Should I Believe This Call My Husband Got from Another Woman Was Accidental?


"My husband and I were watching a movie, and he gets a call on messenger from some chick a little after midnight.

He immediately blocks her and says he doesn’t know why she’s calling. I ask her, and she says it was a pocket dial.

We’ve been together five years, and it just doesn’t sound believable. Should I be worried about this?"

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“Hard to pocket dial someone you don’t talk to. I only accidentally call people who I’ve recently messaged or called. Otherwise, it’d take a lot of accidental button pushing to get to a rando’s number.”

“I think his reaction to block her right away is what’s suspicious to me. You’d think he would be like ‘Who tf is this?’”

“How do u accidentally pocket dial someone on FB you don’t know? There’s no way she can call a stranger; they have had a conversation before maybe he even had her as a friend on FB too. He’s lying to you hun so sorry!!!”

“Her pocket would have had to click on his profile. Click on message. Click on the phone tab. IDK if the pocket has that capability.”

“If it was completely innocent, why would he immediately block her, that’s my question.”

“Strange that he would immediately block her if it wasn’t an expected call…”

“I wouldn’t have thought anything of it… UNTIL HE INSTANTLY BLOCKED HER. Why is he blocking people if they called “by accident” I get “wrong number” calls all the time, I tell them it’s a wrong number and we never hear from each other again. Trust yourself, you know the truth. You can feel it in your gut it may just take some time to understand and believe it because you love him… Honest, trustworthy partners don’t have things to hide and his reaction says he’s hiding a lot.”

“People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. He wouldn’t have blocked her if it was innocent.”

“Ya, so devil’s advocate here. I’ve totally accidentally called someone on Facebook messenger when I didn’t mean to. Usually when I’m trying to navigate messenger or peeping someone’s profile just to see what they’re up to. I’m eternally curious and if an old classmate pops up somewhere I like to look at their profile to see what they’ve been up to.”

“Make a different profile with his name and message her pretending to be him, I would.”

“Have him unblock her and call her in front of you without announcing your presence and without any warning to him. Place on speaker and then have him ask how he knows her and listen for her reaction. That will tell you what you need to know.”

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Don’t ignore the red flags


Just keep an eye out from now on


very suspicious if you ask me, also judging off of self experience


Well I can honestly say, I had my little girl call people from my msger one time. Like 15 people. So it really could have been accidental


Yes. How the hell do you pocket dial on messenger?


You have to be on that person’s page to dial so it was def not an accident


You cant just pocket dial on messenger if your not already friends


Tristan Armour Allison Tanae Young Angie Stopp Georgette Bass Karen Messall


I mean I accidentally do shit on my phone all the time that part i can believe but why u gotta block her that is suspect…

Wow that’s so bad definitely up to no good!

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I’ve pocked dialed someone but they were the first one in my messages… I’d be snooping hard!


Could have been accidental but why did he immediately block her :roll_eyes:


You can’t pocket dial on messenger I have had people accidentally call me on messenger when trying to send a message or close the message out. But you have to be friends or have excepted a message from someone on messenger to actually use the call option.


Has he ever given you reason to question him? Strange behaviour, etc.? If not, then I’d be a bit more cautious just to be extra sure. But if he has, then obviously this is a red flag xx

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I would have made him answer it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I think his reaction to block her right away is whats suspicious to me. You’d think he would be like " Who tf is this"


I’ve accidentally called people on messenger multiple times. Unless he’s given you something else to make you think it’s suspicious I wouldn’t over think it.

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It’s possible but unlikely to happen unless he was in her messages


Id be going through his phone. Seems shady to me. If he doesn’t let you look through his phone he’s definitely hiding something. We have an open phone policy at our house


My first question would be has there been a loss of trust in the past-if not then give him the benefit of the doubt while just keeping your eyes open…if there has then you have to decide if this is worth it or not.

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Gut instinct is almost always right


Wouldn’t be be curious who and why she was calling and answer the phone??

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Has he ever gave you a reason to be suspicious? Pocket dails happen all the time. How does he know her? And he did block her right away. Accidents happen.

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Hard to pocket dial unless she already had a message window open for her to “accidentally” call.


Trust your gut. Only you know your relationship.

Ive pocket dialed before, many of times :woman_facepalming:t2:

How about you confront him about it

Oooof, this is a hard one. Let’s be rational for a minute. Even if, it wasn’t an accidental pocket dial, it does not mean that your husband was interested. She may be stocking your husband and trying to cause problems between the two of you. Perspective is everything. I would ask him maybe to unblock her in front of you so you can go on his stuff and see what type of interactions HE is having with her… I wouldn’t jump to conclusions though, not without enough evidence evidence.


I’d definitely go with my gut. My gut says he’s a big fat LIAR :lying_face:

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Why’d he have to block her if it was an accidental call?


The fact that you even consider asking means it was not accidental! And if it was, why not just answer and openly talk, instead of immediately blocking and hanging up? No “splaining” needed about this one.

Hard to pocket dial someone you don’t talk to. I only accidentally call people who I’ve recently messaged or called. Otherwise it’d take a lot of accidental button pushing to get to a randos number


I would check to see if she’s still blocked. Also be checking to see if he has a second profile of she’s still blocked. My ex swore they were just friends, blocked her when I asked. Little did I know he just made a second account where they could messenger each other secretly.


Order your phone records.if her number is in them make a not of how many times he called her or she called him. Theres tour ansewer.if shes on messenger then shes in his phone too

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The fact he got so uppity and whatnot. Idk I would be snoopy snooping. But I just went through something like this with my man he deleted SC cause it was causing issues but he messaged one person ONE PERSON and apologized that he had to delete SC on messenger, I asked him why he felt the need if they never did anything on there and I saw they did quite often but he felt the need to let her know… “Even though they don’t talk”. :joy::rofl: Mmmhmmm. Right.

I’d def be skeptical :grimacing:

All I’m going to say is trust your gut. If it seems off, it probably is.


How do you butt dial somebody if they aren’t programmed in your phone?


Ask him why he was worried and blocked her if it was accidental call, you can’t pocket dial messenger

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For it to be a pocket dial he’d have to be in her contacts. Does she have legit reason to have him in her contacts? I’d be snooping in his phone. How often does she call, any texts, pictures etc? If he doesn’t let you look it’s over. He’s hiding an affair.


Okay so Wait how do y’all pocket dial someone on fb messenger?
On mine you have to go to the messages then hit the call button


You can’t pocket dial a stranger. Get rid of him.


You can pocket dial a phone number… You can not, pocket dial a Facebook messenger, that isn’t already open with messages :person_shrugging: you can accidently sent a thumbs up though… wouldn’t be be curious why she was calling? And answer it…I mean… If he had nothing to hide? I know I would if someone randomly calls me…I wouldn’t automatically block them… That just throws suspicion out there :person_shrugging:


Hard to “accidently” call if you arent already in messenger. Id ask to see his phone and if he refuses then hes cheating


I would ask to see his phone maybe… not something I usually do but that’s kind of a weird scenario

Well, messenger calls can only be made after messages have been exchanged correct?
I know my messenger always says, you can now call each other.
I could be way wrong though. I hope it was just a misdial.


Yes you should definitely be worried about this!!! I’d take his phone when he doesn’t know and see if he still has her blocked if not then you know somethings going on if he does still have her blocked then it was nothing


Ya so devils advocate here. I’ve totally accidentally called someone on Facebook messenger when I didn’t mean to. Usually when I’m trying to navigate messenger or peeping someone’s profile just to see what they’re up to. I’m eternally curious and if an old classmate pops up somewhere I like to look at their profile to see what they’ve been up to. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I am always skeptical

Suspicious. You can’t really pocket dial someone you’re not friends with on messenger


Nah after what I have been through. U cant pocket dial on fb.


Honestly the only person that can answer that question is yourself. you could get 5 million strangers to tell you their opinion and advice. but you know honestly at the end it’s up to you if you’re going to take anybody’s advice or if you’re going to do what you want to do or if you’re going to listen to what your heart says to do. because honestly if I went by what everybody said to do in my relationship I would have already left my husband lol and I mean that when I say that by you know well what should I do you guys he’s a jerk you should just forget about him blah blah blah you know what I mean those opinions really don’t matter what matters is what your heart says to do!!! honestly I’ve accidentally been on my messenger and video chat at this guy I’m not supposed to have anything to do with and I was like oh my gosh hang up hang up hang up because he was in my suggestion box and I was playing around then I hit the suggestion box and I hit the button I mean people do things by accident sometimes even I do and I’ve always been to this day like I wonder if he figured out it was me if my face showed up at my name showed up and I mean but it doesn’t matter anyways the point is everybody on Facebook and tell you all day long their opinions and their thoughts at the end of the day all that’s going to matter is you your opinions your thoughts and what your heart says and what your mind says.


Him blocking her is weird for sure


Like everyone else is saying. You CANT pocket dial from messenger. Hes fishy asf.


I would have asked her how long something has been going on, not why she called. Ask like you already know or you’re gonna get lied to.


you cant call someone thru messenger unless theyve called before, and got thru… soooo yea

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I pocket dial all the time!!! Lucky for me it’s been my friends though

A dude I hadn’t talked to in almost 4 years pocket called me on fb messenger awhile ago. Didnt message me afterwards so I assumed it was an accident and blocked him anyway cause I didnt want to deal with it if he was trying to talk again. Just wanted to leave the past in the past. So it is possible it was an accident. But that just my experience with it.


See if she’s still blocked cause when you unblock someone you cant block them again for a couple of days👀


Y’all need to stop because my titty calls people a few times a day on FBI messenger. Although they would definitely have had to have a conversation in messenger already.

I’m not sure if it’s suspicious or not but a normal response would be for him to look at his phone totally confused and still answered it with you right there. If no one answered then be like that’s weird she just called me. But instead he blocked her


random friends of friends have called me by accident through messenger but i think it wouldnt be as suspicious if he didnt block her straight away. Like why not message her and ask why she tried to call him? very weird :weary:


Nope, I dont believe it.

Girl u know the answer to this.

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5 years and no ring?? Probably cheating


You can absolutely pocket dial on messenger… i do all the time. But Id be more suspicious about him blocking it, that is weird and just why

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: RED FLAG!!! That bish is cheating! He wouldn’t block her immediately. He would have answered the call or had You. You are being lied to. And that nasty hoe knows about you :rage::rage: I hate cheaters but I hate enablers.


Um… They’d have to be connected on fb for her to be able to call…


Go with your gut feeling. Seems like he’s cheating to me.

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Its peculiar she pocket dialled after midnight…most people pocket dial during the day. Did you gage his reaction? What were your instincts saying? Xx

Any time some one wants to send you a message you must first approve the person prior to them being able to contact you.


So I thought him blocking right away was weird and still do but i asked my hubs from a man’s perspective and he said he could have just been thinking he don’t know why she’s calling and dont care and just hit block. But I’d definitely do some digging first. As my husband says " men can be dumb sometimes what they think is the right thing comes off wrong and makes things worse".


Also if you havent messaged them before then they wouldnt be able to ring on messenger x


The fact that he went str8 to block instead of answer and address it right then and there is suspicious to me. I would look further into it myself Then present my findings to.him good.luck :four_leaf_clover:

It’s definetly suspicious. If he doesn’t know her, then why block her ? A pocket dial ? That sounds pretty stupid, you can’t pocket dial a random person you don’t have on your messenger. I do Have randoms on my messenger but that is because they were ppl I messaged about buying something off them on local fb garage sale/ buy n sell pages. Just look at his phone, I think after 5 yrs there should be no problem with wanting to see each others phones.

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Make a different profile with his name and message her pretending to be him, I would :rofl:


He’s most definitely hiding something🤥


Same thing happened to my sister. Some chick her husband worked with pocket dialed my sister’s husband after midnight too & they both were lying & keeping up a charade for months before it was made official that he was, in fact, cheating on my sister. And the chick was married too! Smh just some stupid shit right out of the Young & the Restless smh. So I’m saying that to say, listen to your heart/gut instinct. What was his reaction upon receiving said phone call? Did he look guilty? White as a ghost? And why block her straight away, unless there’s something to hide? He probably just unblocked her later after he was out of your sight🤷🏼‍♀️. Be careful. Just don’t react too much, sit back & be VERY OBSERVANT. All of your answers will come in due time. Praying for you.

Trust your gut. Ill just say you can’t accidentally call someone you’re not connected with. If you feel something is off it probably is.


Honestly if you’re worried confront him and have a chat about it! Explain how the situation made you uncomfortable and his reaction made you suspicious and hopefully you guys and get to the bottom of it together! Marriage is a partnership, face things together. You shouldn’t need other people’s opinions and advise (no disrespect intended) putting thoughts and worries in your head. Hope everything works out and you guys get it sorted :sparkling_heart:

I’ve accidentally called people on my phone and on Facebook. It happens. Obviously he’d have to be friends with her on Facebook or have received or sent messages before for the call to go through. But idk it could honestly be harmless. He blocked her. I mean did he try to hide that she called? Was he mad that you messaged or if he knows you did? I wouldn’t jump straight to “he’s cheating.” I’ve had people call me or message me that I didn’t care to talk to so I blocked them and didn’t take the time to see what they wanted. Because I didn’t care what they wanted I just knew they were drama and I didn’t want to deal with it. It could really be that simple. I’d say trust him unless he’s given you a good reason not to.


Make him call her back with you in the room. You would prolly get your answer !


You can’t accidentally call a stranger. They would have to have messaged each other before.


The real question here is “can you share him?”

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Definitely sketchy. Trust your gut. I’ve been in that situation several times, I was always right. Even when I’d try to convince myself it’s nothing, it always was. Time to do some snooping!:rofl:

Definitely bullshit.

Okay people. You can pocket dial from messenger. BUT they would already have to be on your call log. iPhones messenger calls are logged on the regular call log. So it’s possible but that would mean they’ve been in contact previously.


The fact that he promptly blocked her would be an issue for me. If you really get a call from someone random you don’t talk to you’d be like wtf why is this person calling me? That was weird. Not just straight block .


The process of calling someone on Facebook message isn’t easy you have to click the icon then go to you guys messages & then press the call button. So personally I’d say it sounds like bs


I did a group chat pocket dial with my giant ass lol, I was driving and got one hell of a fright when I realised I had like 6 voices yelling at me out of my pocket hahahahaha, they all thought I was an magician cause i called 6 of them at once hahahahahahaha, but if that was my man I’d message the chick myself and see what was up?

Just go with your gut but maybe investigate to get actual proof to confront him with first

So she fb called a random guy she doesnt know??? Ya I ain’t buying it

Its wierd he blocked her…

For her to even accidentally call him, they’d have to have a message up? Unless she accidentally scrolled to the next screen, typed a few letters that happened to pull up his name (all on accident), then somehow opened a new message with him, accidentally clicked the menu, and somehow called. Seems very unlikely :thinking:


Not gonna say it’s TRUE for you but this sounds an awful lot like my EX husband and the meth head he went to🤷‍♀️

I’ve never pocket dialed anyone but have had someone pocket dial me

I smell bullshit :woman_shrugging:

Like back when stories were newish on fb, I had a few ppl like or comment on it, which started a message. It’s not that it couldn’t happen, it’s just unbelievably unlikely. They’ve at least had contact to have a message open, or a series of unfortunate events (listed in my last comment :joy:) led to the call.

For everyone saying it’s not possible especially since it’s Facebook, yes it is possible. I’ve done it before. I accidently butt dialed a girl through my messenger. It happened to be a girl I sold something to several months earlier on Facebook Market. Although it does seems suspicious, it is possible.

As for the OP don’t automatically jump to conclusions like 90% of the females on this thread. If you trust your man, he has never given you any reasons to doubt him, then give him the benefit of the doubt. If that feeling won’t go away then trust your gut.