No way! If he made the choice to move out, he’s responsible for all his needs and wants now!
Ummmm no. What were you paying them in the first place?
My mom paid mine until i had worked at my job long enough and then she had me pay for my own. My dad had to keep me on his insurance until i was 25(my parents were divorced)
No way…he wants to be an adult he should be paying his own bills.
Does he EXPECT you to? It would depend with me, if things are amicable and he’s not acting like an entitled brat I would, but if he needs the wake up call I wouldn’t
Yes if you want to end up on Dr Phil
No. He moved out, he’s an adult. He needs to learn how to pay his own bills
My 2 daughters, we helped with bills while they are in college. They new if they didn’t go the bills became there own.
No! Old enough to move out, old enough to pay his own bills x
Set up some type of agreement or payment arrangement
Both my kids still live at home 21 and 25 but since they started their first job as teens they paid their portion of the cell phone bill. Then they each had to get their own car, I have them on my policy to save them money but they pay their share and are also responsible for all csr maintenance, upkeep and gas.
I would help him until he can do it on his own… maybe have him start by paying you for these things…
My parents quit playin mine when i moved out . unless i couldn’t afford my phone bill one month but i always payed them back
I would give him a date far enough in advance so he has time to prepare to pay them on his own then stop. That way you’re setting the line down but also not setting him up for failure ya know?
The way I see it is if he’s grown enough to move out he’s grown enough to pay all of his own bills.
Good luck momma!
When I turned 18 I was still living with my parents and I had to pay for all my own bills. I had to buy my own car, pay my own car insurance, pay my part of the cell bill, pay for my own gas, pay for my own college tuition. My parents only provided the roof over my head and food. I had to pay them $75 a week to live with them for “rent”. And I think more parents need to be like that. My kids are 4&6 and they have to do chores and they have to earn an allowance to get anything special. Nothing is handed to them and they are not spoiled by me or their father.
Well if you’re gonna pay his, you can help me out then too. I’ll call you once a week and show up at Thanksgiving and Christmas to eat then leave.
Absolutely not. If he’s still covered under your policy remove him. As for other bills, no. Up until age 18, parents responsibility. Anything past that is a gift. My daughters lived at home until ages 26 and 28. They lived here for free, laundry, meals, assistances with tuition etc. They were responsible for their cars, cell phones, insurance, credit cards. Never a problem. They learned to budget and be responsible adults.
The rule in our house is if you want to drive you pay the car insurance and once you’re working you also pay your cell phone bill. Helps teach them responsibility.
He wants to move out and be an adult well let him be an adult and pay his own bills.
Nope, he is out of the house, being a responsible adult, all that is now on him…good luck
No he moved out his responsibility now!!!
I would do it if we still had a good relationship after he moved out and he was appreciative of it, and if I knew he couldn’t afford it. My brothers in law had my father in law paying a lot of their bills even though they could afford their own bills, one made more money that my father in law does, and they acted as if they were owed it. My husband and I both thought he was an idiot for it. I really think it depends on your situation and your relationship.
Completely up to you!? Why you asking for anonymous advice? Whatever works for your family doesn’t mean it will for everyone else.
It’s really not a question of whether you should, but more of a question of whether you want to. Do you want to continue paying these bills? If you do by all means, continue to help your son. If not then don’t. Its really a personal question. If you’re financially able to, and you choose to do so, that’s your choice. There is no right or wrong answer. Everyone’s situation is different.
he got a job he pays his portion of insurance and phone bill gotta teach’ em responsibile but we as parents will help our child when they are having problems and need help just remember you wont always b around so he needs to learn 2 pay his bills one of my son that on my phine plan has his own job and he pays his phone bill every month to me all i do is say phone bill time and he pays it…
No . Only time I would ever help would be if they moved outa home to go study full time
Nope he’s a big boy he can pay his own bills!
He made the adult decision to move out, now he can be an adult and pay his own bills.
If he wants to be a grown up amd move out, then he should be a grown up and cover his own bills.
And to add, anything that wasn’t a life necessity that I wanted, I paid for the second I had a job to learn responsibility even before I moved out. I was 15 when I started working and paid for all of my own things that weren’t the roof over my head and the food in my belly.
All the people saying no are those that probably complain about the service at McDonalds and wondering why adults still work at McDonalds. Maybe it’s because they couldn’t get ahead in life because there parents cut them off immediately at 18 or upon moving out. I’m sorry I have 4 boys and adopted one of their best friends and they all are still supported by me in some way. The 20 year old in college lives here rent free and I pay cell phone and insurance my youngest son at 18 just enlisted in the Marines but prior lived here and I paid his cell phone and insurance two of mine moved out I send them money when they need it or buy groceries when I visit and the adopted child pays only his rent and car insurance because he started a full time job and can afford it while he lives here rent free
If he decided to make the decision to move out before he was financially ready, he shouldn’t get help with bills. That doesn’t teach him anything.
I think it would be fair to tell him you’re going to give him a few months to settle in and then he has to start paying his car insurance and cell phone. The first few months are expensive starting out and then seeing what your bills will be on average.
Not the cell phone but I would continue with the car insurance due to the fact that they can sue the parents. If there’s some major accident. Up to the age of 35 years of age I heard. There’s a court case of a woman who had been sued because of her son and he was 35 and the victim won.
Just so you know it was an old court case and I can’t remember I think it was in Kansas you’d have to look that up maybe you could find it I don’t know if anybody is interested in doing that to verify I just remember reading it
Well he moved out thinking he’s an adult so just remind him that he’s responsible for his bills as you are no longer paying then don’t get sucked in let him be responsible for himself no wonder he moved out when he can leave the bills for mum no no no x
Parenting doesn’t stop when they leave home… he wanted to quickly move out at 18 and stand on his own two feet… so let him do that…
It doesn’t like he did it to hurt you, and it sounds like you want to cut off his bills to hurt him. Have a healthy conversation about when to cut bills off
Maybe it’s time for him to start taking responsibilities for himself, how is he going to be independent on his own paying bills if you keep providing him the money for it
Ummmmmm-- Absolutely do NOT pay his bills-- THAT would only be enabeling him to continue to be dependent upon YOU and to not become a responsible adult-- although a lot of young people now days NEVER become adults-- lots of luck-- you are going to need it I am afraid–
I moved out of my parents house at the age of 17… and pregnant!. ask me if I ever asked my parents to pay for my bills. Your son wants to put on the big boy pants, he needs to pay for his own stuff!
Quit paying his car insurance,cell phone, and you will be amazed how well you will get along.
Give him a little time and let him know how long he has before you stop. He shouldnt be punished for moving out. That is better than staying at home until you are 30
What a bunch of selfish narrow-minded sycophants all except for Stephanie Grodem she seems to understand the idea about unconditional love I wish ass wipes like these others just don’t have children all of you nitwits that wants to spare the rod spoil the child have you ever heard of you don’t hit the people you love and also the bills that were mentioned are the cheapest each individual will have to face also depends on the lifestyle the parents chose to provide for the child if the parents had to scrape to get by probably should have been paying his cell phone before I moved out but I digressI also wish all the people that believe that children should be making her own way as soon as I’m 18 I just wish their children didn’t come back to visit them and they go through the rest of their lives alone whenever I talk to my son-in-law Andy Garcia I always tell him think about what the relationship you’re going to have when she’s 40 and act accordingly I think he took it to heart because he’s growing into a very fine father and husband
Nope! He wants to be a big boy let him
No, let the little shit pay his own bills.
Some of y’all sound bitter. If you can afford it and he is being responsible with the rest if his money and is working hard then why not?
I tell our 20 yr old all the time that “she’s grown” so it’s not my responsibility to give her money all the time. She can’t bother to get a job and keep it, won’t live with us or her mom/stepdad because she hates rules, and yet she thinks she’s entitled to us handing her money all the time, expects my mil to give her a car because she got a job that she quit a week later (I don’t think there was one…) And cussed me out over not letting her take our only vehicle overnight. I told her that whoever she’s staying with can pay her way if she don’t wanna work. She was at my sil’s and left and has bounced from place to place since. She’s welcome to come stay here. She knows it. And if she does I’ll see to it that she has what she needs and I’ll give her rides to work and all but when she’s an hour away I’m not driving up there to haul her around all the time. I have 2 kids under 2 and my hubby her dad is disabled and can’t drive or watch the other 2.
I would say it depends on how you feel about it… if he just moved out set a time limit on how long you would pay for him. Car insurance will be very expensive for him. If you trust him enough he can just pay his portion of the car insurance so he can afford it. But he can get a 50 dollar phone plan.
On my 18th bday, I moved in with a roomie. I paid all my own things. In my 20s, I was in and out of my fathers house, but i paid my share and respected his rules. I will be the same and expect the same of my kids.
“We have never really gotten along”… . Even if u don’t wanna pay his bills that’s kinda messed up.
My parents never covered my car insurance or cell phone bill… I wasn’t allowed to get either until I could put it all in my name and pay the bill myself. No you should not be covering the bills if he has chosen to move out and behave as an adult.
Nope. That’s the price of freedom! You pay your own bills.
No and he’s a big boy now
Negative ghost rider. He made his choice to leave. The consequences of his actions are his, and his alone.
No freakin way. If your kid wants to move out and be grown, let them be the adult they want to be. It is THEIR responsibility to pay ALL of their own bills. Not yours.
If you pay car ins every month after that say ur out ur not paying but If ur on 6 month policy let it run out first but I believe if ur 18 yrs old live with parents (live by parents rules) get job pay rent or move out if dont like rules but some parents dont think like me then they stay forever teaching them responsibilities
It depends. Does he call you is he respectful? You are doing him a favor because you live him. He needs to understand that. If you are going to quit paying these things I would give him a few months notice so he can be prepared for the extra expenes.
I wish my parents would pay my bills
The adult decision has adult bills that go along with it
Hmm are u paying for the car is it paid off? If the car is his he wants to be grown cool he pays…to be fair if you don’t wanna be harsh pay phone bill so u never have to worry about not having contact of emergencies happen.
Once they leave home you dont pay their Bill’s, you can help out from time to time but hes gotta learn how to survive with out being reliant on you.
If he’s working hard & bettering himself I don’t see the harm in helping him if you want… I mean I rode my parents family phone plan for a while! Lol
No…im going through that now…they will always think you owe them something
I think if you are 18 an adult and you move out, you work and pay these things yourself. Is he in college? If he’s a full time student, I’d say it would be understandable to pay those things for him since they don’t make much on small part time jobs while in school. But if not a full time student, needs a job and needs to pay those things on his own for sure, I’d say. I don’t mean to imply that successful futures come from college and that it is in any way punishment for not going to college. All sorts of positions run this world, not just ones requiring college. But if he’s able to hold a full time job, is what I mean, then no you should not be paying his bills.
My mom paid my cell phone bill (nothing more) until I got married. I moved out at 18. Struggled like hell and could never keep a phone on. My mom got tired of never being able to get in touch with me. She became especially worried when I had my son at 19 and didn’t have a phone. This was back in 2008, I made $8.50 an hour, worked 40 hours a week, and was paying all my own bills (rent, power, water, gas, insurance, food). Having a phone was a luxury to me then, not a necessity. Welp, as stated, my mom bought me a phone and put me on her plan (without me asking. I had no idea she did it until she showed up at my house with a phone) and kept me on her plan until I got married at 25. Once her contract renewed after I got married, she just didn’t renew me which allowed me to take my number to my husband’s plan. So, I mean, I could see the point in still paying it and I would do it for my kids.
I think this really depends on you and your situation, I moved off of my parents phone bill at 19 and at 20 moved off their car insurance. Just because they move out doesn’t mean they don’t still appreciate help every now and then. I know my parents helped me a lot by doing this.
Hell the fuck no. Let him get a taste of reality and adulthood
Cell phone No way cancel he can go get a prepay at walmart and have a phone under $100. Car insurance give him a grace period (if you always just covered it)no more than 6 mo. He knows that at that time he has to pay his share of bill or he can find his own insurance. Hes grown enough to move out than its time he pays his own way. You are not an ATM. Its one thing to help out here and there however quite another to be expected too pay thier way.
You as the parent has to make that decision not everyone else online… it’s up to you what you want to do. Be a parent and parent
Naaaaah he choose to move out and be independent so let him be independent
He’s 18 stop paying for it.
Honestly shouldnt matter if he lives with you or he is on his own … He needs pay his own bills … He is 18 … He is an adult … Welcome to the real world … Get a job pay your bills act like an adult
Me personally, just because my daughter moves out doesn’t mean she stops being my kid and I stop taking care of her. She’ll be an adult, yes. And when she doesn’t need me then I’ll stop paying for it. But my mom and dad are here for me and I am beyond thankful as I have struggled so much since I left home at 18. I’m 21 and still finding it hard some days. Didn’t have it easy growing up either so my family has always just had each other’s backs where we’ve needed it that’s what family’s for right? What the hell y’all wanna see your kids struggle for? Smh.
Be better than that.
Depends on how greaful he is for it. What I would do is give him a time limit “You’ve got such and such amout of time to get a job because after that I’m not paying after that.”
Hes 18, life is expensive, doesnt say if he has a job or in further education, etc, not like your paying every bill, cant advise you on your situation but unless my child was spending all his money on drugs or something then yeah I’d help them, they are your child, I’d be making lots of effort to fix the relationship breakdown too.
Yes your his mam… Help him out regardless if yous, get on or not… Its, a, hard world out their at the moment be there for him… Im sure wen he gets on his feet he will take over payments or say to him ill continue, to pay your bills for 6 months, so he can figure out his finances… He’s only 18 he might think he knows, it all, but he doesn’t,
I chose to move out a year early so I could move to a city where I could get a job (from a small town where jobs were scarce). I then moved to a different town for school. Moved home for a few months then moved in with my now fiancé, had a baby ect. My mom paid for my phone bill right up until last month when I told her I didn’t want her to pay it anymore it’s my responsibility and got my own plan.
Yes I am aware I should have done so a long time ago so don’t come at me.
I believe those are two most important bills to help them be successful, as a parent to ensure a little leeway for their success is important especially if he is trying. #stillpaymybabiesphonebill loll
My parents never paid MY bills. If I wanted a car I needed to pay my own insurance. So when I moved out it wasn’t a surprise. Let him know you are no longer supporting him and give him a time limit to get it together.
He.has chosen to fast track himself into independence. He must be working. So he needs to find out how it is in the world of independence And not be propped up by parents That will I’m sure will open his eyes of all does not come so easy on a small wage He will in a short time realise just what mum and dad provided. I’m sure that all won’t agree Tuff love
I’ll always help my children if I’m capable and as long as they’re trying their best. It’s tough out there and minimum wage jobs don’t cut it. That being said, I also hope I never have to say that I ‘don’t get along’ with my children.
My daughter moved out (were really close always get along she just wanted to be independent) and she had to pay all her own bills . Though she still comes to me if she’s struggling and I help her.
Oh no! As soon as I started a job my dad made me pay for my Own cell phone bill and was also helping my mom pay for her car that I was driving.
Id give him time to get his shit sorted, but no i wouldn’t pay for it. He’s an adult hes chosen to move out and live as a responsible adult and a part of thats being responsible for the cost of living
If you’re financially able to, then I would, at least until he’s done with school/college/university.
Nope. He moved out to be on his own. Let him be on his own.
Nope, he needs to do it himself.
Does he go to school? I have told mine that I would continue to HELP them while in school. If no school then they are on their own.
If you continue, he will never become responsible
No, but I would give him notice. Offer him the ability to stay on your phone plan and pay for it (sometimes that’s cheaper) anything parents do for their kids after they turn 18 is a gift, not a responsibility.
Are you comfortably able to pay them? If so, paying them for a period of time (6 months?) might give him some time to get himself established.
I was paying my own insurance and phone bill at 16. Paid for everything that had to be fixed and my own gas and put money up weekly (which is what helped fix a fuel pump and get a new steering column). Let him pay for everything
Is there a reason that you need to pay them yourself instead of your son doing it?
Nope! You’re just enabling bad behavior and holding him back from learning about the real world. He wanted to move out and be a big boy he needs to pay those big boy bills.
As long as he is working and going to school… I would help.
I would for maybe 3-4 months or until they have saved enough to pay their rent and bills without needed my help again.
Nope. Moving out is a big adult step that comes with it’s own rewards and responsibilities.
If you can, yes! Why make him struggle more if you have the funds to help. That’s just my opinion. Maybe give him a deadline if you can’t.
No. If he feels like he can move out on his own, he should be able to support himself. Otherwise he shouldn’t have left.
No, I moved out when I was 17 and my parents didn’t pay any of my bills. When a person is taking on that responsibility of moving out they should take it all on. He won’t learn if he feels that he doesn’t have to work hard for it.