?
And if you punished him for this, he’d wind up taking it out on every girl he tries getting close with!

Yep sex education comes in all forms. If it’s not a violent type of comic. I’m ok with it. Tell him you notice to video n he had questions about it talk.

I have a son 14 almost 15. I would not and will not take his phone. I have had the talk with him. I asked him questions about what he knew. I allowed him to ask me whatever he wanted and I answered them honestly. I left the door open for him to come to me anytime he has a question. We probably had a 2 to 3 hour talk and we discussed everything from birth control to STD. His body, women’s bodies. It was a great talk and he comes to me if he wishes to know something instead of look on the internet where he could get the wrong answer. This in my opinion should not be something to be upset about. A healthy relationship with your son will make all the difference in his world if he is free to come to you about anything. Good luck


My soon did the same…we talked to him…and always do. But i let him heave privacy

Cartoon sex or anime?
If you haven’t had the talk, please do. And get him some condoms, just in case he’s further along than you think.


The only time you need to be worried is if someone is about to die…

I love this question and the way you approach it❤ i dont have any answers cause my oldest is 6… but i for sure dont envy you right now.

It’s easy just do parental blocks basically all phones have it . You can do it for the internet .

Id tell him to not dave or send smur as it will become a habit that will offend or get hime fired ornin trouble in school. Teach intolerance of digital age prodessional habits.

Don’t tell him what you saw, it’ll embarrass him and make him want to be more secretive and he’ll start deleting things. Just have a talk with him. Everyone masturbates, especially boys that age. And people watch porn :woman_shrugging: so as long as it’s nothing hurtful or illegal then I’d leave it be.

I told mine porn can give unrealistic feelings about sex and we just openly talk about birth control and sti’s

He knows you look in his phone correct? Maybe he wanted you to see it. He’s 15 and never been talked to about his own private parts by you or anything related to sexuality?

Talk to him and see where his head is. Don’t make him feel bad it’s normal.

He should be educated on sex either way. I wouldn’t take his phone. Its to be expected

It’s called Hentai and it’s art.


Am I being punked? The kid is 14. He is supposed to be doing this. Leave him alone.

Ok… im just gonna say this… to all of you saying he deserves his privacy… NO HE DOESNT… he is a teenager, she pays the bills… its not just acceptable to look to see whats going on, its her responsibility as his mother! Now… so long as nothing that is harmful to him or others is found, you just move on… dont embarrass him by bringing up the fact that you saw his search for porn! Have a conversation with him… hey, I know you are reaching the age where sex will cross your mind, a lot… be safe, be respectful and never forget no means no at any point, it’s never too late! Also, here’s how you do laundry and don’t run the water for 45 minutes… if and when you get to the point where you are thinking of having sex, I would rather give you condom money than diaper money! And it is 100% your responsibility to protect yourself… from stds and babies! The only way to have safe sex is if you protect you both… good talk, i love you…
Now what do you want for dinner?


Let first say he should have been talked to when he was 12 , he has heard it all by know from other boys and maybe girls … your husband or a male friend you and he looks up to he has seen porn and knows what a women looks like he has gotten off many times by now , do not take the phone away buy him some rubbers to carrie with him so he could be a person of safe sex teach him to respect girls and no is no. But do not put him down respect him and he will respect others. What you saw was normal trust me you will see more do not push him away. Trust me he knows more then you want to believe .good luck.

I’m all for teenagers will be teenagers. But today, and with the access we have with phones. Porn addiction is up, and it’s a real issue.

I would be careful where the cartoon stuff came from. Hopefully not from some kind of predator.

I took phone and internet away after talking to mine. Explain the dangers that may be of some of the sites.

Have the talk. Don’t punish him for something completely natural.

Definitely have the talk and what’s appropriate and whatnot, obviously as parents we need to be careful to not shame. To each their own, as long as the porn isn’t too adult and bdsm should just be healthy for a young adult. Just make sure he knows how to respect a woman and know how to feel out a situation and also make it known that protection is key because having a baby young, while it may not be all bad, is not what you truly want for him as you want him to experience his adult life, go to college, have a job, and not be stressed too early in life! Best of luck to you mama. I have a 14 year old girl and I’m stressed 24/7 because I dont want her to make bad decisions at a young age and I want her to experience life but I keep it very open with her and she knows she can come to me with anything and if she needed my help I’d be there in a second…they dont prepare you for this in books lol but we as parents just have to do what we can, keep a good relationship, and hope that everything we gave them for knowledge will help them :kissing_heart:

My kids had the talk early. They know everything. And my oldest has had sex Ed. If she looks it up she looks it up…its normal.

I was just about to post about this but my son is 9!

Don’t take his phone. This is natural. He should embrace his sexuality. Talk to him about safety…don’t make sex a taboo.

You should probably put child restrictions on his phone

Normal. I only had my imagination back then tho.

Just a FYI kids are smarter than u think and do know how to erase history as well as have hidden apps .

Start by asking him does he have any crushes and open let him know that he’s growing up and your willing to answer any girl questions he might have

My kids are 6, 4(almost 5), 3, 2 and 3 months old and they are all boys and this idk how I’m gonna go about the talk I dont even want to think about it :rofl:

Provide condoms so there is no oops just to be on the safe side …mom of 2 adult sons

Time for the talk. Accordi g to my 16 18 and 20 year old. At age 12-13 they are fully internet educated

Depending on what hes looking up and whose the name the phone is in, put a stop to it! If hes looking up anyone underage it could be bad!

way to late for the “talk” that should of happend at about 11 or 12

Its normal… Just talk to him. My nephew looked up Anime porn lol

Talk to him, but make sure he knows that whatever he likes is okay. Let him direct the conversation because you dont want to overwhelm him with info and you dont want to push him into one shame or the other. (He may be heterosexual or be may be exploring, its important not to push all heterosexual norms on him unless he asks for them)

Its time to have a sit down convo mama

At 14 why haven’t you already started discussing the subject is my question?

I wouldn’t do anything… its completely normal

Leave it alone. That’s super normal

Talk to him. Be frank. Be open. Have a glass of wine first- kids are pretty open these days. Talk to him about pornography and acting, and real loving relationships with people. Don’t forget about safe sex. It’s time Mom.

What does his dad think?

Its normal for boys to do that, have the talk with him.Plus you should rather have him rubbing one out to hentai,then actually having unprotected sex.Have the talk.

Mentioning it would embarrass him. Its just a phase just let him get through it. Its normal and natural. Hes young and curious.

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I have 3 boys. It’s natural. Go buy the kid some lube and open the conversation.

I promise your son has been curious for years now. You’re just now finding out. The talk should have happened already

That’s normal. If it becomes obsessive then be concerned and it’s time to have THAT TALK

Yeah punish him then you’ll make him repress all sexual emotions and will end up molesting people later in life.

Seriously though, leave him alone. He will sort it all out.

At 14 in this day and age is a bit late. But to each his own no judgement. The talk… yes. But ithink hes going to be more upset you went thru his phone. Good luck its all a part of growing up and im sure you have done a good job at showing him how to be responsible. Blessings.


Its natural, they all do it, but it also means he’s curious so make sure you have had the talk with him especially for safety reasons (pregnancy, stds) other than that leave it alone, unless of course the material is alarming for a young teen. Like violence inclusive fetish type things. Other than that theres nothing you could do anyway, boys are going to do that sort of thing at that age. He will find a way to satisfy his curiosity even if you took his phone. Besides, you don’t want him to think the feelings he is having are not natural because they are. Definitely talk with him about safe sex. I have 6 kids so I’ve been there.

Make sure he knows that sex looks nothing like porno…

What I see here is completely normal. This is coming from a new father who knows what it was like being that age. It is completely normal, but do not talk to him about it. You will only embarrass him and destroy the trust he has in you. At his age, we are discovering who we are and how to control our hormones. Knowing his mom is spying on him will only hurt your relationship with him. If this topic must be discussed then his father or another male role model should have the conversation. You may not think my advice is worth anything, but I am only 25 and still clearly remember what my search history was like at that age and I turned out fine. I promise it’s normal.

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Have the talk … it’s totally natural and his hormones are going crazy. Please don’t be scared to discuss sex , safe sex , STD’s , respecting woman , respecting himself , discretion etc … you would rather him learn the ins and outs from you than learn the hard way . And let him know masterbation is NOT something dirty or bad .

Talk, talk, and talk some more, noone will tell him the truth about life like a loving parent, never stop talking and listening to him

I agree you should have the talk. On a side note, boys these days have it so much easier than when I was young. Although I’m not sure that’s a good thing. Seeing a naked woman meant you had to know someone with a magazine or maybe sneak something from your dad but you appreciated it more. Now it’s at the touch of a button and it’s easy to become desensitized to the beauty of a woman


Cartoon porn is better than kiddy porn. He’s a growing young man with questions. Be civil, and just look for odd behavior. He’s just curious, I was a single mother to my son. Just be alert …

15 year olds are having sex these days. just talk to him about safe sex. don’t make him scared to come to you. you don’t want him catching anything or bringing home a baby yet because hes uninformed. do say its better to wait but talk realistic to him as well.

Take phone tv and games away…talk…then in 3 days give it bk lol…idk. sorry

My stepson is 15 and we have found anime porn on his phone. It’s a part of growing up. If it was something violent, then you would probably want to have a talk, otherwise it’s completely healthy and normal

If he’s almost 15 I would think you would of had “the talk” already. You need to explain that porn rather cartoon or actual people are actors and that’s not what sex is about. I have 2 sons 13 and 17 and we had the talk several years ago. Kids learn from their friends or what they see so you need to be the voice of reason and make sure he knows he can ask you any questions. My sons come to me with any questions even the dumb stuff they hear at school or wherever. Don’t make sex bad but explain the consequences to having sex and answer all his questions. My sons doctor was able to give me some helpful information on this subject as well.

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Why would you ask anyone advice on how to raise your son? You don’t know what action you should take? Everyone has given you great advice sad that you don’t know on your own what you need to do


I wouldnt take his phone away, definitely just sit him down and have a serious talk to him about everything

Have his dad talk to him about it and tell him the truth about it…so he won’t get curious :purple_heart:

Talk with him about sex always be taking to him about sex informed kids are way less likely to experiment

Have a talk with him that would be the best thing

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The talk. Monitor as well. You sound like a great Mom.

I would talk with him make sure he understands and answer his questions.

Have the honest and loving.ask questions and ask him if he has questions

Tell him to stay away from On the phone anything. Trouble lurks there. Buy him a playboy magazine.

It’s time for the full sex talk if it hasn’t happened yet! Multiple studies show that having the full conversation including talking about contraceptives, STDs, and pregnancy can delay the age a teen has sex an average of 2 years.

Dont take his phone. Have the talk with him.

Have the talk and periodically check his phone to be safe

Don’t punish! Talk to him.

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And stop going through his phone and trust him. U raised him… if u raised him right u shouldnt have to do that

Normal, now its time to give him some privacy.

Taking his phone won’t solve the problems. His phone isn’t the problems.:sob::joy::sob::joy:

Well if he’s looking at porn maybe he’s curious. Why don’t you ask him if he has any questions? You should always have an open relationship with your kids. I’d rather give them the correct information. Educate him that porn is not real life. It’s a movie with actresses and actors. Real relations are like that.

Boundaries need to be set

Talk to him but don’t make it cringy lol.

sit him down and start teaching … no glove , no love … or start following 24hrs a day … yur choice

In your talk, I would include information on how to be safe online. For example, NEVER share personal/sexual photos with anyone!!! Never share where he lives or attends school. Predators have ways to get such information. Sharing explicit photos shared online can impact his safety and his reputation. Best wishes!

We had to sign permission slips in the 4th grade for teachers to talk to the kids about sex. I think id rather have him watching cartoon porn than real ones. You should talk to him about protection and how you would like him to be responsible about it but im sure he knows the rest

I would tell him those sites will give his phone a virus you won’t need to take it the virus will

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I would just have the talk with him.

If you gave him a phone than you already had trust. Have a talk.

My then 6th grader looked up porn on YouTube and I just had the talk with him

That boy 15, ain’t much he dont know. Js …

Give him privacy…indirect councelling approach would be better.

Talk to him first then if he continues take the phone

Porn can become a serious addiction. Address it now. Keep going through his phone. He is a minor and you paid for his phone.

I’d just have the good old talk with him

A boy being a boy at that age :smile:

I would just have to the talk and tell him ita normal

It’s normal. It’s just instead of a playboy magazine. I would rather have my kid look at magazines instead of internet porn. But probably would make sure he knows not to take pictures of himself or have other minors send dirty pictures because it will be considered child pornagraphy. It happened to high schoolers in the state I live in. They were arrested and are registered sex offenders now because a teacher found.them on a students phone