Should I call CPS on the family I babysit for?

This is the problem with you young people you think calling cps is helping! I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOWW calling Cps on that women IS NOT HELPING!! No one told you to buy the baby stuff and just becus the baby is wheezing does not mean it’s the moms fault cos she smokes weed and stuff, the baby could have asthma or allergies etc,
2nd it’s not your place to take the child to a doctor YOUR NOT THE MOTHER! If the mom hasn’t taken him then it’s clearly something she’s not too concerned about, lastly the mom is clearly on her own! She’s obviously paying YOU for child care , housing food clothes diapers etc she might be low on cash baby’s DO NOT NEEd much clothing bc they grow out of it so quickly, it’s not your place to Cps ONCE SHE TAKES HER CHILd to the pedi if they think there is some kind of neglect happening then THEY CAN CALL Cps! Unless you physically see your own eyes the mom is neglecting the baby or bruises and marks etc then leave that women’s family alone! It’s a pandemic right now! NO ONE HAS MUCH MONEY RIGHT NOW! And she’s clearly smoking AWAY FROM THE CHILD AS U STATED above she was smoking out side in her car! And if she chooses to smoke around her baby than that’s her choice who are you to try and take that baby away from her? Your super judgemental!!! How about expressing your concerns to the mother and offering to help her? Instead of making it worse for her !! Or walk away


You said she just moved there? So how bout just help her, and let her know your helping her. Go to the for department and tell them
You need a new car seat they’ll give you one, and tell her to to stop smoking or you’ll have to call the Authorities. Help her come up w a game plan to be better never know what she came from. Help her become a better mom instead of possibly taking that chance away. This is only if she is “WILLING” though. If she refuses help then I would ask to foster the baby or even if you so strongly about it call cps


Place anon tip with cps so that she wont know it’s you and you can continue to make sure that baby is safe until something gets done. The answer is NEVER abandon a child in need. Trust your gut


I woulda taken him in already, screw what the mom says, you be his advocate since she won’t


I would call cps. You have tried talking to her and that didnt work…


The baby I babysit for wheezes cuz he has lung disease. Plus could be allergies. If shes up to date on all his check ups and it’s only wheezing it could be unrelated. If u look up second hand smoking usually there will be other symptoms along with it such as ear infections

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I’d lie and take him to the ER say your his aunt and moms out of town and your watching him. They will probably contact her but he will already be there and be seen


If his chest is sucking in hes in respiratory stress

Some of these comments really
Have me questioning y’all’s parenting. Wtf


Calling cps is not a great idea. They dont help the kids that need it they take the ones that are adoptable from good homes… Maybe she needs help, guidance, a friend… Try that route first…


Take the child to the ER. He’s in your care and while he’s in your care, you are fully responsible for the safety of that child. If the child goes into respiratory distress while in your care, you’re going to feel terrible and may be questioned as to why you didn’t take the child in while he was in your care… DO NOT CALL CPS!! That’s just taking it too far. The hospital will contact her and give her important information on smoking around children. Maybe she just needs a wake up call and by taking him the ER may be just what she needs to make better decisions. As for the carseat, she may not be able to afford one. As hard as it may be, take one of your checks from babysitting him and get him a new seat, mom’s need to come together and support one another. Calling cps is a horrible idea but so is smoking around your child. Keep us updated!!


You might be the only safety this child has. You don’t want her (or anyone) to take him somewhere that might not care about him like you do. Keep trying to coach her and if she doesn’t respond to that then call cps. I wouldn’t let her know it was you bc again you may be the only savior this child has and if you are removed (bc she’s mad you called) he may not have an advocate again (the foster system is mostly not great).


Anybody who comes into contact with a child or vulnerable person, whether in a professional or social manner, has a duty of care and safeguarding towards that child/person.

100% do NOT ‘mind your own business’ because the end result could be a fatal one for the poor innocent babe. Your concerns are validated and real and they should be reported to the appropriate people, and sooner rather than later before it gets even more out of hand.

You reporting your concerns does not necessarily mean babe will be taken away from his family. It could be that they will be able to get the support they very clearly need, with Mum’s addiction and whatever else.

You may be the only person who can help him right now. Yes that’s a big responsibility but once you’ve reported your concerns that’s your part done and (hopefully) the professionals will do the rest x


Call them she needs a wakeup

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I’d turn her in. You can do it anonymously, even if you choose not to they can’t tell her it was you. Medical neglect is a real thing.

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Guys she’s not trying to take the kid from the mother, she obviously is trying to help the child, but does not know how to go about it. I personally would help her get wat she needs and point her in the right direction or even take her and the child to the dr so at least u know she went


I was told by cps if you are aware of a situation that is dangerous or harmful to the child/children and don’t report and it comes out later in investigation that you were aware n did nothing you are just as guilty as the person doing the harm! If she isn’t doing anything wrong then she has nothing to worry about!


I’d take him to the ER and express that the mom won’t because she has stated this even with your encouragement plenty of times and that RSV is going around in young children, so you just wanna be sure! Cause kids can die from that!

Help her, talk to her, calling cps isn’t going to do nothing but cause her more unnecessary issues


You have to be his voice! God put you in his life for a reason.

You should try to find her help with her problem so She can make a better life for her child.Help find an organization that with help get on the right track.Talk to her and if she doesn’t want help then maybe bring someone into the situation.She should respect you for caring

Even if she stops smoking around the baby, the smoke smell sticks to everything. When you took him to the car, she possibly just smoked in the car before picking him up… Do you know for a fact she is smoking around the baby? Have you seen her? Talk to her again and give her options of how Family & Children Services could even help her if the child has medical needs… Her stating she doesn’t know what she’s doing is basically saying she needs help and open to be educated. You could explain how you and your child have asthma, so you know how the meds work and help…


Do not take him to hospital they will call cps just try talking to mom first …

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You can always call non emergency police to do a well check anonymously. If you explain the breathing issues they will probably bring EMS with them. Then they can determine if CPS should get involved.

So before you head down that path my newborn had very hard shallow breathing turned out he had laryngomalacia had surgery for it when he was 2 so dont jump to conclusions ma’am


Talk to the mother again about your concerns. Offer help and support. Last resort call CPS. If she removes him from your care and then you’re still worried call them. But only as a last resort. Try again to see if she’ll let you take him into the Dr. The child deserves to be safe and cared for but the mother may truly be over whelmed. I’d hate to see a child taken from their mother if this could be resolved privately.

  1. Don’t call CPS first see if you can give the Mama as much resource in possible for her baby and see if you can reach out and find agency to help her get her baby clothes and such. Help her find a doctor for her baby. Maybe even try to be her friend and tell her you would go with her.
    If and when all the suggestion you give her and she doesn’t take your advice than report her.

I would offer to help. dcfs would he the last thing I tired! I would try 2 help in other ways before calling. Maybe she’s young and was misguided herself in life?!?! We don’t know her story. We don’t know her struggles


As a child care provider you are a mandated reporter. You could get in trouble for not reporting this.


Just take him to the hospital and tell them everything. Seriously you can talk to the mother till your blue in the face and she still clearly still will not care. If they think he is in danger they will take him if not they will help the mother. Just don’t waist time because as a child care provider it is your duty to report stuff like this.


I would try to take him somewhere to be seen. Rsv is going around and my nephew is not even 1 and has it and he wheezes so that might be it. I wouldn’t jump the gun and call CPS because you don’t know what she’s dealing with and I mean she could be trying her very hardest to hold it all together.

I would try to talk to the mom again first. Ask her for his insurance card, if he doesn’t have any see if you can try to help her get Medicaid for the baby etc. I wouldn’t even mention DCFS because she’ll probably dissappear you’ll not know what happened to the baby! DCFS last resort.

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And if he’s on governmental insurance honestly I’m sure they could just contact a social worker or whoever is the program for benefits and request his insurance if they explain the situation!!!

Offer support an help before you run to the police, you don’t know what they’ve already been through & if she doesn’t want it then look at the next steps

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I don’t know what state you are in Texas has a law on the books; if you are aware of anything unsafe for a child and do not seek help or report, you are culpable as well.


Sadly, CPS won’t really do anything in this situation. I would take the child to urgent care or the er for treatment. That way he’s seen. They will have to call his mother and then the hospital can decide the neglect or lack there of from there. Before the mother shows up you will be able to voice your concerns to the nurse or doctor so they can look for those things when the mother arrives.

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Talk to her help her understand …if she does not take him to doctor than take other steps …like you take him good luck and good looking out always :heart::heart::heart::heart:


CPS does more harm then good. If you call them and that baby isn’t being abused or neglected (smoking weed isn’t neglect) then your going to be responsible for possible ruining this babies life. Living with a mom who smokes weed is much better then a stranger you’ve never met.


This was hard for me to read. Please help the baby by all means. If you have to get CPS involved do so ASAP. Children do not deserve to struggle in any way. Please take action NOW😔


YOU WANT TO STEAL HER BABY?! omg you’re sick. You’re a sick vicious predator, and I hope you’re never allowed around anyone’s baby ever again. You’re disgusting. That’s so fucking sick to plot to steal someone’s child. Die immediately please.

Personally, having lots of experience and done child safeguarding I would say yes. If u say nothing and the child ends up in hospital or worse you d regret saying nothing, if the child ends up in hospital whilst in ur care u could brunt the blame, I’d either take the child to hospital yourself or let cps know ur concerns, u could potentially be saving the child and mum, as she may need help and support to sort herself out too x

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Take him to the ER if he is wheezing and having difficulty breathing. They can address all of the issues there. They will be able to report it without you being the bad guy. If mom isn’t willing to take him in then it’s unfortunately up to you to do something about it. I’m sorry that you are in that position but please don’t leave the baby without an advocate.

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RSV is going around big time that plus covid you or underlying undiagnosed health issues like asthma could be at play here. Have the mom sign a waiver staying when he’s in your care you can get him medical help. Take the child to the Dr or er.

That’s a tough situation… sending prayers!

If you’re babysitting you’re a mandated reporter.


Crazy to see how many mom’s on a mother’s group are ok with letting a BABY struggle to breathe-possibly die- IN Order to keep children’s services away. You guys are the problem. Take that baby to a hospital & tell them what’s going on, you probably won’t be babysitting anymore, but you did what the BABY needed.


Start with a local social worker at your nearest low cost state health clinic. Speak with a social worker nurse when you bring the baby in for a checkup (and yes you can take the baby in for a checkup without being a parent, but the obligation to pay is on you). Advise the social care nurse of your situation and ask for advice from her. She will not only have given the child a check up, but she or he is a trained to help further with the other issues and will either try to get resources for the mom or work with cps for a resolution mediation.


First and foremost. Before you make any move to CPS, gather PROOF!!
You have to be able to prove there is reason for them to be involved before they actually take action besides a random pop up visit, and that doesn’t usually pan out. Then the mother is just pissed, you’re removed, and the baby could be the one who suffers.

Idk why ppl act like smoking with your kid in the car is okay, or buying pot before clothes is okay… bc it’s not. I smoke. But I sure as fuck don’t around my kid. Rain or shine.
Smoking pot is okay. So long as she’s still doing what she needs. But if it’s simply just, the kids clothes smell like smoke bc the smell is in the house, or transferred from her. Then don’t do anything.

The breathing is the absolute biggest issue.
You could always put him in the bathroom, and run super hot steamy water and let him breath in the steam. That will help. Wash his clothes. The smoke is an irritant.
That’s the best I have to offer. You’re in a horrible position.
Just remember to fuck what ppl say about judging.
Children. Come. First!!!

If the baby is clean, happy and fed and not being physically abused then MIND YOUR MFKN BUSINESS!


Take him to the ER. As long as you know his name and birthdate they probably can find him in their system and get his insurance so don’t worry about that. At least he will be getting helped and trust if they believe anything fishy is going on they will keep him and call cps themselves. You can also voice your concerns to them and that way your not in the middle of your client and cps.


All these moms saying don’t call cps but the fact is if your worried about the child when you’re not around him then that should be a reason to call. They will just do a welfare check and see if it’s unsafe and if it is they have every right to remove that child from that unsafe home to a safe one. Stop thinking of them mom cause she obviously doesn’t care enough be that child’s voice and help him. That poor baby’s in pain not being able to breath and you wanna just talk to the mom?? Ya no. That baby could die of sids because of that.


Take him in and tell the doctors everything the poor baby is having trouble breathing they will call mom but explain everything before they call her she may act different at the hospital then just with you

So if you don’t know child protective services (cps) is a huge part of the child trafficking going on in the United States. They pay large amounts out to people that " adopt a child, if the child is special needs a lot more. So try to do anything and everything to help the mother. Taking her child could have adverse affects and send her in to a downward spiral. HELP HER! And taking a baby from its mother is one of the worst things for a child it as well has adverse affects on the child as well. And I speak from experience cps tried to take my special needs granddaughter because “her mother was to young” (15). If you have any questions feel free to message or tall to me please…


Im for the welfare of the child above all else. Do what you think is best for that child.

Urgent care asap. This is about breathing. The rest can be sorted out later.


Yes if your gut is saying YES

Tell her you are concerned that it’s something contagious and you want to take him bc you don’t want it passed to you or your child. Then see where it goes

No. Cps does not help. They are a children’s worst nightmare. They destroy children and their homes and their families and cause more harm than good. I know as I and all of my siblings are products of cps. Reference the Facebook page CPS news. If it hasn’t been removed. Get the child a vaporizer and a humidifier. Put Vicks on the soles of his feet. I do this every year for me and my kids and it always works. Your feet absorb the menthol thru the body and it clears the child up. Wear socks over the Vicks. Maybe she needs help. The smoking is her business and you are judging her. Also, cps is a child traffic ring. The kids get beaten and raped. I hate how people think they are good. They cause life long mental illnesses.

Get the kid help someway

Where is the protection of the child?? Don’t call? F THAT! :telephone_receiver: ITS A SMALL HUMAN!!! Step up to the plate! If everything is OK, fine! If not you could have saved this babies life! Where is the child put first yall crazy!


Sit down and have a convo with her mom to mom. Ask her if she has medicaid for the baby, and if not, offer to help her apply and let her know she can take the baby to the ER and then later ask medicaid to be retroactive to cover the bill. They will. If she does have insurance, tell her as someone with asthma and a child with asthma, that you’re concerned about the babys breathing. Tell her that with all this covid and delta, it makes you even more concerned. Then you could offer to take the baby to urgent care while she is at work (just call first and double check they take that specific insurance).

Also, dont forget you are extra sensitive to the smoke smell as a non-smoker. Just because the reeked of smoke to you, doesnt mean someone JUST smoked. Also, you’re more than likely going to smell it all over the baby no matter what if moms a smoker, even if she went outside to smoke, washed her hands, and then picked up baby.

Ladies, we HAVE to uplift and help teach each other how to be the best moms we can be. Remember that not everyone had examples to learn from at home, but that doesnt mean they dont love their babies.


Take him to the er. I did that with a little girl I was watching.

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Take him to children’s hospital er, my grandson had trouble breathing, it turned out he had a severe heart issue needed emergency open heart surgery, he would of died, he was showing signs of flu, never know

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Unless she fills out the paperwork for you to take the child to the dr, they won’t allow you to.

I’d get info and bring him to the dr if she doesn’t take steps to improve his help call

Talk With mom car seats are expensive maybe there is a program to get her a new one. Tell her Take baby to doctors RSV is rapid right now. Don’t call unless you know that child is in danger people use this as a ruthless thing and it’s not right. Your concerned so talk to her use that as a last option

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Definitely take him to emerge at the hospital.

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Yeah I strongly feel your fudging this story here by the way you wrote this letter because you would have already have called cps if this is actual …you remind me of a Karen that is screaming attention from these commenters …with the Covid talking place you will not be taking the child to the mothers car if your a caregiver to children I assume you must watch other children other than this child …I would be investigating you also because you yourself sound unsafe if your going out of your way to ask these commenters what should you do …you should not be running a day care for real …just saying


Yeah take child to ER. explain what is going on to the dr and see what they say

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He was put in your path, you know what you need to do!

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If you are worried you can call the police on the non-emergency line and report what you see. They will send someone out to check and they can decide if it is a safe place for the child.

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Try to help the mother. Get her resources. Maybe some understanding. Teach her something. She may had been neglected as a child and really doesn’t know what she’s doing. Being a mom is hard work and unfortunately doesn’t come naturally for all. Be a female who straightens another’s crown, not one who knocks one down. Calling CPS won’t fix much other the ripe a child from his mother. Maybe she’s going through a hard time and just needs some help with refocusing.


I would gently and calmly have a sit down heart to heart. Make sure she knows that you are not judging and you whole heartedly would like to help. I’m fairly certain there is a form she can fill out that will allow you to take him to the Dr yourself. Sounds like she is a first time and single mom and possibly struggling with anxiety and stress related issues -hence the marijuana. When talking to her, make sure to watch the tones of your voice to ensure she knows that you are indeed helping and not judging or taking control. Also, ask about immediate family members for emergency situation only and maybe you can find out more info that way too. I feel there is a reason from the good Lord above as to why you were brought together. Thank you for what you are providing and being there for the little one and to the momma. Need more people like you. It does take a village to raise kids. Good luck and keep us posted. :blush::blush:


If the baby can’t or is having trouble breathing, he needs medical attention. Immediately. End of story. If she refuses to take him in, then you need to, whatever the consequences end up being.


I can’t believe the comments on here telling her to mind her own business!?!?! This is a child and his health and safety should come first before the mother’s feelings. The mother’s smoking is the least of anyone’s worries because weed isn’t an important issue since as long as it is away from a child nobody should mind and when it is at appropriate times. The child is wheezing and she is denying him medical care which is child neglect and is wrong. She should have taken him to the doctor or allowed the babysitter. The babysitter already asked so there was already talk about it people, she told her about the wheezing and the mother still neglected to do anything about it. She is also not taking care of him because he isn’t getting his basic needs which is a bath, clean clothes, and a safe transportation device in the car. Who knows if she is feeding him enough at home either.

If she needs help she isn’t seeking resources which are available and instead letting her child suffer.

Take that child to the emergency room and explain to the doctor what is going on. With his expertise he will most likely call cps who will help the mother get the tools to get her to take care of her son better. Parenting classes and learning about the resources out there that can help her through cps can make a difference rather than leaving it alone and having the child suffer in silence.

People who remain silent are just as guilty as those who are guilty of neglect


Talk to her and explain to her that sometimes her son has issues breathing and you are afraid that something could happen to him while he is in your care. That either she need to take him to the doctor are you could even do it for her and if she doesn’t agree just tell her you wouldn’t be able to take care of him. Then you can call CPS but I don’t think they would really do anything about it

Definitely don’t let him suffer. You can anonymously report to CPS if you don’t want her to know it’s you.


The baby needs to see a doctor period. U,her,somebody take him up there. But calling cps is way over board. As far as clothes & a car seat,idk if u want to help her?? But good will has really cheap baby clothes & car seats.

Help that child even if it means calling child protection. He needs help now. Trust ur gut!!


Florida is similar to Texas. You have a legal obligation to the child. I don’t think she’s abusing her child. Maybe not very smart when it comes to smoking cigarettes around him. But it’s not illegal. And if she doesn’t smoke pot it front of him it’s not a big deal here. Whether its medical or not. Yes not supposed to DUI. I would have a sit down with mom. If an emergency happens of course take him to ER. But maybe she needs more help mentally than anything. If she says she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s being honest at least but should be willing to accept help. If not willing then you might have more of a problem on your hands.


Get that baby help. If she’s spending money on her addictions & not her child & she doesn’t care about her baby’s health then get that baby help. I also have asthma & knows how it feels. Don’t let him suffer any longer. :disappointed:


ER. Explain the situation to the doctors. If they feel it is urgent they will notify cps themselves.

Also, if the situation weighs heavy on your heart call. Anonymously. Cps will do their best to rehabilitate before remove. Its a rough process but… the child needs an advocate.


Not judging, my ass.

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Take the baby to the ER they will call child services. Explain what you just explained to us to them. I am sorry for being blunt… but that baby deserves the world and she is barely doing enough to ensure his survival. What the heck… please please please help the baby


No daycare would result to social media about this. :no_good_woman:t3: Just saying, if you witnessed this, social media wouldn’t even be a priority

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If you don’t say or do anything, and something happens to that baby , how are you gonna feel ?? How will you be able to sleep at night?? Fuck all these mammies on her trying to protect her ass, but if the baby stop breathing then what?? All the one’s saying mind yo business suspects too!! Ion give a fuck I said what I said!!!

Take him to ER they will contact the Mom and do tests, they will contact the correct people,the baby could die,Old Nurse

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Sounds like she may need but dear god.dont call cps on her unless you think the child could be seriously injured ,die or the child has abuse marks on their body


Aren’t you considered legally obligated to call? Neglect is neglect and that child obviously needs medical attention.


I’d suggest to take him to the dr and let the mom know ure going to do that. If that poor baby has any kind of bad situation while in ur care u know ure going to be in a lot of trouble. Also I would really try to talk to the mom and help her out in a way for the sake of the baby because that’s just heartbreaking to keep letting him live like that when maybe u can do something about it. Idk, I’m sorry, prayers for u and the baby.:purple_heart:

Take him to the hospital the next time you keep him. Whatever happens, happens. He needs help- his needs trump hers.


Take him to the hospital and they evaluate and call cps


You are judging her by the #2 comment fyi…

If you’re that worried then you need to take him to a Dr. and notify the mother why and what hospital… I honestly wouldnt give the baby any medication without the parent because the parent may not want THEIR CHILD to have that type of medicine(could have a steroid)… DO NOT GIVE THE KID MEDICATION UNLESS THE PARENT OKS IT…

If you’re worried, own up and discuss this with THE PARENT… do not make any parenting decisions based on your emotions… cps (if you haven’t noticed from the children dying on the news) doesnt do their job so it’s a 50/50 that they will help…


I think as babysitter you are a mandated reporter esp if you have certifications. Not sure if that’s the case.


You’re responsible to report anything to the state as his babysitter if necessary.


Take him to the ER for the wheezing and explain your suspicions and they’ll probably test him


CPS won’t do anything if there is even one item of food in the kitchen and a roof over his head, it’s disgusting. Try talking with the mom again first and then get CPS involved.

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Really this is a bad move to be posting this one Facebook and can land you in trouble for making a post

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Get the baby to the Dr. Please do not call CPS or whomever. You are only seeing things from your own point of view. I know the way you see it looks bad, but there might be more to that you just don’t know. Get the baby to the emergency room and if there’s something severely wrong then they will do what needs to be done. But if it turns out that there isn’t a problem and you involve CPS or whoever then you put unnecessary stress on a single mom that’s struggling. Carseats can be expensive so even though she could prolly put the money she spends on cigarettes or weed to the side and save up, or find a cheap one on a facebook marketplace, it doesn’t mean it’s not on her list of things to fix. You don’t know what all she’s going through or how hard she’s fighting just to get through each day and from experience she doesn’t need CPS on her back because that can set her back by miles. She might not be doing the best job right now, but that doesn’t mean she won’t straighten up later. Please do not make a decision that will possibly take her child from her for no reason. Just get the baby to the Dr and god will handle it from there. People Who call CPS just because they "think its the best option " should seriously be ashamed of themselves. Unless the child has bruises,or wounds, looks like they are literally starving or dehydrated, or acts scared of their parent, or speaks out specifically, DON’T call CPS. Please.


I would continue what you’re doing for now until you have more evidence and give the kid some breathing treatments