Should I continue paying my sons bills?

Give him notice that your gonna stop paying for the the bills and then let him pay his own way


No. if you want to help him help him. But if its expensive then let him pay them. His bills.

Umā€¦nope. if he can afford to live on his own, he pays all his own bills.


My 23 yr old son has been paying for his own insurance and car note since he turned 18.
They want to be grown, thatā€™s part of being grown

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Noā€¦he moved out wishes to be on his own I wouldnā€™t pay them. He wants to live away from home let him see what itā€™s all about

I mean, if you can help take a load off if heā€™s maintaining his responsibilitiesā€¦ I donā€™t see why not for just a little while ya know? If itā€™s helpful and beneficial and adding to what heā€™s already doing. But if heā€™s not meeting his needs, not taking care of responsibility and being ungrateful than I would definitely put a stop to it. Just have to read the scenario. If heā€™s being a good boy doing his thing and you enjoy helping with one or two little bills, why not??


I feel like as parents its still our job to help them transition into the ā€œā€œreal worldā€ā€ so they succeeded! Some will say 'ā€œno one ever did that for meā€" me either! But i want life to be better for my children!!!


My dad paid my car insurance until I was irresponsible and wrecked my car. Then it was on me to pay and my mom stills pays my phone bill but if she calls and says sheā€™s short for this or that I always help her. So itā€™s a mutual thing between us.


At 16, I was made to pay my own bills. Once I got a job, my mom gave me all of the responsibilities. And Iā€™m thankful that she did. It taught me a ton growing up on how to save money and spend my money wisely while being responsible

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Definitely not. If heā€™s old enough to move out heā€™s on his own.


Nope hes a big boy now


Um, fuck no. You can help him IF he needs it, but the responsibility of having to pay his own way would be beneficial for him.


Nope! He wanted to move out so he needs to learn to be responsible for himself which means paying his own bills, buying his own groceries, etc. If he needs help occasionally thatā€™s ok but donā€™t let him make it a habit needing you to bail him out.


No he should have been paying those before he moved out so he budgeted them into his lifestyle. However if heā€™s still in college or university trade school and that was the deal. Him living in another residence shouldnā€™t affect your agreement. You should talk to him about putting those things in his responsibility aspect though as they are credit bumpers. Hugs.

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Pay them until you know he is financially stableā€¦ It doesnā€™t matter what his reason for leaving is. If you love your son you will see to it that he succeeds in life. He is in fact a product of you right? So his behavior is a reflection of youā€¦ I too have had those very conversations with my eighteen year old, but I would hate myself if I knew I was the reason behind his failuresā€¦ He is young and still learning about the ways of lifeā€¦ If anything be confident that your son is making the right decision and show him that youā€™ll always be there for himā€¦ Why would you want anything bad on your conscience??


Car no, phone yesšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve paid for allllll my own things besides my phone bill. Cause Iā€™m under my dads cause its cheaper for him to do a family thing but if I want a new phone I pay for it myself

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You want be a know it all.its all your son . and we all know teenagers know it all.

Uh no. My oldest did the same thing, and with that I said ā€œyou wanna adult, you take on all the responsibility that goes with thatā€ at home, my kid had it good, but decided they wanted to be ā€œfreeā€ or ā€œindependentā€, wellā€¦go on with your bad self and I have to say, because of that ā€œtough loveā€ my kid stepped up in a big way, because Mom donā€™t play!


He wants to act like a man let him take all his bills! Maybe heā€™ll realize the grass isnā€™t greener on the other side!

I commend him for attempting to be independent. Many who move out at 25 and 26 still need help financially. Since it was his choice to move at such an early age, donā€™t ask me to pay rent or utilities. If he is respectful, I would give him a deadline for paying his cell and insurance. If he is a pain in the a_ _, it will be worth it not having him in the house.

Nope lol heā€™s a big boy now!

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No, when I moved out and my mom took me off everything lol

Give him that option of he either finds his own car insurance and new phone in 30 days or pay his part of those two bills to you, cause him on his own will have higher car insurance rate

No . I still pay my sons . but he still lives at home an is still in high school . but once he done wt school an gets a job .an moves out . ive already told him . its fine if you stay on our plan . we have a super cheap one . but the bill is due on the 3rd of ever month . Heā€™s fine wt that . my daughter is planning the same thing .and she will be doing the same . They both can pay it from their phones ā€¦ But i wont be once they have moved out .That goes for any of their bills .

I guess it depends on his attitude. If heā€™s being a brat about moving out, damn straight cut him off. Make him learn the hard way. But if heā€™s trying to be responsible, help him out a little. Donā€™t continue after heā€™s left but let him do everything one step at a time. Just because heā€™s becoming an adult and has to learn doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t cut him a break if heā€™s actually trying to be an adult and not just being a dick because he doesnā€™t want to be there anymore.


I would help him for a period of time maybe help pay for half and he have to come up with the other half. But after a certain time itā€™s his responsibility. I would only help again if he really needed the help and he is actively trying to help himself.

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If he moved out on good terms and has a job I would only consider paying for the insurance and make him start paying his cell phone bill start teaching responsibility for his usage and once you feel like heā€™s got the $$ to pay for both let him know heā€™s got 6months to a year of the insurance


No - he moved out to be an Adult; be one and responsible for his bills/debts.

Nope, I paid mine since I was 16. I could understand helping out once in awhile but not every month. Heā€™s an adult

Tell them to make a decision

Nope i wouldnā€™t u want to be grown take on your grown bills

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Tell him itā€™s all his now!

No. You are not required to pay anything. If youā€™d like to help, sure Iā€™m sure he will appreciate it, but by no means do you have to.

Give him 6months to get his stuff together then allow him to be responsible for himselfā€¦ if not youll be dealing with a 30 yr old still moochingā€¦ being responsible comes with the territory not what they choose to be responsible for! Good luck mama!!!


Naw he chose to bounce now let him catch them Bills :joy::joy::joy: he wanna be grown now u do grownup things :thinking::thinking:


I would if I could but thatā€™s me.

Car note he pays since his growedā€¦ cell phone well still do just give him n amount of time to where he has to pay ā€¦ i daughter moved out n I still pay for it , but I gave her a minimum amount of time to get her own service or pay an amount on the billā€¦ If they make a choice to move out then that means they donā€™t need us financially eitherā€¦ but thatā€™s me ā€¦

Hell NO! He wants to play grown, let him be grown. Enabling him by paying his bills only hurts him in the long run. Keep your money for your bills and retirement.

No of course not. This is why kids are so entitled and bratty these days. He needs to learn responsibility if he wants to be a big boy and leave the nest. This is what real adults do.

I have had to pay my own bills since my first job at 16. Cut the home boy loose mama! If he wants to be an adult he can pay his own bills like an adult

Help for a bit, but let him know that after a certain date that the bills are his responsibility.

Okayā€¦when I turned 16 I got a job. As soon as I started receiving my paychecks I started paying my car insurance and my phone bill. I even had to pay off the car that was paid for me just to show some responsibility. A child who is given everything thinks the world will continue giving and that he doesnā€™t have to work hard. The world is a nasty hard placeā€¦he needs to learn that.

Iā€™m really really glad my parents never had this issue with me. I moved out at 18 right after school. And they still paid my phone bill (I paid insurance for my car until I gave birth but Iā€™m about to start paying on it again). Occasionally my mom will help pay utilities when we are really struggling on one. Why? Because she is my mother and wants to see me succeed and it should be the same for any mother. You should WANT to help your children

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Nothing wrong if you can continue helping him a bit more. I think it would benefit him at the start, just until he gets his footing sorted in the big wide world. 1 to 2 months should do it. We want him to succeed rather then failing and returning home.

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Nope. He wanted to do it on his ownā€¦let him.

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Because you have been doing it IF he is being respectful then Iā€™d say give him a grace period of a month or 2 just so it doesnt come out of no where and he can start to budget for them. However he chose to move out he needs to take on those responsibilities. Growing up if I wanted a phone, car ect I had to have the money to pay for it.

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No heā€™s moved out plus heā€™s 18 he needs to take on his own responsibilities now.

Iā€™ve been paying my phone bill since I was 14. When I drove my parents vehicle I believe I split the insurance with my brother because we shared it. Once I got my own vehicle everything is in my name.

Im 24 and my mom pays my car insurance but ive been paying my phone bill since i was 15

You do you. If you have it and you want to, go for it. You do not have to feel obligated, though. I moved out at 18, had to be grown. When my one year lease was up, I moved right back in with mama.:joy: Stayed until I met the man I married.

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If you donā€™t want to

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My son did the same thing! I told him if he was in school (college or vocational) I would continue to pay his cell phone bill and insurance. But, if he had no intention of making his life better, then it was up to him to pay those bills


Its alright to help when you can but he will need to learn how to be on his owne he will struggle as Iā€™m shore you did too just be there for him help if you can but set bondrys you canā€™t keep helping all his life one day you will pass away and if he had not learned to earn his living he will fail. He needs to learn responsibility and take any consequences for his actions if your paying his bills and heā€™s living it up because of that your mot teaching him to be independent so just help when you can heā€™s a big boy he will figure things out

I would help out a bit. Donā€™t just cut him off. First getting out on their own is hard sometimes, and things can happen unexpectedly that may need him to pay something else then pay the phone or car. I have a full time job and still need help sometimes from my parents.


If heā€™s big and clever enough to move out and be without your support, I donā€™t see why he should need you covering his bills!! Canā€™t be half and half imo.


No if he moved out then nope

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We have our daughter on both our plans, but she pays us each month for her share.

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No you shouldnā€™t. But donā€™t just cut him off. Have a conversation. And a game plan.

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Id say no. When i was 17 i paid for my own phone and car and had a job plus straight As and moved out. No one helped me. Sure it would have been easier with help but i chose to move out

I would give him time, he wanted to move out okay, but cutting him off flat because he wanted to try to make it on his own seems more like a punishment. If continuing to pay his bills isnā€™t financially a hardship I would sayā€¦ I will give you time to secure a decent job and and plan a budget, and in said amount of time He can then take over his bills. Regardless of a strained relationship, I would try my hardest to set my kiddo up for success.


No once you move out youā€™re on your own

I moved out at 20 and I have been paying my own bills. He made the decision to move out. Then he needs to pay his own bills like the adult he thinks he isšŸ˜Š.


No he wanted to be on his own, let him pay his own bills!!!

If it were my child, I would. Itā€™s not your obligation though.

I think if you can help out sure why not ā€¦if it becomes a problem just let him know ā€¦everyone does different just do what your comfortable doing

Heck no! Heā€™s gonna have to learn somehow. I would give him 1 month to figure it out, and cut him off.

I would pay the phone but stop insurance. He wants to be an adult time to pay bills like an adultā€¦ I say keep payong the phone bill because of safety.

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If he was grown enough to move out of your home on his own then he should of thought about ALL the bills that come along with it. I would tell him you will pay them 1 more time then itā€™s on him to pay it.


Noooo. But Iā€™d definitely give a cut off DATE. Warning you have 60 days. as to not set him up to fail. But you are not obligated nor should he ungrateful and expect it to be handed to him on a platter either. Maybe ask him to earn it from you. In from of a job or cleaning up his old room and damage like an apartment would expect.

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I mean if you choose to thatā€™s up to you. But probably make it temporary.

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Hes 18 lol you shouldnā€™t be paying for anything.

No you donā€™t have to. But if he is a good child
studys or works and is struggling then your allowed to help.
Its entirely upto you.

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No. Unless he gives you the money to pay it.

But if you want to, then go ahead.

Nope. If he is in college with his own job to pay rent then maybe you could help with phone and insurance. If not in college hell no

Lol no. Once theyā€™re out you dont pay for anything. I havent paid for anything for my kids since they moved out

No he wants to be grown let him pay them

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If heā€™s going to school I would continue to help but with stipulations. If he just wanted to party as an ā€œadultā€ then Iā€™d give him a couple of months before he has to pay his own bills. My door will remain open if he even need a roof over his head though.

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Adults pay their own bills.

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Nope. He needs to understand the full repercussions of his decision. No way


Umm no. Heā€™s 18. Time to learn to be independent. I moved out with 17 and paid all my bills.

Hahahaā€¦ no.
If hes trying, and falls behindā€¦ i would help every now and thenā€¦ but steadyā€¦ no

Um no heā€™s a big boy he needs to figure it out.

Keep the phone bill but dont help with anything else. You still need to be able to check up on him and he needs to be able to use it for work/school/emergencies. Thst or buy a prepay and get him minutes cards and give him minutes when he goes to visit you.

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You are not obligated to do so, have a conversation with him ask him about his circumstances. If he seems arrogant and ungrateful, just cut him off. I know its hard, but in my opinion, if my child would want independance Iā€™d help her be independent, at a young age we all yearned for that, but it all depends on their attitude and entitlement.

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If hes in school or trying and struggling sure if u can afford it of not just tell him he has certain amount time then you will have to stop paying I wouldnā€™t just drop it all of a sudden

I left home at 15ā€¦partially kicked out and my opinion is that you should stop paying for him. What will he learn by you paying his bills?

Iā€™m in my 30s with kids of my ownā€¦ my mom pays my car insurance because its 1 thing that is required by law, but 1 bill I cannot add to my monthly list with my itty bitty checksā€¦ that is YOUR child, YOUR decisionā€¦ dont ask facebook because there is ALWAYS a negative opinion somewhereā€¦

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I would continue if he was in school. College or trade. But if he is out working and living on his own, they are his.

When my son turned 18 he told me ā€˜Iā€™m 18, I can do what I want.ā€™ My response was that street goes both ways!

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keep the phone bill and let him figure it out the rest

Absolutely notā€¦let him be the ā€œadultā€ he wants to be.


Depends. If heā€™s going to school and has a job and canā€™t afford it I would but I would give them a date that they need to have it together by then


Noā€¦ Grown ups pay their own bills! Since he just bolted out the door because he was of ageā€¦he has to take the good (freedom) with the bad (responsibility). Itā€™s adult reality that you CAN indeed do whatever you want. Itā€™s also adult reality that you have consequences that come with your choices.


You should not pay his bills if he has a job and can do it himselfā€¦

Nope! Let him find out just how hard it really is to be an adult! He wants to be on his own, then he can pay his own bills!

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Nope you shouldnā€™t even be paying it while heā€™s under your roof.

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If he has a good paying job and still have money left after his bills are paid, then he should pay them. My brother wrecked my dads vehicle and made a claim under his name and insurance didnt cover it because my brother made the claim, my dad didnt. Dad had to pay out of pocket and before insurance finally paid for it, it was too late. Make sure your kids fully understand the rules of all legal stances so then the parents are paying for their mistakes.

Nope! Mine decided to move out two weeks after graduation because he didnā€™t like his step dad. I stopped paying everything. He wanted to live in his own, make his own rules so he can pay his own bills.

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No. I left at 18, n my mom said you came into this world with nothing, you are leaving with your toothbrush and thatā€™s it. I wasnā€™t the greatest teen either. We fought A LOT but I bought my first car, lived in it until I got my first place and Iā€™ve been on my own since