Should I be concerned with what my son was looking up on his phone?

Have a talk. But dont embarrass him. But at least hes not knocking up a girl :woman_shrugging:

I would talk to him-

Time for the birds and bees talk

Maybe a sex talk but i wouldnt bring it up hes a growing boy or leave him be

I wouldn’t punish or take the phone away. This type of porn is called Hentai. Which porn itself is something that kids do come across, rather by themselves or from a friend or two.

Masterbation and exploring oneself is normal.

Have you already had ‘The Talk’?
If not then I believe it’s time. Don’t bring it up drastically, let him bring it up, if possible. Makes the talk easier.

I have a son who will be 13 in 6 days and we have always been 100% towards sex talk. He knows he can talk to us and nothing is wrong. The same with my daughter and she’s going to be 11 next month.

Sex talk needs to be comfortable and understanding.

It’s time for the talk lol

Also a talk on pregnancy, condoms and the proper use of them, STDS,

Talk, about what is appropriate to see, lookup, download, post a picture, receive a picture. Continue to look at his phone till eighteen, never can he have a password, lock on his phone either. Happens the third time take phone away for a month, keeps on happening, no phone for three months. Beware kids can get their hands on another phone very easy. In other words, watch his room, backpack, secretly by going to any room in house for a time period. Check child locker at school, car, friends house. Yes we had a child that push every button to, we won, child lost. We destroy five phones by a hammer, before child woke up and decided to behave. Also before a problem starts that phone needs to in parents room by 900pm on school nights, 1000pm on weekends. When child gets a job and might get home after parent goes to bed, that phone better be on a charger by parent door, as we parents sleep with a ear open. Stand your ground or that phone for child will control child and YOU. It was a long three years. No ELECTRONICS of any kind in bedroom as child can and will go behind your back. Start the talk on values

While sex feelings are normal at that age, what’s seen in porn isnt necessarily realistic. Sex shouldn’t be meaningless and all about the biggest tits, sex is about getting close w someone you care about and I think the more we stress that as parents the more abnormal porn will seem

I would say…“the talk”!

I would have the talk with him. It’s natural to be curious at his age. I’ve been talking about sex and sexuality with my boys since they were 13. My oldest waited till he was 17 and told me about his first time. Being able to openly talk about it is very important. Make sure you make it a positive talk and try to avoid it being embarrassing. You’ll be glad you opened this door of conversation with your children. Side note: I also taught them the negative side of sex. STI’s pregnancy AIDS etc. not to scare them but to make them aware.


Omg NO! Don’t call him out!

Let it go, it is normal and natural

Let him watch big mouth on Netflix its a good show for his age

I’d assume it’s pretty normal.

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Oh P.S. I would definitely supply him with a box of condoms.

At almost 15, he probably knows a heck of a lot more than you think he does. He’s most likely been exposed to things you don’t know about. Have an honest conversation about sex. Be supportive. Don’t attack him and don’t embarrass him. Buy him condoms. Talk to him about expectations. I think taking his phone for this is a tad too far. He’ll be an adult in a little more than 3 years. Puberty has already come. I think you’re too late to approach the subject like you would a preteen. Move forward. Understand he’s becoming a man.

Its pretty normal. My boys were sneaking and watching porn at that age. I tlld them they don’t have to sneak but they do have to be respectful about it and can only watch it in their rooms.

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You are snooping, leave it alone, build trust first.

Okay they can do the p*** or they can watch the p*** pick your battles

Normal. Time for a little chat.

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Talk with him about his value…his future…safe sex…consequences of having sex…the awesomeness of sex…provide him with condoms…leave the conversation open. Good luck!


Leave him alone. He’s 14.

Its def time for the talk.

Normal. Condoms for the next birthday

Leave a VS catalog on the counter. :woman_shrugging:

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At 15 now days, a lot of kids are already sexually active, I’d have the talk asap if you havent already, did he not take sex ed in school? That’s when I plan on talking to my son about it

At 15 if it’s cartoon porn that’s better then a lot boys even younger

Really… ? Ummm… what did you expect… kids are curious and you gave him free range of the entire internet…i mean this in thr nicest way. Cartoon porn seem like the nicest safer porn I guess compared to what he could be watching

He’s probably been looking at softcore porn for awhile now. When my son was 10 I found out that he kept downloading a “bikini girls” app then deleting it. I had no idea and he was smart about hiding it. He’s grown now and no he doesn’t watch porn and he’s only had one woman, the mother of his children.

COMMUNICATE with him. You think taking his phone away will stop him from googling porn or whatever…!!? Nope, he will just find another way and get better at hiding it. Why didn’t you have this conversation with him earlier…?!? Why wait now till he’s 14…?!? That’s a disservice to him.

You need to have a safe sex talk with him at some point if you haven’t already. Aside from that, tell him if he has any questions he is welcome to come to you and give him the space he needs to explore sex and sexuality.

He’s a boy!! Cartoon porn is better than real porn? Maybe? :grimacing:

Family link app! It has parental controls with out the snooping.

He’s almost 15, just leave it alone. As long as he knows about being safe and not sending or receiving nudes, child porn implications, then it’s just part of being a teenager.

My stepmom put my stepbrothers in the car during the talk to avoid awkward eye contact and then can’t run away. :joy: she was also a science teacher.

I have grown sons. I agree with some of these opinions that you should have had the talk already, now is a good time. You do need to explain to him that any porn, cartoon or otherwise, is going to give him a very unrealistic view of women. Porn is often degrading to women, as well. No doubt, you pay for that phone service. Let him know that porn of any kind is not something he is allowed to have on his phone. Openly check his phone in his presence. Curiosity only grows stronger as he ages and you do not want a porn addict in a couple of years. You never know who is susceptible and who is not. For those that refer to him and his privacy, in this day and age, you need to be checking his phone and also be searching his room. If he says he’s going to be at a certain place, every once in a while check to make sure he’s there. The reason I say this is because every parent always thinks that their children would never do… drugs inside the house, or have illegal porn on their phone (albeit, initially accidentally but then left it), etc. The frontal lobe (judgement) is not formed until the mid to late twenties, help them stay out of trouble while you can. I’m retired Corrections and work in a courthouse and see/ have seen hundreds of parents that had no clue what was going on right under their nose. You will NEVER be his friend. He has plenty of those. You will always be his Mama. Be blessed!

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Time for a good talk :wink:
Get brochers on STDs etc
& Go over the basics. Let him take the literature and read in detail on his own.
Take advantage of this opportunity to talk. I wouldn’t mention finding the porn unless he brings it up.

I had that talk with my boys a long time ago and still have similar talks with them regularly (they’re 11 & 15). My 15 year old is comfortable enough to talk to me about his interest in girls and about sexual content he sees (trust me, they see a lot of it) online and on apps. I take comfort in knowing that my boys will come to me if they think they are feeling pressure with a girl or whatever. However… curiosity and masturbation at that age is totally normal. I don’t want to know about it or hear about it or see it, so they better clean up after themselves, but I know they are going to do it. My oldest, in particular. They’re both going through puberty though, somehow lol.

Just talk to him about it keeping the focus on it being a natural thing and how to keep himself healthy and safe! I do feel it is a conversation that should not have waited until this point though.

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Banning children from watching pornography will either make them rebel, or damage their opinions on sex/their own bodies… its just porn. Hes in puberty. Its entirely normal. No reason to shame him for it, ban him from watching it, or take his belongings away over it.

Hand him one of these, and get him a subscription to the Victoria secret catalog.

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You should definitely talk to him. Of course talk to him about sex and contraception. It is perfectly normal but it is important that he understands that the porn he may find on the internet does not reflect real life. It is fake just like the Avengers. Masturbation is fine but porn without context could mess him up with women for years to come.


I don’t have kids that age but my brother is around that age and I think it’s pretty normal. I wouldn’t exactly mention the porn Bec he might become extremely embarrassed but have the talk with him and just explain how to be safe about it. Just saying he probably knows more then he is willing to let u know, kids talk so I knew well before my mom talked to me


This comments I’m reading on here are ridiculous! In absolutely every way is it WRONG to watch any kind of porn! And our young men should be taught that it’s not ok in any form! You are raising someone’s husband for heaven sake! There are detrimental consequences to a young man watching porn, now, and in the future! A child shouldn’t be learning about sex from the internet, he should be learning about it with his Wife! We should be teaching our young men to be respectful of women. Porn only teaches young men everything sex shouldn’t be! I would definitely address it, and do NOT allow it!


I have a 16 year old son and is completely normal just talk to him about it in my situation me and my husband sat down with him spoke about it without embarrassing him it only took one conversation and my son tells me and my husband everything sometimes a little bit too much :rofl:


I have been reading this whole thread, lost a marriage to porn. Mom get busy educating yourself before you talk to him, cartoon porn, is still porn, and there are Facebook pages that teach about it. It distorts a persons view of the person inside the body and can become addictive— and hurt him in the long run when he chooses to settle down in a steady relationship.


Talk to him, explain what is appropriate and what is not. Pornography is an addictive, slippery slope. Explain how it objectifies women and children. If by chance he falls into child pornography, the charges are serious and life long. Take the phone for at least 2 weeks explaining it is a privilege not a right. Tell him you trust him but that from now on there will be mandatory checking without notice. If you find anything unacceptable, he loses the phone. This is serious, not a right of passage. Be the parent not the friend. His wife will thank you one day. Also watch out for what video games and shows he watches. You have to be vigilant or he will just be better at hiding it. I know someone with a pornography addiction, it ruins relationships and families. Just make sure that you tell him that you understand his curiosity, but that any type of pornography is not acceptable. Knowing what a healthy sexual relationship looks like is vital. It will make him a better man.

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Yes have the talk and sex and pregnancy and how one time even with a condom can bring q child… he should already know that… by his age it’s like common sense…and let him he knows about your searches then be honest with him and just tell him you know and that its ok and its natural and that its something to view when hes alone and where no one else can hear… and your rather him doing that then the actual thing… and your there to support him and be there for him if he has any questions

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Why is it a “situation”? Hes almost 15. No you dont take his phone. He hasn’t done anything to deserve loosing his phone. Just be straight forward about it. He certainly doesn’t need to get a head full of teenage misinformation from his friends.Hes curious and that’s perfectly normal.

Boys/men look at porn. It’s just what they do. You can always discuss sex with him and how to be safe and smart. But I wouldn’t bring up you seeing cartoon porn on his phone. You want him to trust you and feel comfortable enough to talk to you about things. Knowing you searched thru his phone, and then letting him know you know hes looking at porn is just gonna make him uncomfortable and feel like he cant trust you, then he may not come to you over something big when he needs to. That’s just my opinion. I’m a mom of 2 boys. My oldest is 12. Theres certain topics I address with him and others I leave alone. So far hes still comfortable enough to share things with me, I’m hoping I can keep that going so when hes older and bigger things happen, he’ll share things with me

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Don’t punish him. It is only natural. You confronting him will leave him mortified. Chances are at that age he knows more about the talk than your ever willing to have with him. They learn all about it starting in 5th grade. Just leave him. The only talk I would have with him is if his phone gets a virus from his search engine you’re not replacing it

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Be open and talk to him. Explain that porn isn’t like real sex and discuss safe sex. Do so in a positive way and tell him that you’re happy to answer any questions going forward.

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I feel as though the earlier you can have the talk with your children the better. From an early age I began instilling factual age appropriate indignation to them. By 10 my daughter had the puberty talk as she was already starting to develop. At 11 and 9 they know pretty much everything on a basic level. These days information is easily accessible. Pornography is a click away. Punishment is never the answer. Open discussion is. I want my children to always feel comfortable asking me or conning to me about anything.

My daughter is in 3rd grade I take literally every chance I get to educate her about sex drugs eating disorders really anything that she could struggle with in the next few years. It might embarrass her now but when she is in the situation she will have the knowledge I have given her and she will feel comfortable to come to me and talk openly. I would not bring up what you found necessarily but I would talk to him about hormones and things he may or may not be feeling. Let him know you are open to answering any questions he may have. And I would also start the conversation about consent and that their are appropriate times and places for this. Sex is natural it is not something to be embarrassed about at all.

Sex was a negative thing growing up it was taught as bad and only bad girls had sex out of marriage and only bad girls masterbated and so forth. I am 31 with 3 kids and sex is still an uncomfortable experience for me even though I have an amazing partner. Don’t put shame on sex even if you believe you should wait for marriage.

Talk with him. Make him understand that sex isn’t just something you re-enact from porn. That’s is a beautiful thing between 2 consenting adults etc. whatever your beliefs are. Educate him on safe sex and respecting himself and women.

He is almost 15? You shouldn’t be going through his phone. This will severely damage his trust in you and other such things if he finds out. Before he even got a phone, you should have long discussed with him about the dangers of predators, had the sex talk, or whatever else he might find on there.

Porn is absolutely normal behavior at this age. What you should be doing is opening communication and making sure he wants to talk to you. Because trust me if you are too controling and punish him or continue to break his privacy. He will just find better ways to hide it and will avoid telling you anything.

Sit down and talk to him…porn is actually pretty normal to watch wen being a teenager especially with hormones and stuff. Have the sex talk…dont be embarrassed…lol and reality is he will probably start having sex before he graduates high school. It’s better to talk to him and be open and honest vs he coming to u saying he got someone pregnant…I mean wen my son is around that age I’m gonna talk to him about everything he will experience as a teen and young adult. Idk y my mom didn’t talk to me about it. I actually learned about it in 7th grade by watching a video and then being separated by all girls in one room and boys in another room. my mom had to sign a permission slip. My baby sister who is 7 years younger then me had the talk in 5th grade. At that time my mom was comfortable talking about sex and being open. I figured she didn’t want to tell me because I guess she thought I would do it…and I did…at 16.

Had similar issue my son is 15… and snapchat is a huge issue with “cam girls”… have a talk, do not give personal info out, talk about consent on both sides, feeling comfortable vs uncomfortable in situations etc, paying money for websites, and leave it alone. Continue to monitor his cell phone use as any good parent does… he’ll be ok… I have always brought up my children to understand their bodies and self touching is absolutely ok when done in PRIVATE… dont be ashamed but know yourself, know when something feels wrong or off… etc… my daughter is 20… shes ok… modest and self respecting… knows herself inside and out well and carries herself according…

Heck at 12 my wife caught my son multiple times with porn. Finally I showed him how to clear his history. It human nature. Just educate him on safe sex and the fact that he’s not allowed to practice that until he’s 20!!!

Sex is intended to be for married .people .and porn is for people 18 and over if thats what is not right that u are not taking this as a inportant situation .u want ur kid to be a dad at his age ?..

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My husband explained it to me like this, when he was a kid they had to sneak and steal somebodys dads playboy to have porn but kids now days have unlimited porn on their phones readily available. Totally normal, have the talk, set parental controls if it makes you uncomfortable.

I have four sons. When we got to this point with each of them I discussed how what they see online is movie stuff and not what real life sex is about. That that may think that sort of thing is fun to watch, but that it doesn’t show how they or their partner would be acting during sex. We discussed what it means to get permission to touch another person in an intimate way. How careful they as young men need to be to ask for permission every time. How important that is to get BEFORE things get hot and heavy. I talked to them about the two kinds of men there are when it comes to sex. The ones who want as many partners as possible so that they feel good about themselves and the kind of man who values his partner and understands what a big deal it is for another person to trust them to be that close. I told them that I only respected one kind of man. I also blocked the super hard adult sites with parent controls.
I would suggest that you have this same conversation with your daughters if you have them.

14? Mine was 11 when I caught him watching regular porn!! I was shocked!! I took his phone immediately. I then talked to my husband, his stepdad. My husband told me to give his phone back and talk to him. We didn’t punish him. My husband talked to him. Told him dont make it a habit and delete his history…lol. My son is now 18 and we laugh about the time Mom caught him watching porn ‘the 1st time’ (yes it happened more than once)

I don’t have teens anytime soon, but I know when my kids do become teens they’re probably gonna have sex… I’m not going to teach my children sex is bad, because it’s natural and something we all do, but I will talk to them and be open with them and teach safe sex!! If my son needs condoms, I would have no problem getting him any and same for my daughter and be happy to take her for birth control as well… I just don’t think they should be “grounded or punished” for it because I was a teen once, and sex wasn’t talked about, my grandma wouldn’t even let me have birth control and at the time I didn’t know I didn’t need permission to get it. And I was pretty much shamed when they found out I had sex… so don’t shame him, just give the talk and offer condoms if he thinks he’s ready.

Have the talk, not just the sex talk. But the porn talk. How porn is not reflective of sex and how sex should be with woman. Talk about patriarchy and respecting women. Talk to him about consent and rape. No means no and all the aspects of sexual assault.

It’s time for the talk let him know it’s ok to learn about sex just be sure to use protection and differences between good and bad sex . Better from you then porn

Really. If you ladies dont think that your children at age 13 arent starting to masturbate, you are in for a rude awakening. You can be open but they are going to look at porn and be curious about sex. Porn Hub is available and they can get to it easily. I talked to my son and explained to him that porn is unrealistic sex and people dont have a loving relationship this way. He and I agreed he needed his own lubricants instead of using soap or other items for masturbation. I buy him lube and place it on his dresser. We are very close after this talk. He asks me questions and confides in me.

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Remind him porn is not an accurate depiction of sex, use tissues not your socks, Vaseline is bad to mix with condoms and do your laundry


I would definitely start talking to him about sex, but I wouldn’t let him know that you found porn on his phone. I would talk about porn and give your stance on porn, as opinion though, not as fact, but I wouldn’t let him know that you found it on his phone. And just let him know that you’re always there to answer any questions that he would have and just always keep the dialogue open. You don’t have to give the entire talk in one night either, it can be a little bit here and there. Growing up, my mom had the talk with my brother and I at the same time when we were in the car. Every car ride seem to end with a discussion about sex. I was probably around 12 when I learned about the dreams were. Chances are he already knows a lot about sex, so just ask him if he has any questions and kind of let him steer the conversations

Better he masturbate than make you a grandparent pick your poison.

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Myself personally would come out at random like a conversation about how you keep getting random porn posts in your news ,feed or something like that. Then lead into the sex talk exc. That way it dont look like you was snooping or invading his privacy.

teach him to use a condom


Just be open about it, I probably would pretend I didnt see it if it wasn’t any type of bondage porn, which would need safety talks. I watched porn when I could when I was around that age. I would have been humiliated if I was ever talked to about it from either parent. I would probably just have the safe sex talk, the importance of protection and consent. And not bring up the porn at all.

My son did this before as well! Cartoon porn . He’s almost 15 as well . His dad talked to him.

Mine is 15 just give him advice and let him be I know its hard

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They all watch porn now

Sophie Wanjiru Wamboi Meja am sure you can learn something from the comments here

OMG, helicopter parent much?!

Brittany Nicole Reed

You need to just leave it alone. If you havent had the talk with him already then you’re kinda shit outta luck. Hes 15 3 more years he’ll be an adult. Hes at that age where shit is gonna happen. 5the only conversation you can have from here on out is when no means no. Sex in porno isnt how it is in real life, and take care of your self and your partner with condoms and STD checks. Tho he may not be ready for actual sex yet. Hes at the age where hes gonna do what men do. What humans do and explore his body and the arena of what sex is.

Talk to him about this and he will be okay.

I have very open communication with both my sons (13 and 15). We have talked about sex, they have seen condoms, both male and female, and we have discussed porn. I explained that porn is fake. Just like the movies, everyone is pretending for the camera. Sex is not what porn shows. Sex can be awkward, messy, amazing, sensational, and satisfying for both partners if they have good communication. But porn is not real and they should not think it is.

Def have conversation and stress RESPECT!! :+1::heart::pray:

Porn ain’t never hurt anyone​:joy::rofl:

Do not normalize porn. I hate the whole man club bullshit. Porn ruins relationships, lives and so much more. I always say if you have to hide something you shouldn’t be doing it. Porn addiction is at an all time high and so is ED in young men. Due to performance issues with a real person.

Hes almost 15 he probably won’t hold that conversation now. He knows everything by now. Usually I started my boys around 9 about how bodies are different and ofar and changes and depending on their maturity had the Talk of “where babies come from” lol at 11 years old. I wouldn’t even mention you seen it hes a lil boy he probably searched it from getting a site from his friends lol Some things you gotta just give him the privacy. But super embarrassing :rofl:Take a screen shit to show his wife one day lmao

I just had my teenage stepson watch this and talked with

He normal just keep checking

Talk to him . Give him the talk . It’s time

Arn-Arn Ordiz take time to read this.

Show him a link to a virus free site

It’s time to have a talk!!! Good luck… hope it goes well

My brother was 12 ish when he started doing masterbation, he fell asleep with his pants down on the couch and she told him if he wants to do that shit to do it in his room :joy::joy::joy:

Talk. I am dreading this

Great opportunity to talk!!!

Talk to him the door is now open

Inna lillahi wa inna illahey rajeoon

I’m an adult and I watch cartoon porn :rofl:
But I’d just tell him about sex, to come to you for advice and questions, and to make sure no one else sees his browser history :sweat_smile:

Just talk to him about it…

Omg I’m already having to explain stuff to my 5 year old boy :eyes::woman_facepalming: