Should I continue to keep my kids from my husbands family?

Nope. If they chose to treat you that way, and it’s that horrible, why bother now? That was what they wanted. It’s better that your kids don’t know them and have to feel bad for them. Less grief in their lives. Don’t subject your kids to people that disrespect their mother or them, so they know not to waste time on those kinds of people.

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I wouldn’t! This Just caused a divorce for us. I dealt with this for 13 years. His family especially his mother hated me and was so toxic. The drama was to much and he didn’t see it. Hopefully your husband is be supportive because that is so important.

It’s called emotional extortion stand firm by protecting your children from any form of toxic situation when I had my first child my sister in law &.father in law sister told a lie because sister in law was jealous of me & when I got pregnant it took attention away from her & her child I was treated so very badly I had 1 family member who treated me decent & our children spent a lot time together later on when my son was older he made choice as to wether he wanted to be involved I forgave them in my heart cause God & I knew the truth that’s all that mattered to me everything concerning the children will work it’s self out in the end at this time do not allow the emotional extortion and manipulation on your children good luck

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Absolutely not. If you ever feel the need to threaten me knowing what hurt that would cause my child (death or hospitalization) . No way in 19 hells would I trust you with my little one EVER. Keep your babies safe. You’re always going to be the villain in someone’s story.


Dealing w/ the same, realized they weren’t gonna treat my babies the same as they do others. So to protect my babies, physically and spiritually I choose now not to be around. Best to cut the toxins right out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Stick to your guns. You don’t want that kind of influence on your children around anyway.

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No, keep doing what you’re doing. And let your husband know how you feel as well. They can have video visits. But don’t physically bring your kids around those people

I am assuming that your spouse is in agreement with this current arrangement and supports the decision to avoid unnecessary drama. That’s the way parenting should work and illness should not trump toxic behavior. Your spouse should make an effort to visit if that is desired, but children with no emotional ties to the ill person will not benefit from visits at this point.


Treat them as if,they don’t exists. Your,mental,health is important.


You’re the villain bc you have boundaries ? And boundaries for good reason. Someone who can’t stand me to the point of threatening to harm me would never have the chance to ever interact with my kids. If they can’t hurt you, they may do so by hurting what your value most, the kids. Absolutely not! Idc if they are on their death bed per say. :woman_shrugging:t2: they made the choices they made, and they have consequences. Sorry not sorry.


You are your child’s voice!
They can’t defend themselves so you have to. If they wanted to be in your life, they would have changed their ways instead of trying to shame/ guilt you into it. Stand your ground momma. Without changing their ways, the only outcome is your children being hurt by them. And there is absolutely no need to put your children through that


I think respect is earned not given and if they can’t respect you enough as human beings then you have the right to defend your peace and happiness and look out for your children as well. You don’t owe them anything . My mother in law has never met my kids because she is too toxic and as their parent it’s my job to look out for their be interest . Just because their family doesn’t mean they’re good .


If they do that to you, imagine how they would most likely bash you in front of your children. Be Wise.


Absolutely not, health issues don’t erase their terrible behavior towards you. Not an excuse. Those kids will be fine.


No no give them nothing

No way… dont give in. Tell your children about the good- not the bad. One day they will realize who the bad ones were and how great of a person you are. They will have no choice to see it through the beautiful people you raised. If they want to see the children they must apologize to you and your family, accept you and make the first steps. Till then continue bringing the positivity and raise your children to love everyone. I’m sure your husband is hurt and because it’s his family… and now you are feeling his pain. Life can bring heartaches… but look past the rainbow. Good luck.


I was in a similar situation with my ex. Ultimately for mental health I decided to cut off contact 10 years and it’s the best decision I ever made. You’ll always worry when they’re with them and wonder what lies they’re filling your kids heads with. And if they’re that mean to their own flesh and blood I wouldn’t put it past them to be that mean to your kids.


If they don’t accept you what makes you think they will accepting of your kids. They don’t get to pick and choose when they want you or your children in their life. Their toxic keep your children away from them!


Toxic is toxic… dont let people like that near your children


What does your spouse think? If he/she wants his kids to see the family due to death it may be worth allowing him to handle it and you stay far away. Outside of that, stick to your guns.

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Nope, keep them away. If the whole family gonna act childish like that, they don’t need to see any other children.


I am afraid I would not peace of mind would be what I go for even verbal abuse to a child is very bad and I don’t think you could trust those people not to try and spread their venom about you to your children


Nope keep doing what your doing YOUR family first health issues or not

Nope, avoid that psycho “family” until they get help
get a restraining order until then and protect your family. your children will grow up be like who they are surrounded by- keep them away from anyone who is not a good role model. kids always learn bed by observation and by their environment as do
adults still - you’re environment is what you become - you pick up behaviors and attitudes and language from those around you

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I wouldn’t change a thing. A death in the family isn’t going to change their perception of you.ive your own life. Without them.


Big no, they have proven to be toxic. Keep your children safe and away from the drama. You never mentioned your husband’s position on all this. Does he support you? Is he aware of how his family treats you?

Absolutely not. Kids learn through what is modeled around them. Protect those babies from becoming anything like your in-laws.


Protect your kids from these evil people

No. The toxicity is thick there. I would take kids to go visit the loved one if you felt comfortable but nothing other than that.

Keep the boundaries.

And if your kids haven’t been around them as well it may not be a comfortable situation for them.


No protect those kiddos. They have threatened your safety, joking or not, you just dont do that. If they cared a lick about those kids, they would have been nicer to you and straightened their behavior.


You didnt marry your in laws and why isint your husband standing up for you if they treat you like this…this is abuse and dont let them make you feel guilty love you owe them nothing


No, absolutely not! Keep those kids AWAY from them! Your children don’t need that kind of toxicity in their lives!


Do not allow anyone around your children like that😳


If you’re the villain for protecting yourself and your children, be the villain and rock that title!

If these people say and do the things they do to your face, imagine what they say and do behind your back. Giving them access to your children will only make it worse. They will do their best to turn your children against you.

If your home is happy and healthy, keep it that way!


Your kids are part of you & from what you’ve said they absolutely hate you so who’s to say that they won’t do something to one of your children just to get back to you?!? They sound like the type of people that would do that! That’s exactly where my mind went when I read your question so my answer is keep your kids as far away as you possibly can!


Do not let those people near your kids


Think you are right in what you are doing, keep your children from getting into that vileness.


Wasn’t this posted a few days ago?

No, keep them away.

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Maybe these people that are being so toxic should apologize! Then you may have a small change of heart. Until the not only heck no but HELLLLLLL NO!!! Keep your children away from toxicity!!!

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NEVER. Threaten my safety and you won’t even see a photo of my kids.

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Threatening you is a direct threat to their mental health and state of mind. Especially if they act on it one day. People are out of there minds these days. I just saw a video last night where an aunt kidnapped their 3 year old nephew and pushed him into Lake Michigan and didn’t help him.

Absolutely not.

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No way! I would not allow my children around family that will speak to me and my spouse that way! Just imagine what can be said to your children. I know you feel bad and want to but honey I would not!! Absolutely a big no!

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That’s easy HELL to the NO!!!

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NO! You don’t have to and shouldn’t allow anyone who doesn’t like you around your kids family or not! I tried that and they tried to turn my daughter against me don’t let your guard down


I wouldn’t because who knows, they’d probably turn to verbally abusing and threatening the kids as well and I’m sure that would be quite traumatic for them. As parents, we do what’s best for our kids and keep them safe and this sounds like one of those things we do.


I would not expose them to toxic behavior.

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No one Has a right to be in your children’s lives. It doesn’t matter if they are family. Seeing your children is an earned privilege. If i were you I would never allow them in our lives. They sound toxic, dangerous and have il intentions.


Don’t even worry about it’s their loss. I would not want them around my children until they could act mature


Why would you consider exposing your children to an environment that you as an adult don’t feel safe in? They are more vulnerable than you are


It’s a decision for you and your husband…NO ONE ELSE…!!!

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Absolutely F***ING NOT if they can’t respect you why should they be trusted with your whole world… part of you this is how I look at it…


Keep them away!You don’t want your children exposed to their vicious poison. I’ve personally seen grandparents talk about the parent they don’t like in front of and to the children of said parent. A Leppard doesn’t change their spots regardless of health. I’m so glad you have a spouse that supports you in keeping the children away because there are hundreds that don’t.

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Nope!!! Keep them far away from the toxic people!!!

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That would be a hard no for me. Honey, you are not the villain. You’re protecting your kids. You’re a good mama :heart:


One of your main responsibilities as a parent is to keep your children safe. They don’t sound like they are a safe, happy, healthy environment to have your children. You don’t have to explain yourself and your decisions to anyone, go with your gut. :purple_heart:


No, fuck them. Bunch of bitches.

Hell no. Don’t send them. Anyone who hates me can’t be alone with my kids period


If they can’t find it in them to stop the abuse with “so little time left”… they didn’t deserve it before they sure don’t deserve it now.


this situation sucks bad but your better off just protecting your kids & screw what everybody feels about u cuz its lose/lose if u have a good heart but ppl dont respect u or your boundaries & u do not want your kids around ppl that dont respect u or at the very least respect u as their MOM which sounds like they clearly havent! choose peace & if they feel theyre missing out then they simply have to understand its literally only due to THEIR behavior/actions & what did they expect to come as a result of doing the stuff they did!? good luck though :pray::heart::earth_americas:

Absolutely not. Always do whats best for the kids. Never feel guilty for it.


Toxic is toxic…it doesn’t matter if someone has health issues.


Husband and children are your family. They should be your first priority in everything. Don’t bow to guilt. You must follow what is best for your mental and emotional health… and the children. Period.
Those people made their beds, alienated you, your husband and your children… let them lie in the consequences of their hateful behavior.


“if you’re toxic to me, your toxic to my kids”

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Just say no! Better yet say nothing. You are protecting your family!

Personally if they are saying they wish you were dead I wouldn’t bring my kids to that they don’t need to speak ill of you infront of your babies. No matter how old they are. I wouldn’t feel the kids are safe there.

Nope! If they wanted to be a part of your kids lives, they’d show you some respect. I would never get back into that toxicity willingly.

Toxic is toxic even when health I involved. My vote is no.

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Keep the kids away from those toxic people


I would be recording the threats and calling the cops


I wouldn’t poison people are aweful for your kids I stopped my mother in law from seeing my kids when my son was ten he’s thirty seven and knows as an adult what an aweful human she is and my kids never one time have ever asked to see her so if it gives you peace of mind keep them away

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Stop involving your children in your adult emotional hate!! Them kids have NOTHING to do with how YOU feel about his family members or they feel aboutyou !! Maybe letting the kids see their family members will heal the relationship between everyone!! Let them kids see their family!!


I would. How can they respect your kids when they don’t respect you. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way. But if you’ve already cut contact, keep it that way. :crazy_face:

I. Wouldn’t. Take. Them. Over. There until. They. Have. Respect. For. Me. But. Tell. Your. Husband. He. Can. Go. If. He. Wants. To. That’s. What. I. Did

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No, don’t bring the kids around.


No. They have no rights to your children.

Hell no. Don’t even take them to funerals. Illness is no reason to put any of you back in the path of these dangerous people. And they are dangerous. Even if they tell you they’ve changed don’t go around them. Don’t give them two seconds of anyone’s time.

Be the villain f them :100:

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PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. Those monsters just want to hurt them under the pretext of ‘seeing’ them. When Evil reveals itself openly, don’t question or try to understand it, just FLEE as fast as you can.

Keep the kids away if they are that bad. I’m wondering why they would hate you and be threatening you though

If it was me and they wished me dead, there is no way I’d be bringing any of my children to see them, even on their death bed. Let them rot.


Do not let them gaslight you into feeling like the villain. You are doing what needs done to keep your kids from toxic people. Don’t let them see them


I would go 100% no contract… and I would never let my children around anyone like that…

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No no no!!! They’re toxic & no telling what they’d say (or do) to ur kids & it’s def not worth that risk of the poss mental crap they may say or do to ur kids.
They created this chaos… so their loss‼️

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Absolutely not. I’d keep them and yourself as far away as possible.


No, they will fill your children’s heads with hateful horrible untrue things to spite you. That will be another way in to try to ruin your marriage. No way in ever would I allow them to be near my kids at any age! Keep toxic people out of “your” family! Family members can be the most toxic people ever!


Hell no protect your children your the only one who will only you can advacate for them , fuck his family that’s insane you don’t threaten the mother of your grandchildren that’s messed up (I cut all ties ) I’m be had to cut all ties myself with toxic family s ok c I’m t them ties do not give them access

If they dont respect you, they wont respect your kids

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Hell no, these people are sociopaths, what in the?!?! They are ones that would turn your children against you.


Read your own post sis. No, they absolutely should not get to see your kids while treating you like crap because people are sick. Sounds like they resent you so much it’s untelling what they’d do to your kids when your not around. They’d talk about you like a dog in front of them and I wouldn’t put it past them to hurt your kids for spite.


Get a restraining order. They have no rights to those children and should never be allowed to see them


Keep your kids away from toxic ppl


Toxic people are toxic people. Family or not cut toxic out for good .


If this was happening to your child what would you tell them?

I think this is definitely a tough one. If I was going to be the better person, think I would want to set a good example to my children of creating healthy boundaries. If the relationship between you and the MIL and other in law relatives is not healthy, which is clear, then I would not tolerate the abuse and cut ties as much as possible. However, it is also important I feel to respect your children’s wishes. If their relationships with said relatives are loving and respectful and they want to go visit the sick relative then I would consider having my husband take them. I would have a candid conversation with them about why mom isn’t going and will not be going until conditions improve, but encourage them to do what they need/want. I don’t think it will benefit them if someone they really loved died and you kept them away from them. Hopefully seeing their mother act with such class will be more fully appreciated when they are older and inspire them to do the same. And perhaps it will light a fire under your in-laws butts to do better if the kids tell them to stop being mean to mommy.

That being said if they are disrespectful to your kids and husband as well then of course it doesn’t matter if you’re dying I’m not going to subject my family to your abuse.

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Hell no don’t let them around your children! They are toxic. Do not intentionally allow toxic people around your kids. It’s your job to protect them so do it!


Absolutely not. They’re toxic and your kid should not be exposed to that


I am 100% firm on “you dont have to like me but you will Respect me” if you want access to mine!
No absolutely not they put themselves in that position and only they can dig themselves out!


Just because they’re blood doesn’t make them family. If you allow them to disrespect you with no consequences, his family and your kids will think it’s acceptable to treat you that way. If they were worried about family… no matter how they feel about you… they would make an effort to be civil. If they are the ones instigating…I wouldn’t take my family around until I see changed behavior. You can dislike someone and still be civil.


Keep those kids far away from those toxic people.


I believe you get what you give. I don’t tolerate disrespect. I kept my son away from his family if they couldn’t respect me and my rules. My biggest problem was being threatened and horrible post made about me. I told them certain people would not see my son even if they were dying. Fast forward a few years and that person is no longer “family” and there’s been no more drama. Yes we’ve had disagreements or I’ve left parties early just bc of the situation but it’s no where near what it used to be and things are honestly better. Hold your ground and don’t back down. I made it very clear I wouldn’t stop anyone from seeing my son as long as they respected me and my rules, they didn’t have to like me but they would respect me. I never asked anything crazy, no smoking, no fighting, no drinking, just basic every day no no’s in my book.


Don’t rent then any head space. Pretend they don’t exist you have nothing to feel guilty for. Your kids are better off not knowing them imagine if they got Facebook one day and saw them making posts about jumping you. No. Just no. They are better off not knowing them at all

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