That’s honestly between you and him… My parents still pay my brother’s phone bill and he’s 25… He is moved out and married they just ain’t taken him off their plan yet. If you feel comfortable doing it there’s really no issue, but if he’s disrespectful I wouldn’t
Nope. If he wants to be grown then he needs to act grown. If he wants to be treated as an adult and make adult decisions then guess what, bills and responsibilities come along with that. You can’t pick and choose what parts of life you want to be an adult for. It’s an all or nothing deal.
needs more details, honestly …
personally, I didn’t want any help from my mom. just so i wouldn’t be allowing her to have any room to talk about doing anything for me.
No I wouldn’t. He’s a big boy and made the decision to move out he should pay his own stuff.
I, myself, no. He turned 18. He believes he is adult enough to move out and be on his own, paying your own bills is adulting. Of course, it never hurts to be on stand by. We can all give you the, “this is what i would do” but we have all raised our children different. Do what you feel is best for you.
No I mean if you want to keep in contact then maybe the cell phine but tue rest is his responsibility
Absolutely not. He is a big boy. If he wants to be in his own and move out the. That includes covering his own bills
My mom paid for my cell phone after I moved out. However, we had a good relationship and taking me off the plan wouldn’t really save any money. But she never paid my other bills for me.
Give him a grace period. Tell him he has 3 months to sort out what he needs to and get his own cell phone and car insurance.
He’s your son. If he’s struggling & needs help then yes.
Unless it is something necessary, and they come to you for help and are trying and need it… feel it is best for them to start managing all the things they should as adults on their own. There will likely come a day you cannot help, and depending on such…they need to be able to take care of these things without you. I’ll help my babies when they move out if they truly need it…but I also want to know they will thrive on their own.
Just depends the circumstances I suppose… you want them to succeed
I have kept the insurance going on mine till they turned 24.
My son is 17 and moved out we didnt get along either… he has a phone bill he has to pay… and if he had insurance I’d give him about 3 months to get a job and figure out how to pay shit cause being a big boy means doing big boy things like paying ur own Bill’s…
If you are able too, I don’t see the harm in helping him with small bills like that while he gets his shit together. There is nothing wrong with moving out once your 18. Most kids crave independence at about that age. Just because he wanted to move out doesn’t really mean you have to completely cut him off from your help. I don’t understand how parents are okay watching their children drown just because they wanted to start growing up and making a life, helping them while they figure it out and become completely independent isn’t a bad thing.
Give him a good heads up if you’re stopping his car insurance as that could have MAJOR financial implications…
A phone contract is whatever in comparison
I was paying my car insurance and phone bill before i was even 18
It’s entirely up to you. I don’t see anything wrong with you helping him if you want to. 18 is still very young. He might end up back home before you know it lol.
Why set him up to fail? Moving out is something everyone is excited for. Just because he moved out doesn’t mean he can do it all. Help him succeed if you have the means to do so.
Definitely not he’s grown now
Nope don’t pay anything for him he is an adult now
If he is grown enough to make decisions to move out, he is grown enough to pay his own bills. Its called adulting. Give him a heads up that you are no longer paying said bills and tell him the option that he should 1. Cover what he already has available to him by paying you or 2. He can shop for his own coverage, etc.
Why do parents feel the need to pay their ADULT children’s bills??
No, give him a notice that in three months time you will be removing him from your insurance, phone, etc… That way he can prepare for life as a big boy.
Nope. They move out they are on their own.
He’s 18 he’s an adult
Yes your his mom you might feel bad ect but you can’t pay for him forever. Even if you go half and then slowly make him pay his own
No he’s an adult and he’s chosen to move out. He now gets the responsibility of being an adult.
His choice, his bills
Depends if it’s his car or yours. And if it’s your phone plan or his own.
Absolutely not. He should have responsibilities now.
Be good to your kids you’re the one who will be changing your diapers when you’re 80
I’d honestly say no, car insurance and a cell phone are technically “luxuries”, if he’s grow enough to move out and live on his own then he can pay for his bills. Obviously if he needs the help and asks you then don’t say no (or it’s just up to you) but I was paying my own cell phone bill since I was 16 and my own car payment and insurance when I got my car at 18.
He needs to pay his own bills.
If he chose to move then you no longer are responsible to pay those bills.its part of being an adult
No! If he has moved out to go to college and better his future then I would consider. But just moving out because he is tired out the house rules or “wants to be grown” then I would say he needs to cover his own bills. That’s part of moving out on your own.
My parents paid for my car insurance and cell phone until I was 20 for my phone and 22 for my car insurance. If he gets it on his own it would be really expensive something to think about. You could always ask him to pay his portion that way he’s still being responsible but not struggling with a $100 phone bill and whatever the car insurance would be. But that’s my thought.
Your choice…if you can afford it and it helps him then do it. You are the only one who knows. Between you and him.
My daughter is 21 and lives with her boyfriend for over a year now . I still pay her car insurance, phone and health insurance…she works her ass off and as long as I can help I will. She pays her car payments thats in my name since she was 17.
Give him a grace period with the expectation he will no longer ask for financial assistance. He’s chosing to move out and be an adult but it sounds like he doesn’t know exactly what that looks like financially.
If you continue to pay for these things he will not learn to become self sufficient. The best thing we can do for our children is teaching them how to take care of themselves. Not paying for these things does not that you love him any less.
He made his choice, if he wants to adult so badly - let him.
dont pay his bills nor ur responsibility
nope, he moved out he needs to be paying his own bills
I’d give 6 months notice to him that you will not be paying. That financially gives him time to plan that new bills are coming, and time to adjust instead of surprise, here’s 2 more bills.
I tell mines before she can get her license she needs a job for her car insurance because I’m not paying it she keeps asking for her license and she is 8
Parent of 30yrs, NOPE! The moment they declared thier independence and leave thier parents home to be an ADULT, is the moment they FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT as well.
I don’t,think there is a wrong or right answer. Do what YOU think is best. My parents paid for my cell for quite awhile because they got a better rate. But I definitely had to pay for my own insurance after getting my first speeding ticket even still living at home.
If U feel u want to help him out then I say go ahead. But if you think he needs to realize what it’s truly like to be independent and he needs a dose of reality, stop paying.
As if! He moved out but still pay his bills? Its his responsibility. I lived with my parents till i got married but still paid my own phone and car insurance and petrol…
My parents and I never got along. They did pay my car insurance still when I moved out until I got a new car. But I did pay for my own phone
My MIL pays our car insurance but st the same time we have 6 kids and she wants to help us out
I would say no if he is working full time and wants to be an adult. It would be different if he was in college and going to school.
I would talk to him to let him know I will be no longer paying his bills so he’s not caught off guard BUT he needs to start paying for his bills asap. It probably should have been discussed before he moved out.
I’ve been paying for those since I was 16
Hell no! Tell that kid its time to grow up and become a man. If he’s grown enough to move out he’s grown enough to cover his own bills.
I was paying my own bills, had a job and a car at 17
I paid for my own car, phone insurance since I was old enough to work and drive, hell appreciate things alot more when he has to earn them and work hard
He is 18 so absolutely not! He is now an adult and if he is grown enough to move out, he can get a job and pay his own way in life. You never get anywhere in life living on handouts.
I moved out when I was 17 (I do regret a lot of things) and just based on personal experience NO. do not pay for it. He left, he can pay his own bills. It will help him to grow up
Nope nope nope. If he is grown enough to move out he is grown enough to pay for it
I helped with certain things, like insurance and cell phone bills. Also incidentals like food and toiletries. When they needed help though, they came to me, however this was very infrequent. I stopped paying insurance and cell bills when they got married. I felt if they were old enough to say “I do,” then they were old enough to assume complete responsibility. To this day though, I am there for them if they need me. They have all turned out very successful with beautiful families, so I don’t feel my way of helping them get a decent start in life was in any way the wrong way.
These aren’t necessarily things you SHOULD be covering like you’re obligated because you’re not. He’s an adult. It’s really what you want to do with your money you’re not obligated to pay for any of it.
If they’re in your name, don’t want to mess up your credit. But if they are,I’d close them down.
It’s completely up to you. Whatever you feel like you want or don’t want to help out with.
Now that he is an adult and chose to move out, that choice means becoming independent. I’d say don’t be afraid to bring up finances with him because he is now going out into the world and has to start figuring it out. I can understand helping him, but asking for him to start putting in something towards the bills until he figures out his own plans would be a good start.
I would say NO. But give him a month or two notice that your done paying it starting this date.
If he’s independent enough to move out, he’s independent enough to get a job and pay his own bills.
I’d move out asap too if my own parents didn’t get along with me.
I’d say make him pay his own if he chooses to come back then continue to make him pay his part of the cell phone n make him contribute to the house otherwise he will never know pay bills or become responsible for himself
No. He wants to move out and be an adult then that’s what he should be doing b
Hard no. He should be paying those bills on his own.
If you feel comfortable doing so and its a mutual arrangement I don’t see any issue with it. However if he’s being disrespectful I would not be paying for anything.
No, my daughter has always had to pay her own car insurance, she has had her own policy and her car has been in her name since she was 16. I paid her phone bill, because we were on a family plan, until she turned 18 and wanted a new phone.
I would help with those things if he is paying other Bill’s but I’d give him a timeline
Have him pay you for his bills that you pay for then if he doesn’t then stop paying his phone and insurance
I moved out at 18 and never once asked for help. Welcome to adulthood
Stop paying his bills. If there comes a time he’s struggling and ask for help then you can choose to do so
No to the phone bill. For safety I would continue with car insurance.
I would still pay but let him know that he has 3 to 6 months to start looking for work and paying on his own give him a chance to get on his feet but if there is ever a time he may need help I would do it because he’s still being your son and that’s the love a mother has to make sure her kids are good
No he’s chosen to be independent so needs to take all the responsibility that comes with
He want’s to be a big man, then let him & everything that goes with it ! So now do something for you !!
I have a 17 yr old daughter, she will be 18 in a couple of days. Her car and insurance is under me but she gives me money for her end and pays them herself. She still lives with me also and she works her butt off and pays for her own things. Which when the pandemic hit and we were out of work and she still was she helped with so much when unemployment took forever to come through. I am so proud of the woman she has become. We raised a strong independent soon to be adult!!
No. Lmao but obviously, tell him u are no longer paying them.
Hard no…i only help if they are going to school full time. Youngest already has Batchelor and one year left. We help her till she graduates
I mean, it all depends on the situation, from what I see it you guys don’t have a good relationship right? So I would say no, don’t keep paying them. But if you guys do have a good relationship but he just doesn’t wanna live there then I don’t why not, he’s your son after all and you should help him. But then again, I’ve never been in that situation, my parents paid for absolutely everything as long as I was in school, regardless if I was living with them or not but we had a great relationship, they stopped once I finished college and got married
Nope, once they think they are grown they should handle all of the grown responsibilities.
My daughter did the same thing and moved out with her boyfriend and his momma. Well let’s just say she came back crying and a hot mess after a few months apologizing because she didn’t realize “adulting” came with so many responsibilities. Let’s just say she is now an angel and super well behaved now that she came back home and got the schpeel given to her by me and her father.
No he wants on his own let him pay his own Bill’s. That’s called being grown
Big nope. If he’s a big boy. Then big boys gotta live in the REAL world and pay their way!
No you shouldn’t he needs to learn responsibility. Tell him he has a month to start paying them on his own & if he doesn’t that’s on him. Don’t let him sucker you back into you paying his bills
Nope. He wants to go prove he can be a big bad adult on his own then he can take on all of the adult responsibilities.
I’ve been paying my car insurance and cell phone bill since I was 16.
I now can appreciate what I’ve come to accomplish in learning these things.
Personally I wouldn’t but if he asked to borrow some money to cover a bill and I knew he was working and would pay it back I would
I don’t think you should feel obligated to pay his bills, but I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with helping your son out. I would let him know how much they cost and advise him that you will be expecting him to take those bills over soon/at some point. If you feel he has the ability to pay them now, then l would just give him a months notice. If you think he doesn’t have the ability to start paying them straight away then give him a bit of time to get everything in order.
Erm no. He is 18 so he needs to pay his own bills
Hell no. If he wants a car then he has to work and pay for it. If he wants a phone once he’s out of the house he has to work and pay for it. The only way to teach responsibility is to make them responsible. Sometimes it pulls at your heart strings but its necessary.
Is he in school? If he’s trying to pay for school, I’d try to help him. If not, it’s time for him to learn what things cost and how to pay for them.
Have a talk with him and see how he’s doing, what he can handle on his own, and what you can help him with. The feeling of defeat in someone so young and carry with him for years. Your doing a good job, they come back around eventually and the bond can get stronger. I’ve been there. Good luck to your family
If he is working then no
I had to wait until I was 18 to get a cellphone and pay for myself. My dad refused to ever buy me one while I was younger. Some things in life you have to pay for yourself if you want it. A cellphone should be his responsibility if he’s no longer living with you. And especially car insurance. I turned out fine, as a matter of fact, my dad has been under my plan now for almost 8 years and I happily pay his bill and upgrade his phone when needed.
Is he on your insurance? If so he needs to get his own. Same fir the cell, if he’s on yours he needs to get his own. He wants to be a grown up, let him. Don’t pay his bills, he must put them in his own name and above all, don’t cosign on a lease for him. He may not be able to even get a lease in his own name. He has to learn.
My mom paid my cell phone bill because it was cheaper for us to be on a family plan. So I was saving her over the difference. And she wanted to. You should never feel like you have to do anything like that. If you want to help talk to him about it and put a time limit on it. Or don’t; it’s really up to you. But I wouldn’t feel like you had to
Time to let the baby bird fly on his own.
I think it’s up to you. My dad paid my car insurance until I got married but we have a large family and one more person wasn’t a real difference. I have been paying my own phone bill since I was 18/19.
The world is harsh and a little help could go a long way.